コード例 #1
def prune_database():
    Delete tokens that have expired from the database.
    How (and if) you call this is entirely up you. You could expose it to an
    endpoint that only administrators could call, you could run it as a cron,
    set it up with flask cli, etc.
    now = datetime.now()
    db = Mysql()
    expired_tokens = db.execute_select(
        "SELECT * FROM `user_session` WHERE `expires` < NOW()", (now, ))

    for expired_token in expired_tokens:
        cache = Cache()
        cache.delete('token_' + expired_token['jti'])

    db.execute("DELETE FROM `user_session` WHERE `expires` < %s", (now, ))
コード例 #2
def delete_tokens(token_ids_list, user_identity):
    Delete tokens.

    :param tokens: List of tokens
    :type tokens: list
    # Delete from cache
    db = Mysql()
    tokens = db.execute_select(
        "SELECT `jti` FROM `user_session` WHERE `user_id` = %s AND `id` IN (%s)",
        (user_identity, token_ids_list))
    if len(tokens) > 0:
        for token in tokens:
            cache = Cache()
            cache.delete('token_' + token['jti'])

    # Delete from DB
        "DELETE FROM `user_session` WHERE `user_id` = %s AND `id` IN (%s)",
        (user_identity, token_ids_list))
コード例 #3
    def authenticate(force_reauth=False):
        if ApiResource.enable_mock:
            # We are about to make an authentication request, which
            # should not occur when we are in mock mode
            raise Exception("Attempting to make authentication request when mocking enabled")

        if not (ApiResource.username and ApiResource.password and ApiResource.device_token and ApiResource.oauth_client_id):
            raise RobinhoodCredentialsException("Attempting to call authenticated endpoint, but one or more Robinhood credentials are missing for this server.")

        # If authentication has already failed, do not try again
        if ApiResource.permanent_auth_failure:
            raise ApiResource.permanent_auth_failure

        # Use locking to make sure that we are not trying to authenticate
        # from several thrads at once
            # We should check the cache's value before our local instance,
            # as another process may have already reauthenticated and set the value
            access_token = Cache.get('auth_access_token') or ApiResource.auth_access_token
            auth_expiration = Cache.get('auth_expiration') or ApiResource.auth_expiration

            if not force_reauth:
                if access_token and auth_expiration and datetime.now() < auth_expiration:
                    return access_token

            refresh_token = Cache.get('auth_refresh_token') or ApiResource.auth_refresh_token

            attempts = 3

            while True:
                attempts -= 1

                if refresh_token and not force_reauth:
                    data = {
                        'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
                        'refresh_token': refresh_token,
                        'client_id': ApiResource.oauth_client_id,
                        'device_token': ApiResource.device_token
                    data = {
                        'grant_type': 'password',
                        'expires_in': AUTH_DURATION.total_seconds(),
                        'username': ApiResource.username,
                        'password': ApiResource.password,
                        'client_id': ApiResource.oauth_client_id,
                        'device_token': ApiResource.device_token,
                        'scope': 'internal'

                    response = requests.post(AUTH_INFO['url'], headers=AUTH_INFO['headers'], data=json.dumps(data))
                except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                    # Occasional error, retry if possible
                    if attempts > 0:

                    raise e

                if response.status_code == 200:
                    data = response.json()

                    access_token = data['access_token']
                    refresh_token = data['refresh_token']

                    auth_refresh_duration = AUTH_DURATION / 2
                    auth_expiration = datetime.now() + auth_refresh_duration

                    # Set the access token to expire early to allow the refresh token to be utilized
                    Cache.set('auth_access_token', access_token, auth_refresh_duration.total_seconds())
                    Cache.set('auth_refresh_token', refresh_token, AUTH_DURATION.total_seconds())
                    Cache.set('auth_expiration', auth_expiration)

                    # Define in local memory (we may not have a cache available to us)
                    ApiResource.auth_expiration = auth_expiration
                    ApiResource.auth_access_token = access_token
                    ApiResource.auth_refresh_token = refresh_token

                    return access_token

                if response.status_code >= 500:
                    if attempts > 0:

                    raise ApiInternalErrorException(response.status_code, response.text)

                if response.status_code == 429:
                    raise ApiThrottledException(response.text)

                # If we reach this point we've likely received an authentication error
                # Remove cached credentials and force reauthentication
                force_reauth = True
                ApiResource.auth_access_token = None
                ApiResource.auth_refresh_token = None
                ApiResource.auth_expiration = None

                if response.status_code == 401:
                        response_data = response.json()
                        if 'error' in response_data and response_data['error'] == 'invalid_grant':
                            # Refresh token is no longer valid
                            # Remove it and re-attempt authentication with username/password
                            refresh_token = None
                    except ValueError:
                        # Response is not valid JSON, let remaining error logic handle it

