コード例 #1
ファイル: irc-subst.py プロジェクト: jwlynch/irc-subst
    def doInfo(self, cmdString, argList, kwargs):
        result = 0

        top_context = hexchat.find_context()
        channel_list = hexchat.get_list('channels')
        front_tab = [c for c in hexchat.get_list('channels') if c.context == top_context][0]
        type = front_tab.type

        if type == 1:
            # server tab
            print("server tab, server is", front_tab.server)
        elif type == 2:
            # channel tab
            print("channel tab, channel is %s, modes are %s" % (front_tab.channel, front_tab.chanmodes))
            users = top_context.get_list("users")
        elif type == 3:
            # dialog/query tab
            print("query tab, nick is", front_tab.channel)
        elif type == 4:
            # notices tab
            print("notices tab")
        elif type == 5:
            # SNotices tab
            print("SNotices tab")

        return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: irc-subst.py プロジェクト: jwlynch/irc-subst
    def doInfo(self, cmdString, argList, kwargs):
        result = 0

        top_context = hexchat.find_context()
        channel_list = hexchat.get_list('channels')
        front_tab = [
            c for c in hexchat.get_list('channels') if c.context == top_context
        type = front_tab.type

        if type == 1:
            # server tab
            print("server tab, server is", front_tab.server)
        elif type == 2:
            # channel tab
            print("channel tab, channel is %s, modes are %s" %
                  (front_tab.channel, front_tab.chanmodes))
            users = top_context.get_list("users")
        elif type == 3:
            # dialog/query tab
            print("query tab, nick is", front_tab.channel)
        elif type == 4:
            # notices tab
            print("notices tab")
        elif type == 5:
            # SNotices tab
            print("SNotices tab")

        return result
コード例 #3
def end_of_names_callback(word, word_eol, userdata):
    server = hexchat.get_info('server')
    if not server == TWITCH_IRC_SERVER or len(hexchat.get_list('users')) > 1:

    current_channel = hexchat.get_info('channel')
    url = CHATTERS_URL_TEMPLATE % current_channel[1:]
    channel_key = server + current_channel

    hexchat.hook_timer(RETRIEVE_USERLIST_TIMEOUT, retrieve_userlist_update_callback, (url, channel_key))
    start_new_thread(retrieve_userlist_update_thread, url, channel_key)

    channel = None
    for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
        if channel.server == server and channel.channel == current_channel:

    # This should never happen...
    assert channel

    # Initial userlist update, approximately 3 seconds after starting retrieve_userlist_update_thread.
    hexchat.hook_timer(INITIAL_UPDATE_USERLIST_TIMEOUT, initial_update_userlist_callback, channel)
    hexchat.hook_timer(UPDATE_USERLIST_TIMEOUT, update_userlist_callback, channel)

    return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #4
def keypress(w, we, u):
    if re.search(affected_networks, hexchat.get_info("network")):
        key, state, key_str, str_len = w
        if int(key) == 65289: # <Tab>
            inputbox = hexchat.get_info("inputbox")
            pos = hexchat.get_prefs("state_cursor")
            text, suffix = inputbox[:pos], inputbox[pos:]
            prefix, space, word = text.rpartition(" ")
            if len(word):
                prefix += space
                if word[0] == '#':
                    return hexchat.EAT_NONE # let the built-in completion handle channels
                if word[0] == '@':
                    word = word[1:]
                users = []
                for u in hexchat.get_list("users"):
                    if not hexchat.nickcmp(u.nick[:len(word)], word):
                        users.append((u.nick, u.lasttalk))
                for c in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
                    if c.context == hexchat.get_context():
                        if c.type == 3:
                            if not hexchat.nickcmp(c.channel[:len(word)], word):
                                users.append((c.channel, 0)) # if we're in a dialog, include the targer user
                if len(users):
                    if len(users) == 1:
                        completion = "@" + users[0][0] + " "
                        if hexchat.get_prefs("completion_sort") == 1:
                            users = sorted(users, key = lambda x: -x[1])
                            users = sorted(users, key = lambda x: x[0].lower())
                        nicks = [u[0] for u in users]
                        print(" ".join(nicks))
                        common = None # longest common prefix
                        for nick in nicks:
                            if common == None:
                                common = word + nick[len(word):] # copy the case of characters entered by the user
                                while hexchat.nickcmp(nick[:len(common)], common):
                                    common = common[:-1]
                        for nick in nicks:
                            if not hexchat.nickcmp(nick, word):
                                common = nick # if we have an exact match, ignore the case of user's characters
                        completion = "@" + common
                    hexchat.command("settext " + prefix + completion + suffix)
                    hexchat.command("setcursor " + str(len(prefix) + len(completion)))
                return hexchat.EAT_ALL
                prevword = prefix.rpartition(" ")[2]
                if len(prevword) and prevword[0] == '@':
                    return hexchat.EAT_ALL # don't let the built-in completion kick in if we just completed a nick
                    return hexchat.EAT_NONE
            return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #5
ファイル: common-users.py プロジェクト: roeyk/hexchat
def common_cb(word=None, word_eol=None, userdata=None):

    global hexchat
    context = hexchat.get_context()

