コード例 #1
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
    def _add_key(self, root, lines, action):
        """Add key to abstract record"""
            node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
            return False
        l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(node)
        if node.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.mapping:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                "Add path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') +
                ") must be abstract record")

        key = action['parameters']['key']
        if "value" in action['parameters']:
            value = action['parameters']['value']
            value = None
        if "type" in action['parameters']:
            tag = action['parameters']['type']
            tag = None
        if node.parent is None:
            add = StructureChanger.add_key(key, 0, value, tag)
            lines.insert(l1,  add)
            indentation = re.search(r'^(\s*)(\S.*)$', lines[l1])
            indentation = len(indentation.group(1)) + 2            
            add = StructureChanger.add_key(key, indentation, value, tag)
            lines.insert(l1+1, add)
        return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _delete_value(self, root, lines, node):
     """Delete value and return start possition deleted value"""
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = node.span.start.line-1, node.span.start.column-1, \
         node.span.end.line-1, node.span.end.column-1
     l1, c1 = StructureChanger.skip_tar(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     StructureChanger.delete_structure(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     return l1, c1
コード例 #3
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def transform(self, yaml, cfg):
     """transform yaml file"""
     notification_handler = NotificationHandler()
     loader = Loader(notification_handler)
     root = loader.load(yaml)
     lines = yaml.splitlines(False)
     changes = False
     text = cfg.get_curr_format_text()
     root_input_type = get_root_input_type_from_json(text)
     for aaction in self._transformation['actions']:
         if changes:
             root, lines = self.refresh(root_input_type, yaml, notification_handler, loader)
         for action in self._replace_wildchars(root, aaction):
             if changes:
                 root, lines = self.refresh(root_input_type, yaml, notification_handler, loader)
             if action['action'] == "delete-key":
                 changes = self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "move-key":
                 changes = self._move_key(root, lines, action)
                 if  changes and "set_type_path" in action['parameters']:
                     yaml = "\n".join(lines)
                     root, lines = self.refresh(root_input_type, yaml, notification_handler, loader)
                     changes = False                        
                         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['set_type_path']) 
                         if node.type is not None:
                             StructureChanger.change_tag(lines, node, node.type.value, action['parameters']['new_type'].strip())
                             StructureChanger.add_tag(lines, node, action['parameters']['new_type'].strip()) 
                         changes = True
             elif action['action'] == "rename-type":
                 changes = self._rename_type(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "move-key-forward":
                 changes = self._move_key_forward(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "change-value":
                 changes = self._change_value(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "replace-value":
                 changes = self._replace_value(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "merge-arrays":
                 changes = self._add_array(root, lines, action)
                 if 'destination_path' in action['parameters']:
                     if changes: 
                         yaml = "\n".join(lines)
                         root, lines = self.refresh(root_input_type, yaml, notification_handler, loader)
                     action['parameters']['keep-source'] = False
                     changes = self._move_key(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "add-key":
                 changes = self._add_key(root, lines, action)
             elif action['action'] == "scale-value":
                 changes = self._scale_value(root, lines, action)
             if changes:
                 yaml = "\n".join(lines)
     yaml = "\n".join(lines)
     return yaml
コード例 #4
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
    def _rename_type(self, root, lines, action):
        """Rename type transformation"""
            node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
            return False
        old = action['parameters']['old_name'] 
        new = action['parameters']['new_name']
        StructureChanger.change_tag(lines, node, old,  new)
        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _change_value(self, root, lines, action):
     """Change value to speciffied"""
         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
         return False
     if node.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.scalar:
             "Specified path '{0}',  is not scalar type node, action is ignored".format(
             self._get_paths_str(action, 'path')),  self._Severity.warning , action, node
         return False
     old = action['parameters']['old_value'] 
     new = action['parameters']['new_value']
     l1, c1, l2, c2 =  StructureChanger.value_pos(node)
     return StructureChanger.replace(lines, new,  old,  l1, c1, l2, c2 )
コード例 #6
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _move_key_forward(self, root, lines, action):
     """Move key forward"""
         parent = re.search(r'^(.*)/([^/]*)$', action['parameters']['path'])
         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
         if parent is None:
             raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                 "Cannot find parent path for path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'path') + ")")
         is_root = False
         if len(parent.group(1)) == 0:
             parent_node = root
             is_root = True
             parent_node = root.get_node_at_path(parent.group(1))
         return False
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(node)
     pl1, pc1, pl2, pc2 = parent_node.span.start.line-1, parent_node.span.start.column-1, \
         parent_node.span.end.line-1, parent_node.span.end.column-1
