def getoldsets(): init() # oldscrape seeks out the old gallery format, sadly cover placement isn't automated. ## This one is a find and grab, there is a DB table to indicate status only. oldscrape('') oldscrape('') oldscrape('') oldscrape('') oldscrape('') oldscrape('') fileutil.thumbdbbuild()
def bbparse(cat=0): init() #Start 5 worker threads for downloading# for i in range(5): t = ThreadUrl(queue) t.setDaemon(True) t.start()'Beginning Scrape Process') # This will run a gallery search on the member page, this pulls only the new galleries begin('') if cat==1: ## catparse works for the bulk category pages format is (url, debug), only new galleries catparse('') catparse('') catparse('') catparse('') catparse('') catparse('') # This parses searches added to the database, and pulls down photos doparse() # This compresses any finished sets to a solid CBZ file for easy cataloging and viewing if herp.CBZ_Compress == 1: docompress() # this searches the sets table, not the oldsets table. # Oldsets aren't compressed by this script, since cover download automation has not yet been implemented. #Check for incomplete sets, print them out out= myDB.action("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sets WHERE status is not 'cbz' ORDER BY year DESC, title ASC").fetchone() if out[0] != 0: print '--The following are incomplete--' for row in myDB.action("SELECT * FROM sets WHERE status is not 'cbz' ORDER BY year DESC, title ASC"): #print row print "Status: " +row[3] +" Year: "+row[0] + " Title: " + row[1] print '--------------------------------' #Smart folder completionuses rulesets to define finished sets. - technically this could be used instead of the 5 folder counter but it feels a little too lazy to do that. smartfoldercompletion() fileutil.thumbdbbuild()