def check_profiles(): file_name = "config.json" path = os.path.join('.settings', file_name) import helpers.main_helper as main_helper from apis.onlyfans.onlyfans import auth_details json_config, json_config2 = main_helper.get_config(path) json_settings = json_config["settings"] profile_directories = json_settings["profile_directories"] profile_directory = profile_directories[0] matches = ["OnlyFans"] for match in matches: q = os.path.abspath(profile_directory) profile_site_directory = os.path.join(q, match) if os.path.exists(profile_site_directory): e = os.listdir(profile_site_directory) e = [os.path.join(profile_site_directory, x, "auth.json") for x in e] e = [x for x in e if os.path.exists(x)] if e: continue default_profile_directory = os.path.join( profile_site_directory, "default") os.makedirs(default_profile_directory, exist_ok=True) auth_filepath = os.path.join(default_profile_directory, "auth.json") if not os.path.exists(auth_filepath): x = auth_details().__dict__ main_helper.export_json(auth_filepath, x) string = f"{auth_filepath} has been created. Fill in the relevant details and then press enter to continue." input(string) print print
def check_profiles(): config_path = Path(".settings", "config.json") import helpers.main_helper as main_helper from apis.onlyfans.onlyfans import auth_details as onlyfans_auth_details from apis.fansly.fansly import auth_details as fansly_auth_details from apis.starsavn.starsavn import auth_details as starsavn_auth_details config, _updated = main_helper.get_config(config_path) settings = config.settings profile_directories = settings.profile_directories profile_directory = profile_directories[0] matches = ["OnlyFans", "Fansly", "StarsAVN"] for string_match in matches: profile_site_directory = profile_directory.joinpath(string_match) if os.path.exists(profile_site_directory): e = os.listdir(profile_site_directory) e = [os.path.join(profile_site_directory, x, "auth.json") for x in e] e = [x for x in e if os.path.exists(x)] if e: continue default_profile_directory = profile_site_directory.joinpath("default") os.makedirs(default_profile_directory, exist_ok=True) auth_filepath = default_profile_directory.joinpath("auth.json") if not os.path.exists(auth_filepath): new_item: dict[str, Any] = {} match string_match: case "OnlyFans": new_item["auth"] = onlyfans_auth_details().export() case "Fansly": new_item["auth"] = fansly_auth_details().export() case "StarsAVN": new_item["auth"] = starsavn_auth_details().export() case _: continue main_helper.export_json(new_item, auth_filepath) main_helper.prompt_modified( f"{auth_filepath} has been created. Fill in the relevant details and then press enter to continue.", auth_filepath, ) print print
async def process_mass_messages(authed: create_auth, mass_messages: list[create_message]): def compare_message(queue_id, remote_messages): for message in remote_messages: if "isFromQueue" in message and message["isFromQueue"]: if queue_id == message["queueId"]: return message print print global_found = [] chats = [] api = authed.get_api() site_settings = api.get_site_settings() config = api.config if not (config and site_settings): return settings = config.settings salt = settings.random_string encoded = f"{salt}" encoded = encoded.encode("utf-8") hash = hashlib.md5(encoded).hexdigest() profile_directory = authed.directory_manager.profile.metadata_directory mass_message_path = profile_directory.joinpath("Mass Messages.json") chats_path = profile_directory.joinpath("Chats.json") if os.path.exists(chats_path): chats = main_helper.import_json(chats_path) date_object = date_string = date_object.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") for mass_message in mass_messages: if "status" not in mass_message: mass_message["status"] = "" if "found" not in mass_message: mass_message["found"] = {} if "hashed_ip" not in mass_message: mass_message["hashed_ip"] = "" mass_message["hashed_ip"] = mass_message.get("hashed_ip", hash) mass_message["date_hashed"] = mass_message.get( "date_hashed", date_string) if mass_message["isCanceled"]: continue queue_id = mass_message["id"] text = mass_message["textCropped"] text = html.unescape(text) mass_found = mass_message["found"] media_type = mass_message.get("mediaType") media_types = mass_message.get("mediaTypes") if mass_found or (not media_type and not media_types): continue identifier = None if chats: list_chats = chats for chat in list_chats: identifier = chat["identifier"] messages = chat["messages"]["list"] mass_found = compare_message(queue_id, messages) if mass_found: mass_message["found"] = mass_found mass_message["status"] = True break if not mass_found: list_chats = authed.search_messages(text=text, limit=2) if not list_chats: continue for item in list_chats["list"]: user = item["withUser"] identifier = user["id"] messages = [] print("Getting Messages") keep = ["id", "username"] list_chats2 = [ x for x in chats if x["identifier"] == identifier ] if list_chats2: chat2 = list_chats2[0] messages = chat2["messages"]["list"] messages = authed.get_messages(identifier=identifier, resume=messages) for message in messages: message["withUser"] = { k: item["withUser"][k] for k in keep } message["fromUser"] = { k: message["fromUser"][k] for k in keep } mass_found = compare_message(queue_id, messages) if mass_found: mass_message["found"] = mass_found mass_message["status"] = True break else: item2 = {} item2["identifier"] = identifier item2["messages"] = authed.get_messages( identifier=identifier) chats.append(item2) messages = item2["messages"]["list"] for message in messages: message["withUser"] = { k: item["withUser"][k] for k in keep } message["fromUser"] = { k: message["fromUser"][k] for k in keep } mass_found = compare_message(queue_id, messages) if mass_found: mass_message["found"] = mass_found mass_message["status"] = True break print print print if not mass_found: mass_message["status"] = False main_helper.export_json(chats, chats_path) for mass_message in mass_messages: found = mass_message["found"] if found and found["media"]: user = found["withUser"] identifier = user["id"] print date_hashed_object = datetime.strptime( mass_message["date_hashed"], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") next_date_object = date_hashed_object + timedelta(days=1) print if mass_message[ "hashed_ip"] != hash or date_object > next_date_object: print("Getting Message By ID") x = await authed.get_message_by_id(identifier=identifier, identifier2=found["id"], limit=1) new_found = x["result"]["list"][0] new_found["withUser"] = found["withUser"] mass_message["found"] = new_found mass_message["hashed_ip"] = hash mass_message["date_hashed"] = date_string global_found.append(found) print print main_helper.export_json(mass_messages, mass_message_path) return global_found
async def default( datascraper: Optional[m_onlyfans.OnlyFansDataScraper] | Optional[m_fansly.FanslyDataScraper] | Optional[m_starsavn.StarsAVNDataScraper], ): if not datascraper: return api = datascraper.api global_settings = api.get_global_settings() site_settings = api.get_site_settings() if not (global_settings and site_settings): return await main_helper.process_profiles(api, global_settings) subscription_array: list[user_types] = [] auth_count = 0 profile_options = OptionsFormat( api.auths, "profiles", site_settings.auto_profile_choice ) api.auths = profile_options.final_choices identifiers = [] if site_settings.auto_model_choice: subscription_options = OptionsFormat( subscription_array, "subscriptions", site_settings.auto_model_choice ) if not subscription_options.scrape_all(): identifiers = subscription_options.choice_list for auth in api.auths: auth: auth_types = auth if not auth.auth_details: continue setup = False setup, subscriptions = await account_setup( auth, datascraper, site_settings, identifiers ) if not setup: if webhooks: await main_helper.process_webhooks( api, "auth_webhook", "failed", global_settings ) auth_details: dict[str, Any] = {} auth_details["auth"] = auth.auth_details.export() profile_directory = api.base_directory_manager.profile.root_directory user_auth_filepath = profile_directory.joinpath( api.site_name, auth.auth_details.username, "auth.json" ) main_helper.export_json(auth_details, user_auth_filepath) continue auth_count += 1 subscription_array.extend(subscriptions) await main_helper.process_webhooks( api, "auth_webhook", "succeeded", global_settings ) # Do stuff with authed user subscription_options = OptionsFormat( subscription_array, "subscriptions", site_settings.auto_model_choice ) datascraper.subscription_options = subscription_options subscription_list = subscription_options.final_choices await main_helper.process_jobs(datascraper, subscription_list, site_settings) await main_helper.process_downloads(api, datascraper, global_settings) if webhooks: await main_helper.process_webhooks( api, "download_webhook", "succeeded", global_settings )
