コード例 #1
    def find_missing_requirements(self):
        Find the required packages that are not in the requirements.txt file.

        :return: set of missing packages.
        :rtype: set[Requirement]
        requirements = self._reduce_by_version(self._get_requirements_dict_from_py_files())

        needed = []
        filename = 'requirements.txt'
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            debug("Missing: " + filename)
            diff = sorted(set(needed))
            with open(filename) as in_file:
                existing_requirements = []
                for line in [line.strip() for line in in_file.readlines()]:
                    if line and not line.startswith('#'):
                existing = sorted(compress_list(unique_list(existing_requirements)))
                difference = [req for req in needed if req not in existing]
                diff = sorted(set([req for req in difference
                                  if not req.markers or Requirement(req.package) not in needed]))
        debug("find_missing_requirements.needed: {pkgs}".format(pkgs=pformat(needed)))
        debug("find_missing_requirements.diff: {pkgs}".format(pkgs=pformat(diff)))
        return diff
コード例 #2
ファイル: requirements.py プロジェクト: royw/herringlib
 def required_files(self):
     Add required packages (specified in module docstrings) to the appropriate requirements text file(s).
     needed_dict = Requirements(self._project).find_missing_requirements()
     for filename in needed_dict.keys():
         needed = needed_dict[filename]
         debug("needed: %s" % repr(needed))
             requirements_filename = os.path.join(self._project.herringfile_dir, filename)
             if not os.path.isfile(requirements_filename):
                 with open(requirements_filename, 'w') as req_file:
                     req_file.write('-e .\n\n')
             with open(requirements_filename, 'a') as req_file:
                 for need in sorted(unique_list(list(needed))):
                     out_line = need.qualified(qualifiers=True)
                     if out_line:
                         req_file.write(out_line + "\n")
                 for need in sorted(unique_list(list(needed))):
                     out_line = need.qualified(qualifiers=False)
                     if out_line:
                         req_file.write(out_line + "\n")
         except IOError as ex:
             warning("Can not add the following to the {filename} file: {needed}\n{err}".format(
                 filename=filename, needed=repr(needed), err=str(ex)))
コード例 #3
def test_unique_list():
    """removes duplicate entries in the list"""

    assert unique_list([]) == []
    assert unique_list([1]) == [1]
    assert unique_list([1, 2]) == [1, 2]

    assert unique_list([1, 1]) == [1]
    assert unique_list([1, 1, 1]) == [1]
    assert unique_list([1, 1, 2]) == [1, 2]
    assert unique_list([1, 2, 1]) == [1, 2]
    assert unique_list([2, 1, 1]) == [2, 1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: venv.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/herringlib
def mkvenvs():
    """Make virturalenvs used for wheel building.  Requires Project.wheel_python_versions and virtualenvwrapper."""

    venvs = VirtualenvInfo('python_versions')
    if not venvs.in_virtualenv and venvs.defined:
        for venv_info in venvs.infos(exists=False):
            requirement_files = ['requirements.txt']
            versioned_requirement_file = Project.versioned_requirements_file_format.format(ver=venv_info.ver)
            if os.path.isfile(versioned_requirement_file):

            for requirement_file in unique_list(requirement_files):
                with open(requirement_file) as file_:
                    requirements = file_.readlines()
                    # info(requirement_file)
                    # info('=' * len(requirement_file))
                    # info(pformat(requirements))

            install_lines = [
                'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} pip ; '.format(pip_options=Project.pip_options),
                'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} setuptools ; '.format(pip_options=Project.pip_options),
                'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} requests[security] ;'.format(pip_options=Project.pip_options),
            if 'numpy' in requirements:
                install_lines.append('pip install {pip_options} numpy ; '.format(pip_options=Project.pip_options))

            if 'matplotlib' in requirements:
                install_lines.append('pip install {pip_options} matplotlib ; '.format(pip_options=Project.pip_options))

            for requirement_file in unique_list(requirement_files):
                install_lines.append('pip install {pip_options} -r {requirement_file} ; '.format(
                    pip_options=Project.pip_options, requirement_file=requirement_file))

        info("To build with wheels, in your herringfile you must set Project.wheel_python_versions to a list"
             "of compact version, for example: ['27', '33', '34'] will build wheels for "
             "python 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4")
コード例 #5
ファイル: requirements.py プロジェクト: royw/herringlib
    def find_missing_requirements(self, lib_files=None):
        Find the required packages that are not in the requirements.txt file.

