コード例 #1
ファイル: moe.py プロジェクト: systemshift/hivemind
    def __init__(self,
                 grid_size: Tuple[int, ...],
                 dht: hivemind.DHT,
                 uid_prefix: str,
                 k_best: int,
                 k_min: int = 1,
                 forward_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                 timeout_after_k_min: Optional[float] = None,
                 backward_k_min: int = 1,
                 backward_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                 detect_anomalies: bool = False,
                 allow_zero_outputs: bool = False,
        self.dht = dht
        self.beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(dht, uid_prefix, grid_size,
        self.k_best, self.k_min, self.backward_k_min = k_best, k_min, backward_k_min
        self.forward_timeout, self.backward_timeout = forward_timeout, backward_timeout
        self.timeout_after_k_min = timeout_after_k_min
        self.detect_anomalies = detect_anomalies
        self.allow_zero_outputs = allow_zero_outputs

        # jointly predict logits for all grid dimensions
        self.proj = nn.Linear(in_features, self.beam_search.total_grid_size)
        self._expert_info = None  # expert['info'] from one of experts in the grid
コード例 #2
def test_beam_search(dht_size=20,
                     grid_dims=(32, 32, 32)):
    dht = []
    for i in range(dht_size):
        neighbors_i = [
            for node in random.sample(dht, min(initial_peers, len(dht)))

    real_experts = sorted({
        'expert.' +
        '.'.join([str(random.randint(0, dim - 1)) for dim in grid_dims])
        for _ in range(total_experts)
    for batch_start in range(0, len(real_experts), batch_size):
            real_experts[batch_start:batch_start + batch_size],
            f"host{batch_start // batch_size}:{random.randint(0, 65536)}")

    neighbors_i = [
        for node in random.sample(dht, min(initial_peers, len(dht)))
    you = hivemind.DHT(start=True,
    beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(you, 'expert.', grid_dims)

    for i in range(10):
        topk_experts = beam_search.find_best_experts(
            [np.random.randn(dim) for dim in grid_dims], beam_size)
        assert all(isinstance(e, hivemind.RemoteExpert) for e in topk_experts)
        assert len(topk_experts) == beam_size

    for i in range(10):
        batch_experts = beam_search.batch_find_best_experts(
            [np.random.randn(batch_size, dim) for dim in grid_dims],
        assert isinstance(batch_experts,
                          list) and len(batch_experts) == batch_size
        assert all(
            isinstance(e, hivemind.RemoteExpert) for experts in batch_experts
            for e in experts)
        assert all(len(experts) == beam_size for experts in batch_experts)
コード例 #3
def test_dht_single_node():
    node = hivemind.DHT(start=True, expiration=999)
    beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(node, 'expert.')

    assert all(
        node.declare_experts(['expert.1', 'expert.2', 'expert.3'],
    assert len(node.declare_experts(["ffn.1", "ffn.2"],
                                    endpoint="that_place")) == 4
    assert len(
        node.declare_experts(['e.1.2.3', 'e.1.2.5', 'e.2.0'],
                             f"{hivemind.LOCALHOST}:42")) == 7

    for expert in node.get_experts(['expert.3', 'expert.2']):
        assert expert.endpoint == f"{hivemind.LOCALHOST}:1337"

    assert all(
        node.declare_experts(['expert.5', 'expert.2'],
    found_experts = beam_search.find_best_experts(
        [(0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.)], beam_size=2)
    assert len(found_experts) == 2 and [
        expert.uid for expert in found_experts
    ] == ['expert.5', 'expert.3']

    successors = beam_search.get_active_successors(
        ['e.1.2.', 'e.2.', 'e.4.5.'])
    assert len(successors['e.1.2.']) == 2
    assert successors['e.1.2.'][3] == UidEndpoint('e.1.2.3', f'{LOCALHOST}:42')
    assert successors['e.1.2.'][5] == UidEndpoint('e.1.2.5', f'{LOCALHOST}:42')
    assert len(
        successors['e.2.']) == 1 and successors['e.2.'][0] == UidEndpoint(
            'e.2.0', f'{LOCALHOST}:42')
    assert successors['e.4.5.'] == {}

    initial_beam = beam_search.get_initial_beam((3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3),
    assert len(initial_beam) == 3
    assert initial_beam[0][:2] == (2.0, 'expert.1.')
    assert initial_beam[1][:2] == (1.0, 'expert.2.')
    assert initial_beam[2][:2] == (0.0, 'expert.3.')

