def cv58(): formatTRKFILE = [ ("X", np.float), ("Y", np.float), ("Z", np.float), ("TXX", np.float), ("TYY", np.float), ("TZZ", np.float), ("CTRACK", np.float), ("CMTRACK", np.float), ("ATRACK", np.float), ] formatfort89 = [ ("CXTRCK", np.float), ("CYTRCK", np.float), ("CZTRCK", np.float), ("XTRACK", np.float), ("YTRACK", np.float), ("ZTRACK", np.float), ("JTRACK",, ("NCASE",, ("ATRACK", np.float), ] fname = "ir1_6500GeV_b1_20MeV_orbitDumpINICON001_fort.89" fname = "inicon1/createTrajectories/run_00001/ir1_6500GeV_b1_20MeV_orbitDumpINICON001_fort.89" #fname = "ir1_6500GeV_b1_20MeV_orbitDump001_TRAKFILE" format, xvar, yvar = formatfort89, "ZTRACK", "YTRACK" fileDType = np.dtype(format) fdata = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=fileDType) # keep order xList = fdata[xvar].tolist() yList = fdata[yvar].tolist() color = kRed mStyle = 6 gr = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) hname = "trajectory" a, b = 1, 1 cv = TCanvas('cv' + hname, 'cv' + hname, 10, 10, a * 900, b * 600) cv.Divide(a, b) gr.Draw('ap') pname = "~/public/www/HL-LHC/TCT/6.5TeV/beamgas/plt.png" cv.SaveAs(pname)
def cv79(): for pFile, xTitle, lText in pData: # get data data = getdata5c(pFile) # plot data as is rel = 'pressureEq' cv = TCanvas('cv' + rel + lText, 'cv' + rel + lText, 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) #cv.SetGridy(1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'l' totalPress = getTotalPressure(data) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], totalPress, kBlack, 21, 'total' g4 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g4, lg, lm) mg.Add(g4) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], data[ 'H2_Eq'], kTeal - 3, 22, 'H_{2}' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], data[ 'CH4_Eq'], kMagenta + 1, 24, 'CH_{4}' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], data[ 'CO2_Eq'], kAzure + 4, 33, 'CO_{2}' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], data[ 'CO_Eq'], kRed - 2, 21, 'CO' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("pressure equivalent [mbar]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-15, 1e-5) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, lText) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV' pname = pFile.split('.txt')[0] + "_pressureEq.pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname) # --------------------------------------------------- # plot data as rho rel = 'rho' cv = TCanvas('cvrho' + lText, 'cvrho' + lText, 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) #cv.SetGridy(1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'pl' xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( totalPress), kBlack, 21, 'total' g4 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g4, lg, lm) mg.Add(g4) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( data['H2_Eq']), kTeal - 3, 22, 'H_{2}' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( data['CH4_Eq']), kMagenta + 1, 24, 'CH_{4}' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( data['CO2_Eq']), kAzure + 4, 33, 'CO_{2}' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( data['CO_Eq']), kRed - 2, 21, 'CO' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("density [molecules/m^{3}]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e5, 1e16) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, lText) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV' pname = pFile.split('.txt')[0] + "_" + rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname) # --------------------------------------------------- # plot data as rho rel = 'rho' cv = TCanvas('cvrho' + lText, 'cvrho' + lText, 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) #cv.SetGridy(1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'pl' xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], getrho( totalPress), kBlack, 21, 'total' g4 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g4, lg, lm) mg.Add(g4) rho_H2 = getrho(data['H2_Eq']) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], rho_H2, kTeal - 3, 22, 'H_{2}' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) rho_CH4 = getrho(data['CH4_Eq']) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], rho_CH4, kMagenta + 1, 24, 'CH_{4}' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) rho_CO2 = getrho(data['CO2_Eq']) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], rho_CO2, kAzure + 4, 33, 'CO_{2}' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) rho_CO = getrho(data['CO_Eq']) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], rho_CO, kRed - 2, 21, 'CO' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("density [molecules/m^{3}]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e5, 1e16) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, lText) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV' pname = pFile.split('.txt')[0] + "_" + rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname) # --------------------------------------------------- # plot atomic rho rel = 'atomicrho' cv = TCanvas('cv' + rel + lText, 'cv' + rel + lText, 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) #cv.SetGridy(1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'pl' rho_H, rho_C, rho_O = getAtomicRho(rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2) rho_total_atomic = [ rho_H[i] + rho_C[i] + rho_O[i] for i in range(len(rho_O)) ] xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], rho_total_atomic, kBlack, 20, 'total' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], rho_H, kTeal + 3, 22, 'H' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], rho_O, kAzure - 4, 33, 'O' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], rho_C, kMagenta - 1, 24, 'C' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("density [atoms/m^{3}]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e5, 1e16) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, lText) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV' pname = pFile.split('.txt')[0] + "_" + rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname) # --------------------------------------------------- # plot pint rel = 'pint' cv = TCanvas('cv' + rel + lText, 'cv' + rel + lText, 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) #cv.SetGridy(1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.72, 0.9, 0.92 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'l' pint_H, pint_C, pint_O, pint_tot = getpint(rho_H, rho_C, rho_O) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], pint_tot, kBlack, 20, 'total' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], pint_H, kTeal + 3, 22, 'H' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data['s'], pint_O, kAzure - 4, 33, 'O' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = data[ 's'], pint_C, kMagenta - 1, 24, 'C' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("interaction probability") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-19, 1e-10) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, lText) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV/' pname = pFile.split('.txt')[0].split("/")[-1] + "_" + rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv40(): # twiss file tf = pymadx.Tfs( '/afs/' ) BETX = tf.GetColumn('BETX') BETY = tf.GetColumn('BETY') ALFX = tf.GetColumn('ALFX') ALFY = tf.GetColumn('ALFY') X = tf.GetColumn('X') Y = tf.GetColumn('Y') PX = tf.GetColumn('PX') PY = tf.GetColumn('PY') S = tf.GetColumn('S') IP5 = tf.GetColumnDict('S')['IP5'] IP8 = tf.GetColumnDict('S')['IP8'] XurMin, XurMax = length_LHC - 300, length_LHC rel = '_IR1Left' XurMin, XurMax = 0, 300 rel = '_IR1Right' XurMin, XurMax = IP5 - 300, IP5 + 300 rel = '_IP5' XurMin, XurMax = IP8 - 300, IP8 + 300 rel = '_IP8' XurMin, XurMax = -1, -1 rel = '_phasespace' cv = TCanvas('cv', 'cv', 900, 900) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph() # marker in legend lm = 'p' xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = X, PX, kGreen + 1, 21, "x,x'" g1 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = Y, PY, kBlue + 1, 27, "y,y'" g3 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) mg.Draw("a" + lm) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('x,y') if XurMin != -1: mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(XurMin, XurMax) mlegend.Draw() pname = wwwpath subfolder = 'TCT/6.5TeV/beamgas/' pname += subfolder + 'twiss_b1' + rel + '.png' print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv75(): # twiss file do4TeV = 0 if do4TeV: tf = pymadx.Tfs( "/afs/" ) energy = "4TeV" gamma_rel = 4e3 / 0.938 betaStar = 0.6 else: tf = pymadx.Tfs( '/afs/' ) gamma_rel = 6.5e3 / 0.938 energy = '6.5TeV' betaStar = 0.8 print energy, "." * 45 BETX = tf.GetColumn('BETX') BETY = tf.GetColumn('BETY') S = tf.GetColumn('S') # print "first elements of twiss betax", BETX[100:200] # print "first elements of twiss betay", BETY[100:200] # no shift if val is length shiftVal = length_LHC #-500 cnt = 0 S_shifted, X_shifted = [], [] for s in S: s_shifted = s + shiftVal #print "s_shifted", s_shifted if s_shifted >= length_LHC: cnt += 1 s_shifted -= length_LHC #print "s_shifted after subtraction", s_shifted S_shifted += [s_shifted] #print "using", s_shifted S_shifted.sort() XurMin, XurMax = 0, 548. #XurMin, XurMax = 0,5. rel = '_compsigma_IR1Right_' + energy lShift = 0.0 # ----------------------------------------------- # fluka part from cv74 # full sample at 4 TeV #filename = projectpath + 'HaloRun2/valBG4TeV2/oneFileAllTraj.dat.89.root' filename = projectpath + 'HaloRun2/valBG4TeV2/traj_fort.89.10.root' # as used in fluka simulations filename = projectpath + '4TeVBGnoBS/createTrajectories6p5_checkfix/runs_fix/ir1_6500GeV_b1_20MeV_orbitDumpINICON_89.root' # fixed version of inicons filename = projectpath + '4TeVBGnoBS/createTrajectories6p5_checkrepfix/run_repfix/ir1_6500GeV_b1_20MeV_orbitDumpINICON_89.root' # fixed version of inicons # sufficient trajectories at 6.5 TeV #if not do4TeV: filename = '/afs/' print "Opening", filename rf = TFile.Open(filename) mt = rf.Get("particle") SIGXflu = [] # getStatErrFromTProf(mt, "XTRACK",-1000.,1) # SIGYflu1 = getStatErrFromTProf(mt, "YTRACK",0.,2) # to cut off outlier use only up to s=1000cm # SIGYflu2 = getStatErrFromTProf(mt, "YTRACK",-1.,2)# then use this when outlier is gone # SIGYflu = [ SIGYflu1[i] for i in range(1001)] # SIGYflu += [ SIGYflu2[i] for i in range(1001,54694)] SIGYflu = [] # getStatErrFromTProf(mt, "YTRACK",-1.,2) srange_meter = [0.01 * s for s in range(54694)] a, b = 1, 1 cv = TCanvas('cv', 'cv', a * 2100, b * 900) cv.Divide(a, b) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.5 - lShift, 0.65, 0.9 - lShift, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.05) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph() # marker in legend lm = 'lp' emittance_norm = 3.5e-6 emittance_geo = emittance_norm / gamma_rel SIGX = [math.sqrt(betax * emittance_geo) for betax in BETX] SIGY = [math.sqrt(betay * emittance_geo) for betay in BETY] for S in SIGY: if S in SIGX: print "?>>> S in both??", S SIGMAX = [s * 1000. for s in SIGX] xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, SIGMAX, kGreen - 1, 22, '#sigma_{x} from Twiss' g0 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) print '-' * 11, lg SIGMAY = [s * 1000 for s in SIGY] xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, SIGMAY, kGreen - 2, 20, '#sigma_{y} from Twiss' g1 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) # mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) # mg.Add(g1) ytitle = 'beam size [mm]' print '-' * 11, lg print S_shifted[:10], srange_meter[:10] SIGYfluka = [s * 10 for s in SIGYflu] xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = srange_meter, SIGYfluka, kGreen + 1, 21, '#sigma_{y} from fluka' g2 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) # mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) #mg.Add(g2) print '-' * 11, lg SIGXfluka = [s * 10. for s in SIGXflu] xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = srange_meter, SIGXfluka, kBlue + 1, 27, "#sigma_{x} from fluka" g3 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) print '-' * 11, lg sigxflu_x, sigxtwi_x, sigxflu_y, sigxtwi_y = ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double( ), ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double() collectNp = [] for i in range(20, len(SIGYflu)): g3.GetPoint(i, sigxflu_x, sigxflu_y) g1.GetPoint(i, sigxtwi_x, sigxtwi_y) ratiosigx = 0. if sigxtwi_y: ratiosigx = sigxflu_y**2 / sigxtwi_y**2 newEmittance = emittance_norm * ratiosigx collectNp += [ratiosigx] print "New emittance", newEmittance, " dev:", collectNp[ -1], "at ", srange_meter[ i], "sigxflu", sigxflu_y, "sigxtwi", sigxtwi_y print "max deviation", max(collectNp), "at ", collectNp.index( max(collectNp)), mg.Draw("a" + lm) l = TLine() l.SetLineStyle(1) YurMin, YurMax = 0, 0.0019 l.SetLineColor(kRed) s = 22.6 l.DrawLine(s, YurMin, s, YurMax) s = 59. l.DrawLine(s, YurMin, s, YurMax) s = 153. l.DrawLine(s, YurMin, s, YurMax) s = 269. l.DrawLine(s, YurMin, s, YurMax) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('s [m]') if XurMin != -1: mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(XurMin, XurMax) mlegend.Draw() pname = wwwpath subfolder = 'TCT/' + energy + '/beamgas/' pname += subfolder + 'from_twiss_b1' + rel + '.png' print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv82(): # --------------------------------------------------- rel = 'allpinttot' cv = TCanvas( 'cv'+ rel , 'cv'+rel , 2100, 900) cv.SetLogy(0) cv.SetGridy(0) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.75, 0.72, 0.88, 0.92 mlegend = TLegend( x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel,rel) lm = 'l' grs = [] for i,( pFile, xTitle, lText) in enumerate(pData): print "Getting data from file", pFile fillnumber = pFile.split("Density_")[1].split('b_26')[0] + 'b' print "."*33 data = cv79.getdata5c(pFile) s_incoming = [] # only one side, chose positive s s_positiveb1, s_positiveb2 = [],[] for cs in data['s']: s = float(cs) if s<0.: s_positiveb1 += [-s] else: s_positiveb2 += [s] print "len(s_positiveb1)",len(s_positiveb1) print "len(s_positiveb2)",len(s_positiveb2) rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2 = cv79.getrho(data['H2_Eq']),cv79.getrho(data['CH4_Eq']),cv79.getrho(data['CO_Eq']),cv79.getrho(data['CO2_Eq']) rho_H, rho_C, rho_O = cv79.getAtomicRho(rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2) pint_H, pint_C, pint_O, pint_tot = cv79.getpint(rho_H, rho_C, rho_O) pint_incoming, pint_tot_incomingbeam = [],[] if lText.count("B2"): pint_tot_incomingbeam = pint_tot[len(s_positiveb2):] s_incoming = s_positiveb2[:len(s_positiveb2)-1] else: pint_tot_incomingbeam = [p for p in pint_tot[:len(s_positiveb1)+1]] s_incoming = s_positiveb1 print "len(pint_tot_incomingbeam)", len(pint_tot_incomingbeam) print "len(s_incoming)", len(s_incoming) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,pint_tot_incomingbeam , kBlack+i,20+i, lText grs += [ makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) mg.Add(grs[-1]) mg.Draw("al") mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("total interaction probability") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-18,4e-10) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.42, 0.82, 'incoming beams 6.5 TeV') pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV' pname = "pint_"+rel+".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname ) cv.Print(pname)
def cv85(): # --------------------------------------------------- rel = 'comppint' # rel = 'compallpress' a, b = 1, 1 cv = TCanvas('cv' + rel, 'cv' + rel, a * 2100, b * 900) cv.Divide(a, b) cv.SetLogy(1) cv.SetGridy(0) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.75, 0.6, 0.88, 0.94 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'l' grs = [] for i, (pFile, xTitle, lText) in enumerate(pData): print "Getting data from file", pFile print "." * 33 data = {} if pFile.count("LSS1"): data = cv32.getdata14c(pFile) stmp, rho_C, rho_H, rho_O = cv65.getAtomicRho(data) stmp2 = stmp[1:] s_full = stmp2[::-1] moleculeKeys = ['H2_N2Eq', 'CH4_N2Eq', 'CO_N2Eq', 'CO2_N2Eq'] for j in range(1, len(data['H2_N2Eq'])): sumPress = 0. for mk in moleculeKeys: sumPress += float(data[mk][j]) totalPress += [sumPress] else: data = cv79.getdata5c(pFile) totalPress = cv79.getTotalPressure(data) pressCO = data['CO_Eq'] pressCO2 = data['CO2_Eq'] pressCH4 = data['CH4_Eq'] pressH2 = data['H2_Eq'] s_full = data['s'] s_incoming = [] # only one side, chose positive s s_positiveb1, s_positiveb2 = [], [] #print s_full for cs in s_full: s = float(cs) if s < 0.: s_positiveb1 += [-s] else: s_positiveb2 += [s] print "len(s_positiveb1)", len(s_positiveb1) print "len(s_positiveb2)", len(s_positiveb2) if lText.count("B2"): lenposb2 = len(s_positiveb2) press_tot_incomingbeam = totalPress[lenposb2:] pressH2_incoming = pressH2[lenposb2:] pressCO_incoming = pressCO[lenposb2:] pressCH4_incoming = pressCH4[lenposb2:] pressCO2_incoming = pressCO2[lenposb2:] s_incoming = s_positiveb2[:len(s_positiveb2) - 1] else: press_tot_incomingbeam = [ p for p in totalPress[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] ] pressH2_incoming = pressH2[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] pressCO_incoming = pressCO[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] pressCH4_incoming = pressCH4[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] pressCO2_incoming = pressCO2[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] s_incoming = s_positiveb1 if pFile.count("LSS"): press_tot_incomingbeam = totalPress[::-1] print s_incoming[:100], press_tot_incomingbeam[:100] xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming, press_tot_incomingbeam, cols[ i], 20 + i, lText + 'total' grs += [makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) mg.Add(grs[-1]) print "plot added" # xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,pressH2_incoming , cols[i]+1, 20,lText + 'H2' # grs += [ makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] # mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) # mg.Add(grs[-1]) # xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,pressCH4_incoming , cols[i]+2, 20,lText + 'CH4' # grs += [ makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] # mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) # mg.Add(grs[-1]) # xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,pressCO2_incoming , cols[i]+2, 20,lText + 'CO2' # grs += [ makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] # mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) # mg.Add(grs[-1]) # xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,pressCO_incoming , cols[i]+2, 20,lText + 'CO' # grs += [ makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] # mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) # mg.Add(grs[-1]) mg.Draw("al") #mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("total interaction probability") #mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("total pressure [mbar]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-18, 4e-10) #mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-15,4e-3) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.42, 0.82, 'incoming beams') pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV/' pname = rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv45(): # current path cpath = workpath + 'runs/checkTrajectory6500GeV/4TeV/' cpath = '/afs/' cpath = thispath + trakfiles = [ # filen name, Xindex, Yindex, markerstyle, # ['/afs/', 0,1, kGreen+1, 21, ], # [cpath + 'ir1b2_exp001_TRAKFILE.luigi', 2,1, kBlue+1, 27, ], # [cpath + 'ir1b2_exp001_TRAKFILE.145', 2,1, kBlue+1, 23, ], # [cpath + 'madSYX_b2_thin.dat', 0,1, kGreen-1, 21, 'madx thin seq'], #plots x:s 2,0, 1,0 plots y:s # [cpath + 'madSYX_b2_thick.dat', 0,1, kBlue-1, 22, 'madx thick seq'], # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1001_TRAKFILE', 2,1, kRed, 20, 'fluka incoming proton'], # 2,0 plots x:s 1,0 plots y:s] # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1_MYM001_TRAKFILE', 2,1, kMagenta, 23, 'fluka outgoing aproton'], # 2,0 plots x:s 1,0 plots y:s # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1001_TRAKFILE', 2,0, kRed, 20, 'fluka incoming proton'], # 2,0 plots x:s 1,0 plots y:s] # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1_MYM001_TRAKFILE', 2,0, kMagenta, 23, 'fluka outgoing aproton'], # 2,0 plots x:s 1,0 plots y:s # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1_MYM001_fort.89', 5,4, kBlack, 6, 'test size'], # 0cx 1cy 2cz 3x 4y 5z 6J 7A # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1_orbitDump001_fort.89', 5,4, kBlack, 6, 'test size'], # 0cx 1cy 2cz 3x 4y 5z 6J 7A # [cpath + 'ir1_4TeV_settings_from_TWISS_20MeV_b1_orbitDump001_fort.89', 5,3, kBlack, 6, 'test size'], # 0cx 1cy 2cz 3x 4y 5z 6J 7A # [cpath + 'BEAMGAS.dat', 2,1, kBlack, 6, 'input final BEAMGAS', '_yBEAMGAS', 'y cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'BEAMGAS.dat', 2,0, kBlack, 6, 'input final BEAMGAS', '_xBEAMGAS', 'x cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'startBG.dat', 2,1, kBlack, 6, 'input fluka startBG'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'startBG.dat', 2,0, kBlack, 6, 'input fluka startBG'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'THISISIT.dat', 5,4, kBlack, 6, 'input THISISIT', '_yTHISISIT', 'y cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'THISISIT.dat', 2,0, kBlack, 6, 'input THISISIT', '_xTHISISIT', 'x cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'BGAS10.dat', 2,1, kBlack, 6, 'input final BEAMGAS', '_yBGAS10', 'y cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'BGAS10.dat', 2,0, kBlack, 6, 'input final BEAMGAS', '_xBGAS10', 'x cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v # [cpath + 'BGAS.dat', 2,1, kBlack, 6, 'input final BEAMGAS', '_yBGAS', 'y cm'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v repls #[cpath + 'awked_downselected_fort.89.10.cv53', 2,1, kBlack, 6, 'y-orbit at 6.5 TeV', '_yBGAS', 'y [cm]'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v repls [cpath + 'awked_downselected_fort.89.10.cv53', 2,0, kBlack, 6, 'x-orbit at 6.5 TeV', '_xBGAS', 'x [cm]'], # 0x 1y 2z 3u 4v repls ] energy = "6.5 TeV" rel = '' ytitle = '' XurMin, XurMax = 150.,250. # zoom into badly increased beamsize region XurMin, XurMax = 20,80 #XurMin, XurMax = -1, -1 YurMin, YurMax = -10.5,-9.2 # zoom into badly increased beamsize region YurMin, YurMax = -0.5, 0.5 #YurMin, YurMax = -0.02, 0.7 #YurMin, YurMax = -1,-1 cv = TCanvas( 'cv', 'cv', 1000, 600) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.34, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend( x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph() # marker in legend lm = 'p' gr = [] for fn,Xindex,Yindex,color,mStyle,lg,rel,ytitle in trakfiles: print 'opening', fn [S,Y] = helpers.getListFromColumn([Xindex,Yindex], fn) xList, yList = S,Y xinmeter = [x*0.01 for x in xList] gr += [ makeTGraph(xinmeter, yList, color, mStyle) ] mlegend.AddEntry(gr[-1], lg, lm) mg.Add(gr[-1]) mg.Draw("a"+lm) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('s [m]') if XurMin != -1: mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(XurMin,XurMax) rel += 'ZoomX' if YurMin != -1: mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(YurMin,YurMax) rel += 'ZoomY' #mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.955,lg) cpath = '/afs/' pname = cpath + 'inputFluka6500GeV'+rel+'.root' pname = cpath + 'inputFluka6500GeV'+rel+'.pdf' print('Saving file as ' + pname ) cv.Print(pname) pname = cpath + 'inputFluka6500GeV'+rel+'.png' print('Saving file as ' + pname ) cv.Print(pname)
def cv83(): # --------------------------------------------------- rel = 'compallpint' #rel = 'compallpress' cv = TCanvas('cv' + rel, 'cv' + rel, 1500, 900) cv.SetLogy(1) cv.SetGridy(0) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.67, 0.72, 0.88, 0.92 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph(rel, rel) lm = 'l' grs = [] for i, (pFile, xTitle, lText) in enumerate(pData): print "." * 33 print "Getting data from file", pFile data = {} if pFile.count("2736"): data = cv32.getdata14c(pFile) stmp, rho_C, rho_H, rho_O = cv65.getAtomicRho(data) stmp2 = stmp[1:] s_full = stmp2[::-1] pint_C, pint_H, pint_O, pint_tot = cv65.calc_pint_tot( rho_C, rho_H, rho_O) totalPress = [ data['H2_N2Eq'][j] + data['CH4_N2Eq'][j] + data['CO_N2Eq'][j] + data['CO2_N2Eq'][j] for j in range(len(data['H2_N2Eq'])) ] elif pFile.count("Density_Fill4"): data = cv79.getdata5c(pFile) totalPress = cv79.getTotalPressure(data) rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2 = cv79.getrho( data['H2_Eq']), cv79.getrho(data['CH4_Eq']), cv79.getrho( data['CO_Eq']), cv79.getrho(data['CO2_Eq']) rho_H, rho_C, rho_O = cv79.getAtomicRho(rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2) pint_H, pint_C, pint_O, pint_tot = cv79.getpint( rho_H, rho_C, rho_O) s_full = data['s'] elif pFile.count("HL_LHC"): # will only work for pint data = cv95.getdata14cHL(pFile) rho_H2 = cv79.getrho(data['H2_N2Eq']) rho_CH4 = cv79.getrho(data['CH4_N2Eq']) rho_CO2 = cv79.getrho(data['CO2_N2Eq']) rho_CO = cv79.getrho(data['CO_N2Eq']) rho_H, rho_C, rho_O = cv79.getAtomicRho(rho_H2, rho_CH4, rho_CO, rho_CO2) pint_H, pint_C, pint_O, pint_tot = cv79.getpint( rho_H, rho_C, rho_O) stmp = data["s"] s_full = list(reversed(list( reversed(stmp)))) # list last element of reversed list first s_incoming = [] pint_incoming, pint_tot_incomingbeam = [], [] # only one side, chose positive s s_positiveb1, s_positiveb2 = [], [] #print s_full for cs in s_full: s = float(cs) if s < 0.: s_positiveb1 += [-s] else: s_positiveb2 += [s] print "len(s_positiveb1)", len(s_positiveb1) print "len(s_positiveb2)", len(s_positiveb2) if lText.count("B2"): pint_tot_incomingbeam = pint_tot[len(s_positiveb2):] press_tot_incomingbeam = totalPress[len(s_positiveb2):] s_incoming = s_positiveb2[:len(s_positiveb2) - 1] else: pint_tot_incomingbeam = [ p for p in pint_tot[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] ] if not pFile.count("HL_LHC"): press_tot_incomingbeam = [ p for p in totalPress[:len(s_positiveb1) + 1] ] s_incoming = s_positiveb1 if pFile.count("2736"): pint_tot_incomingbeam = pint_tot_incomingbeam[::-1] press_tot_incomingbeam = totalPress[::-1] print "len(pint_tot_incomingbeam)", len(pint_tot_incomingbeam) print "len(s_incoming)", len(s_incoming) print i, cols # print s_incoming[:100],press_tot_incomingbeam[:100] xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming, pint_tot_incomingbeam, cols[ i], 20 + i, lText #xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s_incoming,press_tot_incomingbeam , cols[i],20+i, lText grs += [makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle)] mlegend.AddEntry(grs[-1], lg, lm) mg.Add(grs[-1]) mg.Draw("al") Tt = TLatex() Tt = "#splitline{interaction probability density}{[1/proton/m/s]}" #mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(Tt) #mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("total pressure [mbar]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-18, 4e-10) #mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(5e-13,4e-6) mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 260) mlegend.Draw() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.42, 0.82, 'incoming beams') s = 22.6 lInterface = TLine() lInterface.SetLineStyle(2) lInterface.SetLineColor(kGray + 3) YurMin, YurMax = 5e-18, 4e-10 lInterface.DrawLine(s, YurMin, s, YurMax) pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/6500GeV/reweighted/' pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/HLRunII/' pname = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLLHCBackgroundPaper/figures/' pname += rel + ".pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv65(): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # density profile is given in the following format: # densities per molecule as function of s-coordinate # x,y,z, cx, cy, cz as function of (different s-coordinate) # merge densities with coordinates # note, that the source routine needs fluka units, ie *cm*! # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bgfile = '/afs/' bgfile = '/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/data/4TeV/LSS1_B1_Fill2736_Final.csv' data = getdata14c(bgfile) print 'data keys are', data.keys() # -- s, rho_C, rho_H, rho_O = getAtomicRho(data) # plot atomic densities cv = TCanvas('cv', 'cv', 2100, 900) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8, 0.7, 0.9, 0.92 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.035) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph() lm = 'pl' pint_C, pint_H, pint_O, pint_tot = calc_pint_tot(rho_C, rho_H, rho_O) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s[1:], pint_tot, kBlack, 28, 'total' g3 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) mg.Add(g3) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s[1:], pint_O, kGreen, 22, 'O' g0 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) mg.Add(g0) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s[1:], pint_C, kGreen - 1, 20, 'C' g1 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) xlist, ylist, col, mstyle, lg = s[1:], pint_H, kBlue - 2, 23, 'H' g2 = makeTGraph(xlist, ylist, col, mstyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) mg.Draw("alp") gPad.SetLogy(1) gPad.RedrawAxis() lab = mylabel(42) lab.