コード例 #1
ファイル: kmeans_main.py プロジェクト: seanlatias/heterocl
        def loop_kernel(labels):
            # assign cluster
            with hcl.for_(0, N, name="n") as n:
                min_dist = hcl.scalar(100000)
                new_label = hcl.scalar(labels[n])
                with hcl.for_(0, K) as k:
                    dist = hcl.scalar(0)
                    with hcl.for_(0, dim) as d:
                        dist_ = hcl.scalar(points[n, d] - means[k, d], "temp")
                        dist.v += dist_.v * dist_.v
                    with hcl.if_(dist.v < min_dist.v):
                        min_dist.v = dist.v
                        new_label[0] = k
                labels[n] = new_label
            # update mean
            num_k = hcl.compute((K, ), lambda x: 0, "num_k")
            sum_k = hcl.compute((K, dim), lambda x, y: 0, "sum_k")

            def calc_sum(n):
                num_k[labels[n]] += 1
                with hcl.for_(0, dim) as d:
                    sum_k[labels[n], d] += points[n, d]

            hcl.mutate((N, ), lambda n: calc_sum(n), "calc_sum")
            hcl.update(means, lambda k, d: sum_k[k, d] // num_k[k],
コード例 #2
def transition(sVals, action, bounds, trans, goal):
    dx = hcl.scalar(0, "dx")
    dy = hcl.scalar(0, "dy")
    mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")

    # Check if moving from a goal state
    dx[0] = sVals[0] - goal[0, 0]
    dy[0] = sVals[1] - goal[0, 1]
    mag[0] = hcl.sqrt((dx[0] * dx[0]) + (dy[0] * dy[0]))
    with hcl.if_(
            hcl.and_(mag[0] <= 1.0, sVals[2] <= goal[1, 1],
                     sVals[2] >= goal[1, 0])):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Check if moving from an obstacle
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[0] < bounds[0, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[0] > bounds[0, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[1] < bounds[1, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[1] > bounds[1, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Standard move
    with hcl.else_():
        trans[0, 0] = 1.0
        trans[0, 1] = sVals[0] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.cos(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 2] = sVals[1] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.sin(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 3] = sVals[2] + (0.6 * action[1])
        # Adjust for periodic dimension
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] > 3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] -= 6.283185307179586
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] < -3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] += 6.283185307179586
コード例 #3
def spa_derivX3_6d(i, j, k, l, m, n, V,
                   g):  # Left -> right == Outer Most -> Inner Most
    left_deriv = hcl.scalar(0, "left_deriv")
    right_deriv = hcl.scalar(0, "right_deriv")
    with hcl.if_(k == 0):
        left_boundary = hcl.scalar(0, "left_boundary")
        left_boundary[0] = V[i, j, k, l, m,
                             n] + my_abs(V[i, j, k + 1, l, m, n] -
                                         V[i, j, k, l, m, n]) * my_sign(
                                             V[i, j, k, l, m, n])
        left_deriv[0] = (V[i, j, k, l, m, n] - left_boundary[0]) / g.dx[2]
        right_deriv[0] = (V[i, j, k + 1, l, m, n] -
                          V[i, j, k, l, m, n]) / g.dx[2]
    with hcl.elif_(k == V.shape[2] - 1):
        right_boundary = hcl.scalar(0, "right_boundary")
        right_boundary[0] = V[i, j, k, l, m,
                              n] + my_abs(V[i, j, k, l, m, n] -
                                          V[i, j, k - 1, l, m, n]) * my_sign(
                                              V[i, j, k, l, m, n])
        left_deriv[0] = (V[i, j, k, l, m, n] -
                         V[i, j, k - 1, l, m, n]) / g.dx[2]
        right_deriv[0] = (right_boundary[0] - V[i, j, k, l, m, n]) / g.dx[2]
    with hcl.elif_(k != 0 and k != V.shape[2] - 1):
        left_deriv[0] = (V[i, j, k, l, m, n] -
                         V[i, j, k - 1, l, m, n]) / g.dx[2]
        right_deriv[0] = (V[i, j, k + 1, l, m, n] -
                          V[i, j, k, l, m, n]) / g.dx[2]
    return left_deriv[0], right_deriv[0]
コード例 #4
    def optDstb(self, state, spat_deriv):