        :param lib_files: list of filenames to scan for requirement comments.  Set to None to scan all py files
                          in the herringlib directory and the herringfile.
        :type lib_files: None|list[str]
        :return: key is requirement filename and value is the set of missing packages.
        :rtype: dict[str,set[Requirement]]
        requirements_dict = self._get_requirements_dict_from_py_files(lib_files=lib_files)
        diff_dict = {}
        for requirement_filename in requirements_dict.keys():
            requirements = self._reduce_by_version(requirements_dict[requirement_filename])

            needed = []
            if not os.path.exists(requirement_filename):
                debug("Missing: " + requirement_filename)
                diff_dict[requirement_filename] = sorted(set(needed))
                with open(requirement_filename) as in_file:
                    existing_requirements = []
                    for line in [line.strip() for line in in_file.readlines()]:
                        if line and not line.startswith('#'):
                    existing = sorted(compress_list(unique_list(existing_requirements)))
                    difference = [req for req in needed if req not in existing]
                    diff_dict[requirement_filename] = sorted(set([req for req in difference
                                                                  if not req.markers or
                                                                  Requirement(req.package) not in needed]))
            debug("find_missing_requirements.needed: {pkgs}".format(pkgs=pformat(needed)))
            debug("find_missing_requirements.diff: {pkgs}".format(pkgs=pformat(diff_dict[requirement_filename])))
        return diff_dict
コード例 #6
def mkvenvs():
    Make populated virtual environments.  Requires Project.python_versions, Project.docs_venv, and virtualenvwrapper.

    Currently there are two possibly overlapping sets of virtual environments, the set defined by 'python_versions',
    and the virtual environment specified by 'docs_venv'.  So we iterate across both sets and use the if exists
    to avoid the overlap.  Each set can have a set of requirements.txt files used to populate the virtual environment.

    for attr_name in Project.virtualenv_requirements.keys():
        requirement_files = Project.virtualenv_requirements[attr_name]

        venvs = VirtualenvInfo(attr_name)
        if venvs.in_virtualenv:
            warning('Please deactivate the current virtual environment then try running this task again.')

        if venvs.defined:
            pip_options = '{pip_opts}'.format(pip_opts=Project.pip_options)
            for venv_info in venvs.infos(exists=False):
                if venv_info.exists():
                    info("{venv} already exists".format(venv=venv_info.venv))

                versioned_requirement_file = Project.versioned_requirements_file_format.format(ver=venv_info.ver)
                if os.path.isfile(versioned_requirement_file):

                for requirement_file in unique_list(requirement_files):
                    with open(requirement_file) as file_:
                        requirements = file_.readlines()
                        # info(requirement_file)
                        # info('=' * len(requirement_file))
                        # info(pformat(requirements))

                install_lines = [
                    'pip install --upgrade pip',
                    'pip install wheel',
                    'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} setuptools'.format(pip_options=pip_options),
                    'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} cryptography'.format(pip_options=pip_options),
                    'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1'.format(
                    'pip install --upgrade {pip_options} requests[security]'.format(pip_options=pip_options),
                if 'numpy' in requirements:
                    install_lines.append('pip install --upgrade {pip_options} numpy'.format(pip_options=pip_options))

                if 'matplotlib' in requirements:
                    install_lines.append('pip install --upgrade {pip_options} matplotlib'.format(

                for requirement_file in unique_list(requirement_files):
                    install_lines.append('pip install --upgrade {pip_options} --pre -r {requirement_file}'.format(
                        pip_options=pip_options, requirement_file=requirement_file))

                for line in install_lines:
                    # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
                    venv_info.run(line, verbose=True)
            info("To build with wheels, in your herringfile you must set Project.wheel_python_versions to a list"
                 "of compact version, for example: ['27', '33', '34'] will build wheels for "
                 "python 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4")