コード例 #1
ファイル: bingRewards.py プロジェクト: dniel85/Bing-Bot
    def getRewardsPoints(self):
        Returns rewards points as int
# report activity
        postFields = urllib.urlencode( { "url" : bingCommon.BING_URL, "V" : "web" } )
        url = "http://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/reportActivity"
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        if len(page) == 0:
            raise Exception("Rewards points page is empty. That could mean you are not signed up for rewards with this account")

         # There are instances where the account appears to be signed in, but really is not
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "You are not signed", "Temporary account ban: User was not successfully signed in.\n")

# parse activity page
        s = page.index("t.innerHTML='")
        s += len("t.innerHTML='")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        rewardsText = page[s:e]
        if rewardsText == 'Rewards': # The account is banned
            raise helpers.BingAccountError("Banned from BingRewards: Could not get the number of rewards.")
            return int(rewardsText)
コード例 #2
    def getRewardsPoints(self):
        Returns rewards points as int
# report activity
        postFields = urllib.urlencode( { "url" : bingCommon.BING_URL, "V" : "web" } )
        url = "http://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/reportActivity"
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        if len(page) == 0:
            raise Exception("Rewards points page is empty. That could mean you are not signed up for rewards with this account")

         # There are instances where the account appears to be signed in, but really is not
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "You are not signed", "Temporary account ban: User was not successfully signed in.\n")

# parse activity page
        s = page.index("t.innerHTML='")
        s += len("t.innerHTML='")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        rewardsText = page[s:e]
        if rewardsText == 'Rewards': # The account is banned
            raise helpers.BingAccountError("Banned from BingRewards: Could not get the number of rewards.")
            return int(rewardsText)
コード例 #3
    def getLifetimeCredits(self):
        Returns http://www.bing.com/rewards/dashboard Lifetime Credits
        The number of credits earned since day one of the account
        url = "http://www.bing.com/rewards/dashboard"
        request = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# parse dashboard page
        s = page.find('<div class="credits-right')
        d = page.find('<span class="credits-right')

        # There are instances where the account appears to be signed in, but really is not
            page, "You are not signed",
            "Temporary account ban: User was not successfully signed in.\n")

        if s != -1:
            s += len('<div class="credits-right')
            s = page.index('<div class="credits', s)
            s += len('<div class="credits')

        elif d != -1:
            d += len('<span class="credits-right')
            d = page.index('<div class="credits', d)
            d += len('<div class="credits')
            s = d

            s = page.index('<div class="data-lifetime')
            s += len('<div class="data-lifetime')
            s = page.index('<div class="data-value-text', s)
            s += len('<div class="data-value-text')

        s = page.index(">", s) + 1
        e = page.index('</div>', s)

        result = int(page[s:e])
        return result
コード例 #4
    def getLifetimeCredits(self):
        Returns http://www.bing.com/rewards/dashboard Lifetime Credits
        The number of credits earned since day one of the account
        url = "http://www.bing.com/rewards/dashboard"
        request = urllib2.Request(url = url, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# parse dashboard page
        s = page.find('<div class="credits-right')
        d = page.find('<span class="credits-right')

        # There are instances where the account appears to be signed in, but really is not
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "You are not signed", "Temporary account ban: User was not successfully signed in.\n")

        if s != -1:
            s += len('<div class="credits-right')
            s = page.index('<div class="credits', s)
            s += len('<div class="credits')

        elif d != -1:
            d += len('<span class="credits-right')
            d = page.index('<div class="credits', d)
            d += len('<div class="credits')
            s = d

            s = page.index('<div class="data-lifetime')
            s += len('<div class="data-lifetime')
            s = page.index('<div class="data-value-text', s)
            s += len('<div class="data-value-text')

        s = page.index(">", s) + 1
        e = page.index('</div>', s)

        result = int(page[s:e])
        return result
コード例 #5
ファイル: configtest.py プロジェクト: sygfk/bingreward
    def test_errorontext(self):
        test exception from helper's errorOnText
        err = 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password'