                # Error codes other than these are considered to be permanent errors,
                # due to invalid credentials or other issues with user-provided credentials.
                if response.status_code == 403:
                    error = ApiForbiddenException("Authentication is required for this endpoint, but credentials are expired or invalid.")
                    request_details = "\n\tRequest URL: {}\n\tRequest headers: {}\n\tRequest data: {}".format(
                        auth_url, auth_request_headers, data)
                    error = ApiCallException(response.status_code, response.text + request_details)
                ApiResource.permanent_auth_failure = error
                raise error
コード例 #4
class GoogleDrive(Strategy):
    """Backup strategy for Google Drive."""
    NAME = 'Google Drive'
    TYPE = 'googledrive'
    API_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files'
    cache = None

    def add(self):
        """Add Google Drive account."""
        self.alias = super().add()

        # Show instructions

        # Parse credentials
        credentials_str = input('Paste content of credentials file: ')
        self.config.set('credentials', json.loads(

        # Get access code
        code = self.request_code()
        token = self.request_token(code)

        self.config.set('token', token)

    def start_backup(self):
        """Start backup."""
        # Set cache
        self.cache = Cache(self.alias)

        # Backup

        # Cleanup

    def cleanup(self):
        """Delete files that have been removed from Drive."""
        all_cached = self.cache.get()

        for id, item in list(all_cached.items()):
            if item['last_seen'] is not util.startup_time and 'path' in item:
                # Delete file

                # Remove item from cache

    def build_auth_uri(self):
        """Build auth URI for requesting token.

        @return string
        auth_uri = self.config.get('credentials.auth_uri')
        auth_uri += '?response_type=code'
        auth_uri += '&redirect_uri=' + \
        auth_uri += '&client_id=' + \
        auth_uri += '&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly'
        auth_uri += '&access_type=offline'
        auth_uri += '&approval_prompt=auto'

        return auth_uri

    def request_code(self):
        """Request code from auth URI to obtain token.

        @return string
        # Build auth uri
        auth_uri = self.build_auth_uri()

        # Try opening in browser
        webbrowser.open(auth_uri, new=1)

        print('If your browser does not open, go to this website:')

        # Return code
        return input('Enter code: ')

    def execute_request(self, url, headers={}, params={}, method='GET', is_retry=False):
        """Call Drive API.

        @param string url
        @param dict headers
        @param dict params
        @param string method
        @param bool is_retry
        if self.config.get('token.access_token'):
            # Set Authorization-Header
            auth_header = {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.config.get('token.access_token'))

        # Execute request
        if method == 'GET':
            res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
            res = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=params)

        # Permission error
        if res.status_code == 401:
            # Maybe the token is expired
            if not is_retry:
                # Refresh token
                self.config.set('token', self.request_token())

                # Re-try request
                return self.execute_request(url, headers, params, method, True)
                # This is already a retry, don't try again
                raise Exception('Failed to refresh token')

        return {
            'status': res.status_code,
            'headers': res.headers,
            'body': res.json()

    def request_token(self, code=''):
        """Request access token.

        @param string code (optional)
        @return dict
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

        params = {
            'client_id': self.config.get('credentials')['client_id'],
            'client_secret': self.config.get('credentials')['client_secret'],
            'redirect_uri': self.config.get('credentials')['redirect_uris'][0],

        if code:
            params['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code'
            params['code'] = code
            params['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token'
            params['refresh_token'] = self.config.get('token')['refresh_token']

        res = self.execute_request(self.config.get('credentials')[
                                   'token_uri'], headers, params, 'POST')

        if res['status'] == 200:
            if self.config.get('token'):
                res['body']['refresh_token'] = self.config.get('token')[

            self.config.set('token', res['body'])
            return res['body']
            raise Exception('Error getting token: ' + str(res['body']))

    def show_instructions(self):
        """Print instructions on how to set up Google Cloud Project."""
        print('If you already have an OAuth-Client-ID, download the JSON')
        print('Otherwise, here\'s how to get credentials:')
        print('1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/')
        print('2. Choose or create a project')
        print('3. Activate Photos API here: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library/photoslibrary.googleapis.com')
        print('4. Open https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/consent')
        print('5. Choose "External"')
        print('6. Enter a name, support email and contact email')
        print('7. Click "Save and continue"')
        print('8. Click "Add or remove scopes"')
        print('9. Select ".../auth/drive.readonly"')
        print('10. Select ".../auth/photoslibrary.readonly"')
        print('11. Click "Save and continue"')
        print('12. Enter yourself as a test user')
        print('13. Click "Save and continue"')
            '14. [Open credentials page](https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials)')
        print('15. Click on "Create Credentials" -> OAuth-Client-ID -> Desktop Application')
        print('16. Download the Client ID JSON')

    def check_if_excluded(self, path):
        """Check if file is to be excluded from download.

