コード例 #1
def assign_move(square):
    # Select direction with best production/strength or most damage
    target, direction = max(
        ((neighbor, direction)
         for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
         if neighbor.owner != myID),
        default=(None, None),
        key=lambda t: heuristic(t[0]))
    # Attack if enough strength
    if (target != None) and (target.strength < square.strength):
        return Move(square, direction)

    # Keep producing if strength still too little
    if square.strength < 10 * square.production and square.strength < 50:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    # If not at border (around by allies) then transport strength to nearest border
    border = any(neighbor.owner != myID
                 for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square))
    if (not border):
        return Move(square, nearest_enemy_direction(square))

    # Wait until stronger than enemy
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #2
def get_move_before_settling(square):

    # Yes, it can occur oO
    if square.production == 0:
        if any(n.owner == myID for n in game_map.neighbors(
                s)):  # We have already settle somewhere else
            return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(
            max([(n, d) for d, n in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
                 if n.strength <= square.strength],
                key=lambda t: t[0].production)[1])

    # We have reached our objective
    if game_map.get_square(objective.x, objective.y).owner == myID:
        logger.log("Objective reached !")
        global get_move
        get_move = get_move_after_settling
        return get_move(square)

    direction = game_map.get_direction(square, objective)
    target = game_map.get_target(square, direction)
    if square.strength > 0 and (target.owner == myID
                                or target.strength < square.strength):
        return Move(square, direction)
    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #3
def get_move(x, y, gmap):
    # If on the border, hit the neighbour with the highest heuristic
    if gmap.border[x, y]:
        heur_vals = [gmap.heuristic[nx, ny] for (nx, ny) in gmap.nbrs[x, y]]
        ni = np.argmax(heur_vals)
        nx, ny = gmap.nbrs[x, y][ni]

        # ...if strong enough to capture it
        if gmap.strn[nx, ny] > gmap.strn[x, y]:
            return Move(x, y, 0)
            return Move(x, y, ni + 1)

    # Stay if not at least 5x stronger than the production value
    if gmap.strn[x, y] < (gmap.prod[x, y] * 5):
        return Move(x, y, 0)

    # Else find the closest border square
    dist_to_brdr = np.zeros_like(gmap.prod)
    dist_to_brdr[np.nonzero(gmap.border)] = \
        gmap.dists[x, y][np.nonzero(gmap.border)]

    # ..and move towards it
    tx, ty = np.unravel_index(dist_to_brdr.argmin(), dist_to_brdr.shape)
    direction = gmap.path_towards(x, y, tx, ty)
    return Move(x, y, direction)
コード例 #4
ファイル: MyBot.py プロジェクト: mcb287/Halite2016
def assign_move(square):
    wait = False
    i, s = get_weakest(square)
    logging.info("i: " + str(i))
    logging.info("s: " + str(s))
    if (i != -1 and s < square.strength):
        return Move(square, i)
    elif (i != -1):
        wait = True

##    for idx, n in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
##        if(n.owner != myID and n.strength < square.strength):
##           return Move(square, idx)
##        elif(n.owner != myID):
##            wait = True
    if (wait or square.strength < 35):
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(
                kill_smallest_enemy(square, enemies, enemy_size,
コード例 #5
def assign_move(square):

    total = 0
    #Full strength squares should head to nearest border
    if square.strength == 255:
       return Move(square, fnb(square))

    #If low on territory and has medium strength, just go to nearest enemy (seek out and destroy)
    if territory < 40 and square.strength > square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, fne(square))
    #Go through all neighbours
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        c = True
        total += neighbor.strength
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            #The square is not surrounded by its own team
            c = False
##        if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength:
##            #If it is next to a square of an enemy, and it is stronger, it will take it
##            return Move(square, direction)
        #If it is next to a neighbour and they are both relatively weak, try merge
        if neighbor.owner == myID and (square.strength < 40 and square.strength > 20) and (neighbor.strength < 40 and neighbor.strength > square.production):
            #remain still if the production is higher
            #make sure they do not waste too much:
            if neighbor.strength + square.strength >= 280:

                if square.production < neighbor.production:
                    return Move(square, direction)
                    return Move(square, STILL)

