コード例 #1
    def find_start_end_points(self):
        self.temp_img = self.topo_map.image.copy()

        self.temp_img = cv2.resize(self.temp_img,
                                   fx=2 / 5,
                                   fy=2 / 5,

        self.start = Point(-1, -1)
        self.end = Point(-1, -1)

        cv2.setMouseCallback("image", self.__click_image)
        cv2.imshow("image", self.temp_img)

        while (self.start.x < 0 or self.end.x < 0):
            k = cv2.waitKey(1000) & 0xFF
            cv2.imshow("image", self.temp_img)

            if k == ord('q') or k == ord(' '):

        cv2.imshow("image", self.temp_img)

        self.start *= 5 / 2
        self.end *= 5 / 2

コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, cv_image):
        self.cv_image = cv_image
        self._image_masks = None
        self._contours = None

        self.start = Point(-1, -1)
        self.end = Point(-1, -1)
コード例 #3
def find_cropped_image(start, end, topo_map, padding=500):
    # calculate padding needed for each point
    yPad = padding
    xPad = padding

    # crop image around start and end points with padding
    minY = max(min(start.y, end.y) - yPad, 0)
    maxY = min(max(start.y, end.y) + yPad, topo_map.height)

    minX = max(min(start.x, end.x) - xPad, 0)
    maxX = min(max(start.x, end.x) + xPad, topo_map.width)

    img = topo_map.image[minY:maxY, minX:maxX]

    # calculate start/end points for cropped image
    # width/height of cropped image
    width = maxX - minX
    height = maxY - minY

    # ratio of start/end points to cropped image size
    sxFactor = ((start.x - minX) / width)
    syFactor = ((start.y - minY) / height)
    exFactor = ((end.x - minX) / width)
    eyFactor = ((end.y - minY) / height)

    # init cropped_img for extracting contours, etc.
    cropped_img = CroppedImage(img)

    # use ratios to find scaled start/end points
    cropped_img.start = Point(int(sxFactor * width), int(syFactor * height))
    cropped_img.end = Point(int(exFactor * width), int(eyFactor * height))

    return cropped_img
コード例 #4
 def find_start_end_points(self, option=None):
     if option is None or len(option) == 0:
         vals = option.split(',')
         # self.user_settings.start = Point(int(vals[0])+500, int(vals[1])+500)
         # self.user_settings.end = Point(int(vals[2])+500, int(vals[3])+500)
         self.user_settings.start = Point(int(vals[0]), int(vals[1]))
         self.user_settings.end = Point(int(vals[2]), int(vals[3]))
コード例 #5
    def __get_direction_vector_to_point(self, from_point, to_point):
        direction = Point(to_point.x - from_point.x, to_point.y - from_point.y)

        if (abs(direction.x) >= 2 and abs(direction.y) >= 2) or abs(
                direction.x) > 2 or abs(direction.y) > 2:
            factor = max(min(abs(direction.x), abs(direction.y)), 1)

            direction.x = int(direction.x / factor)
            direction.y = int(direction.y / factor)

        return direction
コード例 #6
    def __get_nearest_density_point(self, start_point, direction):
        cur_point = start_point
        next_point = Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                           cur_point.y + direction.y)

        while self.__density_between_points(cur_point, direction) == False:
            if self.__point_in_grid(next_point):
                cur_point = next_point
                next_point = Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                                   cur_point.y + direction.y)

        return next_point
コード例 #7
    def __generate_successor_nodes_original(self, cur_node):
        point = cur_node.coord
        successors = []

        # successors to the left
        x = point.x - 1

        if x >= 0:
            lm = Node(Point(x, point.y), parent=cur_node)

            y = point.y - 1

            if y >= 0:
                lt = Node(Point(x, y), parent=cur_node)

            y = point.y + 1

            if y < self.grid.resolution_y:
                lb = Node(Point(x, y), parent=cur_node)

        # successors to the right
        x = point.x + 1

        if x < self.grid.resolution_x:
            rm = Node(Point(x, point.y), parent=cur_node)

            y = point.y - 1

            if y >= 0:
                rt = Node(Point(x, y), parent=cur_node)

            y = point.y + 1

            if y < self.grid.resolution_y:
                rb = Node(Point(x, y), parent=cur_node)

        # top middle
        y = point.y + 1

        if y < self.grid.resolution_y:
            mb = Node(Point(point.x, y), parent=cur_node)

