コード例 #1
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testCreateTabledef(self):
   """Checks if our TestModel can be converted 
      into a valid SQL table."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   cursor = self.connection.cursor()
     "INSERT INTO TestModel(string_text,int64_number) "
     "VALUES ('test', 13)")
コード例 #2
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testQueryOnNonExistentColumn(self):
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model = TestModel(text='t1', number=13)
   data = TestModel.gql(
       'WHERE text2=:1 and number=:2 order by text desc', 
       't1', 13).fetch(5)
   self.assertEquals(0, len(data))
コード例 #3
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testGetOrInsert(self):
   """tests if get_or_insert works correctly"""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model1 = TestModel(number=1)
   model2 = TestModel.get_or_insert('foo', number=13, text='t')
   self.assertEquals(13, model2.number)
   fetched = TestModel.get_by_key_name('foo')
   self.assertEquals(13, fetched.number)
コード例 #4
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testTypeChange(self):
   """Tests what happens if a field changes its type."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   class Mutation(db.Model):
     def kind(cls):
       return 'TestModel'
     text = db.IntegerProperty(default=42)
   model = Mutation(text=23)
コード例 #5
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testAddedField(self):
   """Tests what happens if a field gets added to a model."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   class Mutation(TestModel):
     def kind(cls):
       return 'TestModel'
     text2 = db.StringProperty(default='some more text')
   model = Mutation(text='Text 1', text2='Text 2')
コード例 #6
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testSimpleQuery(self):
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model = TestModel(text='t1', number=13)
   data = TestModel.gql(
       'WHERE text=:1 and number=:2 order by text desc', 
       't1', 13).fetch(5)
   self.assertEquals(1, len(data))
   self.assertEquals('t1', data[0].text)
   self.assertEquals(13, data[0].number)
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: logyball/wisconsin-benchmark
def init_database(conn):
    Passing in a connection, initialize the database with
    somewhat randomized data.

        - conn - postgres connection object
    schema = input("Input a schema name to be created: ")
    create_schema(conn, schema)
    create_tables(conn, schema)
    generate_data(conn, schema)
コード例 #8
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testGetSingleElementByCustomKey(self):
   """Gets a single model from the datastore with a string key."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model1 = TestModel(number=1)
   model2 = TestModel(key_name='custom', number=2, text='#2')
   model3 = TestModel(number=3)
   key1 = model1.put()
   key2 = model2.put()
   key3 = model3.put()
   fetched = TestModel.get_by_key_name('custom')
   self.assertEquals(2, fetched.number)
   self.assertEquals('#2', fetched.text)
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: terryyylim/github-commits-etl
def main(organization: str, repository: str, start_date: str,
         end_date: str) -> None:
    end_date takes in additional timedelta(hours = 24), since we're interested in end_date's results as well (inclusively).
    if start_date > end_date:
        raise ValueError("Start date needs to be earlier than End date")

    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    commits_info, authors_info = get_data(organization, repository, start_date,

    # Connect to Postgres
    conn = psycopg2.connect(
        "host={} dbname={} user={} password={} port={}".format(
    cur = conn.cursor()

    drop_tables(cur, conn)
    create_tables(cur, conn)

    print(f"Commits count: {len(commits_info)}")
    insert_to_table(cur, conn, authors_table_insert,
                    authors_info)  # type: ignore
    insert_to_table(cur, conn, commits_table_insert,
                    commits_info)  # type: ignore

    insight_1_results = generate_insight(cur, conn, insight_1_query)
    print(f'Insight 1 (Top 3 Authors):\n \
        1st: {insight_1_results[0][1]}({insight_1_results[0][0]}) -> {insight_1_results[0][2]} commits\n \
        2nd: {insight_1_results[1][1]}({insight_1_results[1][0]}) -> {insight_1_results[1][2]} commits\n \
        3rd: {insight_1_results[2][1]}({insight_1_results[2][0]}) -> {insight_1_results[2][2]} commits\n'

    insight_2_results = generate_insight(cur, conn, insight_2_query)
    print(f'Insight 2 (Author with longest contribution window):\n \
        {insight_2_results[0][0]} -> {insight_2_results[0][1]} hours\n')

    insight_3_results = generate_insight(cur, conn, insight_3_query)
    insight_3_temp_df = pd.DataFrame(insight_3_results, columns=['date'])
        f'Insight 3 (Heatmap of Github commits): Heatmap image generate to /output directory.'