    # get list of users in the current channel and construct a dict from it
    user_list = hexchat.get_list("users")
    names_dict = {u.nick: [] for u in user_list}
    channel_list = hexchat.get_list("channels")

    # get current channel name and current user nick
    cur_channel_name = context.get_info('channel')
    cur_nick = context.get_info('nick')

    # cache user lists in a dict of channelname : user lists
    channels_dict = {
        c.channel: c.context.get_list("users")
        for c in channel_list

    # for every user in the current channel...
    for u in user_list:

        # (skipping over ourselves)
        if u.nick == cur_nick: continue

        # ...loop through userlists of other channels...
        for c in channel_list:

            # (skipping our current channel we're both on)
            if c.channel == cur_channel_name: continue

            # ...to see if they share that channel in common with us
            c_user_list = [c_u.nick for c_u in channels_dict[c.channel]]

            # if we do share another channel in common, add it to the names_dict
            if u.nick in c_user_list:

    # for every user in the current channel...
    for n in names_dict.keys():

        # (skipping over users who don't share any other channels with us)
        if len(names_dict[n]) == 0: continue

        # print that user's list of common channels they share with us
        chans = ', '.join(sorted(names_dict[n]))
        hexchat.prnt('{} ({}): {}'.format(n, len(names_dict[n]), chans))
コード例 #6
def checkStreams():
	global firstRun
		hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb)
		firstRun = False

	channels = hexchat.get_list("channels")
	realChannels = []
	channelObjects = {}
	for channel in channels:
		if(channel.server == "tmi.twitch.tv" and channel.channel[0] == '#'):
			channelObjects[channel.channel.strip('#')] = channel
	if len(realChannels) > 0:
		streams = ",".join(realChannels)
		obj = loadJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams?channel=' + streams)
		# Returns only streams that are currently live, but returns them all in one go.
		if (obj is not None):
			streamData = {}
			for stream in obj["streams"]:
				streamData[stream["channel"]["name"]] = stream
			for channel in realChannels:
				newTopic = "\00318{0}\00399 - \00320\002OFFLINE\002\00399 | \035Stream is offline\017".format(channel)
				if (channel in streamData):
					newTopic = "\00318{0}\00399 - \00319\002LIVE\002\00399 for {1} viewers | Now playing: \00318{2}\00399 | {3}".format(streamData[channel]["channel"]["display_name"], streamData[channel]["viewers"], streamData[channel]["channel"]["game"], streamData[channel]["channel"]["status"])
				if (get_topic(channelObjects[channel]) is not None):
					if (hexchat.strip(newTopic) != hexchat.strip(get_topic(channelObjects[channel]))):
						set_topic(channelObjects[channel], newTopic)
					set_topic(channelObjects[channel], newTopic)
コード例 #7
def get_twitch_chans():
    global twitch_chans
    for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        if chan.type == 2 and chan.context.get_info(
        ) == "tmi.twitch.tv" and chan.channel not in twitch_chans:
            twitch_chans[chan.channel] = ""
コード例 #8
def is_op():
    for user in hexchat.get_list("users"):
        if user.nick == hexchat.get_info("nick"):
            if user.prefix == "@":
                return True
                return False
コード例 #9
def print_day_changed():
    date_fmt = '%a %d %b %Y (%Y-%m-%d)'
    date = datetime.now().strftime(date_fmt)
    channel_list = hexchat.get_list("channels")
    for item in channel_list:
        context = hexchat.find_context(channel=item.channel)
        context.prnt('\002\00315Day changed to {}'.format(date))
コード例 #10
ファイル: bookmarks.py プロジェクト: thekingofbandit/plugins
def toggle_bookmark(chan, net): # It's a toggle because /menu sucks
	if chan == None:
		chan = hexchat.get_info('channel')

	if chan == '':

	if net == None:
		try: # If from a $TAB it may be a different network.
			net = hexchat.find_context(None, chan).get_info('network')
		except AttributeError:
			net = hexchat.get_info('network')

