コード例 #1
def _get_blog(account: str, start_index: int, limit: int = None):
    """Get posts for an author's blog (w/ reblogs), paged by index/limit.

    (acct, 2) = returns blog entries 0 up to 2 (3 oldest)
    (acct, 0) = returns all blog entries (limit 0 means return all?)
    (acct, 2, 1) = returns 1 post starting at idx 2
    (acct, 2, 3) = returns 3 posts: idxs (2,1,0)

    if not limit:
        limit = start_index + 1

    ids = cursor.pids_by_blog_by_index(valid_account(account),
                                       valid_limit(limit, 500))

    out = []

    idx = int(start_index)
    for post in load_posts(ids):
        reblog = post['author'] != account
        reblog_on = post['created'] if reblog else "1970-01-01T00"
            "blog": account,
            "entry_id": idx,
            "comment": post,
            "reblog_on": reblog_on
        idx -= 1

    return out
コード例 #2
async def get_content(author: str, permlink: str):
    """Get a single post object."""
    post_id = get_post_id(author, permlink)
    if not post_id:
        return {'id': 0, 'author': '', 'permlink': ''}
    return load_posts([post_id])[0]
コード例 #3
async def get_replies_by_last_update(start_author: str, start_permlink: str = '',
                                     limit: int = 20, truncate_body: int = 0):
    """Get all replies made to any of author's posts."""
    ids = cursor.pids_by_replies_to_account(
        valid_permlink(start_permlink, allow_empty=True),
        valid_limit(limit, 50))
    return load_posts(ids, truncate_body=truncate_body)
コード例 #4
async def get_discussions_by_comments(start_author: str, start_permlink: str = '',
                                      limit: int = 20, truncate_body: int = 0):
    """Get comments by made by author."""
    ids = cursor.pids_by_account_comments(
        valid_permlink(start_permlink, allow_empty=True),
        valid_limit(limit, 20))
    return load_posts(ids, truncate_body=truncate_body)
コード例 #5
async def _get_account_discussion_by_key(account, key):
    assert account, 'account must be specified'
    assert key, 'discussion key must be specified'

    if key == 'recent_replies':
        posts = load_posts(cursor.pids_by_replies_to_account(account, '', 20))
    elif key == 'comments':
        posts = load_posts(cursor.pids_by_account_comments(account, '', 20))
    elif key == 'blog':
        posts = load_posts(cursor.pids_by_blog(account, '', '', 20))
    elif key == 'feed':
        res = cursor.pids_by_feed_with_reblog(account, '', '', 20)
        posts = load_posts_reblogs(res)
        raise ApiError("unknown account discussion key %s" % key)

    return posts
コード例 #6
def _load_discussion(author, permlink):
    """Load a full discussion thread."""
    post_id = get_post_id(author, permlink)
    if not post_id:
        return {}

    ret = []
    queue = load_posts([post_id])
    while queue:
        parent = queue.pop()

        children = load_posts(get_child_ids(parent['post_id']))
        parent['replies'] = list(map(_ref, children))


    return {_ref(post): post for post in ret}
コード例 #7
async def get_content_replies(parent: str, parent_permlink: str):
    """Get a list of post objects based on parent."""
    parent_id = get_post_id(parent, parent_permlink)
    if parent_id:
        child_ids = get_child_ids(parent_id)
        if child_ids:
            return load_posts(child_ids)
    return []
コード例 #8
async def get_discussions_by_blog(tag: str, start_author: str = '',
                                  start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20,
                                  truncate_body: int = 0):
    """Retrieve account's blog posts."""
    ids = cursor.pids_by_blog(
        valid_account(start_author, allow_empty=True),
        valid_permlink(start_permlink, allow_empty=True),
        valid_limit(limit, 20))
    return load_posts(ids, truncate_body=truncate_body)
コード例 #9
async def get_discussions_by_created(start_author: str = '',
                                     start_permlink: str = '',
                                     limit: int = 20,
                                     tag: str = None,
                                     truncate_body: int = 0):
    """Query posts, sorted by creation date."""
    ids = cursor.pids_by_query(
        'created', valid_account(start_author, allow_empty=True),
        valid_permlink(start_permlink, allow_empty=True),
        valid_limit(limit, 100), valid_tag(tag, allow_empty=True))
    return load_posts(ids, truncate_body=truncate_body)
コード例 #10
def _load_posts_recursive(post_ids):
    """Recursively load a discussion thread."""
    assert post_ids, 'no posts provided'

    out = {}
    for post in load_posts(post_ids):
        out[_ref(post)] = post

        child_ids = get_child_ids(post['post_id'])
        if child_ids:
            children = _load_posts_recursive(child_ids)
            post['replies'] = list(children.keys())
            out = {**out, **children}

    return out
コード例 #11
async def get_discussions_by_author_before_date(author: str,
                                                start_permlink: str = '',
                                                before_date: str = '',
                                                limit: int = 10):
    """Retrieve account's blog posts, without reblogs.