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.88, 'interaction probability') mg.SetTitle("pressure profiles") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('distance to IP1 [m]') mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('interaction probability [1/proton/m/s]' ) #"density #rho [atoms/m^{3}]") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(7e-17, 9e-11) mlegend.Draw() pname = wwwpath + 'TCT/beamgas/pressure_profiles_2012/pint.pdf' pname = "/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/4TeV/reweighted/cv65_pint.pdf" pname = "/Users/rkwee/Documents/RHUL/work/HL-LHC/LHC-Collimation/Documentation/ATS/HLHaloBackgroundNote/figures/4TeV/reweighted/cv65_pint_2011.pdf" print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)
def cv39(): gamma_rel = 4.e3 / 0.938 energy = '4TeV' # twiss file # tf = pymadx.Tfs('/afs/') # tf = pymadx.Tfs('/afs/') # tf = pymadx.Tfs("/afs/") tf = pymadx.Tfs( "/afs/" ) gamma_rel = 6.5e3 / 0.938 energy = "6.5TeV" BETX = tf.GetColumn('BETX') BETY = tf.GetColumn('BETY') ALFX = tf.GetColumn('ALFX') ALFY = tf.GetColumn('ALFY') X = tf.GetColumn('X') Y = tf.GetColumn('Y') PX = tf.GetColumn('PX') PY = tf.GetColumn('PY') S = tf.GetColumn('S') IP5 = tf.GetColumnDict('S')['IP5'] IP8 = tf.GetColumnDict('S')['IP8'] # no shift if val is length shiftVal = length_LHC #-500 cnt = 0 S_shifted, X_shifted = [], [] for s in S: s_shifted = s + shiftVal #print "s_shifted", s_shifted if s_shifted >= length_LHC: cnt += 1 s_shifted -= length_LHC #print "s_shifted after subtraction", s_shifted S_shifted += [s_shifted] #print "using", s_shifted S_shifted.sort() lShift = 0.5 XurMin, XurMax = 0, 548. XurMin, XurMax = -1, -1 XurMin, XurMax = length_LHC - 500, length_LHC # rel = '_sigma_IR1Right_1cm' # rel = '_sigma_IR1Left_'+energy rel = 'from_twiss_orbit_IR1' # lShift = 0.0 # XurMin, XurMax = IP5-300, IP5+300 # rel = '_IP5' # XurMin, XurMax = IP8-300, IP8+300 # rel = '_IP8' cv = TCanvas('cv', 'cv', 2100, 900) x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.8 - lShift, 0.65, 0.9 - lShift, 0.9 mlegend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) mlegend.SetFillColor(0) mlegend.SetFillStyle(0) mlegend.SetLineColor(0) mlegend.SetTextSize(0.05) mlegend.SetShadowColor(0) mlegend.SetBorderSize(0) mg = TMultiGraph() # marker in legend lm = 'l' emittance_norm = 3.5e-6 emittance_geo = emittance_norm / gamma_rel SIGX = [math.sqrt(betax * emittance_geo) for betax in BETX] SIGY = [math.sqrt(betay * emittance_geo) for betay in BETY] # xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, SIGX, kGreen-1, 22, '#sigma_{x}' # g0 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) # mlegend.AddEntry(g0, lg, lm) # mg.Add(g0) # xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, SIGY, kGreen-2, 20, '#sigma_{y}' # g1 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) # mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) # mg.Add(g1) ytitle = 'beam size [m]' xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, X, kGreen + 1, 21, "x [m]" g1 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g1, lg, lm) mg.Add(g1) xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, Y, kBlue - 1, 20, "y [m]" g2 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) mlegend.AddEntry(g2, lg, lm) mg.Add(g2) ytitle = 'orbit' # xList, yList, color, mStyle, lg = S_shifted, PY, kBlue+1, 27, "y'" # g3 = makeTGraph(xList, yList, color, mStyle) # mlegend.AddEntry(g3, lg, lm) # mg.Add(g3) mg.Draw("a" + lm) l = TLine() l.SetLineStyle(1) YurMin, YurMax = 0, 0.0019 l.SetLineColor(kRed) # s = 22.6 # l.DrawLine(s,YurMin,s,YurMax) # s = 59. # l.DrawLine(s,YurMin,s,YurMax) # s = 153. # l.DrawLine(s,YurMin,s,YurMax) # s = 269. # l.DrawLine(s,YurMin,s,YurMax) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('s [m]') if XurMin != -1: mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(XurMin, XurMax) mlegend.Draw() pname = wwwpath subfolder = 'TCT/' + energy + '/beamgas/' pname += subfolder + ytitle + '_' + rel.replace(".", "p") + '.pdf' print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname) pname = wwwpath subfolder = 'TCT/' + energy + '/beamgas/' pname += subfolder + 'from_twiss_' + rel.replace(".", "p") + '.png' print('Saving file as ' + pname) cv.Print(pname)