	for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
		if channel.channel == chan:
			if channel.type != 2: # Only bookmark channels
	networks = get_networks(chan)
	pref = 'bookmark_' + chan
	if net in networks: # Remove
		if len(networks) == 1:
			hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks))
		hexchat.command('menu del "Bookmarks/{}/{}"'.format(net, chan))
	else: # Add
		hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks))
		hexchat.command('menu -p-2 add "Bookmarks/{}'.format(net))
		hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/{0}/{1}" "netjoin {1} {0}"'.format(net, chan))
コード例 #11
ファイル: joinparttab.py プロジェクト: Grizyx/hexchat-scripts
def unload_callback(userdata):
    # find the join/part tab and close it
    for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        if chan.type == 1 and chan.channel == tab_name:
            jp_context = hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name)
    hexchat.prnt(__module_name__ + " version " + __module_version__ + " unloaded")
コード例 #12
def bear(word, word_eol, userdata):
    # 65293 is <enter>
    # 65421 is numpad <enter>
    # 0 is no modifier
    # 1 is caps lock
    # 4 is num lock
    mod = int(word[1])
    if (word[0] != "65293"
            and word[0] != "65421") or (mod != 0 and not bs(mod, 1)
                                        and not bs(mod, 4)):

    msg = hexchat.get_info('inputbox')
    if msg is None or len(msg) == 0 or msg[0] == '/':

    changed = False
    for word, replace in words.items():
        if word in msg:
            msg = msg.replace(word, replace)
            changed = True
            for user in hexchat.get_list('users'):
                if word in user.nick:
                    msg = msg.replace(user.nick.replace(word, replace),

    if changed:
        hexchat.command("settext %s" % msg)
コード例 #13
ファイル: bot.py プロジェクト: Bobrm2k3/pail
def joinChannels():
  actualChanList = hexchat.get_list('channels')
  chanList = db.listChans()
  for chan in chanList:
    if chan not in [x.channel for x in actualChanList]:
      hexchat.command("join %s" % chan)
コード例 #14
ファイル: grubdate_xchat.py プロジェクト: mozai/xchat-scripts
def _announce_update(site):
    " bleat to the appropriate channels "
    now = nowtime()
    if site['mtime'] == 0:
        # last-modified time is still empty? how'd we get here?
        return None
    if (site['lastanno'] + site['throttle']) > now:
        # too soon since the last announcement, just stay mum
        return None
    if site.get('announceto'):
        message = site.get('announcemsg')
        # if I read "\x02" in the config file I want not to say "\\x02"
        message = message.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape')
        # some {} substitutions
        message = message.replace('{name}', site['name'])
        message = message.replace('{when}',
                                  _secs_to_pretty(now - site['mtime']))
        for target in site['announceto']:
            if target.startswith('#'):
                # can't use hexchat.get_context(None, channname)
                # because that returns only the random first matching context
                for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
                    if channel.channel == target:
                        channel.context.command("say {}".format(message))
                # TODO: find user among many servers
                # hexchat.command("msg {} {}".format(target, message))
                print("NotImplemented: msg {} {}".format(target, message))
    site['lastanno'] = now
コード例 #15
def get_Host(user):
    list = hexchat.get_list('users')
    for object in list:
        if user.lower() == object.nick.lower():
            host = "*!*@" + object.host.split("@")[1]
            return host
    return user
コード例 #16
def chanusermatch(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if (len(word) <= 1):
        print("You need to specify some pattern to match!")
        if (len(word) > 2):
            pattern = word_eol[1]
            pattern = word[1]
        if (('!' not in pattern) or ('@' not in pattern)):
            # This IRC Pattern is always enforced: nick!ident@host
            print("You need to specify a pattern in this form: nick!ident@host")
            print("You may specify a realname pattern if you wish by using the form: nick!ident@host#realname")
            rPattern = _RegexPattern(_SplitPattern(pattern))
            users = [user.nick for user in hexchat.get_list('users')
                     if re.match(r'%s' % rPattern[0], user.nick, flags=re.I) and 
                     re.match(r'%s@%s' % (rPattern[1],rPattern[2]),user.host,
                              flags=re.I) and
                     re.match(r'%s' % rPattern[3], user.realname, flags=re.I)]
            print('# of Matches: ' + str(len(users)))
            if (len(users) > 0):

    return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #17
ファイル: choose.py プロジェクト: Grizyx/hexchat-scripts
def choose_callback(word, word_eol, user_data):
    channel = hexchat.get_info("channel")

    if (channel in channels) and not (set(user.nick for user in hexchat.get_list("users")) & other_bots):
        option = None
        user = None
        input = None

