コード例 #1
ファイル: VisionProcessor.py プロジェクト: sdp-2011/sdp-2
	def detect_robot(self, trsh_im):
		# angle might not be accurate, but always determines a line
		# that is collinear to the longest part of the T on the robot plate.
		t_contour, t_center, ang = self.detect_robot_via_moments(trsh_im)
		if not (t_center and t_contour):
			return trsh_im, None, None, None
		# create dir vec (may be wrong when error_expected() returns True)
		# pointing upwards (systems 0 degree) and rotate it by the angle.
		t_dir = Math.int_vec(Math.rotate_vec((0, -20), ang))
		trust_dir = True	# lets assume this is the correct vector.
		# if mistake possible(robot orientation in danger zone), perform check
		if self.dir_error_expected(ang, 10):
			# Try to get the direction of the back using
			# get_back_dir(centroid, radius, supposed_direction_of_T,
			#	line_thikness, thresholded_bin_image)
			t_bck_dir = self.get_back_dir(t_contour, t_center, 20, t_dir, 12,
			# if the vectors are pointing relatively in one direction
			# there is an error, so invert vector
			if t_bck_dir and Math.ang_btw_vecs(t_dir, t_bck_dir) < 90:
				t_dir = Math.invert_vec(t_dir)
		return trsh_im, t_center, t_dir, ang
コード例 #2
ファイル: VisionProcessor.py プロジェクト: sdp-2011/sdp-2
    def detect_robot(self, trsh_im):
        # angle might not be accurate, but always determines a line
        # that is collinear to the longest part of the T on the robot plate.
        t_contour, t_center, ang = self.detect_robot_via_moments(trsh_im)
        if not (t_center and t_contour):
            return trsh_im, None, None, None
        # create dir vec (may be wrong when error_expected() returns True)
        # pointing upwards (systems 0 degree) and rotate it by the angle.
        t_dir = Math.int_vec(Math.rotate_vec((0, -20), ang))
        trust_dir = True  # lets assume this is the correct vector.

        # if mistake possible(robot orientation in danger zone), perform check
        if self.dir_error_expected(ang, 10):
            # Try to get the direction of the back using
            # get_back_dir(centroid, radius, supposed_direction_of_T,
            #	line_thikness, thresholded_bin_image)
            t_bck_dir = self.get_back_dir(t_contour, t_center, 20, t_dir, 12,
            # if the vectors are pointing relatively in one direction
            # there is an error, so invert vector
            if t_bck_dir and Math.ang_btw_vecs(t_dir, t_bck_dir) < 90:
                t_dir = Math.invert_vec(t_dir)
        return trsh_im, t_center, t_dir, ang
コード例 #3
ファイル: VisionGUI.py プロジェクト: sdp-2011/sdp-2
class VisionGUI:

    WIN_COLOR = 'colored feed'
    WIN_RED_BIN = 'red binary image'
    WIN_BLU_BIN = 'blu binary image'
    WIN_YLW_BIN = 'ylw binary image'

    # TODO: Change integer values with these constancs all over the application
    COLOR_FEED = 0
    RED_BIN_FEED = 1
    BLU_BIN_FEED = 2
    YLW_BIN_FEED = 3

    def __init__():

    def create_gui(red_color, blu_color, ylw_color):
        if 0 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.NamedWindow(VisionGUI.WIN_COLOR, 1)

        if 1 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.NamedWindow(VisionGUI.WIN_RED_BIN, 1)
            if 4 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:

        if 2 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.NamedWindow(VisionGUI.WIN_BLU_BIN, 1)
            if 4 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:

        if 3 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.NamedWindow(VisionGUI.WIN_YLW_BIN, 1)
            if 4 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:

    create_gui = staticmethod(create_gui)

    def display_visual_feedback(img, red_bin_img, blu_bin_img, ylw_bin_img,
                                (bal_center, blu_center, ylw_center, blu_dir,
                                 ylw_dir), (l_goal_t_, l_goal_b_, r_goal_t_,
                                            r_goal_b_), (pitch_tl_, pitch_bl_,
                                                         pitch_tr_, pitch_br_),
                                (trust_bal, trust_blu,
                                 trust_ylw), (bal_vel, blu_vel, ylw_vel)):

        if 0 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            # display robot and ball centers
            # Ball
            cv.Circle(img, bal_center, 4, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 2)
            # ylw velocity
                img, bal_center,
                    bal_center, Math.int_vec(Math.scale_vec(bal_vel,
                                                            1 / 60.0))),
                ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1, cv.CV_AA)

