コード例 #1
def _send_fax(self, cr, uid, datas, context):
	# Number of sent FAX
	nbOk = 0
	nbError = 0
	logger = netsvc.Logger()
	pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
	# Get file attachement and prepare for sending
	if datas['form']['attachment']:
		fFax = "/tmp/hfx_attach" + str(random.randint(0,100))
			fc = open(fFax, "w")
		except IOError:
			raise wizard.except_wizard('[HeoFAX - Error]', 'Unable to open temporary file for file attachement: %s !!!' % fFax)
		if debug: logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]", netsvc.LOG_INFO, " File attached: %s" % " ".join(cmd['listFile']))

	partners = pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, datas['ids'], context)
	for partner in partners:
		for adr in partner.address:
			if adr.name:
				name = adr.name + ' (' + partner.name + ')'
				name = partner.name
			if adr.fax:
				cmd['to_number'] = adr.fax
				cmd['to_company'] = partner.name
				cmd['to_name'] = name
				# Build FAX command line
				cmdFax = hnm_heofax_lib.build_fax_cmd(self, cr, uid, datas, cmd)
				cmdFax = cmdFax.encode('utf8')
				if debug:
					# For trace only
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]", netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Fax for: %s with fax nb: %s" % (name,cmd['to_number']))
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Command used: %s" % cmdFax)
				pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdFax, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
					stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
				sts = pipe.wait()
				out = pipe.stdout.read() + pipe.stderr.read()
				if debug:
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " ID: %d:%s" % (sts,out))
				# increment number of fax
				nbOk += 1
				# Record event if selected
				if datas['form']['recordEvent']:
					ret = pool.get('res.partner.event').create(cr, uid, {'name':'Sent to FAX server: '+ datas['form']['subject'], 'partner_id':partner.id,'user_id':cmd['user'].id})
				# Test if sending to first contact only
				if datas['form']['firstonly']: break
				nbError += 1
				logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Info]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " No fax number for name: %s" % name)
				if len(partners) < 1:
					raise wizard.except_wizard('[HeoFAX - Error]', ' No fax number for name: %s' % name)
		# Remove working files
	for f in cmd['listFile']:
		if debug: logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Removed file: %s" % f)
	cmd['listFile'] = []
	return {'fax_sent': nbOk, 'fax_error': nbError}
def _mass_fax_send(self, cr, uid, data, context):
	# Number of sent FAX
	nbOk = 0
	nbError = 0
	logger = netsvc.Logger()
	pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
	sale_orders = pool.get('account.invoice').browse(cr,uid,data['ids'])
	if debug: logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]", netsvc.LOG_INFO, " ID(s) selected: %s" % data['ids'])
	for so in sale_orders:
		# Get recipient name and/or company name
		if so.address_contact_id.name:
			name = so.address_contact_id.name + ' (' + so.partner_id.name + ')'
			name = so.partner_id.name
		if so.address_contact_id.fax:
			# Make sale order and prepare for sending
			print data['form']['model']
			service = netsvc.LocalService('report.' + data['form']['model'])
			(result, format) = service.create(cr, uid, [so.id], data, context)
			fFax = "/tmp/hfx_attach" + str(random.randint(0,100))
				fc = open(fFax, "w")
			except IOError:
				raise wizard.except_wizard('[HeoFAX - Error]', 'Unable to open temporary file to prepare file attachement: %s !!!' % fFax)
			if debug: logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]", netsvc.LOG_INFO, " File attached: %s" % " ".join(cmd['listFile']))
			# Preparing other information for sending
			cmd['to_number'] = so.address_contact_id.fax
			cmd['to_company'] = so.partner_id.name
			cmd['to_name'] = name
			# Build FAX command line
			cmdFax = hnm_heofax_lib.build_fax_cmd(self, cr, uid, data, cmd)
			cmdFax = cmdFax.encode('utf8')
			if cmdFax:
				if debug:
					# For trace only
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]", netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Fax for: %s with fax nb: %s" % (name,cmd['to_number']))
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Command used: %s" % cmdFax)
				pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdFax, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
					stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
				sts = pipe.wait()
				out = pipe.stdout.read() + pipe.stderr.read()
				if debug:
					logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " ID: %d:%s" % (sts,out))
				# increment number of fax
				nbOk += 1
				# Record event if selected
				if data['form']['recordEvent']:
					ret = pool.get('res.partner.event').create(cr, uid, {'name':'Sent to FAX server \''+ so.name + '\'.', 'description': 'With report model \'' + data['form']['model'] + '\'.', 'partner_id':so.partner_id.id,'user_id':cmd['user'].id})
				# Remove working files
				for f in cmd['listFile']:
					if debug: logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Debug]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " Removed file: %s" % f)
				cmd['listFile'] = []
			nbError += 1
			logger.notifyChannel("[HeoFAX - Info]",netsvc.LOG_INFO, " No fax number for name: %s" % name)
	return {'fax_sent': nbOk, 'fax_error': nbError}