コード例 #1
ファイル: greedy.py プロジェクト: cjlovering/teamProjects4341
def solve(problem):
    nodeCount = 0
    maxDepth = 0
    current = Node(heuristic(problem.startnum, problem), problem.startnum, 0,
                   None, None)
    frontier = queue.PriorityQueue()  #sorted on cost of operation
    explored = set()  #set
    frontierSet = set()
    start_time = time.time()
    best = current

    while time.time(
    ) - start_time < problem.time - 0.0001:  #while we have time
        if frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()
        if goal_test(current.data, problem.targetnum):
            break  #success

        # bookkeeping
        depth = current.depth + 1
        if depth > maxDepth:
            maxDepth = depth

        # apply all operations to the current node
        for op in problem.ops:
            child = problem.evalOp(current.data, op)
            if child not in explored or frontierSet:
                nodeCount += 1  # bookkeeping
                child_node = Node(heuristic(child, problem), child, depth,
                                  current, op)

                # maintain best so far
                if closer(best.data, child, problem.targetnum):
                    best = child_node

    # if we run out of time, make sure we are returning the best solution
    if heuristic(current.data, problem) < heuristic(best.data, problem):
        best = current

    # return the answer and bookkeeping information
    return (best.data, best.depth, time.time() - start_time, nodeCount,
            maxDepth, best)
コード例 #2
    def make_deliveries(self):
        Makes deliveries to destinations ordered by set heuristic and accommodates for 
        robot's carrying capacity
        package_number = 0
        curr_load = self.capacity
        self.destinations = heuristic('manhattan', self.control_center,
        # self.destinations = heuristic('dynamic', self.control_center, self.destinations, dynamic_name='chebyshev')
        while package_number < len(self.destinations):
            goal_x, goal_y = self.destinations[
                package_number].x, self.destinations[package_number].y
            if curr_load == 0:
                result = self.move_to_goal(self.control_center.x,
                rospy.loginfo("RETURNING TO CONTROL CENTER")
                curr_load = self.capacity
                result = self.move_to_goal(goal_x, goal_y)
                rospy.loginfo("DELIVERED PACKAGE " + str(package_number + 1))
                curr_load -= 1
                package_number += 1

        # return to control-center
        result = self.move_to_goal(self.control_center.x,

        rospy.loginfo("COMPLETED ALL DELIVERIES")
        if result:
            rospy.loginfo("Goal execution done!")
            rospy.loginfo("Something went wrong!")
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, parent=None, board=None, depth=0):
     self.board = board
     self.parent = parent
     self.n = int(len(board)**(1 / 2))
     self.h = heuristic([board[i:i + self.n] for i in range(0, self.n)])
     self.g = depth
     self.f = self.h + self.g
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, board, goal, parent, hc):
     self.board = board
     self.size = len(board)
     self.parent = parent
     print parent
     self.h = heuristics.heuristic(board, goal, self.size, hc)
     print 'H---: {}'.format(self.h)
     self.g = heuristics.get_depth(parent)
     print 'G---: {}'.format(self.g)
     self.f = self.g + self.h
     print 'F---: {}'.format(self.f)
コード例 #5
def _iterative_worker_mtd(k, w, b, color, best_move_list, timeout_event):
    guess = heuristic(k, w, b, 0, 0, tt_ab)
    i = 0
    for depth in range(2, MAX_DEPTH + 2):
        curr_guess, best_move = mtdf(k, w, b, depth, guess, color,
        if timeout_event.isSet():
        if best_move is not None:
            best_move_list[0] = best_move
        i += 1
        if i % 2 == 0:
            guess = curr_guess
        print(color, depth, best_move_list[0], guess)
コード例 #6
def minmax(board, depth, player):
    value = None
    move = None
    possible_moves = get_all_possibilities(board, player)
    #check whether game has ended, player out of moves
    if len(possible_moves) > 0:
        #check whether given depth is achieved
        if depth > 0:
            #maximizing player
            if player == constants.MAX_PLAYER:
                # assign worst value for max
                value = float('-inf')
                #recursion for possible moves
                for p in possible_moves:
                    new_value, new_move = minmax(p, depth - 1,
                    #assign better outcome
                    if new_value > value:
                        value = new_value
                        move = copy.deepcopy(p)

            else:  #minimizing player
                #assign worst value for min
                value = float('inf')
                #  #recursion for possible moves
                for p in possible_moves:
                    new_value, new_move = minmax(p, depth - 1,
                    #assign better outcome
                    if new_value < value:
                        value = new_value
                        move = copy.deepcopy(p)

