def create_image(arch, repository_names, repository_paths, kickstart_file_path, mic_options, specific_packages): """ Creates an image using MIC tool, from given repository and given kickstart file. It creates a copy of kickstart file and replaces "repo" to given repository path. @param arch The architecture of the image @param repository_names The names of repositorues @param repository_paths The repository paths @param kickstart_file The kickstart file to be used @param mic_options Additional options for MIC. @param specific_packages Packages that must be additionally installed. """ if repository_names is None or len(repository_names) == 0: raise Exception("Repository names are not given! " "{0}".format(repository_names)) modified_kickstart_file_path = temporaries.create_temporary_file("mod.ks") shutil.copy(kickstart_file_path, modified_kickstart_file_path) kickstart_file = KickstartFile(modified_kickstart_file_path) kickstart_file.replace_repository_paths(repository_names, repository_paths) kickstart_file.add_packages(specific_packages) # Now create the image using the "mic" tool: global mic_config_path mic_command = [ "sudo", "mic", "create", "loop", modified_kickstart_file_path, "-A", arch, "--config", mic_config_path, "--tmpfs" ] if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: mic_options.extend(["--debug", "--verbose"]) if mic_options is not None: mic_command.extend(mic_options)"Building the image", mic_command)
def __deploy_packages(self): """ Deploys packages to chroot clones and generates makefiles for them. """ self._tasks.sort(key=lambda task: os.stat(task[1]).st_size) for i in range(repository_combiner.jobs_number): tasks = [] i_task = i while i_task < len(self._tasks): tasks.append(self._tasks[i_task]) i_task += repository_combiner.jobs_number if len(tasks) == 0: continue directories = {} for task in tasks: package_name, package_path, target, _, _ = task self._targets[package_name] = target basename = os.path.basename(target) self._package_names[basename] = package_name "Copying to patcher", ["sudo", "cp", package_path, self.patching_root_clones[i]]) self._generate_makefile(self.patching_root_clones[i], tasks)
def __process_results(self): """ Processes final results of patcher. """ results = self._get_results() for info in results: name, path, _ = info target = self._targets[name]"Copying to repo", ["sudo", "cp", path, target])
def __install_rpmrebuild(self, queue): """ Chroots to the given path and installs rpmrebuild in it. @param queue The queue where the result will be put. """ make_command = [ "sudo", "chroot", self.patching_root, "bash", "-c", """chmod a+x /usr/bin/*; cd /rpmrebuild/src && make && make install""" ]"Make and install the rpmrebuild.", make_command) queue.put(True)
def __preprocess_cache(self): """ Preprocesses the patching RPMs cache. """ global drop_patching_cache if drop_patching_cache: global patching_cache_path"Drop patching cache", ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", patching_cache_path]) os.makedirs(patching_cache_path) return ready_rpms = files.find_fast(patching_cache_path, ".*\.rpm") info_items = {} for rpm in ready_rpms: info_path = "{0}.info.txt".format(rpm) if os.path.isfile(info_path): with open(info_path, "r") as info_file: lines = [] for line in info_file: lines.append(line) info_item = lines[0] info_items[info_item] = rpm for info_item in info_items.keys():"Found item {0} at location " "{1}".format(info_item, info_items[info_item])) copy_tasks = [] tasks_undone = [] for i_task in range(len(self._tasks)): task = self._tasks[i_task] name, path, destination, release, updates = task info = "{0}".format((name, path, release, updates))"Searching for {0}".format(info)) if_cached = False for key in info_items.keys(): if key == info: cached_package_path = info_items[key]"Found already patched RPM at " "{0}".format(cached_package_path)) copy_tasks.append((name, cached_package_path, destination)) if_cached = True break if not if_cached: tasks_undone.append(task) self._tasks = tasks_undone if len(copy_tasks) > 0: hidden_subprocess.function_call_list("Copying from cache", shutil.copy, copy_tasks)
