class FindingSite(CodeContentItem): """Content item representing a coded finding site.""" def __init__( self, anatomic_location: Union[CodedConcept, Code], laterality: Optional[Union[CodedConcept, Code]] = None, topographical_modifier: Optional[Union[CodedConcept, Code]] = None ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- anatomic_location: Union[,] coded anatomic location (region or structure) laterality: Union[,], optional coded laterality (see :dcm:`CID 244 <part16/sect_CID_244.html>` "Laterality" for options) topographical_modifier: Union[,], optional coded modifier of anatomic location """ # noqa super().__init__( name=CodedConcept( value='363698007', meaning='Finding Site', scheme_designator='SCT' ), value=anatomic_location, relationship_type=RelationshipTypeValues.HAS_CONCEPT_MOD ) if laterality is not None or topographical_modifier is not None: self.ContentSequence = ContentSequence() if laterality is not None: laterality_item = CodeContentItem( name=CodedConcept( value='272741003', meaning='Laterality', scheme_designator='SCT' ), value=laterality, relationship_type=RelationshipTypeValues.HAS_CONCEPT_MOD ) self.ContentSequence.append(laterality_item) if topographical_modifier is not None: modifier_item = CodeContentItem( name=CodedConcept( value='106233006', meaning='Topographical Modifier', scheme_designator='SCT' ), value=topographical_modifier, relationship_type=RelationshipTypeValues.HAS_CONCEPT_MOD ) self.ContentSequence.append(modifier_item)
class VolumeSurface(Scoord3DContentItem): """Content item representing a volume surface in the the three-dimensional patient/slide coordinate system in millimeter unit. """ def __init__( self, graphic_type: Union[GraphicTypeValues3D, str], graphic_data: np.ndarray, frame_of_reference_uid: str, source_images: Optional[ Sequence[SourceImageForSegmentation] ] = None, source_series: Optional[SourceSeriesForSegmentation] = None ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- graphic_type: Union[, str] name of the graphic type graphic_data: Sequence[Sequence[int]] ordered set of (row, column, frame) coordinate pairs frame_of_reference_uid: str unique identifier of the frame of reference within which the coordinates are defined source_images: Sequence[], optional source images for segmentation source_series:, optional source series for segmentation Note ---- Either one or more source images or one source series must be provided. """ # noqa graphic_type = GraphicTypeValues3D(graphic_type) if graphic_type != GraphicTypeValues3D.ELLIPSOID: raise ValueError( 'Graphic type for volume surface must be "ELLIPSOID".' ) super().__init__( name=CodedConcept( value='121231', meaning='Volume Surface', scheme_designator='DCM' ), frame_of_reference_uid=frame_of_reference_uid, graphic_type=graphic_type, graphic_data=graphic_data, relationship_type=RelationshipTypeValues.CONTAINS ) self.ContentSequence = ContentSequence() if source_images is not None: for image in source_images: if not isinstance(image, SourceImageForSegmentation): raise TypeError( 'Items of argument "source_image" must have type ' 'SourceImageForSegmentation.' ) self.ContentSequence.append(image) elif source_series is not None: if not isinstance(source_series, SourceSeriesForSegmentation): raise TypeError( 'Argument "source_series" must have type ' 'SourceSeriesForSegmentation.' ) self.ContentSequence.append(source_series) else: raise ValueError( 'One of the following two arguments must be provided: ' '"source_images" or "source_series".' )