        # not found so no assertion
        output = helpers.errorOnText("", 'That password is incorrect.', err)

        # should raise if it sees an assertion
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(helpers.BingAccountError, "Invalid", helpers.errorOnText, 'That password is incorrect.',
                                'That password is incorrect.', err)
コード例 #6
ファイル: bingAuth.py プロジェクト: Identity404/BingRewards
    def __authenticateLive(self, login, password):
        Authenticates a user on bing.com with his/her Live account.

        throws AuthenticationError if authentication can not be passed
        throws urllib2.HTTPError if the server couldn't fulfill the request
        throws urllib2.URLError if failed to reach the server
#        print "Requesting bing.com"

# request http://www.bing.com
        request = urllib2.Request(url = bingCommon.BING_URL, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get connection URL for provider Live
        s = page.index('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        s += len('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        e = page.index('"', s)

        url = BingAuth._escapeString(page[s:e])

        request = urllib2.Request(url = url, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
# get Facebook authenctication form action url
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get PPFT parameter
        s = page.index("sFTTag")
        s = page.index('value="', s)
        s += len('value="')
        e = page.index('"', s)
        PPFT = page[s:e]

# get PPSX parameter
        ppsxParam = ""
        if ",M:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",M:"
        elif ",g:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",g:"
        elif ",j:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",j:"
            ppsxParam = ",d:"
        s = page.index(ppsxParam)
        s += len(ppsxParam)
        e = page.index(",", s)
        PPSX = page[s:e]
        if PPSX[0] == "'":
            PPSX = PPSX[1:-1]

# generate ClientLoginTime
        clt = 20000 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))

# generate RenderCompleteTime
        renderTime = 130 + int(random.uniform(0, 100))

# generate ResourcesCompleteTime
        resourcesTime = renderTime + int(random.uniform(2, 5))

# generate ResourcesCompleteTime
        PLT = 870 + int(random.uniform(0, 250))

# get url to post data to
        s = page.index(",urlPost:'")
        s += len(",urlPost:'")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        url = page[s:e]

        postFields = urllib.urlencode({
            "login"         : login,
            "passwd"        : password,
            "SI"            : "Sign in",
            "type"          : "11",
            "PPFT"          : PPFT,
            "PPSX"          : str(PPSX),
            "idsbho"        : "1",
            "LoginOptions"  : "3",
            "NewUser"       : "1",
            "i1"            : "0",                  # ClientUserSaved
            "i2"            : "1",                  # ClientMode
            "i3"            : str(clt),             # ClientLoginTime
            "i4"            : "0",                  # ClientExplore
            "i7"            : "0",                  # ClientOTPRequest
            "i12"           : "1",                  # LoginUsedSSL
            "i13"           : "0",                  # ClientUsedKMSI
            "i14"           : str(renderTime),      # RenderCompleteTime
            "i15"           : str(resourcesTime),   # RenderCompleteTime
            "i16"           : str(PLT),             # PLT
            "i17"           : "0",                  # SRSFailed
            "i18"           : "__Login_Strings|1,__Login_Core|1," # SRSSuccess

        # get Passport page

        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        # Checking for bad usernames and password
        helpers.errorOnText(page, 'That password is incorrect.', 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password')
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "That Microsoft account doesn\\'t exist", 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid username')
        # check if there is a new terms of use
        helpers.errorOnText(page, '//account.live.com/tou/accrue', 'Please log in (log out first if necessary) through a browser and accept the Terms Of Use')

        # get auth form url and contents
        authForm = re.search(r"<form.+action=\"([^\"]+)\".*?>(.+)?</form>", page)
        if authForm == None:
            filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(page)
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find login form:\ncheck " + filename + " file for more information")

        parser = HTMLFormInputsParser()
        postFields = urllib.urlencode(parser.inputs)

# finish passing authentication

        url = authForm.group(1)
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Origin", "https://login.live.com")

        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        url = bingCommon.BING_URL
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", authForm.group(1))
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            url = response.geturl()

