コード例 #1
class Reddit(RedditObject):
    """A class for a reddit session."""

    _friend = _modify_relationship("friend")
    _friend.__doc__ = "Friend the target user."
    _friend.__name__ = "_friend"

    _unfriend = _modify_relationship("friend", unlink=True)
    _unfriend.__doc__ = "Unfriend the target user."
    _unfriend.__name__ = "_unfriend"

    def __init__(self, user_agent):
        """Specify the user agent for the application."""
        if not isinstance(user_agent, str):
            raise TypeError("User agent must be a string.")
        self.DEFAULT_HEADERS["User-agent"] = user_agent

        _cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
        self._opener = urllib2.build_opener(

        self.modhash = self.user = None

    def __str__(self):
        return "Open Session (%s)" % (self.user or "Unauthenticated")

    def _request(self, page_url, params=None, url_data=None):
        """Given a page url and a dict of params, opens and returns the page.

        :param page_url: the url to grab content from.
        :param params: the extra url data to submit
        :param url_data: the GET data to put in the url
        :returns: the open page
        return _request(self, page_url, params, url_data, self._opener)

    def _request_json(self,
        """Gets the JSON processed from a page. Takes the same parameters as
        the _request method, plus a param to control whether objects are

        :param page_url
        :param params
        :param url_data
        :param as_objects: Whether to return constructed Reddit objects or the
        raw json dict.
        :returns: JSON processed page
        if not page_url.endswith(".json"):
            page_url += ".json"
        response = self._request(page_url, params, url_data)
        if as_objects:
            hook = self._json_reddit_objecter
            hook = None
        return json.loads(response, object_hook=hook)

    def _json_reddit_objecter(self, json_data):
        Object hook to be used with json.load(s) to spit out RedditObjects
        while decoding.
        # TODO: This can be nicer. CONTENT_KINDS dict.
        kinds = dict((content.kind, content)
                     for content in (Comment, MoreComments, Redditor,
                                     Subreddit, Submission))
            kind = kinds[json_data["kind"]]
        except KeyError:
            if 'json' in json_data:
                if len(json_data) == 1:
                    return json_data['json']
                    warnings.warn('Unknown object type: %s' % json_data)
            return kind.from_api_response(self, json_data["data"])
        return json_data

    def content_id(self):
        For most purposes, we can stretch things a bit and just make believe
        this object is the user (and return it's content_id instead of none.)
        return self.user.content_id

    def _get_content(self,
        """A generator method to return Reddit content from a URL. Starts at
        the initial page_url, and fetches content using the `after` JSON data
        until `limit` entries have been fetched, or the `place_holder` has been

        :param page_url: the url to start fetching content from
        :param limit: the maximum number of content entries to fetch. if None,
            then fetch unlimited entries--this would be used in conjunction
            with the place_holder param.
        :param url_data: extra GET data to put in the url
        :param place_holder: if not None, the method will fetch `limit`
            content, stopping if it finds content with `id` equal to
        :param data_field: indicates the field in the json response that holds
            the data. Most objects use 'data', however some (flairlist) don't
            have the 'data' object. Use None for the root object.
        :param thing_field: indicates the field under the data_field which
            contains the list of things. Most objects use 'children'.
        :param after_field: indicates the field which holds the after item
        :type place_holder: a string corresponding to a Reddit content id, e.g.
        :returns: a list of Reddit content, of type Subreddit, Comment,
            Submission or user flair.
        content_found = 0

        if url_data is None:
            url_data = {}
        if limit is not None:
            limit = int(limit)
            fetch_all = False
            fetch_all = True

        # While we still need to fetch more content to reach our limit, do so.
        while fetch_all or content_found < limit:
            page_data = self._request_json(page_url, url_data=url_data)
            if root_field:
                root = page_data[root_field]
                root = page_data
            for thing in root[thing_field]:
                yield thing
                content_found += 1
                # Terminate when we reached the limit, or place holder
                if (content_found == limit
                        or place_holder and thing.id == place_holder):
            # Set/update the 'after' parameter for the next iteration
            if after_field in root and root[after_field]:
                url_data['after'] = root[after_field]

    def get_redditor(self, user_name, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a Redditor class for the user_name specified."""
        return Redditor(self, user_name, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_subreddit(self, subreddit_name, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a Subreddit class for the subreddit_name specified."""
        return Subreddit(self, subreddit_name, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_submission(self, id=None, url=None):
        """Return a submission object for either the given id or url."""
        if bool(id) == bool(url):
            raise TypeError("One (and only one) of id or url is required!")
        if id:
            if id.startswith('%s_' % Submission.kind):
                id = id.split('_')[1]
            url = urljoin(urls['comments'], id)
        submission_info, comment_info = self._request_json(url)
        submission = submission_info['data']['children'][0]
        submission.comments = comment_info['data']['children']
        return submission

