コード例 #1
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def roll(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message  : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!flip"):
        arguments = message.split(" ")
        if len(arguments) == 3:
            if arguments[2].isdigit():
                if casino_player.balance > int(arguments[2]):
                    if arguments[1] == "h" or arguments[1] == "t":
                        coin = random.randint(0, 1)
                        if coin == 1:
                            pm = "flips a coin... it is {}. Looks like you won :gold: ".format(arguments[1])
                            casino_player.balance += int(arguments[2])
                            pm = "flips a coin... Looks like you lost :spasdead: ".format(arguments[1])
                            casino_player.balance -= int(arguments[2])
                        pm = "first argument must be either h or t"
                    pm = "insufficient funds"
                pm = "provide a number"
            pm = "flip a coin: !flip <prediction h/t> <number amount>"
        if casino_player.visibility:
            cmd = 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(pm, "8421376")
            cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(player_id, pm , "9090242")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #2
def handle_gift(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        # parse the json
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        # if the server message is from a player
        if 'PlayerID' in js and js['PlayerID'] != '-1':
            if js['Message'].startswith("gift"):
                cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                    "provide a vice name, underscores ( _ ) for spaces, and a valid quantity ex [gift \"coyote and bird\" whiskey 2]",
                m = re.search(r"gift \"(.+?)\" (\w+) (\w+)", js["Message"])
                if m is not None:
                        gifter = find_player(js["Name"])
                        giftee = find_player(m.group(1))
                        v = get_vice(m.group(2))
                        q = int(m.group(3))

                        enough_money = gifter.gift_vice(v.alias[0], q)
                        if enough_money:
                            if giftee.vices[v.v_id] + q <= v.cap:
                                giftee.receive_gift_vice(v.alias[0], q)
                                cmd = 'setvice "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                                    giftee.name, v.v_id, giftee.vices[v.v_id])
                                cmd = 'pm "{}" "Could not gift vice: The recipient has too many of this vice" "{}"'.format(
                                    js['Name'], "8421376")
                    except Exception as e:
                        cmd = 'pm "{}" "Could not gift vice" "{}"'.format(
                            js['Name'], "8421376")
                send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #3
def handle_player_join(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.player_connect.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
            'rawsay "welcome to survival simulator, {}. Commands are !vices !start !restart" "{}"'
            .format(js['PlayerName'], color), rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #4
def set_weaps(sock):
    for p in player_list:
        if not p.default:
            cmd = 'forceweap "{}" "{}" "{}" "{}" "false"'.format(
                p.name, p.weapon1, p.weapon2, p.nade)
            send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #5
def handle_buy_quantity(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith("mvice"):
            cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                "provide a vice name, underscores ( _ ) for spaces, and a valid quantity ex [vices whiskey 2]",
            if len(js['Message'].split(" ")) > 2:
                vicename = js['Message'].split(" ")[1]
                vicequantity = js["Message"].split(" ")[2]
                vice = get_vice(vicename)
                if vice is not None and vicequantity.isnumeric():
                    p = find_player(js["Name"])
                    if p is not None:
                        if p.buy_vice_quantity(vicename, int(vicequantity)):
                            cmd = 'setvice "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                                p.name, vice.v_id, p.vices[vice.v_id])
                            cmd = 'pm "{}" "Insufficient funds, you have {} :gold: and it costs {} :gold: It could also be that you have reached the maximum allowed number of this vice! [{}]" "{}"'.format(
                                js['Name'], p.balance,
                                vice.cost * int(vicequantity), vice.cap,
                        cmd = 'pm "{}" "Please try again after this round" "8421376"'.format(
            send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #6
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def check_balance(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message  : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!balance"):
        pm = "Your balance is {}c. Use !pay to withdraw {}c".format(casino_player.balance, casino_player.daily)
        if casino_player.visibility:
            cmd = 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(pm, "8421376")
            cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(player_id, pm , "9090242")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #7
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def pay(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message  : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!pay"):
        msg = "Added your daily pay"
        casino_player.balance += casino_player.daily
        casino_player.daily = 0
        cmd = 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(msg, "8421376")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #8
ファイル: ban_ips.py プロジェクト: ekimekim/MCProxy
def on_packet(packet, user, to_server):
	if to_server and packet.name() == 'Handshake':
		ip, port = user.addr
		if ip in bans:
			packet = Packet("Disconnect", reason="No U")
			send_packet(packet, user, False)
			return []
	return packet
コード例 #9
def handle_chat_restart(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        # parse the json
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        # if the server message is from a player
        if 'PlayerID' in js and js['PlayerID'] != '-1':
            if "!restart" == js["Message"]:
                send_packet(sock, 'setwave "{}"'.format(1),
コード例 #10
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def get_visiblity(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message  : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!visible"):
        if casino_player.visibility:
            pm = "public profile"
            pm = "private profile"
        pm += " !toggle to switch"
        cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(player_id, pm, "9090242")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #11
ファイル: exampleapp.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bmanladder
def handle_debug_chat(event_id, message_string, sock, current_match):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith("!debug") and ('coyote' in js['Name']
                                                   or 'nemo' in js['Name']):
            message = current_match.to_str()
            message += "current match: " + str(current_match)
            send_packet(sock, 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(message, "8421376"),
コード例 #12
ファイル: exampleapp.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bmanladder
def handle_rcon_connect(event_id, message_string, sock, current_match):
    if event_id == rcon_event.request_data.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if int(
        ) == rcon_receive.request_match.value and js['RequestID'] == "initial":
            current_match = CurrentMatch(js['Map'])
            if int(js['Team1Score']) != 0 or int(js['Team2Score']) != 0:
                # Reset the score if it is not both zero
                send_packet(sock, "restartmap", rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #13
def handle_chat_help(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        # parse the json
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        # if the server message is from a player
        if 'PlayerID' in js and js['PlayerID'] != '-1':
            if "!help" == js["Message"]:
                    'rawsay "welcome to survival simulator, {}. Commands are !vices and !start" "{}"'
                    .format(js['Name'], color), rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #14
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def toggle(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message  : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!toggle"):
        if casino_player.visibility:
            pm = "Profile has been set to private"
            pm = "Profile has been set to public"
        casino_player.visibility = not casino_player.visibility

        cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(player_id, pm, "9090242")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #15
ファイル: acls.py プロジェクト: ekimekim/MCProxy
def on_packet(packet, user, to_server):
	if not to_server:
		return packet

	if packet.name() in ('Player position', 'Player position & look') and not check_acls(ENTRY, user):
		tell(user, "You are not allowed to enter here.", delay=0.2, lock=("acl-entry-lock",user))
		new_stance = packet.data['stance'] - packet.data['y'] + user.position_old[1]
		packet.data['x'], packet.data['y'], packet.data['z'] = user.position_old
		packet.data['stance'] = new_stance
		back_packet = Packet()
		back_packet.ident = 0x0B # Player position
		back_packet.direction = SERVER_TO_CLIENT
		back_packet.data['x'] = packet.data['x']
		back_packet.data['y'] = packet.data['y']
		back_packet.data['z'] = packet.data['z']
		back_packet.data['stance'] = packet.data['stance']
		back_packet.data['on_ground'] = packet.data['on_ground']
		send_packet(back_packet, user, False)
		return packet

	# MODIFY (block digging)
	if packet.name() == 'Player digging' and packet.data['status'] == 0:
		position = (packet.data['x'], packet.data['y'], packet.data['z'])
		if not check_acls(MODIFY, user, position):
			tell(user, "You are not allowed to dig here.")
			return []

	# MODIFY/INTERACT (block placement)
	if packet.name() == 'Player block placement' and not all(packet.data[key] == -1 for key in ('x','y','z','direction')):
		position = add_direction((packet.data['x'], packet.data['y'], packet.data['z']), packet.data['direction'])
		if packet.data['slot']['id'] in INTERACT_IDS:
			if not check_acls(INTERACT, user, position):
				tell(user, "You are not allowed to interact with things here.")
				return []
			if not check_acls(MODIFY, user, position):
				tell(user, "You are not allowed to place blocks here.")

