class PaddedColorToImage(Node): """ Takes a color input and creates a 4x4 texture from it, where one corner is assigned a color, while the rest is black. Inputs: color: A color tuple input. Outputs: image: A valid picture of the size 4x4, which can be used as a texture or for something else. """ color = NodeInput((1, 1, 1), ntype=T.RGB()) image = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Image()) def update(self): image = ( (torch.tensor(self.color) * 2 - 1) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(2) .unsqueeze(2) .float() .to(self.device) ) self.image = f.pad(image, (1, 0, 1, 0), value=-1)
class ColorToImage(Node): """ Takes a color input and creates a valid texture from it. Inputs: color: A color tuple input. Outputs: image: A valid picture of the size 1x1, which can be used as a texture or for something else. """ color = NodeInput((1, 1, 1), ntype=T.RGB()) image = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Image()) def update(self): image = ( (torch.tensor(self.color) * 2 - 1) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(2) .unsqueeze(2) .float() .to(self.device) ) self.image = image
class ModelMatrix(Node): """ Generates a translation matrix from all possible input variables. Inputs: position: A tuple of (x,y,z) position coordinates. rotation: A tuple of (x,y,z) rotation data. Not safe against gimbal lock! scale: A tuple of(x,y,z) scaling values. Outputs: model_matrix: A translation matrix output. """ position = NodeInput((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ntype=T.Vector3(-5.0, 5.0)) rotation = NodeInput((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ntype=T.Vector3(-180.0, 180.0)) scale = NodeInput((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ntype=T.Vector3(0.0, 5.0)) model_matrix = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tensor((4, 4))) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ModelMatrix, self).__init__(**kwargs) def update(self): model = correctly_rotated_model_matrix() glm.rotate(model, self.rotation[0], 1, 0, 0) glm.rotate(model, self.rotation[1], 0, 1, 0) glm.rotate(model, self.rotation[2], 0, 0, 1) glm.translate(model, self.position[0], self.position[1], self.position[2]) glm.scale(model, self.scale[0], self.scale[1], self.scale[2]) self.model_matrix = model
class BinaryFunction(Node): """ Calculates the result of two input values x y and an arbitrary function string. It is preferable to use the ComplexFunction Node as it provides additional values as inputs and has better error checking. Inputs: x: A float input. y: A float input. function: A function that should be computed at every timestep. Should be provided as a string. Outputs: result: Result of the computation. """ x = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(-10, 10)) y = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(-10, 10)) function = NodeInput("x+y", ntype=T.MathFunction()) result = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Float()) def update(self): self.result = numexpr.evaluate( self.function, local_dict={"x": self.x, "y": self.y} )
class DrawNode(Node): """ The draw node is the standard final node in a graph to display something. All three inputs must be connected. Inputs: faces: A list of the faces that should be displayed. This needs to come from a GeometryController Node as that node transmits the actual mesh data to the shader. shader: A ShaderProgram that runs the rendering pipeline. window: The window that the frame should be rendered on. Outputs: The DrawNode has no output, since it renders directly to the window. """ faces = NodeInput([0], ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) shader = NodeInput(ntype=T.ShaderProgram()) window = NodeInput(ntype=T.Window()) def update(self): # draw to screen self.window.clear() gl.glDisable(gl.GL_BLEND) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) self.shader.draw(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, self.faces)
class Interpolate(Node): """ Interpolates between two vectors. The two vectors should have the same dimensions or support pytorch broadcasting. Inputs: interpolation_value: Where betweeen the two vectors the output should be set to. Values between 0 and 1 make the most sense, but others are also valid and represent an extrapolation. input_vector0: The first vector. input_vector1: The second vector. Outputs: result: The interpolation result. """ interpolation_value = NodeInput(ntype=T.Float()) input_vector0 = NodeInput(torch.zeros(1), ntype=T.Tensor()) input_vector1 = NodeInput(torch.ones(1), ntype=T.Tensor()) result = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tensor()) def update(self): self.result = torch.lerp( self.input_vector0, self.input_vector1, float(self.interpolation_value) )