# if that's not bingCommon.BING_URL => authentication wasn't pass => write the page to the file and report
            if url.find(bingCommon.BING_URL) == -1:
                    filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(helpers.getResponseBody(response))
                    s = "check " + filename + " file for more information"
                except IOError:
                    s = "no further information could be provided - failed to write a file into " + \
                        helpers.RESULTS_DIR + " subfolder"
                raise AuthenticationError("Authentication has not been passed:\n" + s)
コード例 #7
ファイル: bingAuth.py プロジェクト: wipedout/BingRewards
    def __authenticateLive(self, login, password):
        Authenticates a user on bing.com with his/her Live account.

        throws AuthenticationError if authentication can not be passed
        throws urllib2.HTTPError if the server couldn't fulfill the request
        throws urllib2.URLError if failed to reach the server
        #        print "Requesting bing.com"

        # request http://www.bing.com
        request = urllib2.Request(url=bingCommon.BING_URL,
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get connection URL for provider Live
        s = page.index('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        s += len('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        e = page.index('"', s)

        url = BingAuth._escapeString(page[s:e])

        request = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            # get Facebook authenctication form action url
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get PPFT parameter
        s = page.index("sFTTag")
        s = page.index('value="', s)
        s += len('value="')
        e = page.index('"', s)
        PPFT = page[s:e]

        # get PPSX parameter
        ppsxSearch = self.ppsxValue.search(page)
        if ppsxSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError(
                "Could not find variable 't' on Live login page")
        PPSX = ppsxSearch.group(1)

        # generate ClientLoginTime
        clt = 20000 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))

        # get url to post data to
        s = page.index(",urlPost:'")
        s += len(",urlPost:'")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        url = page[s:e]

        timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        # TODO: randomize times a bit?
        i16 = json.dumps({
            "navigationStart": timestamp,
            "unloadEventStart": timestamp + 209,
            "unloadEventEnd": timestamp + 210,
            "redirectStart": 0,
            "redirectEnd": 0,
            "fetchStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "connectStart": timestamp + 130,
            "connectEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "secureConnectionStart": timestamp + 210,
            "requestStart": timestamp + 183,
            "responseStart": timestamp + 205,
            "responseEnd": timestamp + 205,
            "domLoading": timestamp + 208,
            "domInteractive": timestamp + 406,
            "domContentLoadedEventStart": timestamp + 420,
            "domContentLoadedEventEnd": timestamp + 420,
            "domComplete": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventStart": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventEnd": 0

        postFields = urllib.urlencode({
            "1",  # ClientMode
            "0",  # ClientUsedKMSI
            str(clt),  # ClientLoginTime
            "0",  # SRSFailed
            "__DefaultLogin_Strings|1,__DefaultLogin_Core|1,"  # SRSSuccess

        # get Passport page

        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        # Checking for bad usernames and password
            page, 'That password is incorrect.',
            'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password')
            page, "That Microsoft account doesn\\'t exist",
            'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid username')
        # check if there is a new terms of use
            page, '//account.live.com/tou/accrue',
            'Please log in (log out first if necessary) through a browser and accept the Terms Of Use'

        contSubmitUrl = self.formAction.search(page)
        if contSubmitUrl == None:
            raise AuthenticationError(
                "Could not find form action for continue page")
        url = contSubmitUrl.group(1)

        # get all form inputs
        formFields = self.inputNameValue.findall(page)
        postFields = {}
        for field in formFields:
            postFields[field[0]] = field[1]
        postFields = urllib.urlencode(postFields)

        # submit continue page
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        request = urllib2.Request(url=bingCommon.BING_URL,
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()

            # if that's not bingCommon.BING_URL => authentication wasn't pass => write the page to the file and report
            if referer.find(bingCommon.BING_URL) == -1:
                    filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(
                    s = "check " + filename + " file for more information"
                except IOError:
                    s = "no further information could be provided - failed to write a file into " + \
                        helpers.RESULTS_DIR + " subfolder"
                raise AuthenticationError(
                    "Authentication has not been passed:\n" + s)
コード例 #8
ファイル: bingAuth.py プロジェクト: JustinOhms/BingRewards
    def __authenticateLive(self, login, password):
        Authenticates a user on bing.com with his/her Live account.