        matches = choose_regex.match(word[1])
        if matches:
            option = "CHOOSE"
            user = word[0]
            input = matches.group(1)
            matches = order_regex.match(word[1])
            if matches:
                option = "ORDER"
                user = word[0]
                input = matches.group(1)

        if option == "CHOOSE" or option == "ORDER":
            for action in (try_choose, try_order):
                response = action(option, input)
                if response != None:
                    context = hexchat.get_context()
                        0, send_response, {"context": hexchat.get_context(), "user": user, "response": response}

    return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #18
def WhoScanStart(userdata):
    #print('timer started')
    global AllUsers
    global AllChannels
    for network in list(ScanProgress.keys()):
        if len(ScanProgress[network]) != 0:
            # hexchat.find_context().prnt('scan is in progress')
            return 1 # To keep the timer running
    AllChannels = {}
    allchannels = hexchat.get_list('channels')
    for channel in allchannels:
        if channel.type == 2:
            if channel.network not in list(AllChannels.keys()):
                AllChannels[channel.network] = [channel.channel]
                if channel.channel not in AllChannels[channel.network]:
    for network in list(AllUsers.keys()):
        if network not in list(AllChannels.keys()):
            del AllUsers[network]
    for network in list(AllChannels.keys()):
        #hexchat.find_context().prnt('scanning ' + AllChannels[network][0] + ' at ' + network)
        hexchat.find_context(server=network).command('WHO ' + AllChannels[network][0])
        ScanProgress[network] = AllChannels[network][0]
    return 1 # To keep the timer running
コード例 #19
ファイル: bookmarks.py プロジェクト: NuclearW/plugins
def toggle_bookmark(chan, net): # It's a toggle because /menu sucks
	if chan == None:
		chan = hexchat.get_info('channel')

	if chan == '':

	if net == None:
		try: # If from a $TAB it may be a different network.
			net = hexchat.find_context(None, chan).get_info('network')
		except AttributeError:
			net = hexchat.get_info('network')

	for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
		if channel.channel == chan:
			if channel.type != 2: # Only bookmark channels
	networks = get_networks(chan)
	pref = 'bookmark_' + chan
	if net in networks: # Remove
		if len(networks) == 1:
			hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks))
		hexchat.command('menu del "Bookmarks/{}/{}"'.format(net, chan))
	else: # Add
		hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks))
		hexchat.command('menu -p-2 add "Bookmarks/{}'.format(net))
		hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/{0}/{1}" "netjoin {1} {0}"'.format(net, chan))
コード例 #20
def updateuserlists(userdata):
    for channel in hc.get_list("channels"):
        if channel.type == 2:
            if channel.network not in userlists:
                userlists[channel.network] = {}
                channel.channel] = channel.context.get_list("users")
コード例 #21
def unload_cb(userdata):
    for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        if chan.type == 1 and chan.channel == tab_name:
            ad_context = hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name)
    hexchat.prnt(__module_name__ + " version " + __module_version__ +
                 " unloaded")
コード例 #22
ファイル: banhelper.py プロジェクト: scottwashi/plugins
def is_op():
    for user in hexchat.get_list('users'):
        if user.nick == hexchat.get_info('nick'):
            if user.prefix == '@':
                return True
                return False
コード例 #23
ファイル: banhelper.py プロジェクト: Massack/plugins
def is_op():
	for user in hexchat.get_list('users'):
		if user.nick == hexchat.get_info('nick'):
			if user.prefix == '@':
				return True
				return False
コード例 #24
ファイル: irc-subst.py プロジェクト: jwlynch/irc-subst
    def channel_msg_hook(self, word, word_eol, userdata, attribs):
        dest = hexchat.get_info('channel')

        nick = word[0]
        msg = word[1]

        # index user_list by nick, in user_dict
        # NOTE, TODO: build a way to keep this list maintained
        user_list = hexchat.get_list("users")

        user_dict = dict()
        for user in user_list:
            user_dict[user.nick] = user

        user_hostmask = user_dict[nick].host

        if dex("chanmsgdetail", self.debugSects) != -1:

            out = "chanmsgdetail dest: " + dest + "; nick: " + nick
            out += " ("
            if user_hostmask is not None:
                out += user_hostmask
                out += "None"
            out += "); msg: " + msg


        return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #25
ファイル: hbot_main.py プロジェクト: jakehoffmann/hoffmannbot
def refresh_channels(userdata):
    """checks for IRC channels to /join and /part

    Retrieves the list of twitch users that are using the bot and /join's new ones and /part's ones that have decided
     not to use the bot anymore.