class Biggan(Node): """ The Biggan Node generates pictures based on a noise_vector and a class_vector(These can be generated by the NoiseSampler/ClassSampler Nodes). Inputs: noise_vector: A noise vector in the shape of (1, 128). class_vector: A class vector in the shape of (1, 1). Outputs: image: A generated output image. """ noise_vector = NodeInput( create_noise_vector(batch_size=1, truncation=1, device="cpu"), ntype=T.Tensor() ) class_vector = NodeInput( create_class_vector(643, batch_size=1, device="cpu"), ntype=T.Tensor() ) image = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tensor()) def __init__(self, model_type: str = "biggan-deep-128", **kwargs): super(Biggan, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.model = self.load_model(model_type, device=self.device) self.truncation = torch.ones(1, device=self.device) self.model_type = model_type def update(self): with torch.no_grad(): self.image = self.model( self.noise_vector, self.class_vector, self.truncation ) def to_device(self, device: str): if device != self.device: self.model = self.load_model( self.model_type, device="cuda" if device.startswith("cuda") else device ) super().to_device(device) self.truncation = def load_model(self, model_type, device): file_name = str(get_asset_folder() / "networks" / (model_type + "-" + device)) try: return torch.jit.load(file_name) except (ValueError, RuntimeError): print( "Could not find", file_name, "\n Trying to create file(requires network connection)", ) generate_model_file(model_type, device) return torch.jit.load(file_name)
class SampleManager(Node): """ Manages the sampling and correct replacement of some variable that can be sampled, such as noise or class. Inputs: time: Some time value. If it is lower than the value of the previous frame, it signals a beat. sampler: The sample function from which samples are drawn. Outputs: vector0: The current output vector. vector1: The next output vector. """ time = NodeInput(ntype=T.Float()) sampler = NodeInput(ntype=T.Sampler()) vector0 = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tensor()) vector1 = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tensor()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SampleManager, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sample = iter(range(2)) self.inner_vec0 = next(self.sample) self.inner_vec1 = next(self.sample) self.vector0 = self.inner_vec0 self.vector1 = self.inner_vec1 self.refresh = True self.internal_time = 0 def update(self): if self.refresh: self.recalculate() self.refresh = False if self.internal_time - self.time > 0.001: self.inner_vec0 = self.inner_vec1 self.inner_vec1 = self.sampler() self.vector0 = self.inner_vec0 self.vector1 = self.inner_vec1 self.internal_time = self.time def recalculate(self): self.inner_vec0 = self.sampler() self.inner_vec1 = self.sampler() self.vector0 = self.inner_vec0 self.vector1 = self.inner_vec1 def to_device(self, device): super().to_device(device) self.refresh = True
class Window(Node): """ This node exists for resizing and rendering purposes. It provides access to both the window size and the window. Outputs: size: The size of the window as a (width, height) tuple. window: The window object. """ size = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Tuple(T.UInt(), T.UInt())) window = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Window()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Window, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.internal_window = WindowManager.get_window() self.window = self.internal_window self.size = self.internal_window.width, self.internal_window.height def update(self): self.size = WindowManager.get_window_size()
class ClassPool(Node): """ A class pool node, which has additional frontend logic to make the class ids are properly selectable. Inputs: class_pool: The Classes that should be used for possible interpolation targets. Outputs: output_class_pool: The value to access the class pool. """ class_pool = NodeInput(list(range(0, 999)), ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) output_class_pool = NodeOutput(ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ClassPool, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.output_class_pool = self.class_pool def update(self): self.output_class_pool = self.class_pool