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(node, 'expert.1.ffn')

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        beam_search.get_active_successors(['e.1.2.', 'e.2', 'e.4.5.'])
コード例 #4
async def test_negative_caching():
    peers = []
    for i in range(10):
        neighbors_i = [
            for node in random.sample(peers, min(3, len(peers)))

    writer_peer = random.choice(peers)
    assert all(
        hivemind.declare_experts(writer_peer, ['ffn.1.2.3', 'ffn.3.4.5'],

    neighbors_i = [
        for node in random.sample(peers, min(3, len(peers)))
    neg_caching_peer = hivemind.DHT(initial_peers=neighbors_i,
    beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(neg_caching_peer,
                                  grid_size=(10, 10, 10),
    # get prefixes by the peer with negative caching. Cache "no data" entries for ffn.0.*, ffn.2.*, ffn.4.*, ffn.5.*
    assert len(
        beam_search.get_initial_beam(scores=[.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6],
                                     beam_size=3)) == 2

    node = await hivemind.DHTNode.create(initial_peers=neighbors_i)
    fetched = await asyncio.gather(*(node.get(f'ffn.{i}.') for i in range(10)))
    for i in range(6):
        assert fetched[i] is not None, f"node should have cached ffn.{i}."
    for i in range(6, len(fetched)):
        assert fetched[i] is None, f"node shouldn't have cached ffn.{i}."
コード例 #5
class RemoteMixtureOfExperts(nn.Module):
    A torch module that performs mixture of experts inference with a local gating function and multiple remote experts.
    Natively supports pytorch autograd.

    :note: By default, not all experts are guaranteed to perform forward pass. Moreover, not all of those who ran
     forward pass are guaranteed to perform backward pass. In the latter case, gradient will be averaged without
     the missing experts

    :param in_features: common input size for experts and gating function
    :param grid_size: dimensions that form expert uid (see below)
    :param uid_prefix: common prefix for all expert uids (must end with '.')
    :note: expert uid follows the pattern {uid_prefix}.{0...grid_size[0]}.{0...grid_size[1]}...{0...grid_size[-1]}
    :param dht: a DHT instance used to search for best experts
    :param k_best: average this many highest-scoring experts to compute activations
    :param k_min: make sure at least this many experts returned output (i.e. didn't fail)
    :param timeout_after_k_min: wait for this many seconds after k_min experts returned results.
    :param detect_anomalies: whether to check input/output tensors for NaN and infinity values
     Any expert that didn't manage to return output after that delay is considered unavailable

    def __init__(self, *, in_features, grid_size: Tuple[int, ...], dht: hivemind.DHT, uid_prefix: str, k_best: int,
                 k_min: int = 1, forward_timeout: Optional[float] = None, timeout_after_k_min: Optional[float] = None,
                 backward_k_min: int = 1, backward_timeout: Optional[float] = None, detect_anomalies: bool = False,
        self.dht = dht
        self.beam_search = MoEBeamSearcher(dht, uid_prefix, grid_size, **dht_kwargs)
        self.k_best, self.k_min, self.backward_k_min = k_best, k_min, backward_k_min
        self.forward_timeout, self.backward_timeout = forward_timeout, backward_timeout
        self.timeout_after_k_min = timeout_after_k_min
        self.detect_anomalies = detect_anomalies

        self.proj = nn.Linear(in_features, sum(grid_size))  # jointly predict logits for all grid dimensions
        self._expert_info = None  # expert['info'] from one of experts in the grid

    def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, *args: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: torch.Tensor):
        Choose k best experts with beam search, then call chosen experts and average their outputs.
        Input tensor is averaged over all dimensions except for first and last
        (we assume that extra dimensions represent sequence length or image height/width)

        :param input: a tensor of values that are used to estimate gating function, batch-first.
        :param args: extra positional parameters that will be passed to each expert after input, batch-first
        :param kwargs: extra keyword parameters that will be passed to each expert, batch-first
        :returns: averaged predictions of all experts that delivered result on time, nested structure of batch-first
        if input.ndim != 2:
            input_for_gating = input.mean(dim=tuple(range(1, input.ndim - 1)))
            input_for_gating = input