    c.execute('SELECT twitch_username FROM users')
    updated_channels = c.fetchall()
    current_channels = hexchat.get_list("channels")

    for channel in current_channels[:]:
        logging.debug('looking at ' + channel.channel)
        if channel.channel == 'Twitch':
        elif channel.channel == '':
        elif (channel.channel[1:], ) in updated_channels:
                'remove from channels to join and channels to part lists: ' +
            updated_channels.remove((channel.channel[1:], ))

    for channel in current_channels:
        logging.debug('Executed command: part ' + channel.channel)
        hexchat.command('part ' + channel.channel)

    for channel in updated_channels:
        logging.debug('Executed command: join #' + channel[0])
        hexchat.command('join #' + channel[0])
    return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #26
ファイル: grubdate_xchat.py プロジェクト: mozai/xchat-scripts
def _announce_update(site):
  " bleat to the appropriate channels "
  now = nowtime()
  if site['mtime'] == 0:
    # last-modified time is still empty? how'd we get here?
    return None
  if (site['lastanno'] + site['throttle']) > now:
    # too soon since the last announcement, just stay mum
    return None
  if site.get('announceto'):
    message = site.get('announcemsg')
    message = message.replace('{name}', site['name'])
    message = message.replace('{when}', _secs_to_pretty(now - site['mtime']))
    targets = [i for i in site['announceto'] if i.startswith('#')]
    for target in targets:
      # can't use hexchat.get_context(None, channname)
      # because that returns only the random first matching context
      for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
        if channel.channel == target:
          channel.context.command("say " + message)
    targets = [i for i in site['announceto'] if not i.startswith('#')]
    for target in targets:
      # TODO: find user among many servers
      # hexchat.command("msg {} {}".format(target, message))
      print("NotImplemented msg % % .format({}, {})".format(target, message))
  site['lastanno'] = now
コード例 #27
ファイル: nohide.py プロジェクト: nitori/tools
def leftjoin(word, word_eol, userdata):

    ctx = hexchat.get_context()
    channel = ctx.get_info('channel')

    # we need the channel object to get the flags
    chanobj = None
    for chan in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
        if hexchat.nickcmp(chan.channel, channel) == 0:
            chanobj = chan

    if chanobj is None:
        return hexchat.EAT_NONE

    # if is this isn't a channel with the "Hide Join/Left" option, just return.
    if chanobj.flags & 0x40 == 0:
        return hexchat.EAT_NONE


    lnick = hexchat.strip(word[0])
    channel = chan.channel

    for dnick, dchannel in userdata['nicks']:
        if hexchat.nickcmp(lnick, dnick) == 0 \
                and hexchat.nickcmp(dchannel, channel) == 0:
            if time.time() <= userdata['nicks'][(dnick, dchannel)]:
                _emit_print(userdata['type'], *word)
                return hexchat.EAT_ALL
                del userdata['nicks'][(dnick, dchannel)]

    return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #28
def privmsg_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if word[0][1:].split('!')[0] == 'jtv':
		for chan in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
			if chan.type == 1 and chan.id == hexchat.get_prefs('id'):
		hexchat.emit_print('Server Text', word_eol[3][1:])
		return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #29
ファイル: hxnotify.py プロジェクト: zyphrus/hxnotify
def channel_msg(word, word_eol, userdata):
    # only show when not focused on hexchat
    # if hexchat.get_info("win_status") == "active":
    #     return None

    # get the channel info for where the message came from
    for ch in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        # handle only channel
        if ch.type != 2:

        whitelist = hexchat.get_pluginpref('hxnotify_whitelist').split(',')

        # only show for whitelisted channels
        if word[2] in whitelist:

            # check if the chanopt is set
            if bool(ch.flags & blink_tray):
                my_nick = hexchat.get_info('nick')
                from_user = get_usrname(word[0])

                # fix getting notifcations from self when
                # a bouncer playback is running
                if hexchat.nickcmp(from_user, my_nick) != 0:
                    header = "Message ({0}/{1})".format(ch.network, ch.channel)
                    body = "{0}: {1}".format(from_user,
                                                           MESSAGE_LIMIT, 3))
                    # send the notification
                    notification(header, body)

            return None

    return None
コード例 #30
def checkStreams():
	global firstRun

	if (firstRun):
		hexchat.hook_timer(300000, checkStreams_cb)
		firstRun = False

	channels = hexchat.get_list('channels')
	realChannels = []

	for channel in channels:
		if (channel.server == 'tmi.twitch.tv' and channel.channel[0] == '#'):

	for channel in realChannels:
		obj = loadJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/' + channel)

		if (obj['stream'] == None and channel in liveChannels):
			format(channel.title() + ' is not live anymore.')
		elif (obj['stream'] != None and channel not in liveChannels):
			format(channel.title() + ' is live!')
			format(obj['stream']['channel']['status'] + '(' + obj['stream']['game'] + ')')
		elif (obj['stream'] == None and channel not in liveChannels):
			format(channel.title() + ' is offline.')
コード例 #31
ファイル: session_saver.py プロジェクト: Veek/Python
def save_session(userdata):
    # Saves the network|channels dictionary in pluginpref
    networks = {}
    channels = hexchat.get_list('channels')

    if not hexchat.get_context():