def __install_rpmrebuild(self, queue): """ Chroots to the given path and installs rpmrebuild in it. @param queue The queue where the result will be put. """ os.chroot(self.patching_root) os.chdir("/") os.chdir("/rpmrebuild/src")"Making the rpmrebuild.", ["make"])"Installing the rpmrebuild.", ["make", "install"]) if not check.command_exists("rpmrebuild"): sys.exit("Error.") queue.put(True)
def __prepare(self): """ Prepares the patching root ready for RPM patching. """ global developer_disable_patching if developer_disable_patching: logging.debug("RPM patcher will not be prepared.") return graphs = self._graphs self.__prepare_image(graphs) self.patching_root = temporaries.mount_firmware(self.images_directory) host_arch = platform.machine() host_arches = self.__produce_architecture_synonyms_list(host_arch) if self.architecture not in host_arches: self.__deploy_qemu_package() combirepo_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) rpmrebuild_file = os.path.join(combirepo_dir, 'data/rpmrebuild.tar') already_present_rpmrebuilds = files.find_fast(self.patching_root, "rpmrebuild.*") for already_present_rpmrebuild in already_present_rpmrebuilds: if os.path.isdir(already_present_rpmrebuild): shutil.rmtree(already_present_rpmrebuild) elif os.path.isfile(already_present_rpmrebuild): os.remove(already_present_rpmrebuild) "Extracting the rpmrebuild ", ["tar", "xf", rpmrebuild_file, "-C", self.patching_root]) queue = multiprocessing.Queue() child = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__install_rpmrebuild, args=(queue, )) child.start() child.join() if queue.empty(): logging.error("Failed to install rpmrebuild into chroot.") sys.exit("Error.") else: result = queue.get() if result: logging.debug("Installation of rpmrebuild successfully " "completed.") else: raise Exception("Impossible happened.")
def __use_cached_root_or_prepare(self): """ Tries to find cached root and uses it in case it exists and prepares it otherwise. """ image_info = "{0}".format( (self.names, self.repositories, self.architecture, os.path.basename(self.kickstart_file_path))) cached_images_info_paths = files.find_fast( patching_cache_path, ".*") matching_images_path = None self.__prepare() for info_path in cached_images_info_paths: cached_images_path = info_path.replace(".info.txt", "") if not os.path.isdir(cached_images_path): logging.error("Directory {0} not " "found!".format(cached_images_path)) continue lines = [] with open(info_path, "r") as info_file: for line in info_file: lines.append(line) if lines[0] == image_info: matching_images_path = cached_images_path break if matching_images_path is not None: self.patching_root = matching_images_path"Found already prepared patching root: " "{0}".format(matching_images_path)) else: cached_chroot_path = os.path.join( patching_cache_path, os.path.basename(self.patching_root) + "preliminary_image")"Saving chroot to cache", [ "sudo", "cp", "-Z", "-P", "-a", self.patching_root, cached_chroot_path ]) info_path = cached_chroot_path + ".info.txt" with open(info_path, "wb") as info_file: info_file.write(image_info)
def __postprocess_cache(self): """ Postprocesses the patching RPMs cache. """ results = self._get_results() for result in results: name, path, _ = result global patching_cache_path destination_path = os.path.join(patching_cache_path, os.path.basename(path)) matching_task = None for task in self._tasks: if task[0] == name: name, marked_rpm_path, _, release, updates = task matching_task = (name, marked_rpm_path, release, updates) if matching_task is None: raise Exception("Cannot match task for {0}".format(name)) info_path = "{0}.info.txt".format(destination_path) info = "{0}".format(matching_task) with open(info_path, "wb") as info_file: info_file.write(info)"Copying to cache", ["sudo", "cp", path, destination_path])
