def robot_position_callback(msg): #只要 z 坐标 global SERVO global CURR_Z global CURR_DEPTH #global CURR_FORCE global VELO_COV global pose_averager global start_record_srv global stop_record_srv CURR_X = msg.pose.position.x # Stop Conditions. if CURR_Z < MIN_Z or (CURR_Z - 0.01) < GOAL_Z: #or CURR_FORCE < -5.0: if SERVO: SERVO = False # Grip. rospy.sleep(0.1) set_finger_positions([8000, 8000]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Move Home. move_to_position([0, -0.38, 0.35], [0.99, 0, 0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.99**2)]) rospy.sleep(0.25) # stop_record_srv(std_srvs.srv.TriggerRequest()) raw_input('Press Enter to Complete') # Generate a control nonlinearity for this run. VELO_COV = generate_cartesian_covariance(0.0) # Open Fingers set_finger_positions([0, 0]) rospy.sleep(1.0) pose_averager.reset() raw_input('Press Enter to Start') # start_record_srv(std_srvs.srv.TriggerRequest()) rospy.sleep(0.5) SERVO = True
def execute_grasp(): # Execute a grasp. global MOVING global CURR_Z global start_force_srv global stop_force_srv # Get the positions. msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/ggcnn/out/command', std_msgs.msg.Float32MultiArray) d = list( # Calculate the gripper width. grip_width = d[4] # Convert width in pixels to mm. # 0.07 is distance from end effector (CURR_Z) to camera. # 0.1 is approx degrees per pixel for the realsense. #g_width = 2 * ((CURR_Z + 0.07)) * np.tan(0.1 * grip_width / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi) * 1000 # Convert into motor positions. #g = min((1 - (min(g_width, 70)/70)) * (6800-4000) + 4000, 5500) #set_finger_positions([g, g]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Pose of the grasp (position only) in the camera frame. gp = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() gp.position.x = d[0] gp.position.y = d[1] gp.position.z = d[2] gp.orientation.w = 1 # Convert to base frame, add the angle in (ensures planar grasp, camera isn't guaranteed to be perpendicular). gp_base = convert_pose(gp, 'camera_depth_optical_frame', 'm1n6s200_link_base') q = tft.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0, d[3]) gp_base.orientation.x = q[0] gp_base.orientation.y = q[1] gp_base.orientation.z = q[2] gp_base.orientation.w = q[3] publish_pose_as_transform(gp_base, 'm1n6s200_link_base', 'G', 0.5) # Offset for initial pose. initial_offset = 0.20 gp_base.position.z += initial_offset # Disable force control, makes the robot more accurate. move_to_pose(gp_base) rospy.sleep(0.1) # Start force control, helps prevent bad collisions. rospy.sleep(0.25) # Reset the position gp_base.position.z -= initial_offset # Flag to check for collisions. MOVING = True # Generate a nonlinearity for the controller. cart_cov = generate_cartesian_covariance(0) # Move straight down under velocity control. velo_pub = rospy.Publisher('/m1n6s200_driver/in/cartesian_velocity', kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity, queue_size=1) while MOVING and CURR_Z - 0.02 > gp_base.position.z: dz = gp_base.position.z - CURR_Z - 0.03 # Offset by a few cm for the fingertips. MAX_VELO_Z = 0.08 dz = max(min(dz, MAX_VELO_Z), -1.0 * MAX_VELO_Z) v = np.array([0, 0, dz]) vc = list(, cart_cov)) + [0, 0, 0] velo_pub.publish(kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity(*vc)) rospy.sleep(1 / 100.0) MOVING = False # close the fingers. rospy.sleep(0.1) set_finger_positions([8000, 8000]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Move back up to initial position. gp_base.position.z += initial_offset gp_base.orientation.x = 1 gp_base.orientation.y = 0 gp_base.orientation.z = 0 gp_base.orientation.w = 0 move_to_pose(gp_base) return
