コード例 #1
    def _run_tasks(self, task_list, interactive):
        Runs the tasks given on the command line.

        :param task_list: a task name or a list of task names to run
        :type task_list: str|list
        :param interactive: if asserted do not run the tasks in parallel
        :type interactive: bool
        :return: None
        if not is_sequence(task_list):
            task_list = [task_list]

        verified_task_list = self._verified_tasks(task_list)
        debug("task_list: {tasks}".format(tasks=task_list))
        debug("verified_task_list: {tasks}".format(tasks=verified_task_list))
        if not verified_task_list:
            raise ValueError('No tasks given.  Run "herring -T" to see available tasks.')
        TaskWithArgs.argv = list([arg for arg in task_list if arg not in verified_task_list])

        def task_lookup(task_name_):
            info("Running: {name} ({description})".format(name=task_name_,
            TaskWithArgs.arg_prompt = HerringTasks[task_name_]['arg_prompt']
                return HerringTasks[task_name_]['task']
            except Exception as ex:

        for task_name_list in self._resolve_dependencies(verified_task_list, HerringTasks):
            if interactive:
                for task_name in task_name_list:
                parallelize_process(*[task_lookup(task_name) for task_name in task_name_list])
コード例 #2
ファイル: herring_loader.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
    def _load_plugin(self, plugin, paths):
        """load a plugin module if we haven't yet loaded it
        :param plugin: the herringlib plugin to load
        :param paths: the herringlib path
        # check if we haven't loaded it already
            return sys.modules[plugin]
        except KeyError:
        # ok not found so load it
        debug("_load_plugin({plugin}, {paths})".format(plugin=plugin, paths=paths))

            # python3
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyCompatibility
            from importlib import import_module

            package = 'herringlib'
            mod = import_module(plugin, package)
        except ImportError:
            # python2
            from imp import load_module, PY_SOURCE

            filename = os.path.join(paths, plugin)
            extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
            mode = 'r'
            desc = (extension, mode, PY_SOURCE)
            with open(filename, mode) as fp:
                mod = load_module(plugin, fp, filename, desc)
        return mod
コード例 #3
ファイル: herring_loader.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
    def _load_file(self, file_name):
        Loads the tasks from the herringfile populating the
        HerringApp.HerringTasks structure.

        :param file_name: the herringfile
        :type file_name: str
        :return: None
        plugin = os.path.basename(file_name)
        path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
        debug("plugin: {plugin}, path: {path}".format(plugin=plugin, path=path))
        self._load_plugin(plugin, path)
コード例 #4
ファイル: herring_loader.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
    def library_files(library_paths=None, pattern='*.py'):
        Yield any .py files located in herringlib subdirectory in the
        same directory as the given herringfile.  Ignore package __init__.py
        files, .svn and templates sub-directories.

        :param library_paths: the path to the herringlib directory
        :type library_paths: list(Path)
        :param pattern: the file pattern (glob) to select
        :type pattern: str
        :return: iterator for path to a library herring file
        :rtype: iterator[str]
        for lib_path in library_paths or []:
            debug("lib_path: {path}".format(path=lib_path))
            parent_path = lib_path.parent
            if lib_path.is_dir():
                files = find_files(str(lib_path), excludes=['*/templates/*', '.svn'], includes=[pattern])
                for file_path in [Path(file_name) for file_name in files]:
                    if file_path.name == '__init__.py':
                    debug("parent_path: %s" % str(parent_path))
                    debug("loading from herringlib:  %s" % file_path)
                    rel_path = file_path.relative_to(parent_path)
                    debug("relative path: %s" % str(rel_path))
                    yield rel_path
コード例 #5
ファイル: parallelize.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
    def wrapper(function_, queue__):
        Wraps the function to capture the ReportService logging which is returned via the queue.

        If the function raises an exception, return 1

        :param function_: function to execute
        :type function_: function
        :param queue__: queue used to return a string containing the ReportService log filled by the function
        :type queue__: multiprocessing.Queue
        :return: exit the processes
        :rtype: zero to indicate pass or positive integer to indicate error
        # print("wrapper({name})".format(name=function.__name__))
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = StringIO()

            debug("Starting process wrapped function")
            result = function_()
            debug("Finished process wrapped function")
        except Exception as ex:
            error("parallelize_process error: " + str(ex))
            result = 1

        messages = sys.stdout.getvalue() or ""
        debug("messages: " + messages)

        # HACK: documentation says to use sys.exit() but that blows on python 2.6,
        # so using return which works on python 2.6, 2.7, 3.4
        return result
コード例 #6
ファイル: herring_loader.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
 def _import(self, mod_name):
         debug('imported {name}'.format(name=mod_name))
     except ImportError as ex:
         debug('failed to import {name}'.format(name=mod_name))
コード例 #7
ファイル: herring_app.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/Herring
    def run_tasks(task_list):
        Runs the tasks given on the command line.

        :param task_list: a task name or a list of task names to run
        :type task_list: str|list
        :return: None
        if not is_sequence(task_list):
            task_list = [task_list]

        verified_task_list = HerringApp._verified_tasks(task_list)
        debug("task_list: {tasks}".format(tasks=task_list))
        debug("verified_task_list: {tasks}".format(tasks=verified_task_list))
        if not verified_task_list:
            raise ValueError('No tasks given.  Run "herring -T" to see available tasks.')
        TaskWithArgs.argv = list([arg for arg in task_list if arg not in verified_task_list])

        for task_name in HerringApp._resolve_dependencies(verified_task_list, HerringTasks):
            info("Running: {name} ({description})".format(name=task_name,
            TaskWithArgs.arg_prompt = HerringTasks[task_name]['arg_prompt']
コード例 #8
ファイル: herring_loader.py プロジェクト: royw/Herring
    def _load_modules(self, herringfile, library_paths):

        :param herringfile:
        :type herringfile:
        :param library_paths:
        :type library_paths: list[Path]
        herringfile_path = Path(herringfile).parent
        debug("library_paths: %s" % repr(library_paths))
        HerringFile.herringlib_paths = [str(path.parent) for path in library_paths
                                        if path.parent != herringfile_path] + [str(herringfile_path)]
        sys.path = unique_list(HerringFile.herringlib_paths + self.__sys_path[:])

        for path in HerringFile.herringlib_paths:
            debug("herringlib path: %s" % path)
        debug(pformat("sys.path: %s" % repr(sys.path)))

        except ImportError as ex:
            debug('failed to import herringfile')


        for lib_path in library_paths:
            sys.path = [lib_path] + self.__sys_path
            debug("sys.path: %s" % repr(sys.path))
            for file_name in self.library_files(library_paths=[lib_path]):
                self._import(mod_name='herringlib.' + Path(file_name).stem)

        sys.path = self.__sys_path[:]