class ScalarToVector(Node): """ Creates a vector2 from a scalar value """ scalar = NodeInput(0.0) vector = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Vector2()) def __init__(self, vector_size=2, **kwargs): super(ScalarToVector, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vector_size = vector_size def update(self): self.vector = [self.scalar] * self.vector_size
class NoiseSampler(Node): """ Samples noise as defined by the sampling scheme. Inputs: sample_options: The mode how the noise will be sampled. All samples are drawn from a normal distribution, if not specified. Possible modes are: "PingPong": Samples a vector and then inverts it on every consecutive sampling. "SimpleRotation": Samples the center(so all zeroes), except the 0th and first dimension are sampled along a circle, the amount of rotation per sample is given by the rotation_speed value. "ComplexRotation": Samples in a very chaotic rotation roughly around the center. "Random": Samples in a random manner. "RandomStar": Samples randomly, but every second sample is all zeroes. truncation: Multiplies the vector by a value, so the higher the truncation, the higher the likelihood that the sample is nonsensical, the lower the truncation, the smaller the sample variance. rotation_speed: Speed of rotation around the center for the two rotation sampling modes. The higher, the faster the samples change. Outputs: sampler: The sampling function. Every call creates a new sample according to the sampling scheme. """ sample_options = NodeInput( "Ping Pong", ntype=T.Selector( T.String(), [ "Simple Rotation", "Complex Rotation", "Ping Pong", "Random", "Random Star", ], ), ) truncation = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 10)) rotation_speed = NodeInput(0.125, ntype=T.Float(0, 1)) sampler = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Sampler()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(NoiseSampler, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sampler = self.sample self.star_center = self.truncation self.step_counter = 1 self.class_pool = list(range(0, 5)) self.sample_schema = { "Ping Pong": NoiseSampler.PingPong, "Simple Rotation": NoiseSampler.SimpleRotation, "Complex Rotation": NoiseSampler.ComplexRotation, "Random": NoiseSampler.Random, "RandomStar": NoiseSampler.RandomStar, } self.sample_mode = self.switch_mode() self._in_edges["sample_options"].ntype.known_values = self.sample_schema.keys() self.inner_option = self.sample_options def update(self): if self.inner_option != self.sample_options: self.inner_option = self.sample_options self.sample_mode = self.switch_mode() def sample(self): return self.sample_mode.generate(self.rotation_speed) * self.truncation def switch_mode(self): return self.sample_schema[self.sample_options](self.device) def to_device(self, device): super().to_device(device) self.sample_mode = self.switch_mode() class PingPong: def __init__(self, device, **kwargs): self.vector = create_noise_vector( batch_size=1, dim_z=128, truncation=1, device=device, ) def generate(self, rotation_speed): self.vector = -self.vector return self.vector class SimpleRotation: def __init__(self, device, **kwargs): self.vector = torch.zeros((1, 128), device=device) self.rotation = 0 def rotate(self, rotation_speed): self.rotation += rotation_speed * math.pi self.vector[:, 0] = sin(self.rotation) self.vector[:, 1] = cos(self.rotation) def generate(self, rotation_speed): self.rotate(rotation_speed) return self.vector class ComplexRotation: def __init__(self, device): self.vector = torch.zeros((1, 128), device=device) self.params = torch.zeros((64, 2), device=device).normal_() self.rotation = 0 def rotate(self, rotation_speed): self.rotation += rotation_speed * math.pi for i, params in enumerate(self.params): speed, distance = params self.vector[:, 2 * i + 0] = distance * sin(speed * self.rotation) self.vector[:, 2 * i + 1] = distance * cos(speed * self.rotation) def generate(self, rotation_speed): self.rotate(rotation_speed) return self.vector class Random: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device def generate(self, rotation_speed): return create_noise_vector( batch_size=1, dim_z=128, truncation=1, device=self.device, ) class RandomStar: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device = self.old_vector = ( create_noise_vector( batch_size=1, dim_z=128, truncation=1, device=self.device, ) * 0.0 ) self.center_next = False def generate(self, rotation_speed): if self.center_next: vector = else: vector = create_noise_vector( batch_size=1, dim_z=128, truncation=1, device=self.device, ) self.center_next = not self.center_next return vector