				# For now, we tell the client that the block in the indicated direction is empty.
				# This should work almost all the time and is by far the easiest option.
				back_packet = Packet()
				back_packet.ident = 0x35 # Block change
				back_packet.direction = SERVER_TO_CLIENT
				back_packet.data['x'], back_packet.data['y'], back_packet.data['z'] = position
				back_packet.data['id'] = 0
				back_packet.data['metadata'] = 0
				send_packet(back_packet, user, False)

				# We also invalidate the packet rather than drop it, so the server auto-corrects the client's inventory
				packet.data['x'] += 100

	return packet
コード例 #16
def handle_balance(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)

        if js["Message"].startswith("balance"):
            p = find_player(js["Name"])
            if p is not None:
                cmd = 'pm "{}" "You have {} :gold:" "{}"'.format(
                    js['Name'], p.balance, "8421376")
                send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
                cmd = 'pm "{}" "No Information" "{}"'.format(
                    js['Name'], "8421376")
                send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #17
ファイル: exampleapp.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bmanladder
def handle_request_rating(event_id, message_string, sock, current_match):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value and current_match is not None:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith('!elo'):
            print("hello world")
            message = ""
            if js['PlayerID'] == current_match.player_one.p_id:
                message = current_match.player_one.document.elo
            elif js['PlayerID'] == current_match.player_two.p_id:
                message = current_match.player_two.document.elo
                message = "Could not get elo"
            send_packet(sock, 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(message, "8421376"),
コード例 #18
def handle_chat(event_id, message_string, sock):
    # if passed in event_id is a chat_message
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        # parse the json
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        # if the server message is from a player
        if 'PlayerID' in js and js['PlayerID'] != '-1':
            if '!vices' == js["Message"]:
                cmd = ""
                for i in range(0, len(vices)):
                    cmd = 'setvice "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                        js['Name'], i, vices[i])
                    send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
                send_packet(sock, 'setlife "{}" "{}"'.format(js['Name'], 3500),
コード例 #19
ファイル: exampleapp.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bmanladder
def handle_get_names(event_id, message_string, sock, current_match):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith("!names"):
            message = ""
            if current_match.player_one is not None:
                message += current_match.player_one.document.name
                message += "player one has no name. "

            if current_match.player_two is not None:
                message += current_match.player_two.document.name
                message += "player two has no name. "

            send_packet(sock, 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(message, "8421376"),
コード例 #20
ファイル: casino.py プロジェクト: coyote963/coysino
def get_help(casino_player : CasinoPlayer, message : str, player_id : str, sock):
    if message.startswith("!help"):
        arguments = message.split(" ")
        if len(arguments) == 2 and arguments[1] in ['flip', 'pay', 'balance', 'visible', 'toggle']:
            if arguments[1] == 'flip':
                pm = "Make a <guess> and flip a coin. You either lose or gain depending on your <amount>. [!flip <guess> <amount>]"
            if arguments[1] == 'pay':
                pm = "Transfer your earnings into your balance. Your earnings come from getting kills. [!pay]"
            if arguments[1] == 'balance':
                pm = "Check your balance [!balance]"
            if arguments[1] == 'visible':
                pm = "Check your visibility settings. Depending on your setting, Coysino will either pm you or display publicly"
            if arguments[1] == 'toggle':
                pm = "Toggles your visibility setting"
            pm = "Welcome to the Coysino. The commands are flip, pay, balance, visible, toggle. Do !help <command> for information on that command"
        cmd = 'rawsay "{}" "{}"'.format(pm, "8421376")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #21
def handle_check_price(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith("price"):
            cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                "provide a vice or weapon name, use underscores ( _ ) for spaces",
            vicename = js['Message'].split(" ")[1]
            vice = get_vice(vicename)
            if vice is not None:
                cmd = 'pm "{}" "Price is {} :gold: Cap is {}. Description: {}" "{}"'.format(
                    js['Name'], str(vice.cost), str(vice.cap),
                    vice_description[vice.v_id], "8421376")
                weapname = js['Message'].split(" ")[1]
                weap = get_weapon(weapname)
                if weap is not None:
                    cmd = 'pm "{}" "Price is {} :gold: Weapon bonus is {}" "{}"'.format(
                        js['Name'], str(weap.cost), str(weap.bonus), "8421376")
            send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #22
def handle_buy_vice(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        if js['Message'].startswith("vice"):
            cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                "provide a vice name, underscores ( _ ) for spaces", "8421376")
            if len(js['Message'].split(" ")) > 1:
                vicename = js['Message'].split(" ")[1]
                vice = get_vice(vicename)
                if vice is not None:
                    p = find_player(js["Name"])
                    if p is not None:
                        if p.buy_vice(vicename):
                            cmd = 'setvice "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                                p.name, vice.v_id, p.vices[vice.v_id])
                            cmd = 'pm "{}" "Insufficient funds, you have {} :gold: and {} costs {} :gold:, It could also be that you have reached the maximum of this vice [{}]" "{}"'.format(
                                js['Name'], p.balance, vice.alias[0],
                                vice.cost, vice.cap, "8421376")
                        cmd = 'pm "{}" "Please try again after this round" ""8421376""'.format(
            send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #23
def handle_chat(event_id, message_string, sock):
    # if passed in event_id is a chat_message
    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
        # parse the json
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        # if the server message is from a player
        if 'PlayerID' in js and js['PlayerID'] != '-1':

