コード例 #1
def find_reconstruction_errors(tfidf, min_features=1, max_features=20, verbose=False):
    DESCR: calculate all reconstruction errors for given tfidf matrix
        tfidf - tfidf for posts.
        min_features - start of plot range
        max_features - end of plot range
        verbose      - whether or not to print output to screen
        recon_errors - list of reconstruction error (frobenius norm)
        features     - list of features numbers
    # Empty list of reconstsruction errors
    recon_errors = []

    # Range to generate nmf over
    features = range(min_features, max_features + 1)

    # Calculate rcon err for all given features and add to list
    for feature in features:
        if verbose:
            print "   Running NMF on tfidf for {} features".format(feature)

        W_matrix, nmf = nmf_on_posts(tfidf, latent_features=feature)

    return recon_errors, features
コード例 #2
if __name__ == "__main__":
        nmf_features = int(sys.argv[1])
        nmf_features = 30

    # Load all pickled objest, post_df, post_tfidf, and tfidf
    print "Loading post df..."
    post_df = pd.read_pickle(POST_DF_PICKLE)
    tfidf_matrix = pickle.load(open(POST_TFIDF_MATRIX_PICKLE, "rb"))
    tfidf = pickle.load(open(POST_TFIDF_PICKLE, "rb"))

    # Perfrom nmf on tfidf to reduce dimensionality of the dataframe for models
    # W matrix is a:     post X latent_features      matrix
    print "Reducing dimension of tfidf matrix to {} features".format(nmf_features)
    W_matrix, nmf = nmf_on_posts(tfidf_matrix, latent_features=nmf_features)

    # Pickle nmf for future use
    pickle.dump(nmf, open(POST_NMF_PICKLE, "wb"))
    pickle.dump(W_matrix, open(W_MATRIX_PICKLE, "wb"))
    print "   nmf object pickled to {}".format(POST_NMF_PICKLE)
    print "   nmf w matrix pickled to {}".format(W_MATRIX_PICKLE)

    # Merge nmf matrix and post dataframe, pickle for later use
    post_df = merge_W_with_post_df(W_matrix, post_df)
    post_df = add_main_topic_col(W_matrix, post_df)
    post_df = content_to_num_words_and_drop(post_df)
    print "   post df with nmf pickled to {}".format(POST_DF_W_NMF_PICKLE)