class ClassSampler(Node): """ Samples classes as defined in the sampling scheme. Inputs: class_pool: Pool of classes we sample from. sample_options: The sampling scheme that will be used. Currently avaiable schemes are: "star": Samples ray_count nodes in consecutive order before resampling the center. The center is normally the class pool at index 0, but can be changed with resample_center_every_n: "continuous": Samples the class_pool in round robin fashion. "ping_pong": Switches between the 0th and 1st entry of the class pool. "random": Samples a random class from the pool. Guarantees that no class while be sampled 2 times in a row. resample_center_every_n: The bool decides if it the center in star mode should be resampled every n values, the int is the n. ray_count: How many rays should be sampled before jumping back to the center. Outputs: sampler: The sample function that can be used to sample a value. """ class_pool = NodeInput(list(range(0, 999)), ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) sample_options = NodeInput( "Random", ntype=T.FixedSelector( T.String(), ["Star", "Continuous", "Ping Pong", "Random"] ), ) resample_center_every_n = NodeInput( (False, 8), ntype=T.Tuple(T.Bool(), T.UInt(lower_bound=1, upper_bound=15)) ) ray_count = NodeInput(1, ntype=T.UInt(lower_bound=1, upper_bound=15)) sampler = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Sampler()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ClassSampler, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sampler = self.sample self.sample_schema = { "Star": ClassSampler.Star, "Continuous": ClassSampler.Continuous, "Ping Pong": ClassSampler.PingPong, "Random": ClassSampler.Random, } self._in_edges["sample_options"].ntype.known_values = self.sample_schema.keys() self.step_counter = 0 self.inner_option = self.sample_options self.sample_mode = self.switch_mode() def update(self): if self.inner_option != self.sample_options: self.inner_option = self.sample_options self.sample_mode = self.switch_mode() def sample(self): self.step_counter += 1 if len(self.class_pool) == 1: self.class_label = self.class_pool[0] else: self.class_label = self.sample_mode.generate( self.class_pool, self.step_counter, self.resample_center_every_n, self.ray_count, ) return create_class_vector(self.class_label, batch_size=1, device=self.device) def switch_mode(self): return self.sample_schema[self.sample_options](self.class_pool) class Random: def __init__(self, class_pool): self.class_label = -1 def generate(self, class_pool, *args, **kwargs): class_label = self.class_label while class_label == self.class_label: self.class_label = choice(class_pool) return self.class_label class Star: def __init__(self, class_pool): self.star_center = self.sample_class_vector = choice(class_pool) def generate( self, class_pool, step_counter, resample_center_every_n, ray_count ): resample, every_n = resample_center_every_n if resample: if step_counter % (every_n * (ray_count + 1)) == 0: self.star_center = choice(class_pool) else: self.star_center = class_pool[0] if step_counter % (ray_count + 1) == 0: sample_class_vector = self.star_center else: sample_class_vector = class_pool[ 1 + int(step_counter / 2) % (len(class_pool) - 1) ] return sample_class_vector class PingPong: def __init__(self, class_pool): pass def generate( self, class_pool, step_counter, resample_center_every_n, ray_count ): return class_pool[step_counter % 2] class Continuous: def __init__(self, class_pool): pass def generate( self, class_pool, step_counter, resample_center_every_n, ray_count ): return class_pool[step_counter % len(class_pool)]
class RecordingDrawNode(Node): """ The recording draw node is the a final node in a graph to both display and record something. All three inputs faces, shader and window must be connected. Inputs: faces: A list of the faces that should be displayed. This needs to come from a GeometryController Node as that node transmits the actual mesh data to the shader. shader: A ShaderProgram that runs the rendering pipeline. window: The window that the frame should be rendered on. Outputs: recording: A bool if a video should be recorded or not. song_name: The song that should be the background music for the recorded video. """ faces = NodeInput([0], ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) shader = NodeInput(ntype=T.ShaderProgram()) window = NodeInput(ntype=T.Window()) recording = NodeInput(False, ntype=T.Bool()) song_name = NodeInput("", ntype=T.FixedSelector(T.String(), song_dict.keys(),),) def __init__( self, video_folder=get_asset_folder() / "videos", **kwargs, ): super(RecordingDrawNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.currently_recording = False self.video_folder = video_folder self.fps = 15 self.recording_time = 0 def write_current_frame(self): gl.glReadPixels( 0, 0, self.window.width, self.window.height, gl.GL_RGB, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, self.frame_buffer, ) self.writer.write_frame(np.flipud(self.frame_buffer)) def update(self): self.window.clear() gl.glDisable(gl.GL_BLEND) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) self.shader.draw(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, self.faces) self.check_recording() def check_recording(self): if self.recording: # start a new stream if not self.currently_recording: self.recording_time = 0 self.currently_recording = True self.writer, self.frame_buffer = self.declare_writer() if self.recording_time % self.fps == 0: print(f"recording time: {int(self.recording_time / self.fps)}s") self.recording_time += 1 self.write_current_frame() else: if self.currently_recording: self.currently_recording = False self.writer.close() def declare_writer(self): """ Create a ffmpeg writer and define the output file name. For this to work a change to the FFMPEG_VideoWriter backend has to be done: - search and remove -an - optional so the song works: add '-shortest' to the audio option - if merged maybe this is not needed anymore Returns: Ffmpeg writer and the frame buffer. """ shape = 512 try: audio_file = song_dict[self.song_name] except KeyError: audio_file = None from glumpy.ext.ffmpeg_writer import FFMPEG_VideoWriter # NOQA self.output_file_name = ( str(self.video_folder) + f"/{self.song_name}_" +"%d:%m_%H:%M") + ".mp4" ) ffpmeg_vw = FFMPEG_VideoWriter( filename=self.output_file_name, size=(shape, shape), fps=self.fps, preset="veryfast", codec="libx264", # h264 audiofile=audio_file, ) frame_buffer = np.zeros((shape, shape, 3), dtype=np.uint8) return ffpmeg_vw, frame_buffer
class ModifiedBpm(Node): """ The ModifiedBpm node is used to modify bpm speed and then provide the same outputs. Inputs: in_beat_time: A BeatTimeMessage object to modifiy. time_modifier: The speed value by which the time should be changed. Outputs: out_beat_time: An object that contains all information outputted by the node in one place. counter: A counter of the beats, so 10 will mean that 10 beats have passed in total. isBeat: If the current frame is on a beat or not. time: Total time that has passed since startup. normalized_time: The time normalized by the bpm, so that each unit is equal to the time passing between two beats. So 12.20 will be the value after 12 beats passing and 20 % along the way to the next beat. Is equal to counter + local_time. delta_time: The time passed between two frames. local_time: The percent of time passed between the last and next beat. Basically, it is a value between 0 and 1 that describes how far we are distanced to both on a time basis. """ in_beat_time = NodeInput(ntype=T.BeatTime()) time_modifier = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 10)) out_beat_time = NodeOutput(ntype=T.BeatTime()) counter = NodeOutput(0) isBeat = NodeOutput(False) time = NodeOutput(0) delta_time = NodeOutput(0) local_time = NodeOutput(0) normalized_time = NodeOutput(0) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.last_local_time = 0 def update(self): bpm = self.in_beat_time.bpm time = self.in_beat_time.time * self.time_modifier counter, local_time = divmod(time, 60 / bpm) local_time *= bpm / 60 isBeat = self.last_local_time > local_time self.last_local_time = local_time delta_time = self.in_beat_time.delta_time * self.time_modifier bt = BeatTimeMessage( counter=counter, isBeat=isBeat, time=time, delta_time=delta_time, local_time=local_time, bpm=bpm, speed=self.time_modifier, ) self.counter = counter self.isBeat = isBeat self.time = time self.delta_time = delta_time self.local_time = local_time self.out_beat_time = bt self.normalized_time = counter + local_time