            if js['Message'].startswith("buy"):
                if len(js['Message'].split(" ")) > 1:
                    weapon = get_weapon(js['Message'].split(" ")[1])
                    if weapon is not None:
                        p = find_player(js['Name'])
                        if p is not None:
                            if p.buy_weapon(js['Message'].split(" ")[1]):
                                cmd = 'forceweap "{}" "{}" "{}" "{}" "false"'.format(
                                    js['Name'], p.weapon1, p.weapon2, p.nade)
                                send_packet(sock, cmd,
                                cmd = 'pm "{}" "Insufficient funds, you have {} :gold: and it costs {} :gold:" "{}"'.format(
                                    js['Name'], p.balance, weapon.cost,
                                send_packet(sock, cmd,
                        cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                            "Not a valid weapon name, make sure to use underscores for spaces",
                        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
                    cmd = 'pm "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
                        "provide a weapon name, underscores ( _ ) for spaces",
                    send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #24
def request_match(sock):
    send_packet(sock, '"abc" "cde"', rcon_receive.request_match.value)
    threading.Timer(10, request_match, (sock,)).start()
コード例 #25
ファイル: zone_confirm.py プロジェクト: ekimekim/MCProxy
IN_ZONE = 5 # green
OTHER_ZONE = 4 # yellow
CONFLICT = 14 # red

def wool_point(zone, user, (x,y,z)):
	block_metadata = None
	zones_here = zones.get_zones_at_point(user.dimension, (x,y,z))
	if zones_here == [zone]:
		block_metadata = IN_ZONE
	elif zone in zones_here:
		block_metadata = CONFLICT
	elif zones_here:
		block_metadata = OTHER_ZONE
	if block_metadata is not None:
		packet = Packet('Block change', x=x, y=y, z=z, id=WOOL_ID, metadata=block_metadata)
		send_packet(packet, user, False)

def zonewool(message, user, name):
	user.morewool = name
		zone = zones.get_zones()[name]
	except KeyError:
		tell(user, "Bad zone name")
	base = [int(axis) for axis in user.position]
	for x in range(base[0]-5, base[0]+5):
		for y in range(base[1]-10, base[1]):
			for z in range(base[2]-5, base[2]+5):
				wool_point(zone, user, (x,y,z))
コード例 #26
def handle_match(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.tdm_switch_sides.value or event_id == rcon_event.match_end.value:
        cmd = 'resetvicesall'
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #27
def handle_join(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.player_connect.value:
        js = json.loads(message_string)
        cmd = 'pm "{}" "Commands: buy, balance, vice, price. You cannot use commands until you spawn so be patient" "{}"'.format(
            js['PlayerName'], "8421376")
        send_packet(sock, cmd, rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #28
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bman-data
def start_parser(sock, cb, execute_heartbeat):
    #initialize some globals for network data reading
    #sock.recv() uses bytes so lets make them empty byte arrays
    buffer = b''
    get_data = b''
    data = b''
    #these two are the delimiters for B-Man packets
    start_read = b'\xe2\x94\x90'  #translates to ascii character "┐"
    end_read = b'\xe2\x94\x94'  #translates to ascii character "└"