        throws AuthenticationError if authentication can not be passed
        throws urllib2.HTTPError if the server couldn't fulfill the request
        throws urllib2.URLError if failed to reach the server
#        print "Requesting bing.com"

# request http://www.bing.com
        request = urllib2.Request(url = bingCommon.BING_URL, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get connection URL for provider Live
        s = page.index('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        s += len('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        e = page.index('"', s)

        url = BingAuth._escapeString(page[s:e])

        request = urllib2.Request(url = url, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
# get Facebook authenctication form action url
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get PPFT parameter
        s = page.index("sFTTag")
        s = page.index('value="', s)
        s += len('value="')
        e = page.index('"', s)
        PPFT = page[s:e]

# get PPSX parameter
        ppsxSearch = self.ppsxValue.search(page)
        if ppsxSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find variable 't' on Live login page")
        PPSX = ppsxSearch.group(1)

# generate ClientLoginTime
        clt = 20000 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))

# get url to post data to
        s = page.index(",urlPost:'")
        s += len(",urlPost:'")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        url = page[s:e]

        timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        # TODO: randomize times a bit?
        i16 = json.dumps({
            "navigationStart": timestamp,
            "unloadEventStart": timestamp + 209,
            "unloadEventEnd": timestamp + 210,
            "redirectStart": 0,
            "redirectEnd": 0,
            "fetchStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "connectStart": timestamp + 130,
            "connectEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "secureConnectionStart": timestamp + 210,
            "requestStart": timestamp + 183,
            "responseStart": timestamp + 205,
            "responseEnd": timestamp + 205,
            "domLoading": timestamp + 208,
            "domInteractive": timestamp + 406,
            "domContentLoadedEventStart": timestamp + 420,
            "domContentLoadedEventEnd": timestamp + 420,
            "domComplete": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventStart": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventEnd": 0

        postFields = urllib.urlencode({
            "loginfmt"      : login,
            "login"         : login,
            "passwd"        : password,
            "type"          : "11",
            "PPFT"          : PPFT,
            "PPSX"          : str(PPSX),
            "LoginOptions"  : "3",
            "FoundMSAs"     : "",
            "fspost"        : "0",
            "NewUser"       : "1",
            "i2"            : "1",                  # ClientMode
            "i13"           : "0",                  # ClientUsedKMSI
            "i16"           : i16,
            "i19"           : str(clt),             # ClientLoginTime
            "i21"           : "0",
            "i22"           : "0",
            "i17"           : "0",                  # SRSFailed
            "i18"           : "__DefaultLogin_Strings|1,__DefaultLogin_Core|1," # SRSSuccess

        # get Passport page

        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        # Checking for bad usernames and password
        helpers.errorOnText(page, 'That password is incorrect.', 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password')
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "That Microsoft account doesn\\'t exist", 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid username')
        # check if there is a new terms of use
        helpers.errorOnText(page, '//account.live.com/tou/accrue', 'Please log in (log out first if necessary) through a browser and accept the Terms Of Use')

        contSubmitUrl = self.formAction.search(page)
        if contSubmitUrl == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find form action for continue page")
        url = contSubmitUrl.group(1)

        # get all form inputs
        formFields = self.inputNameValue.findall(page)
        postFields = {}
        for field in formFields:
            postFields[field[0]] = field[1]
        postFields = urllib.urlencode(postFields)

        # submit continue page
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        request = urllib2.Request(url = bingCommon.BING_URL, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()

# if that's not bingCommon.BING_URL => authentication wasn't pass => write the page to the file and report
            if referer.find(bingCommon.BING_URL) == -1:
                    filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(helpers.getResponseBody(response))
                    s = "check " + filename + " file for more information"
                except IOError:
                    s = "no further information could be provided - failed to write a file into " + \
                        helpers.RESULTS_DIR + " subfolder"
                raise AuthenticationError("Authentication has not been passed:\n" + s)
コード例 #9
    def authenticate(self, authType, login, password):
        throws ValueError if login or password is None
        throws AuthenticationError

        if login is None: raise ValueError("login is None")
        if password is None: raise ValueError("password is None")