            # Blue
            left = Math.rotate_vec(blu_dir, -90)
            left_point = Math.add_vectors(left, blu_center)
            cv.Line(img, Math.int_vec(Math.add_vectors(left_point, blu_dir)),
                    Math.int_vec(Math.sub_vectors(left_point, blu_dir)), 1)
            right_point = Math.add_vectors(Math.invert_vec(left), blu_center)
            cv.Line(img, Math.int_vec(Math.add_vectors(right_point, blu_dir)),
                    Math.int_vec(Math.sub_vectors(right_point, blu_dir)), 1)
            cv.Circle(img, blu_center, 4, ColorSpace.RGB_BLU, -2)
            cv.Circle(img, blu_center, 20, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 1)
            # blue_dir
            cv.Line(img, blu_center, Math.add_vectors(blu_center, blu_dir),
                    ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 1, cv.CV_AA)
            # blu velocity
                img, blu_center,
                    blu_center, Math.int_vec(Math.scale_vec(blu_vel,
                                                            1 / 60.0))),
                ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1, cv.CV_AA)

            # Yellow
            left = Math.rotate_vec(ylw_dir, -90)
            left_point = Math.add_vectors(left, ylw_center)
            cv.Line(img, Math.int_vec(Math.add_vectors(left_point, ylw_dir)),
                    Math.int_vec(Math.sub_vectors(left_point, ylw_dir)), 1)
            right_point = Math.add_vectors(Math.invert_vec(left), ylw_center)
            cv.Line(img, Math.int_vec(Math.add_vectors(right_point, ylw_dir)),
                    Math.int_vec(Math.sub_vectors(right_point, ylw_dir)), 1)
            cv.Circle(img, ylw_center, 4, ColorSpace.RGB_YLW, -2)
            cv.Circle(img, ylw_center, 20, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 1)
            # ylw_dir
            cv.Line(img, ylw_center, Math.add_vectors(ylw_center, ylw_dir),
                    ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 1, cv.CV_AA)
            # ylw velocity
                img, ylw_center,
                    ylw_center, Math.int_vec(Math.scale_vec(ylw_vel,
                                                            1 / 60.0))),
                ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1, cv.CV_AA)

            # display goal lines
            cv.Circle(img, l_goal_t_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, l_goal_b_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, r_goal_t_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, r_goal_b_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)

            # display pitch
            cv.Circle(img, pitch_tl_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, pitch_bl_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, pitch_tr_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)
            cv.Circle(img, pitch_br_, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 2)

            # show image
            cv.ShowImage(VisionGUI.WIN_COLOR, img)

        # display binary images if parameters given
        if 1 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.Circle(red_bin_img, bal_center, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 3)
            cv.Circle(red_bin_img, bal_center, 40, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1)
            cv.ShowImage(VisionGUI.WIN_RED_BIN, red_bin_img)

        if 2 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.Circle(blu_bin_img, blu_center, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 3)
            cv.Circle(blu_bin_img, blu_center, 40, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1)
            cv.ShowImage(VisionGUI.WIN_BLU_BIN, blu_bin_img)

        if 3 in V_SETT.DISPLAY_FEED:
            cv.Circle(ylw_bin_img, ylw_center, 1, ColorSpace.RGB_BLACK, 3)
            cv.Circle(ylw_bin_img, ylw_center, 40, ColorSpace.RGB_WHITE, 1)
            cv.ShowImage(VisionGUI.WIN_YLW_BIN, ylw_bin_img)

        cv.WaitKey(1000 / 35)