コード例 #1
    def process_expired(self):
        # read and process expired values
        expired_sessions = self.expiry_list.expired

        for session in expired_sessions:
            s = self.smap[session]

            if not self.valid_expired_session(session):
                del self.smap[session]

            expt_id = str(session[-1])
            expt_config = retrieve_expt_config(expt_id, self.expt,

            abr_cc = get_abr_cc(expt_config)
            if abr_cc not in self.out:
                self.out[abr_cc] = {}
                self.out[abr_cc]['total_play'] = 0
                self.out[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] = 0

            session_play = ((s['max_play_time'] - s['min_play_time']) /
                            np.timedelta64(1, 's'))
            session_rebuf = s['max_cum_rebuf'] - s['min_cum_rebuf']

            self.out[abr_cc]['total_play'] += session_play
            self.out[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] += session_rebuf

            del self.smap[session]

        # clean processed expired values
        self.expiry_list.expired = []
コード例 #2
def process_rebuffer_session(session, s):
    # exclude too short sessions
    if s['play_time'] < 5:

    expt_id = str(session[-1])
    expt_config = retrieve_expt_config(expt_id, expt, postgres_cursor)
    abr_cc = get_abr_cc(expt_config)

    global g_rebuffer
    if abr_cc not in g_rebuffer:
        g_rebuffer[abr_cc] = {}
        g_rebuffer[abr_cc]['total_play'] = 0
        g_rebuffer[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] = 0

    g_rebuffer[abr_cc]['total_play'] += s['play_time']
    g_rebuffer[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] += s['cum_rebuf']
コード例 #3
def calculate_rebuffer_by_abr_cc(d, expt_id_cache, postgres_cursor):
    x = {}  # indexed by (abr, cc)

    for session in d:
        expt_id = int(session[-1])
        expt_config = retrieve_expt_config(expt_id, expt_id_cache,
        abr_cc = get_abr_cc(expt_config)
        if abr_cc not in x:
            x[abr_cc] = {}
            x[abr_cc]['total_play'] = 0
            x[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] = 0

        x[abr_cc]['total_play'] += d[session]['play']
        x[abr_cc]['total_rebuf'] += d[session]['rebuf']

    return x
コード例 #4
def do_collect_ssim(s_str, e_str, d):
    sys.stderr.write('Processing video_acked data between {} and {}\n'
                     .format(s_str, e_str))
    video_acked_results = query_measurement(
        influx_client, 'video_acked', s_str, e_str)['video_acked']

    for pt in video_acked_results:
        expt_id = str(pt['expt_id'])
        expt_config = retrieve_expt_config(expt_id, expt, postgres_cursor)
        abr_cc = get_abr_cc(expt_config)

        if abr_cc not in d:
            d[abr_cc] = [0.0, 0]  # sum, count

        ssim_index = get_ssim_index(pt)
        if ssim_index is not None and ssim_index != 1:
            d[abr_cc][0] += ssim_index
            d[abr_cc][1] += 1
コード例 #5
def do_collect_ssim(video_acked_results, expt_id_cache, postgres_cursor):
    # process InfluxDB data
    x = {}
    for pt in video_acked_results['video_acked']:
        expt_id = get_expt_id(pt)
        expt_config = retrieve_expt_config(expt_id, expt_id_cache,

        abr_cc = get_abr_cc(expt_config)
        if abr_cc not in x:
            x[abr_cc] = []

        ssim_index = get_ssim_index(pt)
        if ssim_index is not None:

    # calculate average SSIM in dB
    for abr_cc in x:
        avg_ssim_index = np.mean(x[abr_cc])
        avg_ssim_db = ssim_index_to_db(avg_ssim_index)
        x[abr_cc] = avg_ssim_db

    return x