        Authenticates a user on bing.com with his/her Live account.

        throws AuthenticationError if authentication can not be passed
        throws urllib2.HTTPError if the server couldn't fulfill the request
        throws urllib2.URLError if failed to reach the server
        # request http://www.bing.com
        request = urllib2.Request(url = bingCommon.BING_URL, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        # get connection URL for provider Live
        urlSearch = self.winLiveId.search(page)
        if urlSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find variable 'WindowsLiveId' on Live login page")
        url = urlSearch.group(1).decode("unicode_escape")

        request = urllib2.Request(url = url, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        page, referer = helpers.getResponses(self, request)

        # get PPFT parameter
        PPFTSearch = self.ppftValue.search(page)
        if PPFTSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find variable 'PPFT' on Live login page")
        PPFT = PPFTSearch.group(1)

        # get PPSX parameter
        ppsxSearch = self.ppsxValue.search(page)
        if ppsxSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find PassportRN variable on Live login page")
        PPSX = ppsxSearch.group(1)

        # generate ClientLoginTime
        clt = 20000 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))

        # get url to post data to
        urlSearch = self.urlPostValue.search(page)
        if urlSearch == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find variable 'urlPost' on Live login page")
        url = urlSearch.group(1)

        timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        # TODO: randomize times a bit?
        i16 = json.dumps({
            "navigationStart": timestamp,
            "unloadEventStart": timestamp + 209,
            "unloadEventEnd": timestamp + 210,
            "redirectStart": 0,
            "redirectEnd": 0,
            "fetchStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupStart": timestamp + 73,
            "domainLookupEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "connectStart": timestamp + 130,
            "connectEnd": timestamp + 130,
            "secureConnectionStart": timestamp + 210,
            "requestStart": timestamp + 183,
            "responseStart": timestamp + 205,
            "responseEnd": timestamp + 205,
            "domLoading": timestamp + 208,
            "domInteractive": timestamp + 406,
            "domContentLoadedEventStart": timestamp + 420,
            "domContentLoadedEventEnd": timestamp + 420,
            "domComplete": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventStart": timestamp + 422,
            "loadEventEnd": 0

        postFields = urllib.urlencode({
            "loginfmt"      : login,
            "login"         : login,
            "passwd"        : password,
            "type"          : "11",
            "PPFT"          : PPFT,
            "PPSX"          : str(PPSX),
            "LoginOptions"  : "3",
            "FoundMSAs"     : "",
            "fspost"        : "0",
            "NewUser"       : "1",
            "i2"            : "1",                  # ClientMode
            "i13"           : "0",                  # ClientUsedKMSI
            "i16"           : i16,
            "i19"           : str(clt),             # ClientLoginTime
            "i21"           : "0",
            "i22"           : "0",
            "i17"           : "0",                  # SRSFailed
            "i18"           : "__DefaultLogin_Strings|1,__DefaultLogin_Core|1," # SRSSuccess

        # get Passport page
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        page, referer = helpers.getResponses(self, request)

        # Checking for bad usernames and password
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "That password is incorrect.", "Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password")
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "That Microsoft account doesn't exist", "Authentication has not been passed: Invalid username")
        # check if there is a new terms of use
        helpers.errorOnText(page, "//account.live.com/tou/accrue", "Please log in (log out first if necessary) through a browser and accept the Terms Of Use")

        contSubmitUrl = self.formAction.search(page)
        if contSubmitUrl == None:
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find form action for continue page")
        url = contSubmitUrl.group(1)

        # get all form inputs
        formFields = self.inputNameValue.findall(page)
        postFields = {}
        for field in formFields:
            postFields[field[0]] = field[1]
        postFields = urllib.urlencode(postFields)

        # submit continue page
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        page, referer = helpers.getResponses(self, request)
        request = urllib2.Request(url = bingCommon.BING_URL, headers = self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", referer)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()