    insight_3_df = get_insight_3_df(insight_3_temp_df)
    insight_3_df_pivot = insight_3_df.pivot("day", "time_interval",

    # Generate heatmap
    generate_heatmap(insight_3_df_pivot, organization, repository)
コード例 #10
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testGetSchema(self):
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   prm = datastore_sqlite_stub.PRMHelper(None, None)
   schema = prm.getSchema(self.connection, 'TestModel')
   assert schema
       'text': ['string_text'],
       'float': ['double_float'],
       'cond1': ['boolean_cond1'],
       'cond2': ['boolean_cond2'],
       'number': ['int64_number']}, schema)
   no_schema = prm.getSchema(self.connection, 'No_Model')
   assert no_schema is None
コード例 #11
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testGetMultipleElements(self):
   """Gets a several models from the datastore."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model1 = TestModel(number=1)
   model2 = TestModel(number=2)
   model3 = TestModel(number=3)
   key1 = model1.put()
   key2 = model2.put()
   key3 = model3.put()
   fetched = TestModel.get([key2, key1])
   self.assertEquals(2, len(fetched))
   self.assertEquals(2, fetched[0].number)
   self.assertEquals(1, fetched[1].number)
コード例 #12
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testWriteDouble(self):
   """Writes a value into the database twice."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model = TestModel()    
   key = model.put()
   id = key._Key__reference.path().element_list()[-1].id()    
   key = model.put()
   id2 = key._Key__reference.path().element_list()[-1].id()
   self.assertEquals(id, id2)
   cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TestModel WHERE pk_int=%s' % id)
   result = cursor.fetchone()
   self.assertEquals(1, result[0])
コード例 #13
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testGetSingleElement(self):
   """Gets a single model from the datastore."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model1 = TestModel(number=1)
   model2 = TestModel(number=2, text='#2')
   model3 = TestModel(number=3)
   key1 = model1.put()
   key2 = model2.put()
   key3 = model3.put()
   fetched = TestModel.get(key2)
   self.assertEquals(2, fetched.number)
   self.assertEquals('#2', fetched.text)
   self.assertEquals(3.14, fetched.float)
   self.assertEquals(True, fetched.cond1)
   self.assertEquals(False, fetched.cond2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: unittests.py プロジェクト: niranjansd/gae-sqlite
 def testWriteSingle(self):
   """Writes a single model to the database retrieves it."""
   helpers.create_tables([TestModel()], self.connection)
   model = TestModel()    
   key = model.put()
   id = key._Key__reference.path().element_list()[-1].id()    
   cursor = self.connection.cursor()
       'SELECT string_text, int64_number, double_float, '
       'boolean_cond1, boolean_cond2  FROM TestModel '
       'WHERE pk_int=%s' % id)
   result = cursor.fetchone()
   self.assertEquals('some text', result[0])
   self.assertEquals(42, result[1])
   self.assertEquals(3.14, result[2])
   self.assertEquals(1, result[3])
   self.assertEquals(0, result[4])
コード例 #15
if not os.getenv("DATABASE_URL"):
    raise RuntimeError("DATABASE_URL is not set")

# Configure session to use filesystem
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')
app.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False
app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"
app.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False

# Set up database connection
engine = create_engine(os.getenv("DATABASE_URL"), 
                       connect_args={"application_name": "application.py", "sslmode":"require"})
db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

# Create tables if not exists

# NOTE: Run import.py to populate books table
# TODO: Add timestamp column to reviews table
# TODO: Optional: Handle search routing with query parameters

# Routing

@app.route("/api/<string:isbn>", methods=["GET"])
def isbn(isbn):

    # Select book from database
    book_statement = text("SELECT isbn, title, author, year FROM books WHERE isbn = :isbn")
    book_statement = book_statement.bindparams(isbn=isbn)

    # Assume that ISBN is unique
コード例 #16
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: h3dw4rd0/adnow
 def setUp(self):