def test_validation_required_log_output(): with run_agent(CONFIG) as [_, get_output, _]: assert wait_for(lambda: has_log_message( get_output(), "error", "Validation error in field 'port': required" )), "Didn't get validation error message"
def run_k8s_monitors_test( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-arguments,dangerous-default-value agent_image, minikube, monitors, observer=None, namespace="default", yamls=None, yamls_timeout=K8S_CREATE_TIMEOUT, expected_metrics=None, expected_dims=None, passwords=None, test_timeout=60, ): """ Wrapper function for K8S setup and tests within minikube for monitors. Setup includes starting the fake backend, creating K8S deployments, and smart agent configuration/deployment within minikube. Tests include waiting for at least one metric and/or dimension from the expected_metrics and expected_dims args, and checking for cleartext passwords in the output from the agent status and agent container logs. Required Args: agent_image (dict): Dict object from the agent_image fixture minikube (Minikube): Minkube object from the minikube fixture monitors (str, dict, or list of dict): YAML-based definition of monitor(s) for the smart agent agent.yaml Optional Args: observer (str): Observer for the smart agent agent.yaml (if None, the agent.yaml will not be configured for an observer) namespace (str): K8S namespace for the smart agent and deployments yamls (list of str): Path(s) to K8S deployment yamls to create yamls_timeout (int): Timeout in seconds to wait for the K8S deployments to be ready expected_metrics (set of str): Set of metric names to test for (if empty or None, metrics test will be skipped) expected_dims (set of str): Set of dimension keys to test for (if None, dimensions test will be skipped) passwords (list of str): Cleartext password(s) to test for in the output from the agent status and agent container logs test_timeout (int): Timeout in seconds to wait for metrics/dimensions """ if not yamls: yamls = [] if not expected_metrics: expected_metrics = set() if not expected_dims: expected_dims = set() if observer: expected_dims = expected_dims.union( get_observer_dims_from_selfdescribe(observer)) expected_dims = expected_dims.union({"kubernetes_cluster"}) if passwords is None: passwords = ["testing123"] with run_k8s_with_agent(agent_image, minikube, monitors, observer, namespace, yamls, yamls_timeout) as [ backend, agent, ]: assert wait_for( p(has_any_metric_or_dim, backend, expected_metrics, expected_dims), timeout_seconds=test_timeout ), ("timed out waiting for metrics in %s with any dimensions in %s!\n\n" "AGENT STATUS:\n%s\n\n" "AGENT CONTAINER LOGS:\n%s\n" % (expected_metrics, expected_dims, agent.get_status(), agent.get_container_logs())) agent_status = agent.get_status() container_logs = agent.get_container_logs() assert all([ p not in agent_status for p in passwords ]), ("cleartext password(s) found in agent-status output!\n\n%s\n" % agent_status) assert all([ p not in container_logs for p in passwords ]), ("cleartext password(s) found in agent container logs!\n\n%s\n" % container_logs)
def agent_image(minikube, registry, request, worker_id): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def teardown(): if temp_agent_name and temp_agent_tag: try: client.images.remove("%s:%s" % (temp_agent_name, temp_agent_tag)) except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except pass request.addfinalizer(teardown) sfx_agent_name = request.config.getoption("--k8s-sfx-agent") if sfx_agent_name: try: agent_image_name, agent_image_tag = sfx_agent_name.rsplit( ":", maxsplit=1) except ValueError: agent_image_name = sfx_agent_name agent_image_tag = "latest" else: agent_image_name = "signalfx-agent" agent_image_tag = "k8s-test" temp_agent_name = None temp_agent_tag = None client = get_docker_client() if worker_id in ("master", "gw0"): if sfx_agent_name and not has_docker_image(client, sfx_agent_name): print('\nAgent image "%s" not found in local registry.' % sfx_agent_name) print("Attempting to pull from remote registry to minikube ...") sfx_agent_image = minikube.pull_agent_image( agent_image_name, agent_image_tag) _, output = minikube.container.exec_run("docker images") print(output.decode("utf-8")) return { "name": agent_image_name, "tag": agent_image_tag, "id": } if sfx_agent_name: print('\nAgent image "%s" found in local registry.' % sfx_agent_name) sfx_agent_image = client.images.get(sfx_agent_name) else: print( '\nBuilding agent image from local source and tagging as "%s:%s" ...' % (agent_image_name, agent_image_tag)) "make image", shell=True, env={ "PULL_CACHE": "yes", "AGENT_IMAGE_NAME": agent_image_name, "AGENT_VERSION": agent_image_tag }, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True, ) sfx_agent_image = client.images.get(agent_image_name + ":" + agent_image_tag) temp_agent_name = "localhost:%d/signalfx-agent-dev" % registry["port"] temp_agent_tag = "latest" print("\nPushing agent image to minikube ...") sfx_agent_image.tag(temp_agent_name, tag=temp_agent_tag) client.images.push(temp_agent_name, tag=temp_agent_tag) sfx_agent_image = minikube.pull_agent_image(temp_agent_name, temp_agent_tag, sfx_agent_image.tag(agent_image_name, tag=agent_image_tag) _, output = minikube.container.exec_run("docker images") print(output.decode("utf-8")) else: print("\nWaiting for agent image to be built/pulled to minikube ...") assert wait_for( p(has_docker_image, minikube.client, agent_image_name, agent_image_tag), timeout_seconds=600, interval_seconds=2, ), 'timed out waiting for agent image "%s:%s"!' % (agent_image_name, agent_image_tag) sfx_agent_image = minikube.client.images.get(agent_image_name + ":" + agent_image_tag) return { "name": agent_image_name, "tag": agent_image_tag, "id": }
def test_negated_filtering(): with run_agent(NEGATIVE_FILTERING_CONFIG) as [backend, _, _]: assert wait_for( lambda: has_datapoint_with_metric_name(backend, "memory.used")) assert ensure_always( lambda: not has_datapoint_with_metric_name(backend, "uptime"), 10)
def test_resource_quota_metrics(agent_image, minikube, k8s_namespace): monitors = [{ "type": "kubernetes-cluster", "kubernetesAPI": { "authType": "serviceAccount" } }] with run_k8s_with_agent( agent_image, minikube, monitors, namespace=k8s_namespace, yamls=[ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "resource_quota.yaml") ], ) as [backend, _]: assert wait_for( p( has_datapoint, backend, metric_name="kubernetes.resource_quota_hard", dimensions={ "quota_name": "object-quota-demo", "resource": "requests.cpu" }, value=100_000, )) assert wait_for( p( has_datapoint, backend, metric_name="kubernetes.resource_quota_hard", dimensions={ "quota_name": "object-quota-demo", "resource": "persistentvolumeclaims" }, value=4, )) assert wait_for( p( has_datapoint, backend, metric_name="kubernetes.resource_quota_used", dimensions={ "quota_name": "object-quota-demo", "resource": "persistentvolumeclaims" }, value=0, )) assert wait_for( p( has_datapoint, backend, metric_name="kubernetes.resource_quota_hard", dimensions={ "quota_name": "object-quota-demo", "resource": "services.loadbalancers" }, value=2, ))
def test_internal_metrics(): with run_agent(CONFIG) as [backend, _, _]: assert wait_for( p(has_datapoint_with_metric_name, backend, "sfxagent.datapoints_sent") ), "Didn't get internal metric datapoints"
def test_vault_renewable_secret_refresh(): """ Use the Mongo database secret engine to get renewable Mongo credentials to use in the Mongo collectd plugin. Make sure the secret gets renewed as expected. """ with run_container("mongo:3.6") as mongo_cont, run_vault() as [vault_client, get_audit_events]: assert wait_for(p(tcp_socket_open, container_ip(mongo_cont), 27017), 30), "mongo service didn't start" vault_client.sys.enable_secrets_engine(backend_type="database") vault_client.write( "database/config/my-mongodb-database", plugin_name="mongodb-database-plugin", allowed_roles="my-role", connection_url=f"mongodb://{container_ip(mongo_cont)}:27017/admin", username="******", password="", ) vault_client.write( "database/roles/my-role", db_name="my-mongodb-database", creation_statements='{ "db": "admin", "roles": [{ "role": "readWrite" }, {"role": "read", "db": "foo"}] }', default_ttl="13s", max_ttl="24h", ) with run_agent( dedent( f""" intervalSeconds: 1 configSources: vault: vaultToken: {vault_client.token} vaultAddr: {vault_client.url} monitors: - type: collectd/mongodb host: {container_ip(mongo_cont)} port: 27017 databases: - admin username: {{"#from": "vault:database/creds/my-role[username]"}} password: {{"#from": "vault:database/creds/my-role[password]"}} metricsToExclude: - metricName: "!gauge.objects" """ ) ) as [backend, _, _]: assert wait_for(p(has_datapoint, backend, dimensions={"plugin": "mongo"})) assert audit_read_paths(get_audit_events()) == ["database/creds/my-role"], "expected one read" time.sleep(10) assert audit_read_paths(get_audit_events()) == ["database/creds/my-role"], "expected still one read" renewals = audit_secret_renewals(get_audit_events()) # The secret gets renewed immediately by the renewer and then again # within its lease duration period. assert len(renewals) == 2, "expected two renewal ops" for ren in renewals: assert "database/creds/my-role" in ren, "expected renewal of right secret" backend.datapoints.clear() assert wait_for(p(has_datapoint, backend, dimensions={"plugin": "mongo"})), "plugin lost access to mongo"