        :param state:
        :param spat_deriv:

        dOpt1 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt1")
        dOpt2 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt2")

        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
        in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")
        in5 = hcl.scalar(0, "in5")

        # dOpt = (dOpt[0], dOpt[1]) = (w_h, a_h)

        with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "max"):

            # For dOpt1: w_h
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] > 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMin[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] <= 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMax[0]

            # For dOpt2: a_h
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] > 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMin[1]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] <= 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMax[1]

        return (dOpt1[0], dOpt2[0], in3[0], in4[0], in5[0])
コード例 #5
    def opt_ctrl(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
        :param t: time t
        :param state: tuple of coordinates
        :param spat_deriv: tuple of spatial derivative in all dimensions
        # System dynamics
        # x_dot     = v * cos(theta) + d_1
        # y_dot     = v * sin(theta) + d_2
        # v_dot = a
        # theta_dot = v * tan(delta) / L

        # Graph takes in 4 possible inputs, by default, for now
        opt_a = hcl.scalar(self.uMax[0], "opt_a")
        opt_w = hcl.scalar(self.uMax[1], "opt_w")
        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
        in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")

        if self.uMode == "min":
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] > 0):
                opt_a[0] = self.uMin[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] > 0):
                opt_w[0] = self.uMin[1]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] < 0):
                opt_a[0] = self.uMin[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] < 0):
                opt_w[0] = self.uMin[1]
        # return 3, 4 even if you don't use them
        return (opt_a[0], opt_w[0], in3[0], in4[0])
コード例 #6
    def opt_ctrl(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
                :param  spat_deriv: tuple of spatial derivative in all dimensions
                        state: x1, x2, x3
                        t: time
                :return: a tuple of optimal disturbances

        opt_w = hcl.scalar(self.wMax, "opt_w")
        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
        in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")

        #a_term = spat_deriv[0] * self.x[1] - spat_deriv[1]*self.x[0] - spat_deriv[2]

        # Declare a variable
        a_term = hcl.scalar(0, "a_term")
        # use the scalar by indexing 0 everytime
        a_term[0] = spat_deriv[0] * state[1] - spat_deriv[1] * state[
            0] - spat_deriv[2]

        with hcl.if_(a_term >= 0):
            with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "min"):
                opt_w[0] = -opt_w[0]
        with hcl.elif_(a_term < 0):
            with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "max"):
                opt_w[0] = -opt_w[0]
        return (opt_w[0], in3[0], in4[0])
コード例 #7
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):

        :param t:
        :param state:
        :param uOpt:
        :param dOpt:
        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x4_dot")
        x5_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x5_dot")

        # state = (state[0]: , state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4]) = (x_rel, y_rel, psi_rel, v_h, v_r)
        # uOpt = (uOpt[0], uOpt[1]) = (beta_r, a_r)
        # dOpt = (dOpt[0], dOpt[1]) = (w_h, a_h)
        x1_dot[0] = (state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(
            uOpt[0]) * state[1] + state[3] * hcl.cos(
                state[2]) - state[4] * hcl.cos(uOpt[0])
        x2_dot[0] = (-state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(
            uOpt[0]) * state[0] + state[3] * hcl.sin(
                state[2]) - state[4] * hcl.sin(uOpt[0])
        x3_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - (state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(uOpt[0])
        x4_dot[0] = dOpt[1]
        x5_dot[0] = uOpt[1]

        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0], x5_dot[0])
コード例 #8
    def optDstb(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
            :param spat_deriv: tuple of spatial derivative in all dimensions
                    state: x1, x2, x3
                    t: time
            :return: a tuple of optimal disturbances

        # Graph takes in 4 possible inputs, by default, for now
        d1 = hcl.scalar(self.dMax, "d1")
        d2 = hcl.scalar(0, "d2")
        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        d3 = hcl.scalar(0, "d3")

        # Declare a variable
        b_term = hcl.scalar(0, "b_term")
        # use the scalar by indexing 0 everytime
        b_term[0] = spat_deriv[2]

        with hcl.if_(b_term[0] >= 0):
            with hcl.if_(self.dMode == "min"):
                d1[0] = -d1[0]
        with hcl.elif_(b_term[0] < 0):
            with hcl.if_(self.dMode == "max"):
                d1[0] = -d1[0]
        return (d1[0], d2[0], d3[0])
コード例 #9
def reward(sVals, action, bounds, goal, trans):
    dx = hcl.scalar(0, "dx")
    dy = hcl.scalar(0, "dy")
    mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")
    rwd = hcl.scalar(0, "rwd")