     if parent_node.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.mapping:
         raise TransformationFileFormatError(
             "Parent of path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'path') + ") must be abstract record")
     if is_root:
         indentation1 = 0
         pl1 = 0
         pc1 = 0
         indentation1 = StructureChanger.get_indentation(lines, pl1) + 2
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.add_comments(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     add = StructureChanger.copy_structure(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2, indentation1)
     pl1, pc1 = StructureChanger.skip_tar(lines, pl1, pc1, pl2, pc2)
     action['parameters']['deep'] = True
     self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
     StructureChanger.paste_structure(lines, pl1, add, pc1 != 0)
     return True
コード例 #7
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _replace_value(self, root, lines, action):
     """Rename type transformation"""
         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
         return False
     if node.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.scalar:
             "Specified path '{0}',  is not scalar type node, action is ignored".format(
             self._get_paths_str(action, 'path')),  self._Severity.warning , action, node
         return False
     pattern = action['parameters']['pattern'] 
     replacement = action['parameters']['replacement']
     old = str(node.value)
     new = re.sub( pattern, replacement, old)
     if new != old:
         l1, c1, l2, c2 =  StructureChanger.value_pos(node)
         return StructureChanger.replace(lines, new,  old,  l1, c1, l2, c2 )
     return False    
コード例 #8
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _copy_tree_from_anchor(self, lines, anchor_node, ref_node, remove_anchor=False):
     """Copy tree structure from anchor node to node with reference"""
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = anchor_node.span.start.line-1, anchor_node.span.start.column-1, \
         anchor_node.span.end.line-1, anchor_node.span.end.column-1
     l1, c1 = StructureChanger.skip_tar(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     hlpl1, hlpc1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.add_comments(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     dl1, dc1, dl2, dc2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(ref_node)
     intend = re.search(r'^(\s*)(\S.*)$', lines[dl1])
     intend = len(intend.group(1)) + 2
     add = StructureChanger.copy_structure(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2, intend)
     while dl1 <= dl2:
         ref = re.search(r'^(.*\*' + anchor_node.anchor.value + r')(.*)$', lines[dl1])
         if ref is not None:
             anchor = "&" + anchor_node.anchor.value
             if remove_anchor:
                 anchor = ""
             lines[dl1] = re.sub(r'\*' + anchor_node.anchor.value + r"\s+", anchor + " ",
             lines[dl1] = re.sub(r'\*' + anchor_node.anchor.value + r"$", anchor, lines[dl1])
             if not ref.group(2).isspace() and len(ref.group(2)) > 0:
                 lines.insert(dl1+1, ref.group(2))
                 lines[dl1] = ref.group(1)
             StructureChanger.paste_structure(lines, dl1, add, True, True)                
         dl1 += 1
コード例 #9
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _delete_key(self, root, lines, action):
     """Delete key transformation"""
         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
         return False
     if "deep" not in action['parameters'] or not  action['parameters']['deep']:
         if len(node.children_keys)>0:
             return False            
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(node)
     anchors = []
     for i in range(l1, l2+1):
         if l1 == l2:
             text = lines[l1][c1:c2]
         elif i == l1:
             text = lines[l1][c1:]
         elif i == l2:
             text = lines[l2][:c2]
             text = lines[i]
         anchor = re.search(r'\s+&\s*(\S+)\s+', text)
         if anchor is None:
             anchor = re.search(r'\s+&\s*(\S+)$', text)
         if anchor is not None:
     if len(anchors) > 0:
         self._rewrite_first_ref(root, lines, anchors)
     # try delete with comma after or prev
     nl2, nc2 = self._next_spread(lines, l2, c2)
     if nl2 == l2 and nc2 == c2:
         l1, c1 = self._prev_spred(lines, l1, c1)
         l2 = nl2
         c2 = nc2
     # try exclude comments
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.leave_comments(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2) 
     l1, c1, l2, c2 = StructureChanger.add_delete_item_chars(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     StructureChanger.delete_structure(lines, l1, c1, l2, c2)
     return True
コード例 #10
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
 def _scale_value(self, root, lines, action):
     """Multiply value by set scale"""
         node = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['path'])
         scale = float(action['parameters']['scale'])
         return False
     if node.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.scalar:
             "Specified path '{0}', is not scalar type node, action is ignored".format(
             self._get_paths_str(action, 'path')),  self._Severity.warning , action, node
         return False
         value =  float(node.value)
     except ValueError:
             "Type of value in specified path '{0}', is not numeric, action is ignored".format(
             self._get_paths_str(action, 'path')),  self._Severity.warning , action, node
         return False
     l1, c1, l2, c2 =  StructureChanger.value_pos(node)
     return StructureChanger.replace(lines, str(scale*value),   lines[l1][c1:c2],  l1, c1, l2, c2 )
コード例 #11
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
    def _add_array(self, root, lines, action):
        """Move key transformation"""
            parent2 = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['addition_path'])
            return False
        if parent2.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.sequence:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                    "Specified addition path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'addition_path') + \
                    ") is not array type node." )
        if parent2.parent is None:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                    "Specified addition path can't be in root node" )
            parent1 = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['source_path'])
            return False