    # Build dictionary 'networks'
    #  Iterate 'channels' and add all the servers
    for chan in channels:
        if chan.type == 1:
            networks[chan.network] = []

    # Iterate 'channels' and add channels.
    # networks={'freenode':[chan1, chan2, chan3], 'dalnet':[]}
    for chan in channels:
        if chan.type == 2 or chan.type == 3: # Ignore notices and server tabs

    # Iterate 'networks' and store in hexchat.pluginpref as
    # session_freenode = chan1,chan2. This is written to
    # 'addon_python.conf' eventually.
    for network, channels in networks.items():
        if len(network):
            hexchat.set_pluginpref('session_' + network, ','.join(channels))
    return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #32
 def multicast(self):
     userlist = hexchat.get_list('users')
     nicklist = []
     if userlist:
         for u in userlist:
         i = 1
         while self.multicastEnabled.int() > 0 and random.randint(
                 1, math.floor(2 + 8 / (i * i))) == 1 and i < 7:
             multicastReceiverNick = nicklist[random.randint(
                 len(nicklist) - 1)]
             multicastReceiver = self.getPlayer(multicastReceiverNick)
             if multicastReceiver:
                 multicastReceiver.score = multicastReceiver.score + 1
                 multicastReceiver = Player(multicastReceiverNick, 1, 0)
             self.SendMessage(BOLD + COLORSPECIAL + 'MULTICAST' +
                              ((COLORDEFAULT + ' x' + COLORSPECIAL +
                                str(i)) if i > 1 else '') + COLORDEFAULT +
                              ' ! ' + COLORSPECIAL +
                              multicastReceiver.name + COLORDEFAULT +
                              ' gagne 1 point !')
             i = i + 1
コード例 #33
ファイル: twitch.py プロジェクト: NuclearW/plugins
def privmsg_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if word[0][1:].split("!")[0] == "jtv":
        for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
            if chan.type == 1 and chan.id == hexchat.get_prefs("id"):
        hexchat.emit_print("Server Text", word_eol[3][1:])
        return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #34
ファイル: kickban.py プロジェクト: thenate217/dotfiles
def get_Host (user):
    list = hexchat.get_list('users')
    for object in list:
        if user.lower() == object.nick.lower():
            host = "*!*@" + object.host.split("@")[1]
            return host
    return user
コード例 #35
ファイル: irc-subst.py プロジェクト: jwlynch/irc-subst
    def channel_msg_hook(self, word, word_eol, userdata, attribs):
        dest = hexchat.get_info('channel')

        nick = word[0]
        msg = word[1]

        # index user_list by nick, in user_dict
        # NOTE, TODO: build a way to keep this list maintained
        user_list = hexchat.get_list("users")

        user_dict = dict()
        for user in user_list:
            user_dict[user.nick] = user

        user_hostmask = user_dict[nick].host

        if self.debugSectsContains("chanmsgdetail"):

            out = "chanmsgdetail dest: " + dest + "; nick: " + nick
            out += " ("
            if user_hostmask is not None:
                out += user_hostmask
                out += "None"
            out += "); msg: " + msg


        return hexchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #36
def srb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    list = hexchat.get_list("users")
    chan = hexchat.get_info("channel")
    if len(word) < 2:
        print("Syntax is: srb <nick> [reason]")
        return hexchat.EAT_ALL

    target = word[1]
    reason = ''
    if len(word) > 2:
        reason = ' '.join(word)
        reason = reason.split(target + ' ')[1]

    if not chan.startswith('#'):
        print("This command must be used in a channel window.")
        return hexchat.EAT_ALL