class ComplexFunction(Node): """ A complex function with multiple possible inputs. Also allows slower playback by changing the single_beat_length. Inputs: single_beat_length: The length of a single beat. So if 1, the x value will change from 0 to 1 over the course of a single beat. If 4, it will be 4 times as slow. x: An input time value in the normalized_time format. While other values could be used, this is the de facto standard. y: An additional input value, can be bound to something if needed. z: An additional input value, can be bound to something if needed. abc: A tuple of 3 additional inputs. function: A function to compute. Outputs: result: The result of computing the function. after changing the beat_length. linear_result: The result of just changing the beat_length with single_beat_length. """ single_beat_length = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Base2Int(1, 512)) x = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 1)) y = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 1)) z = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 1)) abc = NodeInput((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), ntype=T.Vector3(0, 1)) function = NodeInput( "x+y", ntype=T.Selector( T.MathFunction(), [ "x", "y", "0", "1", "0.5-cos(x*3*pi)", "x**y*(a)+(1-a)", "x**y*(a+b*sin(c*x*pi))+(1-(a+b*sin(c*x*pi)))", ], ), ) result = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Float()) linear_result = NodeOutput(ntype=T.Float()) def __init__(self, presets=None, bounds=(0, 1), **kwargs): super(ComplexFunction, self).__init__(**kwargs) if presets: self._in_edges["function"].ntype.known_values += presets self.working_function = self.function self.bounds = bounds def update(self): sbl = max(0.01, self.single_beat_length) x = math.fmod(self.x, sbl) / sbl self.linear_result = x try: result = numexpr.evaluate( self.function, local_dict={ "x": x, "y": self.y, "z": self.z, "a":[0], "b":[1], "c":[2], "pi": math.pi, }, ) except (KeyError, SyntaxError): result = numexpr.evaluate( self.working_function, local_dict={ "x": x, "y": self.y, "z": self.z, "a":[0], "b":[1], "c":[2], "pi": math.pi, }, ) self.result = np.clip(result, self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1])
class Shader(Node): """ The shader node manages the Vertex and Fragment Shader of the pipeline. It has numerous inputs that manage different effects. It does not manage the geometry or texture parts of the shader inputs, that is the mesh, its position or texture. Inputs: apply_sobel: If True, applies edge detection through the sobel operator. sobel_resolution: The raster resolution for the sobel operator. The higher, the finer the edge results. is_mirrored: If True, mirrors the texture along the (u,v) axes. repeat_times: How often the texture should be repeated in the (u,v) coordinate space. texture_scaling_x: Multiplies the texture coordinates in the u dimension. texture_scaling_y: Multiplies the texture coordinates in the v dimension. is_crosshatched: Applies the crosshatching effect on the texture. is_inverted: Inverts the output colors. halftone_resolution: If >0, applies the halftone effect. The greater the value, the finer the resolution. brightness: Multiplies the pixel output by this value to control pixel brightness. Outputs: shader: The shader program as an output, needed for both the GeometryController and the DrawNode. """ apply_sobel = NodeInput(False, ntype=T.Bool()) sobel_resolution = NodeInput(512.0, ntype=T.Float(0.1, 1000)) is_mirrored = NodeInput((False, False), ntype=T.Tuple(T.Bool(), T.Bool())) repeat_times = NodeInput( [1.0, 1.0], ntype=T.Vector2(0, 10.0), pre_bind_hook=toNumpy ) texture_scaling_x = NodeInput(1.0) texture_scaling_y = NodeInput(1.0) is_crosshatched = NodeInput(False, ntype=T.Bool()) is_inverted = NodeInput(False, ntype=T.Bool()) halftone_resolution = NodeInput(0.0, ntype=T.Float(0, 10)) brightness = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0.0, 1.0)) # transparency = NodeInput(1.0, ntype=T.Float(0.0, 1.0)) shader = NodeOutput(ntype=T.ShaderProgram()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Shader, self).__init__(**kwargs) vertex = get_shader("vertex.glsl") fragment = get_shader("fragment.glsl") self.internal_shader = gloo.Program(vertex, fragment) self.shader = self.internal_shader def update(self): self.internal_shader["apply_sobel"] = self.apply_sobel self.internal_shader["u_resolution"] = self.sobel_resolution self.internal_shader["mirror_x"] = self.is_mirrored[0] self.internal_shader["mirror_y"] = self.is_mirrored[1] self.internal_shader["repeat"] = self.repeat_times self.internal_shader["texture_scale"] = np.array( [self.texture_scaling_x, self.texture_scaling_y], dtype=float ) self.internal_shader["is_crosshatch"] = self.is_crosshatched self.internal_shader["is_inverted"] = self.is_inverted self.internal_shader["halftone_resolution"] = self.halftone_resolution self.internal_shader["brightness"] = self.brightness self.internal_shader["transparency"] = 1 # self.transparency self.shader = self.internal_shader
