def perform_inference(exec_net, request_type, input_image, input_shape):
    Performs inference on an input image, given an ExecutableNetwork
    # Get input image
    image = cv2.imread(input_image)
    # Extract the input shape
    n, c, h, w = input_shape
    # Preprocess it (applies for the IRs from the Pre-Trained Models lesson)
    preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)

    # Get the input blob for the inference request
    input_blob = next(iter(exec_net.inputs))

    # Perform either synchronous or asynchronous inference
    request_type = request_type.lower()
    if request_type == 'a':
        output = async_inference(exec_net, input_blob, preprocessed_image)
    elif request_type == 's':
        output = sync_inference(exec_net, input_blob, preprocessed_image)
        print("Unknown inference request type, should be 'A' or 'S'.")

    # Return the exec_net for testing purposes
    return output
コード例 #2
def main():
    # Preprocessing
    # Reading the crawled data
    df = pd.read_csv('magazine_products.csv', usecols=['Titulo', 'category'])

    # Creating the dataset
    dataset = []
    for category, title in zip(df['category'], df['Titulo']):
        # classes only geladeira/refrigerador and lavadora
        # replace frigobar with geladeira/refrigerador
        category = category.replace('/ ', '/').split(' ')[0].lower()
        if (category not in ('acessórios')):
            if (category in ('frigobar')): category = 'geladeira/refrigerador'
            dataset.append({'categoria': category, 'titulo': title})

    docs, words, classes = helpers.preprocessing(dataset)
    X, y = helpers.bag_of_words(docs, words, classes)

    # Shuffling the data so that the model doesn't overfit
    X = np.array(X)
    y = np.array(y)

    # TensorFlow for building and training the classifier
    # Clearing any data from previous graphs
    # Building the NN
    nn = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, len(X[0])])
    nn = tflearn.fully_connected(nn, 10, activation='relu')
    nn = tflearn.dropout(nn, 0.2)
    nn = tflearn.fully_connected(nn, 10, activation='sigmoid')
    # Dropout so that the neural network don't memorize the data and prevent overfitting
    nn = tflearn.fully_connected(nn, 10, activation='relu')
    # Output layer, softmax as activation function (best for classification)
    nn = tflearn.fully_connected(nn, len(y[0]), activation='softmax')
    # Applys linear or logistic regression to the input
    nn = tflearn.regression(nn,

    # Defining the deep neural network model and setting up the tensorboard
    model = tflearn.DNN(nn, tensorboard_dir='data/tflearn_logs')
    # Training using adam as optmizer and crossentropy loss function
    # Using 70% for training and 30% for validation(testing),
    # Saving the trained model that ill be used for testing later'model/model.tflearn')
コード例 #3
if args.handle_gpu:

batch_size = 1
# If you have trained faster rcnn model you can load weights from faster rcnn model
load_weights_from_frcnn = False
hyper_params = helpers.get_hyper_params(nms_topn=10)

VOC_test_data, VOC_info = helpers.get_dataset("voc/2007", "test")
labels = helpers.get_labels(VOC_info)
# We add 1 class for background
hyper_params["total_labels"] = len(labels) + 1
# If you want to use different dataset and don't know max height and width values
# You can use calculate_max_height_width method in helpers
max_height, max_width = helpers.VOC["max_height"], helpers.VOC["max_width"]
VOC_test_data = x : helpers.preprocessing(x, max_height, max_width))

padded_shapes, padding_values = helpers.get_padded_batch_params()
VOC_test_data = VOC_test_data.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes, padding_values=padding_values)

base_model = VGG16(include_top=False)
if hyper_params["stride"] == 16:
    base_model = Sequential(base_model.layers[:-1])
rpn_model = rpn.get_model(base_model, hyper_params)

frcnn_model_path = helpers.get_model_path("frcnn", hyper_params["stride"])
rpn_model_path = helpers.get_model_path("rpn", hyper_params["stride"])
model_path = frcnn_model_path if load_weights_from_frcnn else rpn_model_path
rpn_model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

for image_data in VOC_test_data:
コード例 #4
load_weights = False
hyper_params = helpers.get_hyper_params()

VOC_train_data, VOC_info = helpers.get_dataset("voc/2007", "train+validation")
VOC_val_data, _ = helpers.get_dataset("voc/2007", "test")
VOC_train_total_items = helpers.get_total_item_size(VOC_info, "train+validation")
VOC_val_total_items = helpers.get_total_item_size(VOC_info, "test")
step_size_train = helpers.get_step_size(VOC_train_total_items, batch_size)
step_size_val = helpers.get_step_size(VOC_val_total_items, batch_size)
labels = helpers.get_labels(VOC_info)
# We add 1 class for background
hyper_params["total_labels"] = len(labels) + 1
# If you want to use different dataset and don't know max height and width values
# You can use calculate_max_height_width method in helpers
max_height, max_width = helpers.VOC["max_height"], helpers.VOC["max_width"]
VOC_train_data = x : helpers.preprocessing(x, max_height, max_width))
VOC_val_data = x : helpers.preprocessing(x, max_height, max_width))

padded_shapes, padding_values = helpers.get_padded_batch_params()
VOC_train_data = VOC_train_data.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes, padding_values=padding_values)
VOC_val_data = VOC_val_data.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes, padding_values=padding_values)

frcnn_train_feed = faster_rcnn.generator(VOC_train_data, hyper_params, preprocess_input)
frcnn_val_feed = faster_rcnn.generator(VOC_val_data, hyper_params, preprocess_input)

base_model = VGG16(include_top=False)
if hyper_params["stride"] == 16:
    base_model = Sequential(base_model.layers[:-1])
rpn_model = rpn.get_model(base_model, hyper_params)
frcnn_model = faster_rcnn.get_model(base_model, rpn_model, hyper_params)
コード例 #5

batch_size = 1
# If you have trained faster rcnn model you can load weights from faster rcnn model
load_weights_from_frcnn = False
hyper_params = helpers.get_hyper_params(nms_topn=10)

VOC_test_data, VOC_info = helpers.get_VOC_data("test")
labels = helpers.get_labels(VOC_info)
# We add 1 class for background
hyper_params["total_labels"] = len(labels) + 1
# If you want to use different dataset and don't know max height and width values
# You can use calculate_max_height_width method in helpers
max_height, max_width = helpers.VOC["max_height"], helpers.VOC["max_width"]
VOC_test_data =
    lambda x: helpers.preprocessing(x, max_height, max_width))

padded_shapes, padding_values = helpers.get_padded_batch_params()
VOC_test_data = VOC_test_data.padded_batch(batch_size,

base_model = VGG16(include_top=False)
if hyper_params["stride"] == 16:
    base_model = Sequential(base_model.layers[:-1])
rpn_model = rpn.get_model(base_model, hyper_params)

frcnn_model_path = helpers.get_model_path("frcnn", hyper_params["stride"])
rpn_model_path = helpers.get_model_path("rpn", hyper_params["stride"])
model_path = frcnn_model_path if load_weights_from_frcnn else rpn_model_path
rpn_model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)