    # Check if moving from a collision state, if so, assign a penalty
    with hcl.if_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[0] < bounds[0, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[0] > bounds[0, 1] - 0.2)):
        rwd[0] = -400
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[1] < bounds[1, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[1] > bounds[1, 1] - 0.2)):
        rwd[0] = -400
    with hcl.else_():
        # Check if moving from a goal state
        dx[0] = sVals[0] - goal[0, 0]
        dy[0] = sVals[1] - goal[0, 1]
        mag[0] = hcl.sqrt((dx[0] * dx[0]) + (dy[0] * dy[0]))
        with hcl.if_(
                hcl.and_(mag[0] <= 1.0, sVals[2] <= goal[1, 1],
                         sVals[2] >= goal[1, 0])):
            rwd[0] = 1000
        # Standard move
        with hcl.else_():
            rwd[0] = 0
    return rwd[0]
コード例 #10
    def optDstb(self, spat_deriv):
        :param spat_deriv: tuple of spatial derivative in all dimensions
        :return: a tuple of optimal disturbances
        # Graph takes in 4 possible inputs, by default, for now
        d1 = hcl.scalar(0, "d1")
        d2 = hcl.scalar(0, "d2")
        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        d3 = hcl.scalar(0, "d3")
        d4 = hcl.scalar(0, "d4")

        with hcl.if_(self.dMode == "max"):
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[0] > 0):
                d1[0] = self.dMax[0]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[0] < 0):
                d1[0] = self.dMin[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[1] > 0):
                d2[0] = self.dMax[1]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[1] < 0):
                d2[0] = self.dMin[1]
        with hcl.else_():
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[0] > 0):
                d1[0] = self.dMin[0]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[0] < 0):
                d1[0] = self.dMax[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[1] > 0):
                d2[0] = self.dMin[1]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[1] < 0):
                d2[0] = self.dMax[1]
        return (d1[0], d2[0], d3[0], d4[0])
コード例 #11
 def popcount(value):
     #Calculate the number of one in a binary number
     count = hcl.scalar(0, "count")
     numb = hcl.scalar(value, "numb", dtype=hcl.UInt(in_bw))
     with hcl.while_(numb.v > 0):
         count.v += 1
         numb.v &= numb.v - 1
     return count.v
コード例 #12
ファイル: graph_3D.py プロジェクト: SFU-MARS/optimized_dp
 def step_bound():  # Function to calculate time step
     stepBoundInv = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBoundInv")
     stepBound = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBound")
     stepBoundInv[0] = max_alpha1[0] / g.dx[0] + max_alpha2[0] / g.dx[1] + max_alpha3[0] / g.dx[2]
     stepBound[0] = 0.8 / stepBoundInv[0]
     with hcl.if_(stepBound > t[1] - t[0]):
         stepBound[0] = t[1] - t[0]
     t[0] = t[0] + stepBound[0]
     return stepBound[0]
コード例 #13
    def dynamics(self, theta, opt_ctrl):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.cos(theta)
        y_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.sin(theta)
        theta_dot[0] = opt_ctrl

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #14
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = self.speed * hcl.cos(state[2])
        y_dot[0] = self.speed * hcl.sin(state[2])
        theta_dot[0] = uOpt[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #15
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = -self.speed + self.speed*hcl.cos(state[2]) + uOpt[0]*state[1]
        y_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.sin(state[2]) - uOpt[0]*state[0]
        theta_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - uOpt[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #16
    def step_bound():  # Function to calculate time step
        stepBoundInv = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBoundInv")
        stepBound = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBound")
        stepBoundInv[0] = max_alpha1[0] / g.dx[0] + max_alpha2[0] / g.dx[
            1] + max_alpha3[0] / g.dx[2] + max_alpha4[0] / g.dx[3]