    timeout = 0  #used for timing out a bad connection

    while True:

        data = b''  #reset main data byte array
            #attempt to load bytes from the network
            #buffer size read per cycle set to 64k because YEET
            #set it to something lower if youre having network performance problems
            get_data = sock.recv(64000)
            get_data = b''  #return empty byte array is fail
        if get_data != b'':  #if the byte array is not empty, load them into the current data buffer
            buffer += get_data
        while True:  #a second while loop is needed to loop through the buffer to make sure all data is processed
            if buffer.find(end_read) != -1 and buffer.find(
            ) != -1:  #this if-else statement checks if the data buffer has the beginning delimiter and the end delimiter
                start_index = buffer.find(
                )  #find the beginning byte position of the Boring Man packet
                end_index = buffer.find(
                ) + 3  #find the ending byte position of the Boring Man packet and offset it to make sure its included (1 character string = 3 bytes)
                data = buffer[
                    end_index]  #carve out the complete packet out of the data buffer and assign it to the 'data' variable for processing
                buffer = buffer[
                    end_index:]  #take the complete packet out of the buffer so only the unused data is left so it can be used next cycle
                if data != b'':  #make sure the data variable isn't empty
                    data_info = struct.unpack_from(
                        '<' + '3s' + 'h', data, 0
                    )  #read the beginning delimiter character, and then the JSON string size (in bytes)
                    event_data = struct.unpack_from(
                        '<' + '3s' + 'h' + 'h' + str(data_info[1]) + 's', data,
                    )  #read the beginning delimiter character, and then the JSON string size, then the event ID integer, then the JSON string itself using the size value from the line above
                    data = b''  #reset the data variable
                    event_id = event_data[2]  #get the event ID number
                    message_string = event_data[3].decode().strip(
                    )  #get the JSON string and sanitize it
                    message_string = message_string[:
                                                    -1]  #remove the ending delimiter character (└)

                    #uncomment the print line below to see the event IDs received and the JSON data that comes with them
                    # if event_id != "41" and display_packets:
                    # 	print("EVENT ID: "+str(event_id)+" - JSON: "+str(message_string))
                    if event_id == rcon_event.rcon_ping.value:  #if the event is a ping
                        #event ID for pinging. Boring Man will send each RCON client a ping event every few seconds, reply to it to keep your connection alive
                        #use the 'rcon_receive.ping' enum for pinging, this tells the server its just a ping packet and to do nothing with it
                            sock, "1", rcon_receive.ping.value
                        )  #i put a "1" string cuz sometimes game maker gets mad at empty strings
                    #this event ID is for logging in-game console messages in your python window
                    # if event_id == rcon_event.log_message.value:
                    # 	js = json.loads(message_string)
                    # 	print(js['Message']) #load the JSON key 'Message' to get the log message
                    if event_id == rcon_event.server_shutdown.value:
                        #end the app if it receives a "server_shutdown" event
                        print("Server disconnected")
                    #this a little example of a in-game chat command. type '!time' in the in-game chat window while this example is connected and see what happens!
                    if event_id == rcon_event.chat_message.value:
                        js = json.loads(
                        )  #message_string is the json string, so pass it through the json module
                        timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
                            "%H:%M:%S"))  #generate a time stamp
                        if 'PlayerID' in js:
                            id = int(
                            )  #get the player ID of the player who sent the message and make it an integer
                            username = js[
                                'Name']  #get the username of the player who sent the message
                            chat = js[
                                'Message']  #get the message text that was sent
                            if id != -1:  #ignore the message if it was sent by the server (ID will be -1)
                                if chat.startswith(
                                ):  #check if the message starts with the command '!time'
                                        sock, 'rawsay "Hello ' +
                                        str(username) + '! The time is ' +
                                        str(timestamp) + '."',
                                    )  #reply back to the server with an in-game console command
                    cb(event_id, message_string, sock)
                break  #break out of this while loop if the beginning or ending delimiter characters aren't found and go back to reading network data
コード例 #29
def handle_rcon_logged_in(event_id, message_string, sock):
    if event_id == rcon_event.rcon_logged_in.value:
        send_packet(sock, "enablemutators", rcon_receive.command.value)
コード例 #30
ファイル: bm_parser.py プロジェクト: coyote963/bmanladder
def start_parser(sock, cm, cb):
	#initialize some globals for network data reading
	#sock.recv() uses bytes so lets make them empty byte arrays
	buffer = b''
	get_data = b''
	data = b''