class GeometryController(Node): """ The geometry controller node is one of the key nodes to render something. It manages mesh creation, texturing and mesh positioning. Inputs: shader: A shader program that the mesh data will be transmitted to. texture: A texture that will be displayed on the mesh. mesh: The mesh that will be displayed. Currently all available meshes are in the assets/meshes/ folder and are selectable in the frontend. You can access the path list through mesh_dict. view_distance: The position of the camera. It is currently only movable in the z direction. window_size: The size of the window, should be bound the output of a Window node. model_matrix: All parameters for the positioning, scaling and rotation of the mesh. Currently there are no extra measures against gimbal locking. Outputs: faces: This output is a list of face ids that should be displayed. It should be connected to a faces input on one of the recording nodes. """ shader = NodeInput(ntype=T.ShaderProgram()) texture = NodeInput(torch.zeros(1, 3, 1, 1), ntype=T.Image()) mesh = NodeInput("quad", ntype=T.FixedSelector(T.String(), mesh_dict.keys(),),) view_distance = NodeInput(-2.5, ntype=T.Float(-30, 5)) window_size = NodeInput(ntype=T.Tuple(T.UInt(), T.UInt())) model_matrix = NodeInput(correctly_rotated_model_matrix(), ntype=T.Tensor((4, 4))) faces = NodeOutput(ntype=T.List(T.UInt())) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GeometryController, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.internal_mesh = "" def update(self): if self.mesh != self.internal_mesh: self.load_mesh(mesh_dict[self.mesh]) self.internal_mesh = self.mesh # The model is rotated because the texturing is the wrong way around self.shader["model"] = self.model_matrix self.shader["view"] = glm.translation(0, 0, self.view_distance) # Scale is increased to fill the whole screen self.shader["scale"] = 1.0 self.shader["tex"] = to_tex_format(self.texture) width, height = self.window_size self.shader["projection"] = glm.perspective( # 45.0, 1.0, 2.0, 100.0 45.0, width / float(height), 2.0, 100.0, ) def load_mesh(self, file): vertices, faces = load_file(file) self.faces = faces self.shader.bind(vertices) self.has_update = False
class BpmClock(Node): """ The BpmClock is one of the core nodes for a standard Rendergraph. It gives out multiple signals synchronized to a bpm, typically the bpm of the song that is currently playing. Inputs: bpm: A beats per minute value. Outputs: beat_time: An object that contains all information outputted by the node in one place. counter: A counter of the beats, so 10 will mean that 10 beats have passed in total. isBeat: If the current frame is on a beat or not. time: Total time that has passed since startup. normalized_time: The time normalized by the bpm, so that each unit is equal to the time passing between two beats. So 12.20 will be the value after 12 beats passing and 20 % along the way to the next beat. Is equal to counter + local_time. delta_time: The time passed between two frames. local_time: The percent of time passed between the last and next beat. Basically, it is a value between 0 and 1 that describes how far we are distanced to both on a time basis. """ bpm = NodeInput(128.0, ntype=T.Float(lower_bound=0.00001, upper_bound=300)) beat_time = NodeOutput(BeatTimeMessage(), ntype=T.BeatTime()) counter = NodeOutput(0) isBeat = NodeOutput(False) time = NodeOutput(0.0) normalized_time = NodeOutput(0.0) delta_time = NodeOutput(0.0) local_time = NodeOutput(0.0) def __init__(self, time_generator=time_generator(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.time_gen = time_generator self.internal_time = 0 self.internal_counter = 0 self.total_time = 0 self.init_time = next(self.time_gen) self.last_time = self.init_time self.last_local_time = 0 def update(self): time = next(self.time_gen) - self.init_time counter, local_time = divmod(time, 60 / self.bpm) local_time *= self.bpm / 60 isBeat = self.last_local_time > local_time self.last_local_time = local_time delta_time = time - self.last_time self.last_time = time bt = BeatTimeMessage( counter=counter, isBeat=isBeat, time=time, delta_time=delta_time, local_time=local_time, bpm=self.bpm, speed=1, ) self.counter = counter self.isBeat = isBeat self.time = time self.delta_time = delta_time self.local_time = local_time self.beat_time = bt self.normalized_time = local_time + counter