            # leaves, assign value based on heuristic
            value = heuristic(board)
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

        #end of the game player is out of moves,
        if player == constants.MAX_PLAYER:
            value = -10000
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

            value = 10000
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

    return value, move
コード例 #7
def main(dataFolder):
    car = Car.getCar(dataFolder + "/vehicle.ini")
    distances = MatrixFromFile(dataFolder + "/distances.txt")
    times = MatrixFromFile(dataFolder + "/times.txt")
    visits = Visits(dataFolder + "/visits.csv")
    context = (distances, times, car)

    result = heuristic(visits, context)
    writeToCsv(result, RESULTS_DIR + 'result1.csv')
    print("Le fichier de resultat s'appel result1.csv")

    better_result = metaHeuristic3(result, context)
    writeToCsv(better_result, RESULTS_DIR + 'better_result.csv')
    print("Le fichier de resultat s'appel better_result1.csv")
コード例 #8
def recursive_dls(current, problem, limit):
    global node_count
    node_count += 1
    if goal_test(current.data, problem.targetnum):
        return current
    elif limit == 0:
        return current
        for op in problem.ops:
            child = problem.evalOp(current.data, op)
            child_node = Node(heuristic(child, problem), child,
                              current.depth + 1, current, op)
            next_node = recursive_dls(child_node, problem, limit - 1)

            if cut_off(next_node, problem.targetnum, problem):
    return next_node
コード例 #9
def solve(problem):
    global node_count
    global start_time
    global best
    start_time = time.time()
    depth = 0
    best = Node(heuristic(problem.startnum, problem), problem.startnum, 0,
                None, None)
    result = best
    node_count = 0

    while True:  # we exit due to time below
        if cut_off(result, problem.targetnum,
                   problem):  #cut search here: inc or found goal
        result = depth_limited_search(problem, depth)
        depth += 1

    if closer(best.data, result.data, problem.targetnum
              ):  #update best so far (if last iteration finds answer)
        best = result

    return (best.data, best.depth, time.time() - start_time, node_count, depth,
コード例 #10
def generate_ordered_moves(k, w, b, color, depth, max_depth):
    possible_moves = generate_player_moves(k, w, b, color)
    ordered_moves = []
    reverse = False if color == 'w' else False

    if depth > 1:  # FIXME
        for origin, destination in possible_moves:
            advance_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            captures = get_capture_victims(k, w, b, color, destination)
            apply_captures(k, w, b, captures)
            ordered_moves.append((origin, destination,
                                  heuristic(k, w, b, depth, max_depth, tt_ab)))
            revert_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            revert_captures(k, w, b, captures)
        ordered_moves = sorted(ordered_moves,
                               key=lambda x: x[2],
        # if len(ordered_moves) > 40:
        #     ordered_moves = ordered_moves[0:40]
        for origin, destination in possible_moves:
            ordered_moves.append((origin, destination, 0))

    return ordered_moves
コード例 #11
def bfs(start_node: List[List[int]], goal_node: List[List[int]],
        max_length: int) -> "solution path":
    """Breadth-first search (BFS) function.

			start_node: The beginning node.
			goal_node: The node to try and reach.

			The path (list) taken to reach the node if any.
    d = deque([start_node, []])
    explored = {}
    level = 0

    # Return empty path if start is equal to goal
    if start_node == goal_node:
        return '0\t' + str(goal_node).replace("[", "").replace(
            ",", "").replace("]", ""), get_search_path(
                {getNodeVal(start_node): (heuristic(start_node), start_node)})

    # Keep exploring while the queue has nodes
    while len(d) > 0:
        path = d.popleft()

        if level == 0:
            node = path
            # To keep track of levels an empty node gets popped between levels which will cause an exception
                node = path[-1]
            except Exception:
                node = []

        if len(node) == 0:
            level += 1
            # Return empty list if max length was reached

            val = getNodeVal(node)
            if val not in explored:

                # Mark node as explored
                explored[val] = (heuristic(node), node)
                if len(explored.keys()) >= max_length:
                    return 'no solution', get_search_path(explored)
                all_moves = []
                for row in range(len(node)):
                    for col in range(len(node)):
                        child = toggle(node, row, col)
                        new_path = list(path) if level != 0 else list([path])
                        if child == goal_node:
                            level += 1
                            # print(level)
                            return get_solution_path(
                                new_path), get_search_path(explored)