    #If it is next to an enemy, take the weakest enemy
    if c == False:
        return Move(square, fwe(square))
    #If it is surrounded by weak neighbors of its own type, then stay still
    if c == True and total < square.production * 12 and square.strength < 200:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    #If production is low but strength is high (implies there are many expensive squares around)
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if square.strength > 80 and neighbor.production > 2 * square.production:
            return Move(square, direction)
    #Otherwise if the square is in its territory and quite strong, move towards nearest enemy preferably, or near border
    if c == True and square.strength > 40:
        if fne(square) == 12:
            return Move(square, fnb(square))
            return Move(square, fne(square))

    #If the square is weak, stay still
    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #6
def attack_move(square, immediate_enemy_neighbors):
    strengths = [sq_dir[0].strength for sq_dir in immediate_enemy_neighbors]
    min_index = strengths.index(min(strengths))
    if immediate_enemy_neighbors[min_index][0].strength + 1 < square.strength:
        return Move(square, immediate_enemy_neighbors[min_index]
                    [1])  # Should be same as direction
    # TODO Think of overkill logic
    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #7
def get_move(square):
    _, direction = next(((neighbor.strength, direction) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)) if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength), (None, None))
    if direction is not None:
        return Move(square, direction)
    elif square.strength < square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, NORTH if random.random() > 0.5 else WEST)
コード例 #8
ファイル: MyBot.py プロジェクト: randre03/Halite
def assign_move(square):
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength:
            return Move(square, direction)

    if square.strength < 5 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, random.choice((WEST, NORTH)))
コード例 #9
def make_move(square):
    x, y, owner, strength, production = square

    if strength == 0:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    not_my_neighbors = [
        neighbor for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square, n=7)
        if not is_enemy(neighbor) and not is_neutral(neighbor)

    # Go Radially from origin location if enough
    if len(not_my_neighbors) == 0 and is_mature_to_start_moving_radially_out(
        return Move(square,
                    direction_from_to_square(game_map, origin_square, square))

    close_range_enemy_neighbors = [
        neighbor for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square, n=7)
        if is_enemy(neighbor)
    if len(close_range_enemy_neighbors
           ) > 0 and is_mature_for_close_range_battle(strength):
        return Move(
            direction_from_to_square(game_map, square,

    immediate_enemy_neighbors = [
        (neighbor, dir)
        for dir, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
        if is_enemy(neighbor) and neighbor.production > 0
    if len(immediate_enemy_neighbors) > 0:
        return attack_move(square, immediate_enemy_neighbors)

    immediate_neutral_neighbors = [
        (neighbor, dir)
        for dir, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
        if is_neutral(neighbor) and neighbor.production > 0
    if len(immediate_neutral_neighbors) > 0:
        return expand_move(square, immediate_neutral_neighbors)

    close_range_neutral_neighbors = [
        neighbor for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square, n=7)
        if is_neutral(neighbor)
    if len(close_range_neutral_neighbors
           ) > 0 and is_mature_for_close_range_conquer(strength):
        best_neighbor = choose_best_neutral(close_range_neutral_neighbors,
        return Move(square,
                    direction_from_to_square(game_map, square, best_neighbor))