# # start_record_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/data_recording/start_recording', std_srvs.srv.Trigger) # stop_record_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/data_recording/stop_recording', std_srvs.srv.Trigger) # start_force_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/j2n6s300_driver/in/home_arm', kinova_msgs.srv.HomeArm)#go to home position # # Publish velocity at 100Hz. velo_pub = rospy.Publisher('/j2n6s300_driver/in/cartesian_velocity', kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity, queue_size=1) #finger_pub = rospy.Publisher('/j2n6s300_driver/out/finger_position', kinova_msgs.msg.FingerPosition, queue_size=1) r = rospy.Rate(100) #start_force_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/j2n6s300_driver/in/start_force_control', kinova_msgs.srv.Start)#for safe's sake move_to_position([0, -0.3, 0.3], [0.99, 0, 0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.99**2)]) rospy.sleep(0.5) set_finger_positions([0, 0, 0]) rospy.sleep(0.5) SERVO = True while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if SERVO: #result = gripper_client(CURRENT_FINGER_VELOCITY) #finger_pub.publish(kinova_msgs.msg.FingerPosition(*CURRENT_FINGER_VELOCITY)) rospy.Duration(secs=0.01) velo_pub.publish(kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity(*CURRENT_VELOCITY)) r.sleep()
def execute_grasp(): # 执行抓取。 global MOVING global CURR_Z global start_force_srv global stop_force_srv # 得到位置。 msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/ggcnn/out/command', std_msgs.msg.Float32MultiArray) d = list( # 计算抓爪宽度。 grip_width = d[4] # 将以像素为单位的宽度转换为毫米。 # 0.07是从末端执行器(CURR_Z)到摄像机的距离。 #对于实感,每个像素约0.1度。 g_width = 2 * ((CURR_Z + 0.07)) * np.tan( 0.1 * grip_width / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi) * 1000 # 转换为电机位置。 g = min((1 - (min(g_width, 70) / 70)) * (6800 - 4000) + 4000, 5500) set_finger_positions([g, g]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # 握把的姿势(仅位置)在相机框架中。 gp = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() gp.position.x = d[0] gp.position.y = d[1] gp.position.z = d[2] gp.orientation.w = 1 # 转换为基本框架,并添加角度(以确保平面抓地力,不保证相机垂直)。 gp_base = convert_pose(gp, 'camera_depth_optical_frame', 'm1n6s200_link_base') q = tft.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0, d[3]) gp_base.orientation.x = q[0] gp_base.orientation.y = q[1] gp_base.orientation.z = q[2] gp_base.orientation.w = q[3] publish_pose_as_transform(gp_base, 'm1n6s200_link_base', 'G', 0.5) # 初始姿势的偏移量。 initial_offset = 0.20 gp_base.position.z += initial_offset # 禁用力控制,使机器人更加精确。 move_to_pose(gp_base) rospy.sleep(0.1) # 启动力控制,有助于防止不良碰撞。 rospy.sleep(0.25) # 重设位置 gp_base.position.z -= initial_offset # 标记以检查碰撞。 MOVING = True # 为控制器生成非线性。 cart_cov = generate_cartesian_covariance(0) # 在速度控制下直线向下移动。 velo_pub = rospy.Publisher('/m1n6s200_driver/in/cartesian_velocity', kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity, queue_size=1) while MOVING and CURR_Z - 0.02 > gp_base.position.z: dz = gp_base.position.z - CURR_Z - 0.03 # Offset by a few cm for the fingertips. MAX_VELO_Z = 0.08 dz = max(min(dz, MAX_VELO_Z), -1.0 * MAX_VELO_Z) v = np.array([0, 0, dz]) vc = list(, cart_cov)) + [0, 0, 0] velo_pub.publish(kinova_msgs.msg.PoseVelocity(*vc)) rospy.sleep(1 / 100.0) MOVING = False # 闭合手指。 rospy.sleep(0.1) set_finger_positions([8000, 8000]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # 移回初始位置。 gp_base.position.z += initial_offset gp_base.orientation.x = 1 gp_base.orientation.y = 0 gp_base.orientation.z = 0 gp_base.orientation.w = 0 move_to_pose(gp_base) return