	#these two are the delimiters for B-Man packets
	start_read = b'\xe2\x94\x90' #translates to ascii character "┐"
	end_read = b'\xe2\x94\x94' #translates to ascii character "└"

	timeout = 0 #used for timing out a bad connection

	while True:
		timeout += 1
		if timeout > 3600000:
			#increase timeout value and if it reaches more then 3600000, kill the app
			#timeout is reset when rcon receives an "rcon_event.rcon_ping.value" event from the game server
			print("Timed out from server!")
		data = b'' #reset main data byte array
			#attempt to load bytes from the network
			#buffer size read per cycle set to 64k because YEET
			#set it to something lower if youre having network performance problems
			get_data = sock.recv(64000)
			get_data = b'' #return empty byte array is fail
		if get_data != b'':#if the byte array is not empty, load them into the current data buffer
			buffer += get_data
		while True: #a second while loop is needed to loop through the buffer to make sure all data is processed
			if buffer.find(end_read) != -1 and buffer.find(start_read) != -1: #this if-else statement checks if the data buffer has the beginning delimiter and the end delimiter
				start_index = buffer.find(start_read) #find the beginning byte position of the Boring Man packet
				end_index = buffer.find(end_read)+3 #find the ending byte position of the Boring Man packet and offset it to make sure its included (1 character string = 3 bytes)
				data = buffer[start_index:end_index] #carve out the complete packet out of the data buffer and assign it to the 'data' variable for processing
				buffer = buffer[end_index:] #take the complete packet out of the buffer so only the unused data is left so it can be used next cycle
				if data != b'': #make sure the data variable isn't empty
					data_info = struct.unpack_from('<'+'3s'+'h',data,0) #read the beginning delimiter character, and then the JSON string size (in bytes)
					event_data = struct.unpack_from('<'+'3s'+'h'+'h'+str(data_info[1])+'s',data,0) #read the beginning delimiter character, and then the JSON string size, then the event ID integer, then the JSON string itself using the size value from the line above
					data = b'' #reset the data variable 
					event_id = event_data[2] #get the event ID number
					message_string = event_data[3].decode().strip() #get the JSON string and sanitize it
					message_string = message_string[:-1] #remove the ending delimiter character (└)
					#uncomment the print line below to see the event IDs received and the JSON data that comes with them
					if str(event_id) != "41":
						print("EVENT ID: "+str(event_id)+" - JSON: "+str(message_string)) 
					if event_id == rcon_event.rcon_ping.value: #if the event is a ping
						#event ID for pinging. Boring Man will send each RCON client a ping event every few seconds, reply to it to keep your connection alive
						#use the 'rcon_receive.ping' enum for pinging, this tells the server its just a ping packet and to do nothing with it
						timeout = 0 #reset timeout if a ping is received
						send_packet(sock, "1",rcon_receive.ping.value) #i put a "1" string cuz sometimes game maker gets mad at empty strings
					#this event ID is for logging in-game console messages in your python window
					if event_id == rcon_event.log_message.value:
						js = json.loads(message_string)
						#print(js['Message']) #load the JSON key 'Message' to get the log message
					if event_id == rcon_event.server_shutdown.value:
						#end the app if it receives a "server_shutdown" event
						print("Server disconnected")
					cb(event_id, message_string, sock, cm)
				break #break out of this while loop if the beginning or ending delimiter characters aren't found and go back to reading network data
コード例 #31
def request_player(sock, player_id):
    content = '"' + 'a' + '" "' + player_id + '"'
    send_packet(sock, content, rcon_receive.request_player.value)