    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #10
def expand_move(square, immediate_neutral_neighbors):
    immediate_neutral_neighbors = sorted(
        key=lambda a: neutral_cell_score(a[0], square),
    # productions = [sq_dir[0].production for sq_dir in immediate_neutral_neighbors]
    # max_index = productions.index(max(productions))
    # for neighbor in immediate_neutral_neighbors[:2]:
    if immediate_neutral_neighbors[0][0].strength < square.strength:
        return Move(square, immediate_neutral_neighbors[0][1])
    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #11
def assign_move(square):
    n_str = ""
    wait = False
    dir_, str_ = get_prod_ratio(square)
    if (dir_ != -1 and square.strength > str_):
        return Move(square, dir_)
    elif (dir_ != -1 and square.strength < str_):
        wait = True
    if (wait or square.strength < 20):
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, random.choice((NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, EAST)))
コード例 #12
def assign_move(square):
    border = False
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            border = True
            if neighbor.strength < square.strength:
                return Move(square, direction)

    if square.strength < 5 * square.production or border == True:
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, random.choice((NORTH, WEST)))
コード例 #13
def assign_movec(square):
    direction = assign_move(square)
    target = game_map.get_target(square, direction)

    #Check that merging won't cause a large loss. If it does, wait.
    if target.owner == myID and target.strength + square.strength > 290:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    #Check that it's not trying to take a stronger square
    if target.owner != myID and target.strength > square.strength:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    return Move(square, direction)
コード例 #14
ファイル: MyBot_v1.py プロジェクト: mcb287/Halite2016
def assign_move(square):
    n_str = ""
    wait = False
    for idx, n in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if (n.owner != myID and n.strength < square.strength):
            return Move(square, idx)
        elif (n.owner != myID):
            wait = True
    if (wait or square.strength < 10):
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square,
                    get_direction(square, find_closest_non_friend(square)))
コード例 #15
def get_move(square):
    _, direction = next(((neighbor.strength, direction) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)) if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength), (None, None))
    if direction is not None:
        return Move(square, direction)
    elif square.strength < square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    border = any(neighbor.owner != myID for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square))
    if not border:
        return Move(square, find_nearest_enemy_direction(square))
        #wait until we are strong enough to attack
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #16
def assign_move(square):
    border = False

    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            border = True
            if neighbor.strength < square.strength:
                return Move(square, direction)

    if square.strength < 5 * square.production or border == True:
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, findNearestEnemyDirection(square))
コード例 #17
def assign_move(square):
    if square.strength == 0:
        return Move(square, STILL)
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength and neighbor.production > square.production:
            return Move(square, direction)
        if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength < square.strength and neighbor.production != 0:
            return Move(square, direction)
    if neighbor.owner == myID and neighbor.strength != 0 and square.strength <= 100 and neighbor.strength <= square.strength:
        return Move(square, random.choice((STILL, direction)))
    if square.strength >= 100:
        direction = NORTH
        max_distance = min(game_map.width, game_map.height) / 2
        for d in (NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST):
            distance = 0
            current = square
            while current.owner == myID and distance < max_distance:
                distance += 1
                current = game_map.get_target(current, d)
            if distance < max_distance:
                direction = d
                max_distance = distance
        return Move(square, direction)

    if square.strength < 3 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner == myID and square.strength + square.production < neighbor.strength:
            return Move(square, direction)
            return Move(square, random.choice((STILL, NORTH)))
コード例 #18
def assignMove(square):
    squareIsBorder = False
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            squareIsBorder = True
            if neighbor.strength < square.strength:
                return Move(square, direction)

    if square.strength < 5 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)
    elif not squareIsBorder:
        return Move(square, findNearestOther(square))
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #19
ファイル: MyBot.py プロジェクト: gtagency/HALite_9000
def assign_move(square):
    target, direction = max(((neighbor, direction) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)) if neighbor.owner != myID),
                            default = (None, None),
                            key = lambda x: heuristic(x[0]))
    if target is not None and target.strength < square.strength:
        return Move(square, direction)
    elif square.strength < square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    border = any(neighbor.owner != myID for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square))
    if not border:
        return Move(square, find_nearest_enemy_direction(square))
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #20
ファイル: bots.py プロジェクト: luis-rr/halite_mybot
    def assign_move(self, i, j):