                # sorts the list of possible moves and breaks ties with the helper function find_First_white_token
                all_moves.sort(key=lambda x: (heuristic(x[-1]),
                for path in all_moves:
    # No solution found
    return 'no solution', get_search_path(explored)
コード例 #12
def depth_limited_search(problem, limit):
    n = Node(heuristic(problem.startnum, problem), problem.startnum, 0, None,
    return recursive_dls(n, problem, limit)
コード例 #13
ファイル: solve.py プロジェクト: sebhoerl/linopt2
import numpy as np
import heuristics
import localsearch

class ProblemStor:
	N = 10
	T = 100
	d = 20

	c = np.array([34, 25, 14, 21, 16, 3, 10, 5, 7, 10])
	U = np.array([42, 18, 90, 94, 49, 49, 34, 90, 37, 11])

class ProblemData:
	N = 4
	T = 100
	d = 10

	c = np.array([5, 6, 7, 9])
	U = np.array([3, 4, 5, 7])

problem = ProblemStor()
#problem = ProblemData()

J, x, z = heuristics.heuristic(problem)
print('Heuristics: J = %d\n\nLocal search:' % J)
J, x, z = localsearch.localsearch(problem, z, 1000)
コード例 #14
    def minimax_alpha_beta_DLS(self, grid, depth, players_turn, first_move,
                               start_time, alpha, beta):
        Recursive Depth-Limited minimax search with alpha-beta-pruning.
        Returns (best_score, best_move) found, given the specified depth.
        if time.clock() - start_time > 0.2:
            print "Time's up!"
            raise Exception("Time exeption")

        if depth == 0:
            return heuristic(grid), first_move

        if players_turn:  #This is the maximizing player
            moves = grid.getAvailableMoves()

            if moves == []:
                return heuristic(grid), first_move

            max_value = (-float('inf'), None)
            for move in moves:
                child = grid.clone()
                if first_move == None:
                    value = self.minimax_alpha_beta_DLS(
                        child, depth - 1, False, move, start_time, alpha, beta)
                    value = self.minimax_alpha_beta_DLS(
                        child, depth - 1, False, first_move, start_time, alpha,
                max_value = max(max_value, value)
                alpha = max(alpha, max_value[0])
                if beta <= alpha:
                    #print "Beta cuf off!"
                    break  #cut of branch

            return max_value

        else:  # Minimizing player
            cells = grid.getAvailableCells()
            min_value = (float('inf'), None)

            for cell in cells:
                child = grid.clone()
                child.setCellValue(cell, 2)
                value_2 = self.minimax_alpha_beta_DLS(child, depth - 1, True,
                                                      first_move, start_time,
                                                      alpha, beta)

                child = grid.clone()
                child.setCellValue(cell, 4)
                value_4 = self.minimax_alpha_beta_DLS(child, depth - 1, True,
                                                      first_move, start_time,
                                                      alpha, beta)

                min_value = min(min_value, value_2, value_4)

                beta = min(beta, min_value[0])
                if beta <= alpha:
                    #print "Alpha cuf off!"
                    break  #cut of branch

            return min_value
コード例 #15
def alpha_beta_tt(k, w, b, depth, alpha, beta, color, max_depth, timeout_event):
    if timeout_event.isSet():
        return None, None

    # Terminal cases
    if np.any(k * BOARD_ESCAPES):
        return +3.4028235e+38 / (1 + max_depth - depth), None
    if not np.any(k):
        return -3.4028235e+38 / (1 + max_depth - depth), None
    if pawn_count(b) == 0:
        return +3.4028235e+30 / (1 + max_depth - depth), None
    if pawn_count(w) == 0 and np.any(k * BOARD_ESCAPES):
        return -3.4028235e+30 / (1 + max_depth - depth), None

    # Transposition table lookup
    best_move = None
    tt_entry = tt_lookup(k, w, b, tt_ab)
    if tt_entry is not None and tt_entry.get('depth', float('-inf')) >= depth:
        lowerbound = tt_entry.get('lowerbound', float('-inf'))
        upperbound = tt_entry.get('upperbound', float('+inf'))
        best_move = tt_best_moves.get(zhash(k, w, b), None)
        if lowerbound >= beta:
            return lowerbound, best_move
        if upperbound <= alpha:
            return upperbound, best_move
        alpha = max(alpha, lowerbound)
        beta = min(beta, upperbound)
    alpha_orig = alpha
    beta_orig = beta