    if list:
        for i in list:
            if i.nick == target:
                banmask = i.host
                ident = i.host.split('@')[0]
                cloak = i.host.split('@')[1]
                if ident.startswith('~'):
                    banmask = '*!*@' + cloak
                if i.host.startswith('uid') or i.host.startswith('sid'):
                    uid = ident.split('id')[1]
                    if cloak.startswith('gateway/web/irccloud.com/'):
                        banmask = '?id' + uid + '@' + '*irccloud*'
                        banmask = '?id' + uid + '@' + cloak
                if cloak.startswith('gateway/shell/matrix.org/'):
                    banmask = '$r:' + i.realname
                if cloak.startswith('gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/'):
                    banmask = '*!*@*' + cloak.split('ip.')[1]
                if cloak.startswith('gateway/web/thelounge/'):
                    banmask = '*!*@*' + cloak.split('ip.')[1]
                if cloak.startswith('gateway/shell/xshellz/'):
                    banmask = '*!*' + ident + '@gateway/shell/xshellz/*'
                if i.account != '':
                    banmask = '$a:' + i.account
                wasop = True
                if not opped():
                    wasop = False
                if i.prefix == '@':
                    hexchat.command('mode -o %s' % (target))
                if i.prefix == '+':
                    hexchat.command('mode -v %s' % (target))
                hexchat.command('mode +b ' + banmask)
                if reason != '':
                    hexchat.command('quote REMOVE ' + chan + ' ' + target +
                                    ' :' + reason)
                    hexchat.command('quote REMOVE ' + chan + ' ' + target)
                if not keepop and not wasop:
                    hexchat.command('mode -o ' + hexchat.get_info("nick"))
        return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #37
ファイル: xdccq.py プロジェクト: tiberiosantos/xdccq
 def getCurrentBotCPS(bot):
     dcclist = hexchat.get_list('dcc')
     cps = 'Unknown CPS'
     for item in dcclist:
         if str(item.nick).lower() == bot.lower():
             cps = '%s CPS' % (str(item.cps))
     return cps
コード例 #38
def opped():
    me = hexchat.get_info("nick")
    for u in hexchat.get_list("users"):
        if u.nick == me:
            if '@' in u.prefix:
                return True
                return False
コード例 #39
def nick2acc(nick):
    list = hexchat.get_list("users")
    if list:
        for u in list:
            if u.nick == nick and u.account != '':
                account = u.account
                return account
    return '*'
コード例 #40
def netId(ctx=None):
    if ctx == None or ctx == hexchat.get_context():
        return hexchat.get_prefs("id")
        for c in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
            if c.context == ctx:
                return c.id
        return "?"
コード例 #41
def findAccMatch(account):
    matches = []
    list = hexchat.get_list("users")
    if list:
        for u in list:
            if u.account == account:
    return matches
コード例 #42
 def get_twitch_channels(self):
     Get a list of open TwitchTV channels and store them in self.twitch_chans
     self.twitch_chans = []
     for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
         if chan.type == 2 and chan.context.get_info("host") == "irc.twitch.tv":
コード例 #43
def unload_callback(userdata):
    # find the join/part tab and close it
    for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        if chan.type == 1 and chan.channel == tab_name:
            jp_context = hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name)
    hexchat.prnt(__module_name__ + " version " + __module_version__ +
                 " unloaded")
コード例 #44
 def get_twitch_channels(self):
     Get a list of open TwitchTV channels and store them in self.twitch_chans
     self.twitch_chans = []
     for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
         if chan.type == 2 and get_pref("twitch_base_domain") in chan.context.get_info("host"):
コード例 #45
ファイル: banhelper.py プロジェクト: BFCatalin/plugins
def is_op():
	for user in hexchat.get_list('users'):
		if user.nick == hexchat.get_info('nick'):
			# FIXME: This might not work on all networks with 50 op levels..
			if '@' in user.prefix:
				return True
				return False
コード例 #46
ファイル: hxnotify.py プロジェクト: zyphrus/hxnotify
def friend_offline(word, word_eol, userdata):
    names = word[3][1:].split(',')
    for i in hexchat.get_list("notify"):
        if i.nick in names and i.on != 0:
            notification("Friend Offline",
                         "{0} has gone offline".format(name))

    return None
コード例 #47
ファイル: cd.py プロジェクト: hexchat/hexchat-addons
def netId(ctx = None):
    if ctx == None or ctx == hexchat.get_context():
        return hexchat.get_prefs("id")
        for c in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
            if c.context == ctx:
                return c.id
        return "?"
コード例 #48
def getchannels():
	channels = []
	network = hexchat.get_info("network")
	for i in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
		if i.network == network:
			if i.type == 2:
	return channels
コード例 #49
ファイル: irc-subst.py プロジェクト: jwlynch/irc-subst
    def makeDebugTab(self):
        # add the tab for debugging
        hexchat.command("query " + self.debugtab_nick)