    def login(self, user=None, password=None):
        """Login to Reddit. If no user or password is provided, the user will
        be prompted with raw_input and getpass.getpass.
        # Prompt user for necessary fields.
        if user is None:
            user = raw_input("Username: "******"Password: "******"login"] % user, params)
        self.modhash = response['data']['modhash']
        self.user = self.get_redditor(user)
        self.user.__class__ = LoggedInRedditor

    def logout(self):
        """Logs out of a session."""
        self.modhash = self.user = None
        params = {"uh": self.modhash}
        return self._request_json(urls["logout"], params)

    def _subscribe(self, subreddit_id, unsubscribe=False):
        """If logged in, subscribe to the specified subreddit_id."""
        action = "unsub" if unsubscribe else "sub"
        params = {
            'sr': subreddit_id,
            'action': action,
            'uh': self.modhash,
            'api_type': 'json'
        ret = self._request_json(urls["subscribe"], params)
        return 'errors' in ret and len(ret['errors']) == 0

    def _add_comment(self, content_id, text):
        """Comment on the given content_id with the given text."""
        params = {
            'thing_id': content_id,
            'text': text,
            'uh': self.modhash,
            'api_type': 'json'
        ret = self._request_json(urls["comment"], params)
        return 'errors' in ret and len(ret['errors']) == 0

    def _mark_as_read(self, content_ids):
        """ Marks each of the supplied content_ids (comments) as read """
        params = {'id': ','.join(map(str, content_ids)), 'uh': self.modhash}
        self._request_json(urls["read_message"], params)

    def get_front_page(self, limit=DEFAULT_CONTENT_LIMIT):
        """Return the reddit front page. Login isn't required, but you'll only
        see your own front page if you are logged in."""
        return self._get_content(urls["reddit_url"], limit=limit)

    def get_saved_links(self, limit=DEFAULT_CONTENT_LIMIT):
        """Return a listing of the logged-in user's saved links."""
        return self._get_content(urls["saved"], limit=limit)

    def get_all_comments(self, limit=DEFAULT_CONTENT_LIMIT, place_holder=None):
        """Returns a listing from reddit.com/comments (which provides all of
        the most recent comments from all users to all submissions)."""
        return self._get_content(urls["comments"],

    def info(self, url=None, id=None, limit=DEFAULT_CONTENT_LIMIT):
        Query the API to see if the given URL has been submitted already, and
        if it has, return the submissions.

        One and only one out of url (a url string) and id (a reddit url id) is
        if bool(url) == bool(id):
            raise TypeError("One (and only one) of url or id is required!")
        if url is not None:
            params = {"url": url}
            if (url.startswith(urls["reddit_url"])
                    and url != urls["reddit_url"]):
                    "It looks like you may be trying to get the info"
                    " of a self or internal link. This probably "
                    "won't return any useful results!", UserWarning)
            params = {"id": id}
        return self._get_content(urls["info"], url_data=params, limit=limit)

    def send_feedback(self, name, email, message, reason="feedback"):
        Send feedback to the admins. Please don't abuse this, read what it says
        on the send feedback page!
        params = {
            "name": name,
            "email": email,
            "reason": reason,
            "text": message
        return self._request_json(urls["send_feedback"], params)

    def compose_message(self, recipient, subject, message, captcha=None):
        """Send a message to another redditor."""
        params = {
            "text": message,
            "subject": subject,
            "to": str(recipient),
            "uh": self.modhash,
            "user": self.user.name,
            "api_type": "json"
        if captcha:
        return self._request_json(urls["compose_message"], params)

    def search_reddit_names(self, query):
        """Search the subreddits for a reddit whose name matches the query."""
        params = {"query": query}
        results = self._request_json(urls["search_reddit_names"], params)
        return [self.get_subreddit(name) for name in results["names"]]

    def submit(self, subreddit, title, text=None, url=None, captcha=None):
        Submit a new link.

        Accepts either a Subreddit object or a str containing the subreddit
        if bool(text) == bool(url):
            raise TypeError("One (and only one) of text or url is required!")
        params = {
            "sr": str(subreddit),
            "title": title,
            "uh": self.modhash,
            "api_type": "json"
        if text:
            params["kind"] = "self"
            params["text"] = text
            params["kind"] = "link"
            params["url"] = url
            params["r"] = str(subreddit)
        if captcha:
        ret = self._request_json(urls['submit'], params)
        return 'errors' in ret and len(ret['errors']) == 0

    def create_subreddit(self,
                         language="English [en]",
        """Create a new subreddit"""
        # TODO: Implement the rest of the options.
        params = {
            "name": short_title,
            "title": full_title,
            "type": type,
            "uh": self.reddit_session.modhash
        return self._request_json(urls["create"], params)

    def create_redditor(self, user_name, password, email):
        """Register a new user."""
        params = {
            "email": email,
            "op": "reg",
            "passwd": password,
            "passwd2": password,
            "user": user_name
        return self._request_json(urls["register"], params)

    def flair_list(self, subreddit):
        """Get flair list for a subreddit.