        # bottom middle
        y = point.y - 1

        if y > 0:
            mt = Node(Point(point.x, y), parent=cur_node)

        successors = self.__remove_invalid_nodes(successors)

        return successors
コード例 #8
 def __click_image(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
     if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
         if self.cur_start_point is None:
             self.cur_start_point = Point(x, y)
             cv2.circle(self.temp_img, (x, y), 5, (255, 0, 0), 2)
             self.cur_end_point = Point(x, y)
                 (self.cur_start_point.x, self.cur_start_point.y),\
                 (self.cur_end_point.x, self.cur_end_point.y),\
             self.cur_start_point = self.cur_end_point
             cv2.circle(self.temp_img, (x, y), 5, (0, 0, 255), 2)
コード例 #9
    def __add_neighbor_points(self, point, distance, points):
        for x in range(point.x - distance, point.x + distance + 1):
            for y in range(point.y - distance, point.y + distance + 1):
                cur_point = Point(x, y)

                if self.__point_in_grid(cur_point):
                    points[cur_point] = True
コード例 #10
    def find_path(self):
        points = self.__convert_pixel_points([
        self.grid_start = Point(points[0].x, points[0].y)
        self.grid_end = Point(points[1].x, points[1].y)

        # print(self.grid_start)
        # print(self.grid_end)
        # print(self.__point_in_grid(self.grid_start))
        # print(self.__point_in_grid(self.grid_end))
        # print(self.grid.resolution_x)
        # print(self.grid.resolution_y)
        # print(self.grid.cell_width)

        return self.__calculate_path()
コード例 #11
    def __get_nearest_contour_point(self, start_point, direction):
        cur_point = start_point
        next_point = Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                           cur_point.y + direction.y)

        # while self.__point_in_image(next_point):
        while self.__point_in_grid(
            if self.__contour_at_point(
                    next_point) or self.__contour_in_between(
                        cur_point, direction):
                return next_point

            cur_point = next_point
            next_point = Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                               cur_point.y + direction.y)

        return None
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self):
        self.topo_map = None

        self.save_image = False

        # self.start = Point(350, 220)
        # self.end = Point(850, 700)
        # self.end = Point(1377, 772)
        self.start = Point(550, 435)
        self.end = Point(1873, 1081)
        self.cropped_img = None

        self.avoid_water = False
        self.avoid_forest = False
        self.max_grade = 30
        self.cell_width = 30

        self.node_method = NodeMethod.single_step
コード例 #13
    def __get_points_in_direction(self, cur_point, direction):
        points = []

        if abs(direction.x) > 1:
                Point(cur_point.x + int(direction.x / 2),
                      cur_point.y + direction.y))
                Point(cur_point.x + int(direction.x / 2),
                      cur_point.y + int(direction.y / 2)))

        elif abs(direction.y) > 1:
                Point(cur_point.x + int(direction.x / 2),
                      cur_point.y + int(direction.y / 2)))
                Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                      cur_point.y + int(direction.y / 2)))

        return points
コード例 #14
    def find_cropped_image(self, padding=700):
        # get max of width and height of points
        dist = max(abs(self.start.x - self.end.x),
                   abs(self.start.y - self.end.y))

        # calculate padding needed for each point
        yPad = padding  #int((dist - abs(self.start.y - self.end.y)) / 2) + padding
        xPad = padding  #int((dist - abs(self.start.x - self.end.x)) / 2) + padding

        # crop image around start and end points with padding
        minY = max(min(self.start.y, self.end.y) - yPad, 0)
        maxY = min(max(self.start.y, self.end.y) + yPad, self.topo_map.height)

        minX = max(min(self.start.x, self.end.x) - xPad, 0)
        maxX = min(max(self.start.x, self.end.x) + xPad, self.topo_map.width)

        img = self.topo_map.image[minY:maxY, minX:maxX]

        # calculate start/end points for cropped image
        # width/height of cropped image
        width = maxX - minX
        height = maxY - minY

        # ratio of start/end points to cropped image size
        sxFactor = ((self.start.x - minX) / width)
        syFactor = ((self.start.y - minY) / height)
        exFactor = ((self.end.x - minX) / width)
        eyFactor = ((self.end.y - minY) / height)

        # width/height of cropped and rescaled image
        width *= Helper.resize_factor
        height *= Helper.resize_factor