def create_patched_packages(queue): """ Patches the given package using rpmrebuild and the patching root. @param root The root to be used. """ root = queue.get() if not os.path.isfile(root + "/Makefile"):"Chroot has no jobs to perform.") queue.task_done() return logging.debug("Chrooting to {0}".format(root)) make_command = [ "sudo", "chroot", root, "bash", "-c", """chmod a+x /usr/bin/*; rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.*; make --silent""" ]"Start rpm patching", make_command) logging.debug("Exiting from {0}".format(root)) queue.task_done()
def generate_derived_data(self): """ Generates the automatically generated data of the repository. """ self._path = os.path.abspath(self._path) initial_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._path) repodata_path = os.path.join(self._path, "repodata") if os.path.isdir(repodata_path): logging.warning("The repository data already exists in " "{0}! It will be removed and " "re-generated".format(repodata_path)) shutil.rmtree(repodata_path) os.mkdir(repodata_path) else: os.mkdir(repodata_path) createrepo_command = [ "createrepo", self._path, "--database", "--unique-md-filenames" ] if is not None: groups_file_path = os.path.join(repodata_path, "group.xml") with open(groups_file_path, "w") as groups_file: groups_file.writelines( createrepo_command.extend(["-g", "repodata/group.xml"]) exit_value ="Creating repository.", createrepo_command) if exit_value != 0: raise Exception("createrepo failed with exit value = " "{0}".format(exit_value)) if is not None: patterns_file_path = os.path.join(repodata_path, "patterns.xml") with open(patterns_file_path, "w") as patterns_file: patterns_file.writelines( exit_value = hidden_subprocess.silent_call( ["modifyrepo", patterns_file_path, repodata_path]) if exit_value != 0: raise Exception("modifyrepo failed with exit value = " "{0}".format(exit_value)) self.__workaround_repodata_open_checksum_bug() os.chdir(initial_directory)
def _generate_makefile(self, root, tasks): """ Generates makefile for given tasks. @param root The root to be used. @param tasks The list of tasks. """ makefile_path = os.path.join(root, "Makefile") results_path = os.path.join(root, "rpmrebuild_results") if os.path.isfile(makefile_path):"Remove Makefile.", ["sudo", "rm", makefile_path])"Create Makefile.", ["sudo", "touch", makefile_path])"Change mode of Makefile.", ["sudo", "chmod", "a+rw", makefile_path]) if os.path.isdir(results_path):"Remove results_path directory.", ["sudo", "rm", "-rf", results_path])"Create results_path directory.", ["sudo", "mkdir", "-m", "777", results_path]) with open(makefile_path, "ab") as makefile: makefile.write("all:") for task in tasks: package_name, _, _, _, _ = task makefile.write(" {0}".format(package_name)) makefile.write("\n") for task in tasks: package_name, package_path, _, release, updates = task package_file_name = os.path.basename(package_path) makefile.write("\n") makefile.write("{0}: {1}\n".format(package_name, package_file_name)) sed_command = "" if (updates): sed_command = "-f \'sed" for update in updates: command = build_requirement_command(update) sed_command += " -e \"{0}\"".format(command) sed_command += "\'" spec_commands = [] # skip %buildroot and files in spec spec_commands.append( "--change-spec-files=\'sed -e \"/\.build-id/d\" -e \"/basic\.target\.wants/d\"\'" ) # remove -p option from %posttrans spec_commands.append( "--change-spec-posttrans=\'sed -e \"s/-p .*//g\"\'") commands_subpackages = build_subpackages_commands( package_path, release) spec_commands.extend(commands_subpackages) spec_command = "" for command in spec_commands: spec_command += (" " + command) makefile.write("\trpmrebuild {0} {1} --release={2} -p -n -d " "/rpmrebuild_results " "{3}".format(spec_command, sed_command, release, package_file_name)) if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() != logging.DEBUG: makefile.write(" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") makefile.write("\n") makefile.write("\nall:\n\trm -rf /home/*\n") if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:["cat", makefile_path])