    NOTE: before_date is completely ignored, and it appears to be broken and/or
    completely ignored in steemd as well. This call is similar to
    get_discussions_by_blog but does NOT serve reblogs.
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument
    ids = cursor.pids_by_blog_without_reblog(
        valid_account(author), valid_permlink(start_permlink,
        valid_limit(limit, 100))
    return load_posts(ids)
コード例 #12
async def get_discussions_by_feed(tag: str, start_author: str = '',
                                  start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20,
                                  truncate_body: int = 0):
    """Retrieve account's personalized feed."""
    res = cursor.pids_by_feed_with_reblog(
        valid_account(start_author, allow_empty=True),
        valid_permlink(start_permlink, allow_empty=True),
        valid_limit(limit, 20))

    reblogged_by = dict(res)
    posts = load_posts([r[0] for r in res], truncate_body=truncate_body)

    # Merge reblogged_by data into result set
    for post in posts:
        rby = set(reblogged_by[post['post_id']].split(','))
        if rby:
            post['reblogged_by'] = list(rby)

    return posts
コード例 #13
async def get_state(path: str):
    """`get_state` reimplementation.

    See: https://github.com/steemit/steem/blob/06e67bd4aea73391123eca99e1a22a8612b0c47e/libraries/app/database_api.cpp#L1937
    (path, part) = _normalize_path(path)

    state = {
        'feed_price': _get_feed_price(),
        'props': _get_props_lite(),
        'tags': {},
        'accounts': {},
        'content': {},
        'tag_idx': {
            'trending': []
        'discussion_idx': {
            "": {}

    # account - `/@account/tab` (feed, blog, comments, replies)
    if part[0] and part[0][0] == '@':
        assert not part[1] == 'transfers', 'transfers API not served here'
        assert not part[1] == 'blog', 'canonical blog route is `/@account`'
        assert not part[2], 'unexpected account path[2] %s' % path

        account = valid_account(part[0][1:])
        state['accounts'][account] = _load_account(account)

        if part[1] not in ACCOUNT_TAB_IGNORE:
            assert part[1] in ACCOUNT_TAB_KEYS, "invalid acct path %s" % path
            key = ACCOUNT_TAB_KEYS[part[1]]
            posts = await _get_account_discussion_by_key(account, key)
            state['content'] = _keyed_posts(posts)
            state['accounts'][account][key] = list(state['content'].keys())

    # discussion - `/category/@account/permlink`
    elif part[1] and part[1][0] == '@':
        author = valid_account(part[1][1:])
        permlink = valid_permlink(part[2])
        post_id = get_post_id(author, permlink)
        state['content'] = _load_posts_recursive([post_id]) if post_id else {}
        state['accounts'] = _load_content_accounts(state['content'])

    # ranked posts - `/sort/category`
    elif part[0] in ['trending', 'promoted', 'hot', 'created']:
        assert not part[2], "unexpected discussion path part[2] %s" % path
        sort = valid_sort(part[0])
        tag = valid_tag(part[1].lower(), allow_empty=True)
        posts = load_posts(cursor.pids_by_query(sort, '', '', 20, tag))
        state['content'] = _keyed_posts(posts)
        state['discussion_idx'] = {tag: {sort: list(state['content'].keys())}}
        state['tag_idx'] = {'trending': await get_top_trending_tags_summary()}

    # tag "explorer" - `/tags`
    elif part[0] == "tags":
        assert not part[1] and not part[2], 'invalid /tags request'
        for tag in await get_trending_tags():
            state['tags'][tag['name']] = tag

    elif part[0] == 'witnesses' or part[0] == '~witnesses':
        assert not part[1] and not part[2]
        raise Exception("not implemented: /%s" % path)

    elif part[0] in CONDENSER_NOOP_URLS:
        assert not part[1] and not part[2]

        print('unhandled path /%s' % path)

    return state