        # init cropped_img for extracting contours, etc.
        self.cropped_img = CroppedImage(img)

        # use ratios to find scaled start/end points
        self.cropped_img.start = Point(int(sxFactor * width),
                                       int(syFactor * height))
        self.cropped_img.end = Point(int(exFactor * width),
                                     int(eyFactor * height))
コード例 #15
    def __get_next_point(self, cur_point, direction):
        points = self.__get_points_in_direction(cur_point, direction)

        if len(points) > 0:
            for p in points:
                if not self.__point_valid(p):
                    return None

        next_point = Point(cur_point.x + direction.x,
                           cur_point.y + direction.y)

        return next_point
コード例 #16
    def draw_route_in_pieces(self):
        h = self.image.shape[0]
        w = self.image.shape[1]

        max_h = 750
        num = int(h / max_h)

        temp_image = self.image.copy()
        points = []

        for i in range(num - 1):
            start = i * max_h
            end = start + max_h

            img, ps = self.draw_route(temp_image[start:end, :])

            for p in ps:
                points.append(Point(p.x, p.y + start))

        start = (num - 1) * max_h

        img, ps = self.draw_route(temp_image[start:, :])

        for p in ps:
            points.append(Point(p.x, p.y + start))

        first = True
        prev = None
        for p in points:
            cv2.circle(temp_image, (p.x, p.y), 5, (255, 0, 0), 2)
            if first:
                first = False
                cv2.line(temp_image, (prev.x, prev.y), (p.x, p.y), (255, 0, 0),
            prev = p

        return temp_image, points
コード例 #17
    def set_boundary_points(self, node, distance):
        points = {}

        cur_point = node.coord
        cur_parent = node.parent

        while cur_parent is not None:
            next_point = cur_parent.coord
            direction = self.__get_direction_vector_to_point(
                cur_point, cur_parent.coord)

            temp_point = Point(cur_point.x, cur_point.y)
            while not temp_point == cur_parent.coord:
                self.__add_neighbor_points(temp_point, distance, points)

                temp_point.x += direction.x
                temp_point.y += direction.y

            cur_point = next_point
            cur_parent = cur_parent.parent

        self.__add_neighbor_points(cur_point, distance, points)

        self.boundary_points = points
コード例 #18
    def __generate_successor_nodes(self, cur_node):
        # variable names indicate top, middle, bottom -> left, middle, right -> (optional) left, middle, right, top, bottom
        # ie: the locations around cur_node upto two cells away, roughly every 22 degrees
        tl = Point(-1, -1)
        tlr = Point(-1, -2)
        tm = Point(0, -1)
        tr = Point(1, -1)
        trl = Point(1, -2)

        ml = Point(-1, 0)
        mlt = Point(-2, -1)
        mlb = Point(-2, 1)
        mr = Point(1, 0)
        mrt = Point(2, -1)
        mrb = Point(2, 1)

        bl = Point(-1, 1)
        blr = Point(-1, 2)
        bm = Point(0, 1)
        br = Point(1, 1)
        brl = Point(1, 2)

        #all_directions = [tl, tlr, tm, tr, trl, ml, mlt, mlb, mr, mrt, mrb, bl, blr, bm, br, brl]
        directions = [tl, tm, tr, ml, mr, bl, bm, br]

        successors = []

        # for direction in all_directions:
        for direction in directions:
            successors.append(self.__get_node(cur_node, direction))

        # successors = list(map(lambda x: self.__get_node(cur_node, x), all_directions))
        # successors = list(map(lambda x: self.__get_node(cur_node, x), directions))

        return list(
            filter(lambda x: x is not None and self.__point_within_boundary(x),
コード例 #19
    route_image, points = get_drawn_route(start, end, topo_map)

    path = "images/" + topo_map.filename[5:-4] + "/" + points_to_path_string(
        start, end) + "/drawn"

    if not os.path.exists(path):

    num = len([x for x in os.listdir(path)]) + 1
    cv2.imwrite(path + '/drawn' + str(int(num / 2)) + '.png', route_image)
    out = open(path + "/data" + str(int(num / 2)) + '.csv', 'w')

    t = input("enter completion time:")
    m = input("enter mile length:")
    n = input("enter initial:")

    out.write("x,y," + str(t) + ',' + str(m) + ',' + str(n) + "\n")

    for p in points:
        out.write(str(p.x) + "," + str(p.y) + "\n")


if __name__ == "__main__":
    topo_map = TopographicMap("maps/SanLuisObispo.jpg")
    start = Point(550, 435)
    end = Point(1873, 1081)

    get_drawn_route(start, end, topo_map)