            # if that's not bingCommon.BING_URL => authentication wasn't pass => write the page to the file and report
            if referer.find(bingCommon.BING_URL) == -1:
               raise AuthenticationError("Authentication has not been passed:\n")
コード例 #10
ファイル: bingAuth.py プロジェクト: therussianjig/BingRewards
    def __authenticateLive(self, login, password):
        Authenticates a user on bing.com with his/her Live account.

        throws AuthenticationError if authentication can not be passed
        throws urllib2.HTTPError if the server couldn't fulfill the request
        throws urllib2.URLError if failed to reach the server
        #        print "Requesting bing.com"

        # request http://www.bing.com
        request = urllib2.Request(url=bingCommon.BING_URL,
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get connection URL for provider Live
        s = page.index('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        s += len('"WindowsLiveId":"')
        e = page.index('"', s)

        url = BingAuth._escapeString(page[s:e])

        request = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", bingCommon.BING_URL)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            referer = response.geturl()
            # get Facebook authenctication form action url
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

# get PPFT parameter
        s = page.index("sFTTag")
        s = page.index('value="', s)
        s += len('value="')
        e = page.index('"', s)
        PPFT = page[s:e]

        # get PPSX parameter
        ppsxParam = ""
        if ",M:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",M:"
        elif ",g:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",g:"
        elif ",j:" in page:
            ppsxParam = ",j:"
            ppsxParam = ",d:"
        s = page.index(ppsxParam)
        s += len(ppsxParam)
        e = page.index(",", s)
        PPSX = page[s:e]
        if PPSX[0] == "'":
            PPSX = PPSX[1:-1]

# generate ClientLoginTime
        clt = 20000 + int(random.uniform(0, 1000))

        # generate RenderCompleteTime
        renderTime = 130 + int(random.uniform(0, 100))

        # generate ResourcesCompleteTime
        resourcesTime = renderTime + int(random.uniform(2, 5))

        # generate ResourcesCompleteTime
        PLT = 870 + int(random.uniform(0, 250))

        # get url to post data to
        s = page.index(",urlPost:'")
        s += len(",urlPost:'")
        e = page.index("'", s)
        url = page[s:e]

        postFields = urllib.urlencode({
            "Sign in",
            "0",  # ClientUserSaved
            "1",  # ClientMode
            str(clt),  # ClientLoginTime
            "0",  # ClientExplore
            "0",  # ClientOTPRequest
            "1",  # LoginUsedSSL
            "0",  # ClientUsedKMSI
            str(renderTime),  # RenderCompleteTime
            str(resourcesTime),  # RenderCompleteTime
            str(PLT),  # PLT
            "0",  # SRSFailed
            "__Login_Strings|1,__Login_Core|1,"  # SRSSuccess

        # get Passport page

        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        # Checking for bad usernames and password
            page, 'That password is incorrect.',
            'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password')
            page, "That Microsoft account doesn\\'t exist",
            'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid username')
        # check if there is a new terms of use
            page, '//account.live.com/tou/accrue',
            'Please log in (log out first if necessary) through a browser and accept the Terms Of Use'

        # get auth form url and contents
        authForm = re.search(r"<form.+action=\"([^\"]+)\".*?>(.+)?</form>",
        if authForm == None:
            filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(page)
            raise AuthenticationError("Could not find login form:\ncheck " +
                                      filename + " file for more information")

        parser = HTMLFormInputsParser()
        postFields = urllib.urlencode(parser.inputs)

        # finish passing authentication

        url = authForm.group(1)
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Origin", "https://login.live.com")

        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            page = helpers.getResponseBody(response)

        url = bingCommon.BING_URL
        request = urllib2.Request(url, postFields, self.httpHeaders)
        request.add_header("Referer", authForm.group(1))
        with self.opener.open(request) as response:
            url = response.geturl()

            # if that's not bingCommon.BING_URL => authentication wasn't pass => write the page to the file and report
            if url.find(bingCommon.BING_URL) == -1:
                    filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(
                    s = "check " + filename + " file for more information"
                except IOError:
                    s = "no further information could be provided - failed to write a file into " + \
                        helpers.RESULTS_DIR + " subfolder"
                raise AuthenticationError(
                    "Authentication has not been passed:\n" + s)