        if parent1.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.sequence:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                    "Specified source path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'path') + \
                    ") is not array type node." )        
        if parent2 == parent1:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                "Source and addition paths must be different (" + 
                self._get_paths_str(action, 'source_path') + ")")
        sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 = StructureChanger.value_pos(parent1)
        sl2, sc2 = self._fix_end(lines, sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 )
        al1, ac1, al2, ac2 = StructureChanger.value_pos(parent2)
        al2, ac2 = self._fix_end(lines, al1, ac1, al2, ac2 )
        if (al1>=sl1 and sl2>=al2) or (sl1>=al1 and al2>=sl2):
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                "Source and addition nodes can't contains each other (" + 
                self._get_paths_str(action, 'source_path') + ")")
        indentation1 = StructureChanger.get_indentation(lines, sl1)
        al1, ac1, al2, ac2 = StructureChanger.add_comments(lines, al1, ac1, al2, ac2)
        add = StructureChanger.copy_structure(lines, al1, ac1, al2, ac2, indentation1, False)
        if sl2 < al1 or (sl2 == al1 and sl2 < ac1):
            # addition after source, first delete
            action['parameters']['path'] = action['parameters']['addition_path']
            action['parameters']['deep'] = True
            self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
        self._add_comma(lines, sl1, sl2, sc2 )
        StructureChanger.paste_structure(lines, sl2,  add, True)
        if not(sl2 < al1 or (sl2 == al1 and sl2 < ac1)):
            action['parameters']['path'] = action['parameters']['addition_path']
            action['parameters']['deep'] = True
            self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
        return True
コード例 #12
ファイル: transformator.py プロジェクト: jbrezmorf/flow123d
    def _move_key(self, root, lines, action):
        """Move key transformation"""
            parent1 = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['destination_path'])
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                "Destination path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') + ") already exist")
            parent1 = re.search(r'^(.*)/([^/]*)$', action['parameters']['source_path'])
            node1 = root.get_node_at_path(action['parameters']['source_path'])
            return False
            parent2 = re.search(r'^(.*)/([^/]*)$', action['parameters']['destination_path'])
            new_node = parent2.group(2)
            node2 = root.get_node_at_path(parent2.group(1))
            node_struct = []
            if action['parameters']['create_path'] and parent2 is not None:
                node_struct,new_path = StructureChanger.copy_absent_path(root, 
                    lines, parent2.group(1))
                if len(node_struct) == 0:
                    raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                        "Can't constract destination path (" + 
                        self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') + ")")
                    new_node = parent2.group(2)
                    parent2 = re.search(r'^(.*)/([^/]*)$', new_path + "/" + new_node)
                    node2 = root.get_node_at_path(parent2.group(1))                    
                    raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                        "Constracted path error(" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') +
                raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                    "Parent of destination path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') +
                    ") must exist")
        sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(node1)
        dl1, dc1, dl2, dc2 = StructureChanger.node_pos(node2)
        if parent1.group(1) == parent2.group(1) and len(node_struct) == 0 and \
            not action['parameters']['keep-source']:
            # rename
            i = node1.key.span.start.line-1
            lines[i] = re.sub(parent1.group(2) + r"\s*:", parent2.group(2) + ":", lines[i])
            return True
        if not action['parameters']['create_path']:
            # check only existing path
            if node2.implementation != DataNode.Implementation.mapping:
                raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                    "Parent of destination path (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') +
                    ") must be abstract record")
        if node1.parent is None:
            indentation1 = 0
            indentation1 = StructureChanger.get_indentation(lines, dl1) + 2

        sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2 = StructureChanger.add_comments(lines, sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2)
        add = StructureChanger.copy_structure(lines, sl1, sc1, sl2, sc2, indentation1)
        # rename key
        i = node1.key.span.start.line - sl1 - 1
        add[i] = re.sub(parent1.group(2) + r"\s*:", new_node + ":", add[i])        
        if action['parameters']['create_path'] and len(node_struct) > 0:
            add = StructureChanger.paste_absent_path(add, node_struct)        
        if sl1<dl1 and sl2>dl1:
            raise TransformationFileFormatError(
                "Destination block (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'destination_path') +
                ") and source block (" + self._get_paths_str(action, 'source_path') +
                " is overlapped")
        if sl1 < dl2 or action['parameters']['keep-source']:
            # source before dest, first copy
            indentation2 = re.search(r'^(\s*)(\S.*)$', lines[dl2])
            #if indentation2 == None:
            if not indentation2:
                non_space_size = 0
                non_space_size = len(indentation2.group(1))
            StructureChanger.paste_structure(lines, dl2, add, non_space_size < dc2)
            action['parameters']['path'] = action['parameters']['source_path']
            action['parameters']['deep'] = True
            if  not action['parameters']['keep-source']:
                self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
            # source after dest, first delete
            action['parameters']['path'] = action['parameters']['source_path']
            action['parameters']['deep'] = True
            indentation2 = re.search(r'^(\s*)(\S.*)$', lines[dl2])
            self._delete_key(root, lines, action)
            StructureChanger.paste_structure(lines, dl2, add, len(indentation2.group(1)) < dc2)        
        return True