        stepBound[0] = 0.8 / stepBoundInv[0]
        with hcl.if_(stepBound > t_step):
            stepBound[0] = t_step
        time = stepBound[0]
        return time
コード例 #17
 def optDstb(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
     :param spat_deriv: tuple of spatial derivative in all dimensions
     :return: a tuple of optimal disturbances
     # Graph takes in 4 possible inputs, by default, for now
     d1 = hcl.scalar(0, "d1")
     d2 = hcl.scalar(0, "d2")
     # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
     d3 = hcl.scalar(0, "d3")
     return (d1[0], d2[0], d3[0])
コード例 #18
 def opt_ctrl(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
     opt_w = hcl.scalar(self.wMax, "opt_w")
     # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
     in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
     in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")
     with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] > 0):
         with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "min"):
             opt_w[0] = -opt_w
     with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[2] < 0):
         with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "max"):
             opt_w[0] = -opt_w
     return (opt_w[0], in3[0], in4[0])
コード例 #19
ファイル: DubinsCar4D.py プロジェクト: SFU-MARS/optimized_dp
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = uOpt[1]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #20
    def test_hdc_accu(proto, pack_data, labels, type):
        #pack the prototype
        pack_proto = hcl.pack(proto,

        ###data preparation
        distance1 = hcl.compute((pack_data.shape[1], ),
                                lambda x: 0,
        pre_hamming = hcl.compute((pack_data.shape[1], ), lambda x: 0,
        hamming_dist1 = hcl.compute((numClasses, ), lambda x: 0,
        m1 = hcl.reduce_axis(0, pack_data.shape[1], "m1")
        correct1 = hcl.scalar(0, 'correct1')

        with hcl.for_(0, pack_data.shape[0]) as i:
            hcl.print((i), "%d suc\n")
            with hcl.for_(0, numClasses) as n:
                #Do hdc multiplication(XOR) on sample[i]'s hdv and prototype[n]'s hdv (elementwise on the high-bit data)
                           lambda x: pack_data[i][x] ^ pack_proto[n][x])
                #Calculate the hamming distance of the two vectors by adding 1s
                hcl.update(pre_hamming, lambda x: popcount(distance1[x]))
                hcl.print((), "sum of 1s suc")
                ###########################seg fault
                hamming_dist1[n] = hcl.sum(pre_hamming[m1], axis=m1)

            #Find the one having the least hamming distance and choose it's label as the predicted label
            pred1 = hcl.scalar(0, 'pred1')
            with hcl.for_(0, hamming_dist1.shape[0]) as j:
                with hcl.if_(hamming_dist1[j] < hamming_dist1[pred1]):
                    pred1.v = j

            with hcl.if_(pred1.v == labels[i]):
                correct1.v += 1

        #Print the accuracy
        all1 = hcl.scalar(pack_data.shape[0], "all1", dtype=hcl.Float(32))
        accuracy1 = hcl.compute((1, ),
                                lambda x: correct1.v / all1.v * 100,
        with hcl.if_(type == 1):
            hcl.print((correct1, pack_data.shape[0], accuracy1[0]),
                      "Training accu: %d/%d (%.2f%%)\n")
        with hcl.else_():
            hcl.print((correct1, pack_data.shape[0], accuracy1[0]),
                      "Testing accu: %d/%d (%.2f%%)\n")
コード例 #21
 def optDstb(self, spat_deriv):
     :param spat_deriv: spatial derivative in all dimensions
     :return: tuple of optimal disturbance
     dOpt1 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt1")
     dOpt2 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt2")
     dOpt3 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt3")
     dOpt4 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt4")
     #dOpt5 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt5")
     #dOpt6 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt6")
     return (dOpt1[0], dOpt2[0], dOpt3[0], dOpt4[0])  #, dOpt5[0], dOpt6[0])
コード例 #22
    def step_bound():  # Function to calculate time step
        stepBoundInv = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBoundInv")
        stepBound = hcl.scalar(0, "stepBound")
        stepBoundInv[0] = max_alpha1[0]/g.dx[0] + max_alpha2[0]/g.dx[1] + max_alpha3[0]/g.dx[2] + max_alpha4[0]/g.dx[3] \
                            + max_alpha5[0]/g.dx[4] + max_alpha6[0]/g.dx[5]

        stepBound[0] = 0.8 / stepBoundInv[0]
        with hcl.if_(stepBound > t[1] - t[0]):
            stepBound[0] = t[1] - t[0]