        my_strength = self.game.strength[i, j]
        for direction, address in enumerate(self.game.neighbours_address(i,
            n_owner = self.game.owner[address[0], address[1]]
            n_strength = self.game.strength[address[0], address[1]]
            if n_owner != self.my_id and n_strength < my_strength:
                return Move(j, i, direction)

        if all(self.game.owners[address[0], address[1]] == self.my_id
               for address in self.game.neighbours_address(i, j)):
            return Move(j, i, random.choice((NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, EAST)))

        return Move(j, i, STILL)
コード例 #21
def find_combo_move(gamemap,
    strength_so_far = 0
    visited = set()
    prior = target
    goal_strength = target.strength
    combo_square = None
    combo_direction = None
    for num_distance in range(max_distance):
        neighbors = [
            square for square in gamemap.neighbors(prior)
            if square.owner == my_id and square not in visited
            and square not in exclude
        if len(neighbors) == 0:
        best = max(neighbors, key=lambda square: square.strength)
        strength_so_far += best.strength

        if strength_so_far > goal_strength:
            combo_square = best
            combo_direction = get_relative_position(gamemap, best, prior)
            if gamemap.get_distance(square, combo_square) <= 1:
                return Move(combo_square, combo_direction)
        prior = best
        strength_so_far += best.production
コード例 #22
def get_move(square):
    target, direction = max(((neighbor, direction) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
                                if neighbor.owner != myID),
                                default = (None, None),
                                key = lambda t: t[0].production)
    if target is not None and target.strength < square.strength:
        return Move(square, direction)
    elif square.strength < square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    border = any(neighbor.owner != myID for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square))
    if not border:
        return Move(square, find_nearest_enemy_direction(square))
        #wait until we are strong enough to attack
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #23
def assign_move(square):
    potential, _, best_d, target = min(
        (pf_map[neighbor] +
         (float('inf') if destinations[neighbor] + square.strength > 255 else
          0), random.random(), direction, neighbor)
        for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(
            square)))  # the random number breaks ties randomly
    staying_is_bad = (square.strength + square.production +
                      destinations.get(square, 0)) > 255
    if potential == float('inf'):
        if staying_is_bad:
            # all 5 destinations are bad, choose least bad
            _, direction, target = min(
                (square.strength + destinations.get(neighbor, 0) +
                 (square.production if direction == 0 else 0), direction,
                 neighbor) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(
                     game_map.neighbors(square, include_self=True)))
            return Move(square, direction)
            # OK to just stay
            return Move(square, STILL)

    if not staying_is_bad and any(
            Move(neighbor, best_d) in moves for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(
                square)):  #do not follow or mimic neighbors
        return Move(square, STILL)

    if not staying_is_bad and destinations[square] > 0:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    if staying_is_bad and any(destinations[neighbor] + square.strength < 256
                              for _, neighbor in originations[square]):
        return Move(
            min(originations[square], key=lambda tup: destinations[tup[1]])[0])

    if staying_is_bad:
        return Move(square, best_d)

    if target.owner != myID:  #an opponent -- actually can never be adjacent to opponent, it's always me or a "zero" owner square
        if (square.strength == 255) or (square.strength > target.strength):
            return Move(square, best_d)
    elif square.strength >= square.production * args.hold_until:  #target square is friendly, and we are strong enough to move
        return Move(square, best_d)