        # 1. compute scores and find most appropriate experts with beam search
        grid_scores = self.proj(input_for_gating).split_with_sizes(self.beam_search.grid_size, dim=-1)

        chosen_experts: List[List[RemoteExpert]] = self.beam_search.batch_find_best_experts(
            [scores.detach().cpu().numpy() for scores in grid_scores], self.k_best)

        if self._expert_info is None:
                self._expert_info = next((expert.info for experts_i in chosen_experts for expert in experts_i))
            except grpc.RpcError as e:
                logger.warning(f"Failed to get RemoteMixtureOfExperts.output_shape: {e}")

        expert_mask, *expert_outputs = _RemoteCallMany.apply(
            DUMMY, chosen_experts, self.k_min, self.backward_k_min, self.timeout_after_k_min, self.forward_timeout,
            self.backward_timeout, self.detect_anomalies, self.info, *nested_flatten(((input, *args), kwargs)))
        # ^-- multiple tensors of shape [batch_size, max_experts, ...output_shape]

        expert_logits = self.compute_expert_scores(grid_scores, chosen_experts)
        masked_logits = torch.full((1,), float('-inf'), device=expert_logits.device, dtype=expert_logits.dtype)
        expert_logits = torch.where(expert_mask, expert_logits, masked_logits)
        expert_weights = torch.softmax(expert_logits, dim=1)
        averaged_outputs_flat = [
            (expert_weights[..., None] * tensor.flatten(start_dim=2)).view(tensor.shape).sum(dim=1)
            for tensor in expert_outputs]  # ^-- multiply by softmax weights along first 2 axes
        return nested_pack(averaged_outputs_flat, self.info['outputs_schema'])

    def compute_expert_scores(
            self, grid_scores: List[torch.Tensor], batch_experts: List[List[RemoteExpert]]) -> torch.Tensor:
        Compute scores for each expert by adding up grid scores, autograd-friendly
        :param grid_scores: list of torch tensors, i-th tensor contains scores for i-th grid dimension
        :param batch_experts: list(batch) of lists(k) of up to k experts selected for this batch
        :returns: a tensor of scores, float32[batch_size, k]
        :note: if some rows in batch have less than max number of experts, their scores will be padded with -inf
        expert_counts = list(map(len, batch_experts))
        batch_size = len(batch_experts)
        max_num_experts = max(expert_counts)
        total_num_experts = sum(expert_counts)
        expert_index_in_batch = torch.arange(total_num_experts, device=grid_scores[0].device)
        expert_strides = torch.cumsum(torch.as_tensor([0] + expert_counts, device=grid_scores[0].device), dim=-1)[:-1]
        flat_batch_indices = (expert_index_in_batch >= expert_strides[:, None]).to(torch.int32).sum(0) - 1
        flat_local_indices = expert_index_in_batch - expert_strides[flat_batch_indices]
        flat_experts = [expert for row in batch_experts for expert in row]

        grid_indices = torch.zeros([len(flat_experts), len(grid_scores)], dtype=torch.int64)
        for i, expert in enumerate(flat_experts):
            expert_indices = expert.uid[len(self.beam_search.uid_prefix):]
            expert_indices = list(map(int, expert_indices.split(UID_DELIMITER)))
            grid_indices[i] = torch.as_tensor(expert_indices, dtype=grid_indices.dtype)

        scores_per_dim = [
            dim_scores[flat_batch_indices, dim_indices] if len(flat_batch_indices) else torch.zeros(0)
            for dim_scores, dim_indices in zip(grid_scores, grid_indices.T)]
        flat_scores = torch.sum(torch.stack(scores_per_dim, dim=0), dim=0)

        scores = torch.full((batch_size, max_num_experts), fill_value=-float('inf'), device=grid_scores[0].device)
        scores[flat_batch_indices, flat_local_indices] = flat_scores  # backprop-able w.r.t. flat_scores
        return scores

    def info(self):
        if self._expert_info is None:
            # grab some expert to set ensemble output shape
            proj_device = self.proj.weight.device
            dummy_scores_concat = self.proj(torch.randn(1, self.proj.in_features, device=proj_device))
            dummy_scores = dummy_scores_concat.cpu().split_with_sizes(self.beam_search.grid_size, dim=-1)
            dummy_experts = self.beam_search.find_best_experts(dummy_scores, beam_size=1)
            self._expert_info = dummy_experts[0].info
        return self._expert_info