        # Update the lower time ranges
        t[0] = t[0] + stepBound[0]
        return stepBound[0]
コード例 #23
def updateQopt(i, j, k, a, iVals, sVals, Qopt, actions, intermeds, trans,
               interpV, gamma, bounds, goal, ptsEachDim, useNN, fillVal):
    r = hcl.scalar(0, "r")
    p = hcl.scalar(0, "p")
    # set iVals equal to (i,j,k) and sVals equal to the corresponding state values at (i,j,k)
    updateStateVals(i, j, k, iVals, sVals, bounds, ptsEachDim)
    # call the transition function to obtain the outcome(s) of action a from state (si,sj,sk)
    transition(sVals, actions[a], bounds, trans, goal)
    # initialize Qopt[i,j,k,a] with the immediate reward
    r[0] = reward(sVals, actions[a], bounds, goal, trans)
    Qopt[i, j, k, a] = r[0]
    # maximize over successor Q-values
    with hcl.for_(0, trans.shape[0], name="si") as si:
        p[0] = trans[si, 0]
        sVals[0] = trans[si, 1]
        sVals[1] = trans[si, 2]
        sVals[2] = trans[si, 3]
        # Nearest neighbour
        with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 1):
            # obtain the nearest neighbour successor state
            stateToIndex(sVals, iVals, bounds, ptsEachDim)
            # maximize over successor state Q-values
            with hcl.if_(
                    hcl.and_(iVals[0] < Qopt.shape[0],
                             iVals[1] < Qopt.shape[1],
                             iVals[2] < Qopt.shape[2])):
                with hcl.if_(
                        hcl.and_(iVals[0] >= 0, iVals[1] >= 0, iVals[2] >= 0)):
                    with hcl.for_(0, actions.shape[0], name="a_") as a_:
                        with hcl.if_(
                            (r[0] +
                             (gamma[0] *
                              (p[0] * Qopt[iVals[0], iVals[1], iVals[2], a_]))
                             ) > Qopt[i, j, k, a]):
                            Qopt[i, j, k, a] = r[0] + (gamma[0] * (
                                p[0] * Qopt[iVals[0], iVals[1], iVals[2], a_]))
        # Linear interpolation
        with hcl.if_(useNN[0] == 0):
            with hcl.if_(
                    hcl.and_(sVals[0] <= bounds[0, 1],
                             sVals[1] <= bounds[1, 1],
                             sVals[2] <= bounds[2, 1])):
                with hcl.if_(
                        hcl.and_(sVals[0] >= bounds[0, 0],
                                 sVals[1] >= bounds[1, 0],
                                 sVals[2] >= bounds[2, 0])):
                    stateToIndexInterpolants(Qopt, sVals, actions, bounds,
                                             ptsEachDim, interpV, fillVal)
                    Qopt[i, j, k, a] += (gamma[0] * (p[0] * interpV[0]))
        r[0] += Qopt[i, j, k, a]
コード例 #24
    def opt_ctrl(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
        :param t: time t
        :param state: tuple of coordinates in 6 dimensions
        :param spat_deriv: spatial derivative in all dimensions
        :return: tuple of optimal control

        # Optimal control 1, 2, 3
        uOpt1 = hcl.scalar(0, "uOpt1")
        uOpt2 = hcl.scalar(0, "uOpt2")
        uOpt3 = hcl.scalar(0, "uOpt3")

        SumUU = hcl.scalar(0, "SumUU")
        SumUL = hcl.scalar(0, "SumUL")
        SumLU = hcl.scalar(0, "SumLU")
        SumLL = hcl.scalar(0, "SumLL")
        parSum = hcl.scalar(0, "parSum")

        with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "min"):
            # everything containing (u1, u2) in Hamiltonian, for all combinations of u1 and u2
            SumUU[0] = spat_deriv[1]*(self.g + self.uMax[1]) * (state[0] + self.uMax[0])/state[2] + \
                       spat_deriv[3] * self.uMax[1]
            SumUL[0] = spat_deriv[1]*(self.g + self.uMax[1]) * (state[0] + self.uMin[0])/state[2] + \
                       spat_deriv[3] * self.uMax[1]
            SumLU[0] = spat_deriv[1]*(self.g + self.uMin[1]) * (state[0] + self.uMax[0])/state[2] + \
                       spat_deriv[3] * self.uMin[1]
            SumLL[0] = spat_deriv[1]*(self.g + self.uMin[1]) * (state[0] + self.uMin[0])/state[2] + \
                       spat_deriv[3] * self.uMin[1]