    # Max depth reached (leaf node)
    if depth == 0:
        return heuristic(k, w, b, depth, max_depth, tt_ab), best_move

    # Move generation and ordering
    ordered_moves = generate_ordered_moves(k, w, b, color, depth, max_depth)

    best_move = None
    if color == 'w':  # MAXNODE
        best_value = float('-inf')
        for origin, destination, _ in ordered_moves:
            advance_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            captures = get_capture_victims(k, w, b, color, destination)
            apply_captures(k, w, b, captures)
            value, _ = alpha_beta_tt(k, w, b, depth - 1, alpha, beta, 'b', max_depth, timeout_event)
            revert_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            revert_captures(k, w, b, captures)

            if timeout_event.isSet():
                return None, None
            if value > best_value:
                best_value = value
                best_move = (origin, destination)
            if best_value > alpha:
                alpha = best_value
            if alpha > beta:

    else:  # MINNODE
        best_value = float('+inf')
        for origin, destination, _ in ordered_moves:
            advance_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            captures = get_capture_victims(k, w, b, color, destination)
            apply_captures(k, w, b, captures)
            value, _ = alpha_beta_tt(k, w, b, depth - 1, alpha, beta, 'w', max_depth, timeout_event)
            revert_state(k, w, b, origin, destination)
            revert_captures(k, w, b, captures)

            if timeout_event.isSet():
                return None, None
            if value < best_value:
                best_value = value
                best_move = (origin, destination)
            if best_value < beta:
                beta = best_value
            if alpha > beta:

    # Transposition table storing
    tt_entry_data = Dict()
    if best_value <= alpha_orig:
        tt_entry_data['upperbound'] = best_value
        tt_entry_data['lowerbound'] = float('-inf')
    elif alpha_orig < best_value < beta_orig:
        tt_entry_data['upperbound'] = best_value
        tt_entry_data['lowerbound'] = best_value
        tt_entry_data['upperbound'] = float('+inf')
        tt_entry_data['lowerbound'] = best_value
    tt_entry_data['depth'] = depth
    tt_best_moves[zhash(k, w, b)] = best_move
    tt_set(k, w, b, tt_entry_data, tt_ab)

    return best_value, best_move
コード例 #16
def alphabeta(board, depth, player, alpha, beta):
    value = None
    move = None
    #best possible value for max player
    a = alpha
    #best possible value for min player
    b = beta

    possible_moves = get_all_possibilities(board, player)

    # check whether game has ended, player out of moves
    if len(possible_moves) > 0:

        # check whether given depth is achieved
        if depth > 0:
            # maximizing player
            if player == constants.MAX_PLAYER:
                # assign worst value for max
                value = float('-inf')

                # recursion for possible moves
                for p in possible_moves:

                    new_value, new_move = alphabeta(p, depth - 1,
                                                    constants.MIN_PLAYER, a, b)

                    #if better move found assign it
                    if new_value > value:

                        value = new_value
                        move = copy.deepcopy(p)

                    # max player found greater value than beta
                    # min player will not choose it anyway
                    # stop searching - break loop
                    if new_value >= b:


                    # assign better alfa for next interations
                    if new_value > a:

                        a = new_value

            else:  #minimizing player
                #assign worst value for min
                value = float('inf')

                # recursion for possible moves
                for p in possible_moves:

                    new_value, new_move = alphabeta(p, depth - 1,
                                                    constants.MAX_PLAYER, a, b)

                    #if better move found assign it
                    if new_value < value:

                        value = new_value
                        move = copy.deepcopy(p)

                    # min player found smaller value than alfa
                    # max player will not choose it anyway
                    # stop searching - break loop
                    if new_value <= a:


                    #assign better beta for next interations
                    if new_value < b:

                        b = new_value


            # leaves, assign value based on heuristic
            value = heuristic(board)
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

        #end of the game
        if player == constants.MAX_PLAYER:
            value = -10000
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

            value = 10000
            move = copy.deepcopy(board)

    return value, move
コード例 #17
 def calculate_cost(self, problem):
     self.cost = heuristic(self.data, problem)