コード例 #1
def test_print_toc(data_dir: Path, draft_dir: Path, work_dir: Path, update_golden: bool, capfd):
	"""Verify the expected TOC is generated from test book"""
	text_dir = data_dir / "print-toc" / "in"
	book_dir = assemble_book(draft_dir, work_dir, text_dir)

	must_run(f"se print-toc {book_dir}")

	out, err = capfd.readouterr()
	assert err == ""

	golden_file = data_dir / "print-toc" / "toc-out.txt"
	assert output_is_golden(out, golden_file, update_golden)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_lint.py プロジェクト: mgbennet/tools
def test_lint(data_dir: Path, draft_dir: Path, work_dir: Path, capfd, test_name: str, update_golden: bool):
	"""Run lint command on several books with different expected lint output:
		clean   - No errors expected
		content - Errors for a default content.opf
	text_dir = data_dir / "lint" / test_name
	book_dir = assemble_book(draft_dir, work_dir, text_dir)

	result = run(f"se lint --plain {book_dir}")

	# All books with errors should return a non-zero return code
	if test_name != "clean":
		assert result.returncode != 0

	# Output of stderr should always be empty
	out, err = capfd.readouterr()
	assert err == ""

	# Update golden output files if flag is set
	golden_file = data_dir / "lint" / f"{test_name}-out.txt"
	assert output_is_golden(out, golden_file, update_golden)