        @param string path
        @return boolean
        for pattern in self.config.get('exclude'):
            if re.match(pattern, path):
                return True

        return False

    def is_folder(self, item):
        """Check if item is a Google Folder.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @return boolean
        return item['mimeType'] == 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'

    def is_google_doc(self, item):
        """Check if item is a Google Doc.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @return boolean
        return item['mimeType'] == 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'

    def is_google_sheet(self, item):
        """Check if item is a Google Spreadsheet.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @return boolean
        return item['mimeType'] == 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'

    def is_google_slides(self, item):
        """Check if item is a Google Slidedeck.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @return boolean
        return item['mimeType'] == 'application/vnd.google-apps.presentation'

    def get_children(self, item_id='root', parents=[], page_token=''):
        """Traverse Drive recursively and initiate file download.

        @param string item_id (optional)
        @param list parents (optional)
        @param string page_token (optional)
        path_server = '/' + '/'.join(parents).strip('/')
        path = os.path.join(self.backup_path, path_server.strip('/'))

        params = {
            'q': "'" + item_id + "' in parents",
            'fields': 'nextPageToken,files(id,name,mimeType,modifiedTime,trashed)',
            'pageSize': '100'

        if page_token:
            params['pageToken'] = page_token

        # Build param-string
        params_str = ''

        for key, param in params.items():
            params_str = params_str + key + '=' + param + '&'

        params_str = params_str[:-1].replace(',', '%2C').replace(' ', '+')

        # Send request
        res = self.execute_request(self.API_URL + '?' + params_str)

        items = res['body']['files'] if res['status'] == 200 else []

        for item in items:
            url = self.API_URL + '/' + item['id'] + '?alt=media'
            path_item = os.path.join(path_server, item['name'])
            filename = item['name']

            # Excluded or trashed
            if self.check_if_excluded(path_item):

            if item['trashed']:

            # Folders
            if self.is_folder(item):
                self.get_children(item['id'], parents + [item['name']])

            # Google Docs
            if self.is_google_doc(item):
                url = self.API_URL + '/' + \
                    item['id'] + '/export?mimeType=application/pdf'
                filename = item['name'] + '_converted.pdf'
            # Google Spreadsheets
            elif self.is_google_sheet(item):
                url = self.API_URL + '/' + \
                    item['id'] + '/export?mimeType=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
                filename = item['name'] + '.xlsx'
            # Google Slides
            elif self.is_google_slides(item):
                url = self.API_URL + '/' + \
                    item['id'] + '/export?mimeType=application/pdf'
                filename = item['name'] + '_converted.pdf'

            # Remember last seen in cache
            self.cache.set(item['id'] + '.last_seen', util.startup_time)

            # Move if moved
            if self.check_if_moved_and_move(item, path, filename):

            # Download
            if not self.is_backed_up(item, path, filename):
                    self.download(url, path, filename)

                    # Add to cache
                    self.cache.set(item['id'] + '.modified',
                    self.cache.set(item['id'] + '.path',
                                   os.path.join(path, filename))
                except Exception as e:

        if 'nextPageToken' in res['body']:
            self.get_children(item_id, parents, res['body']['nextPageToken'])

    def check_if_moved_and_move(self, item, path, filename):
        """Check if source was simply moved and move if so.
        To determine whether the item has moved check the modified time.
        We can't use 'md5Checksum' here, because Google Docs don't have one.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @param string path
        @param string filename
        @return boolean
        move_source = self.cache.get(item['id'])

        if move_source and 'modified' in move_source:
            move_target = os.path.join(path, filename)

            if move_source['modified'] == item['modifiedTime'] \
                    and move_source['path'] != move_target:

                # Create folder if not exists
                if not os.path.exists(path):

                self.logger.info('Moving {} to {}'.format(
                    move_source['path'], move_target))
                os.rename(move_source['path'], move_target)

                self.cache.set(item['id'] + '.' + 'path', move_target)

                return True

        return False

    def is_backed_up(self, item, path, filename):
        """Check if file exists and is newer than on Drive.

        @param GoogleDriveFile item
        @param string path
        @param string filename
        @return boolean
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, filename)):
            mtime_ts = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(path, filename))
            mtime_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime_ts).isoformat()

            if item['modifiedTime'] < mtime_date:
                return True

        return False

    def download(self, url, path, filename):
        """Download item.

        @param string url
        @param string path
        @param string filename
        # Create folder if not exists
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.config.get('token')['access_token'])

        # Download file
        self.logger.info('Downloading {}...'.format(
            os.path.join(path, filename)))

        http = urllib3.PoolManager()
        res = http.request('GET', url, headers=headers, preload_content=False)

        if res.status == 200:

            with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'wb') as out:
                while True:
                    data = res.read(128)
                    if not data:

            raise Exception(
                'Download failed ({}) -> {}'.format(res.status, str(res.data)))