def start_datascraper(json_config, site_name_lower, apis: list = [], webhooks=True): json_settings = json_config["settings"] json_sites = json_config["supported"] domain = json_settings["auto_site_choice"] main_helper.assign_vars(json_config) json_site_settings = json_sites[site_name_lower]["settings"] auto_scrape_names = json_site_settings["auto_scrape_names"] if isinstance(auto_scrape_names, str): temp_identifiers = auto_scrape_names.split(",") identifiers = [x for x in temp_identifiers if x] else: identifiers = [] auto_profile_choice = json_site_settings["auto_profile_choice"] subscription_array = [] original_sessions = [] original_sessions = api_helper.create_session(settings=json_settings) original_sessions = [x for x in original_sessions if x] if not original_sessions: print("Unable to create session") return False archive_time = timeit.default_timer() if site_name_lower == "onlyfans": site_name = "OnlyFans" original_api = OnlyFans module = m_onlyfans if not apis: apis = main_helper.process_profiles(json_settings, original_sessions, site_name, original_api) else: for api in apis: api.sessions = original_sessions subscription_array = [] auth_count = -1 jobs = json_site_settings["jobs"] subscription_list = module.format_options(apis, "users") if not auto_profile_choice: print("Choose Profile") apis = choose_option(subscription_list, auto_profile_choice) apis = [x.pop(0) for x in apis] for api in apis: module.assign_vars(api.auth.auth_details, json_config, json_site_settings, site_name) setup = False setup, subscriptions = module.account_setup(api, identifiers, jobs) if not setup: = False auth_details = api.auth.auth_details.__dict__ user_auth_filepath = os.path.join(api.auth.profile_directory, "auth.json") main_helper.export_json(user_auth_filepath, auth_details) continue subscription_array += subscriptions subscription_list = module.format_options(subscription_array, "usernames") if jobs["scrape_paid_content"]: print("Scraping Paid Content") paid_content = module.paid_content_scraper(apis) if jobs["scrape_names"]: print("Scraping Subscriptions") x = main_helper.process_names(module, subscription_list, auto_scrape_names, apis, json_config, site_name_lower, site_name) x = main_helper.process_downloads(apis, module) if webhooks: x = main_helper.process_webhooks(apis) elif site_name_lower == "starsavn": site_name = "StarsAVN" original_api = StarsAVN module = m_starsavn apis = main_helper.process_profiles(json_settings, original_sessions, site_name, original_api) auto_profile_choice = json_site_settings["auto_profile_choice"] subscription_array = [] auth_count = -1 jobs = json_site_settings["jobs"] subscription_list = module.format_options(apis, "users") apis = choose_option(subscription_list, auto_profile_choice) apis = [x.pop(0) for x in apis] for api in apis: module.assign_vars(api.auth.auth_details, json_config, json_site_settings, site_name) identifier = "" setup = False setup = module.account_setup(api, identifier=identifier) if not setup: = False auth_details = api.auth.auth_details.__dict__ user_auth_filepath = os.path.join(api.auth.profile_directory, "auth.json") main_helper.export_json(user_auth_filepath, auth_details) continue if jobs["scrape_names"]: array = module.manage_subscriptions(api, auth_count, identifier=identifier) subscription_array += array subscription_list = module.format_options(subscription_array, "usernames") if jobs["scrape_paid_content"]: print("Scraping Paid Content") paid_content = module.paid_content_scraper(apis) if jobs["scrape_names"]: print("Scraping Subscriptions") x = main_helper.process_names(module, subscription_list, auto_scrape_names, apis, json_config, site_name_lower, site_name) x = main_helper.process_downloads(apis, module) stop_time = str(int(timeit.default_timer() - archive_time) / 60)[:4] print('Archive Completed in ' + stop_time + ' Minutes') return apis