        Returns a tuple containing 'user', 'flair_text', and 'flair_css_class'.
        params = {'uh': self.user.modhash}
        return self._get_content(urls['flairlist'] % str(subreddit),

    def set_flair(self, subreddit, user, text='', css_class=''):
        """Set flair of user in given subreddit."""
        params = {
            'r': str(subreddit),
            'name': str(user),
            'text': text,
            'css_class': css_class,
            'uh': self.user.modhash,
            'api_type': 'json'
        return self._request_json(urls['flair'], params)

    def set_flair_csv(self, subreddit, flair_mapping):
        """Set flair for a group of users all at once.

        flair_mapping should be a list of dictionaries with the following keys:
                       user: the user name
                 flair_text: the flair text for the user (optional)
            flair_css_class: the flair css class for the user (optional)
        if not flair_mapping:
            raise ClientException('flair_mapping cannot be empty')
        item_order = ['user', 'flair_text', 'flair_css_class']
        lines = []
        for mapping in flair_mapping:
            if 'user' not in mapping:
                raise ClientException('mapping must contain "user" key')
            lines.append(','.join([mapping.get(x, '') for x in item_order]))
        params = {
            'r': str(subreddit),
            'flair_csv': '\n'.join(lines),
            'uh': self.user.modhash,
            'api_type': 'json'
        return self._request_json(urls['flaircsv'], params)
コード例 #2
ファイル: objects.py プロジェクト: Falmarri/reddit-plasmoid
 def friend(self):
     """Friend the user."""
     return _modify_relationship('friend')(self.reddit_session.user, self)
コード例 #3
ファイル: objects.py プロジェクト: Falmarri/reddit-plasmoid
 def unfriend(self):
     """Unfriend the user."""
     return _modify_relationship('friend', unlink=True)(
         self.reddit_session.user, self)
コード例 #4
class Subreddit(RedditContentObject):
    """A class for Subreddits."""

    kind = "t5"

    ban = _modify_relationship("banned")
    make_contributor = _modify_relationship("contributor")
    make_moderator = _modify_relationship("moderator")

    unban = _modify_relationship("banned", unlink=True)
    remove_contributor = _modify_relationship("contributor", unlink=True)
    remove_moderator = _modify_relationship("moderator", unlink=True)

    ban.__doc__ = "Ban the target user."
    make_contributor.__doc__ = \
       "Make the target user a contributor in the given subreddit."
    make_moderator.__doc__ = \
       "Make the target user a moderator in the given subreddit."

    unban.__doc__ = "Unban the target user."
    remove_contributor.__doc__ = \
       "Remove the target user from contributor status in the given subreddit."
    remove_moderator.__doc__ = \
       "Revoke the target user's moderator privileges in the given subreddit."

    get_hot = _get_sorter("")
    get_controversial = _get_sorter("controversial", time="day")
    get_new = _get_sorter("new", sort="rising")
    get_top = _get_sorter("top", time="day")
    get_new_by_date = _get_sorter("new", sort="new")
    get_new_by_date.__doc__ = \
        "Fetch new stories by submission date, rather than by 'rising'"

    def __init__(self,
        info_url = urls["subreddit_about_page"] % subreddit_name
        super(Subreddit, self).__init__(reddit_session, subreddit_name,
                                        json_dict, fetch, info_url)
        self.display_name = subreddit_name
        self._url = urls["subreddit_page"] % subreddit_name

    def __str__(self):
        """Display the subreddit name."""
        return self.display_name.encode("utf8")

    def flair_list(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of flair for this subreddit."""
        return self.reddit_session.flair_list(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def set_flair(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set flair for a particular user."""
        return self.reddit_session.set_flair(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def set_flair_csv(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set flair for a group of users all at once."""
        return self.reddit_session.set_flair_csv(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def submit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Submit a new link."""
        return self.reddit_session.submit(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def subscribe(self):
        """If logged in, subscribe to the given subreddit."""
        return self.reddit_session._subscribe(self.name)

    def unsubscribe(self):
        """If logged in, unsubscribe from the given subreddit."""
        return self.reddit_session._subscribe(self.name, unsubscribe=True)