def run_cam(): """Init Pi camera module and takes photos :return: Nothing """ camera = picamera.PiCamera() # Initial photos settings sleep_time = int( helpers.get_setting(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, 'Photos', 'sleep_time')) frame_count = int( helpers.get_setting(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, 'Photos', 'frame_count')) # TODO Replace this printings with logging print('Photography process will take approximately ', str(int(frame_count) * int(sleep_time) / 60), ' minutes') print('Taking photos now...') try: for frame in range(frame_count): print('Picture: ' + str(frame) + ' of ' + str(frame_count)) camera.capture('image' + str(frame).zfill(4) + '.jpg') time.sleep(sleep_time) except Exception as e: # TODO Replace this printings with logging print('Can`t take photos, error {} occured '.format(e)) else: # TODO Replace this printings with logging print('No errors occured during the photographing process.') finally: camera.close()
def create_timelapse_movie(): """Creates time-lapse movie and moves it to specific directory :return: """ # Initial movie settings movie_dir = helpers.get_setting(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, 'Environment', 'movie_dir') # TODO Replace this printings with logging print('-------Converting photos to movie now-------') os.system( 'ffmpeg -r 24 -i image%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 15 `date +%Y%m%d%H%M`timelapse.mp4' ) print('----------------Movie ready-----------------') # TODO Replace this printings with logging # Checking if dir exists or creating directory if not os.path.exists(movie_dir): print('Can`t find dir for movie, creating...') try: os.mkdir(movie_dir) except Exception as e: print('Can`t create dir for movie, error {} occured '.format(e)) print('Moving completed mp4 file') os.system('mv *.mp4 {}'.format(movie_dir)) print('Cleaning up old jpgs') os.system('rm *.jpg') print('Done')
def add(self, action, changes, model, user=None, object_id=None): if not getattr(settings, "DJANGO_HISTORY_TRACK", True): return request = get_current_request() if not user: if request: user = request.user user_id = if user else None model_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) model_id = object_id = object_id or # exclusion / none -checks excludes = get_setting("EXCLUDE_CHANGES") if excludes: excludes_for_model = excludes.get("{0}.{1}".format(model_ct.app_label, model_ct.model)) if excludes_for_model: for k, v in copy.deepcopy(changes).iteritems(): if k in excludes_for_model.get("fields", []): del changes[k] if not changes: return # for FKs, get old/new information fields = model._meta.local_fields def get_item(model, pk): value = None if isinstance(pk, models.Model): pk = copy.deepcopy( try: value = unicode(model.objects.get(pk=pk)) except Exception, e: if settings.DEBUG: print e return value
from django.conf import settings from django.middleware.csrf import get_token from helpers import get_setting _thread_locals = None if get_setting('GET_CURRENT_REQUEST'): import importlib request_module, request_function = get_setting('GET_CURRENT_REQUEST') get_current_request = getattr(importlib.import_module(request_module), request_function) else: import threading _thread_locals = threading.local() def get_current_request(): return getattr(_thread_locals, 'request', None) def reset_current_request(): setattr(_thread_locals, 'request', None) class ThreadLocals(object): def process_request(self, request): get_token(request) # force CSRFTOKEN setup _thread_locals.request = request def process_response(self, request, response): reset_current_request() return response