            # try every combination of u1 and u2 and take minimum
            with hcl.if_(SumUU[0] > SumUL[0]):
                uOpt1[0] = self.uMin[0]
                uOpt2[0] = self.uMax[1]
                SumUU[0] = SumUL[0]

            with hcl.elif_(SumUU[0] < SumUL[0]):
                uOpt1[0] = self.uMax[0]
                uOpt2[0] = self.uMax[1]

            with hcl.if_(SumUU[0] > SumLU[0]):
                uOpt1[0] = self.uMax[0]
                uOpt2[0] = self.uMin[1]
                SumUU[0] = SumLU[0]

            with hcl.if_(SumUU[0] > SumLL[0]):
                uOpt1[0] = self.uMin[0]
                uOpt2[0] = self.uMin[1]

            # Find u3
            # everything multiplied by u3 in Hamiltonian
            parSum[0] = spat_deriv[1] + spat_deriv[5] * state[2] / self.J

            with hcl.if_(parSum[0] > 0):
                uOpt3[0] = self.uMin[2]

            with hcl.elif_(parSum[0] < 0):
                uOpt3[0] = self.uMax[2]

        return (uOpt1[0], uOpt2[0], uOpt3[0])
コード例 #25
def insertion_sort(A):

    # Introduce a stage.
    with hcl.Stage("S"):
        # for i in range(1, A.shape[0])
        # We can name the axis
        with hcl.for_(1, A.shape[0], name="i") as i:
            key = hcl.scalar(A[i], "key")
            j = hcl.scalar(i - 1, "j")
            # while(j >= 0 && key < A[j])
            with hcl.while_(hcl.and_(j >= 0, key < A[j])):
                A[j + 1] = A[j]
                j.v -= 1
            A[j + 1] = key.v
コード例 #26
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        L = hcl.scalar(3.0, "L")  # Car length

        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = state[2] * (hcl.sin(uOpt[1]) / hcl.cos(uOpt[1])) / L[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #27
    def optDstb(self, spat_deriv):
        dOpt1 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt1")
        dOpt2 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt2")
        dOpt3 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt3")
        dOpt4 = hcl.scalar(0, "dOpt4")

        with hcl.if_(self.dMode == "max"):
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[0] > 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMax[0]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[0] < 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMin[0]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[1] > 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMax[1]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[1] < 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMin[1]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] > 0):
                dOpt3[0] = self.dMax[2]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[2] < 0):
                dOpt3[0] = self.dMin[2]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] > 0):
                dOpt4[0] = self.dMax[3]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[3] < 0):
                dOpt4[0] = self.dMin[3]

        with hcl.elif_(self.dMode == "min"):
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[0] > 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMin[0]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[0] < 0):
                dOpt1[0] = self.dMax[0]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[1] > 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMin[1]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[1] < 0):
                dOpt2[0] = self.dMax[1]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[2] > 0):
                dOpt3[0] = self.dMin[2]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[2] < 0):
                dOpt3[0] = self.dMax[2]

            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] > 0):
                dOpt4[0] = self.dMin[3]
            with hcl.elif_(spat_deriv[3] < 0):
                dOpt4[0] = self.dMax[3]

        return (dOpt1[0], dOpt2[0], dOpt3[0], dOpt4[0])
コード例 #28
ファイル: DubinsCar4D2.py プロジェクト: SFU-MARS/optimized_dp
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        # wheelbase of Tamiya TT02
        L = hcl.scalar(0.3, "L")

        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = state[2] * (hcl.sin(uOpt[1]) / hcl.cos(uOpt[1])) / L[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
コード例 #29
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_4_dot")
        x5_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_5_dot")

        x1_dot[0] = -state[3] + state[4] * hcl.cos(
            state[2]) + uOpt[0] * state[1]
        x2_dot[0] = state[4] * hcl.sin(state[2]) - uOpt[0] * state[0]
        x3_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - uOpt[0]
        x4_dot[0] = uOpt[1]
        x5_dot[0] = dOpt[1]

        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0], x5_dot[0])
コード例 #30
    def optDstb(self, spat_deriv):

        :param state:
        :param spat_deriv:

        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        in1 = hcl.scalar(0, "in1")
        in2 = hcl.scalar(0, "in2")
        in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
        in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")

        return (in1[0], in2[0], in3[0], in4[0])