    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #24
def assign_move(square):
    border = False

    neighbors = list(enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)))
    notMySquares = list(filter(notMe, neighbors))
    if (notMySquares):
        notMySquaresSorted = sorted(notMySquares,
                                    key=lambda tup: tup[1].production,
        target = notMySquares[0]
        if (target != None and target[1].strength < square.strength):
            return Move(square, target[0])

    if square.strength < 5 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)
        return Move(square, findNearestEnemyDirection(square))
コード例 #25
def assign_move(square):
    target, direction = max(((neighbor, direction) for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square))
                            if neighbor.owner != myID),
                            default = (None, None),
                            key = lambda t: heuristic(t[0]))

    if (target != None) and (target.strength < square.strength):
        return Move(square, direction)
    elif square.strength < 5 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    border = any(neighbor.owner != myID for neighbor in game_map.neighbors(square))
    if (not border):
        return Move(square, nearest_enemy_direction(square))
        # return Move(square, random.choice((NORTH, WEST)))
        return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #26
ファイル: geographic_utils.py プロジェクト: ikku100/halite
def createMove(gameMap, location, site, myX, myY):
    # logFile.write("\nmove (" + str(location.x) + ", " + str(location.y) + ").\t")
    # logFile.write(xYToString(*distanceToCenter(location, myX, myY)))
    # logFile.write("moveAwayFromCenterUsingDistance:" + MOVES_STRINGS[moveAwayFromCenterUsingDistance(location, myX, myY, *distanceToCenter(location, myX, myY))])
    # for d in CARDINALS:
    #     neighbour_site = gameMap.getSite(location, d)
    #     if neighbour_site.owner != myID and neighbour_site.strength < site.strength:
    #         return Move(location, d)
    if site.strength < site.production * 5:
        return Move(location, STILL)

    # moveAwayFromCenter = getMoveAwayFromCenter(location, myX, myY)
    moveAwayFromCenter = moveAwayFromCenterUsingDistance(
        location, myX, myY, *distanceToCenter(location, myX, myY))
    targetSite = gameMap.getSite(location, moveAwayFromCenter)
    if targetSite.strength < site.strength:
        return Move(location, moveAwayFromCenter)
    return Move(location, STILL)
コード例 #27
def assign_move(square):
    border = False

    neighbors = list(enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)))
    notMySquares = list(filter(notMe, neighbors))
    if (notMySquares):
        border = True
        notMySquaresSorted = sorted(notMySquares, key=heuristic, reverse=True)
        target = notMySquares[0]
        if (target[1].strength < square.strength):
            return Move(square, target[0])

    if square.strength < square.production * 5:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    if border == False:
        return Move(square, findNearestEnemyDirection(square))

    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #28
def setDirections(PARAMS, moves):
    for squareID, mySquaresDict in PARAMS.allMySquares.items():
        sq = mySquaresDict['currentsquare']
        direction = mySquaresDict['direction']
        moves.append(Move(sq, direction))

    #####For 1 line
    # return [Move(mySquaresDict['currentsquare'], mySquaresDict['direction']) for squareID, mySquaresDict in PARAMS.allMySquares.items()]

    return moves
コード例 #29
ファイル: MyBot.py プロジェクト: rhyuen/Halite-rhyuen
def assign_move(square):
    border = False
    ###On Border, Can I Win?
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            border = True
            if neighbor.strength < square.strength:
                return Move(square, direction)

    ###Not enough power, build it.
    if square.strength < 5 * square.production:
        return Move(square, STILL)

    ###Not on border, advance territory.
    if border == False:
        return Move(square, random.choice((NORTH, WEST)))

    #On Border, but can't win. Hold position.
    return Move(square, STILL)
コード例 #30
ファイル: MyBot.py プロジェクト: Blemone/Bots
def assign_move(square):
    sides = (WEST, EAST)
    tb = (NORTH, SOUTH)
    c = True
    svind = 5
    #Check if it is on the edge of mass
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        if neighbor.owner != myID:
            c = False
    for direction, neighbor in enumerate(game_map.neighbors(square)):
        #If too big
        if square.strength == 255:
            return Move(square, fnb(square))
        #If I can take it w some left over
        if neighbor.owner != myID and neighbor.strength + 10 < square.strength:
            return Move(square, direction)
        #If I am a better factory
        if square.strength > square.production * svind:
            return Move(square, fnb(square))
    return Move(square, STILL)