        # put the channel list entry for it in the object so I can get at it
        self.debug_tab = [
            c for c in hexchat.get_list('channels')
            if c.channel == self.debugtab_nick
コード例 #50
ファイル: twitch.py プロジェクト: Poorchop/plugins
def privmsg_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if word[0][1:].split('!')[0] == 'jtv':
		if word[2][0] != '#':
			for chan in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
				if chan.type == 1 and chan.id == hexchat.get_prefs('id'):
					chan.context.emit_print('Server Text', word_eol[3][1:])
			return hexchat.EAT_ALL
			return hexchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #51
def findMaskMatch(mask):
    matches = []
    list = hexchat.get_list("users")
    if list:
       mask = maskre(mask)
       if not mask:
       matches = [u.nick for u in list if mask.match('%s!%s' % (u.nick, u.host))]
    return matches
コード例 #52
def new_msg(word, word_eol, event, attrs):
	#handles normal messages
	global last_seen
	global halt
	if halt:

	#get username from message
	user_name = hexchat.strip(word[0])

	users = hexchat.get_list("users")

	#Try to find the user based on the users list
	user = "******"
	user_host = "NULL"
	user_ip = "NULL"
	for u in users:
		if(u.nick == user_name):
			user = u.host
			user_host = ''.join(user.split('@')[1:])
			user_ip = get_ip(user)

	#user was logged in before script started
	if user_host not in last_seen:
		last_seen[user_host] = [time(), True, user_name, user_ip]

	#invalid user case (typically user is no longer connected)
	if  user_host == "NULL" or user == "NULL":
		halt = True
		hexchat.emit_print(event, *word)
		halt = False
		if debug_output:
			print("\00315Supressed invalid user case")
		return hexchat.EAT_ALL

	#user never spoke before
	if not last_seen[user_host][1]:
		time_diff = time() - last_seen[user_host][0]

		#get geoip
		geoip = get_geoip(user_ip)

		#add information to message
		if user_name == last_seen[user_host][2]:
			word[1] += " \00307(logged in %s ago from \00302%s \00310%s\00307)" % (human_readable(time_diff),user.split('@')[0] + '@' + user_ip,geoip)
			word[1] += " \00307(logged in %s ago. Formerly \00302%s\00307 from \00302%s \00310%s\00307)" % (human_readable(time_diff),last_seen[user_host][2],user.split('@')[0] + '@' + user_ip,geoip) #added host for debug purposes
			last_seen[user_host][2] = user_name
		#print message
		halt = True
		hexchat.emit_print(event, *word)
		halt = False
		last_seen[user_host][1] = True
		return hexchat.EAT_ALL
		last_seen[user_host][0] = time()
コード例 #53
def channel_check():
    Check to see if there are any open Twitch channels; if so, then start/continue the threaded process
    for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"):
        if chan.type == 2 and chan.context.get_info(
                "server") == "tmi.twitch.tv":
            return True
    return False
コード例 #54
ファイル: smartparts.py プロジェクト: jasongullifer/plugins
def check_lasttalk(nick):
    for user in hexchat.get_list('users'):
        if user.nick == hexchat.strip(nick):
            if time() - user.lasttalk > 60 * 5:
                return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
                return hexchat.EAT_NONE

    return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
コード例 #55
def command_lag(command, command_eol, params): 
	server = hexchat.get_info("server")
	channel = hexchat.get_info("channel")
	context = hexchat.get_list('channels')

	for index,item in enumerate(context):
		if context[index].channel == channel and context[index].server == server:
			hexchat.command(f"say \002My Current Lag:\002 {(context[index].lag/1000)} seconds") 
	return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
コード例 #56
def soakerActivityCheck(actionNick):
    global soakAll
    global noSoakList
    global activeTimer
    activeList = []
    ignoreListNickserv = []
    ignoreList = hexchat.get_pluginpref('soakbotignorelist').split(' ')
    ignoreList.extend([actionNick.lower(), hexchat.get_info('nick').lower()])
    for active in hexchat.get_list('users'):
        if active.nick.lower() == actionNick:
    for active in hexchat.get_list('users'):
        if time.time() - active.lasttalk <= (60 * activeTimer) or soakAll:
            if active.host.split('@')[1] != 'services.' and active.nick.lower() not in ignoreList and active.account not in ignoreListNickserv:
    return activeList
コード例 #57
def ignores():
    ignores = []
    ignorelist = hexchat.get_list("ignore")
    if ignorelist:
        for i in ignorelist:
            if i.mask.startswith('$a:'):
                target = i.mask.split('$a:')[1]
    return ignores
コード例 #58
ファイル: smartparts.py プロジェクト: carriercomm/plugins-1
def check_lasttalk(nick):
    for user in hexchat.get_list("users"):
        if user.nick == hexchat.strip(nick):
            if time() - user.lasttalk > 60 * 5:
                return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
                return hexchat.EAT_NONE

    return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT