コード例 #1
def forget(identifier):
    Tells homely to forget about a dotfiles repository that was previously
    added. You can then run `homely update` to have homely perform automatic
    cleanup of anything that was installed by that dotfiles repo.

        This should be the path to a local dotfiles repository that has already
        been registered using `homely add`. You may specify multiple REPOs to
        remove at once.
    errors = False
    for one in identifier:
        cfg = RepoListConfig()
        info = cfg.find_by_any(one, "ilc")
        if not info:
            warn("No repos matching %r" % one)
            errors = True

        # update the config ...
        note("Removing record of repo [%s] at %s" %
             (info.shortid(), info.localrepo.repo_path))
        with saveconfig(RepoListConfig()) as cfg:

    # if there were errors, then don't try and do an update
    if errors:
コード例 #2
    def cleanup(self, conflicts):
        assert conflicts in (self.RAISE, self.WARN, self.POSTPONE, self.ASK)
        note("CLEANING UP %d items ..." % (
            len(self._old_cleaners) + len(self._created)))
        stack = list(self._old_cleaners)
        affected = []
        while len(stack):
            deferred = []
            for cleaner in stack:
                # TODO: do we still need this complexity?
                self._tryclean(cleaner, conflicts, affected)

            assert len(deferred) < len(stack), "Every cleaner wants to go last"
            stack = deferred

        # all old cleaners should now be finished, or delayed
        assert len(self._old_cleaners) == 0

        # re-run any helpers that touch the affected files
        for path in affected:
            for helper in self._helpers:
                if helper.affectspath(path) and not helper.isdone():
                    note("REDO: %s" % helper.description)

        # now, clean up the old paths we found
        while len(self._old_paths_owned):
            before = len(self._old_paths_owned)
            for path in list(self._old_paths_owned.keys()):
                type_ = self._old_paths_owned[path]
                self._trycleanpath(path, type_, conflicts)
            if len(self._old_paths_owned) >= before:
                raise Exception("All paths want to delay cleaning")
コード例 #3
 def _remove():
     # remove the thing
     if type_ == self.TYPE_FOLDER_ONLY:
         # TODO: what do we do if the folder isn't empty?
         with note("Removing dir %s" % path):
             except OSError as err:
                 from errno import ENOTEMPTY
                 if err.errno == ENOTEMPTY:
                     warn("Directory not empty: {}".format(path))
     elif type_ == self.TYPE_FILE_ALL:
         note("Removing {}".format(path))
     elif type_ == self.TYPE_FILE_PART:
         if os.stat(path).st_size == 0:
             note("Removing empty {}".format(path))
             note("Refusing to remove non-empty {}".format(path))
         note("Removing link {}".format(path))
コード例 #4
 def _postpone():
     with note("Postponing cleanup of path: {}".format(path)):
         assert path not in self._new_paths_owned
         self._new_paths_owned[path] = type_
コード例 #5
    def _tryclean(self, cleaner, conflicts, affected):
        # if the cleaner is not needed, we get rid of it
        # FIXME try/except around the isneeded() call
        if not cleaner.isneeded():
            note("{}: Not needed".format(cleaner.description))

        # run the cleaner now
        with note("Cleaning: {}".format(cleaner.description)):
            # if there are still helpers with claims over things the cleaner
            # wants to remove, then the cleaner needs to wait
            for claim in cleaner.needsclaims():
                if claim in self._claims:
                    note("Postponed: Something else claimed %r" % claim)

            except CleanupObstruction as err:
                why = err.args[0]
                if conflicts == self.RAISE:
                if conflicts == self.POSTPONE:
                    note("Postponed: %s" % why)
                    # add the cleaner back in
                # NOTE: eventually we'd like to ask the user what to do, but
                # for now we just issue a warning
                assert conflicts in (self.WARN, self.ASK)
                warn("Aborted: %s" % err.why)
コード例 #6
    def outputhandler(data, isend, prefix):
        # FIXME: if we only get part of a stream, then we have a potential bug
        # where we only get part of a multi-byte utf-8 character.
        while len(data):
            pos = data.find(b"\n")
            if pos < 0:
            # write out the line
            note(data[0:pos].decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            data = data[pos + 1:]

        if isend:
            if len(data):
                note(data.decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            # return any remaining data so it can be included at the start of
            # the next run
            return data
コード例 #7
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: phodge/homely
    def outputhandler(data, isend, prefix):
        # FIXME: if we only get part of a stream, then we have a potential bug
        # where we only get part of a multi-byte utf-8 character.
        while len(data):
            pos = data.find(b"\n")
            if pos < 0:
            # write out the line
            note(data[0:pos].decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            data = data[pos+1:]

        if isend:
            if len(data):
                note(data.decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            # return any remaining data so it can be included at the start of
            # the next run
            return data
コード例 #8
    def _pull(self, origin, local):
        # delete every local file except the special ones
        for thing in os.listdir(local):
            if thing not in (ORIGINFILE, MARKERFILE, DIRTYFILE):
                destroyme = os.path.join(local, thing)
                if os.path.isdir(destroyme):
                    note('rmtree %s' % destroyme)
                    note('rm -f %s' % destroyme)

        # now copy stuff across
        for thing in os.listdir(origin):
            if thing in (ORIGINFILE, DIRTYFILE):
            src = os.path.join(origin, thing)
            dst = os.path.join(local, thing)
            if os.path.isdir(src):
                shutil.copytree(src, dst)
                shutil.copy2(src, dst)
コード例 #9
ファイル: testhandler.py プロジェクト: phodge/homely
    def _pull(self, origin, local):
        # delete every local file except the special ones
        for thing in os.listdir(local):
            if thing not in (ORIGINFILE, MARKERFILE, DIRTYFILE):
                destroyme = os.path.join(local, thing)
                if os.path.isdir(destroyme):
                    note('rmtree %s' % destroyme)
                    note('rm -f %s' % destroyme)

        # now copy stuff across
        for thing in os.listdir(origin):
            if thing in (ORIGINFILE, DIRTYFILE):
            src = os.path.join(origin, thing)
            dst = os.path.join(local, thing)
            if os.path.isdir(src):
                shutil.copytree(src, dst)
                shutil.copy2(src, dst)
コード例 #10
def execute(cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, expectexit=0, **kwargs):
    # Executes `cmd` in a subprocess. Raises a SystemError if the exit code
    # is different to `expecterror`.
    # The stdout and stderr arguments for the most part work just like
    # homely._ui.run(), with the main difference being that when stdout=None or
    # stderr=None, these two streams will be filtered through the homely's
    # logging functions instead of being sent directly to the python process's
    # stdout/stderr. Also, the stderr argument will default to "STDOUT" so that
    # the timing of the two streams is recorded more accurately.
    # If the process absolutely _must_ talk to a TTY, you can use stdout="TTY",
    # and a SystemError will be raised if homely is being run in
    # non-interactive mode. When using stdout="TTY", you should omit the stderr
    # argument.
    def outputhandler(data, isend, prefix):
        # FIXME: if we only get part of a stream, then we have a potential bug
        # where we only get part of a multi-byte utf-8 character.
        while len(data):
            pos = data.find(b"\n")
            if pos < 0:
            # write out the line
            note(data[0:pos].decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            data = data[pos + 1:]

        if isend:
            if len(data):
                note(data.decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            # return any remaining data so it can be included at the start of
            # the next run
            return data

    if stdout == "TTY":
        if not allowinteractive():
            raise SystemError("cmd wants interactive mode")

        assert stderr is None
        stdout = None
        if stdout is None:
            prefix = "1> " if stderr is False else "&> "
            stdout = partial(outputhandler, prefix=prefix)

        if stderr is None:
            if stdout in (False, True):
                stderr = partial(outputhandler, prefix="2> ")
                stderr = "STDOUT"

    outredir = ' 1> /dev/null' if stdout is False else ''
    if stderr is None:
        errredir = ' 2>&1'
        errredir = ' 2> /dev/null' if stderr is False else ''

    with note('{}$ {}{}{}'.format(kwargs.get('cwd', ''),
                                  ' '.join(map(shellquote,
                                               cmd)), outredir, errredir)):
        returncode, out, err = run(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs)
        if type(expectexit) is int:
            exitok = returncode == expectexit
            exitok = returncode in expectexit
        if exitok:
            return returncode, out, err

        # still need to dump the stdout/stderr if they were captured
        if out is not None:
            outputhandler(out, True, '1> ')
        if err is not None:
            outputhandler(err, True, '1> ')
        message = "Unexpected exit code {}. Expected {}".format(
            returncode, expectexit)
        raise SystemError(message)
コード例 #11
 def _discard():
     note("    Forgetting about %s %s" % (type_, path))
コード例 #12
    def _trycleanpath(self, path, type_, conflicts):
        def _discard():
            note("    Forgetting about %s %s" % (type_, path))

        def _remove():
            # remove the thing
            if type_ == self.TYPE_FOLDER_ONLY:
                # TODO: what do we do if the folder isn't empty?
                with note("Removing dir %s" % path):
                    except OSError as err:
                        from errno import ENOTEMPTY
                        if err.errno == ENOTEMPTY:
                            warn("Directory not empty: {}".format(path))
            elif type_ == self.TYPE_FILE_ALL:
                note("Removing {}".format(path))
            elif type_ == self.TYPE_FILE_PART:
                if os.stat(path).st_size == 0:
                    note("Removing empty {}".format(path))
                    note("Refusing to remove non-empty {}".format(path))
                note("Removing link {}".format(path))

        def _postpone():
            with note("Postponing cleanup of path: {}".format(path)):
                assert path not in self._new_paths_owned
                self._new_paths_owned[path] = type_

        # if we didn't create the path, then we don't need to clean it up
        if path not in self._created:
            return _discard()

        # if the path no longer exists, we have nothing to do
        if not _exists(path):
            return _discard()

        # if the thing has the wrong type, we'll issue an note() and just skip
        if type_ in (self.TYPE_FILE_PART, self.TYPE_FILE_ALL):
            correcttype = os.path.isfile(path)
        elif type_ in (self.TYPE_FOLDER_ONLY, self.TYPE_FOLDER_ALL):
            correcttype = os.path.isdir(path)
            assert type_ == self.TYPE_LINK
            correcttype = os.path.islink(path)
        if not correcttype:
            with note("Ignoring: Won't remove {} as it is no longer a {}"
                      .format(path, type_)):
                return _discard()

        # work out if there is another path we need to remove first
        for otherpath in self._old_paths_owned:
            if otherpath != path and isnecessarypath(path, otherpath):
                # If there's another path we need to do first, then don't do
                # anything just yet. NOTE: there is an assertion to ensure that
                # we can't get stuck in an infinite loop repeatedly not
                # removing things.

        # if any helpers want the path, don't delete it
        wantedby = None
        for c in self._new_cleaners:
            if c.wantspath(path):
                wantedby = c

        if not wantedby:
            for otherpath in self._new_paths_owned:
                if isnecessarypath(path, otherpath):
                    wantedby = otherpath

        if wantedby:
            # if we previously postponed this path, keep postponing it
            # while there are still things hanging around that want it
            if path in self._postponed:
                return _postpone()
            if conflicts == self.ASK:
                raise Exception("TODO: ask the user what to do")  # noqa
                # NOTE: options are:
                # A) postpone until it can run later
                # B) discard it
            if conflicts == self.RAISE:
                raise CleanupConflict(conflictpath=path, pathwanter=wantedby)
            if conflicts == self.POSTPONE:
                return _postpone()
            assert conflicts == self.WARN
            warn("Couldn't clean up path {}; it is still needed for {}"
                 .format(path, wantedby))
            return _discard()

        # if nothing else wants this path, clean it up now
        return _remove()
コード例 #13
    def run(self, helper):
        assert isinstance(helper, Helper)

        cfg_modified = False

        # what claims does this helper make?

        # take ownership of paths
        for path, type_ in helper.pathsownable().items():
            cfg_modified = True
            self._new_paths_owned[path] = type_
            self._old_paths_owned.pop(path, None)

        # get a cleaner for this helper
        cleaner = helper.getcleaner()

        if helper.isdone():
            # if there is already a cleaner for this thing, add and remove it
            # so it hangs around. If there is no cleaner but the thing is
            # already done, it means we shouldn't be cleaning it up
            if cleaner is not None:
                cfg_modified = True
                if self._removecleaner(cleaner):
                note("{}: Already done".format(helper.description))
            # remove and add the cleaner so that we know it will try to clean
            # up, since we know we will be making the change
            if cleaner is not None:
                cfg_modified = True
            # if the helper isn't already done, tell it to do its thing now
            with note("{}: Running ...".format(helper.description)):
                # take ownership of any paths that don't exist yet!
                for path, type_ in helper.pathsownable().items():
                    if type_ in (self.TYPE_FILE_ALL, self.TYPE_FOLDER_ALL):
                        exists = path in self._created
                    elif type_ in (self.TYPE_FILE_PART, self.TYPE_FOLDER_ONLY):
                        exists = os.path.exists(path)
                        exists = os.path.islink(path)
                    if not exists:
                        cfg_modified = True

                if cfg_modified:
                    # save the updated config before we try anything
                    cfg_modified = False

                except HelperError as err:
                    warn("Failed: %s" % err.args[0])

        # save the config now if we were successful
        if cfg_modified:
            # save the updated config before we try anything
コード例 #14
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: phodge/homely
def execute(cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, expectexit=0, **kwargs):
    # Executes `cmd` in a subprocess. Raises a SystemError if the exit code
    # is different to `expecterror`.
    # The stdout and stderr arguments for the most part work just like
    # homely._ui.run(), with the main difference being that when stdout=None or
    # stderr=None, these two streams will be filtered through the homely's
    # logging functions instead of being sent directly to the python process's
    # stdout/stderr. Also, the stderr argument will default to "STDOUT" so that
    # the timing of the two streams is recorded more accurately.
    # If the process absolutely _must_ talk to a TTY, you can use stdout="TTY",
    # and a SystemError will be raised if homely is being run in
    # non-interactive mode. When using stdout="TTY", you should omit the stderr
    # argument.
    def outputhandler(data, isend, prefix):
        # FIXME: if we only get part of a stream, then we have a potential bug
        # where we only get part of a multi-byte utf-8 character.
        while len(data):
            pos = data.find(b"\n")
            if pos < 0:
            # write out the line
            note(data[0:pos].decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            data = data[pos+1:]

        if isend:
            if len(data):
                note(data.decode('utf-8'), dash=prefix)
            # return any remaining data so it can be included at the start of
            # the next run
            return data

    if stdout == "TTY":
        if not allowinteractive():
            raise SystemError("cmd wants interactive mode")

        assert stderr is None
        stdout = None
        if stdout is None:
            prefix = "1> " if stderr is False else "&> "
            stdout = partial(outputhandler, prefix=prefix)

        if stderr is None:
            if stdout in (False, True):
                stderr = partial(outputhandler, prefix="2> ")
                stderr = "STDOUT"

    outredir = ' 1> /dev/null' if stdout is False else ''
    if stderr is None:
        errredir = ' 2>&1'
        errredir = ' 2> /dev/null' if stderr is False else ''

    with note('{}$ {}{}{}'.format(kwargs.get('cwd', ''),
                                  ' '.join(map(shellquote, cmd)),
        returncode, out, err = run(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs)
        if type(expectexit) is int:
            exitok = returncode == expectexit
            exitok = returncode in expectexit
        if exitok:
            return returncode, out, err

        # still need to dump the stdout/stderr if they were captured
        if out is not None:
            outputhandler(out, True, '1> ')
        if err is not None:
            outputhandler(err, True, '1> ')
        message = "Unexpected exit code {}. Expected {}".format(
            returncode, expectexit)
        raise SystemError(message)
コード例 #15
    def makechanges(self):
        assert self._source_repo is not None
        assert self._clone_to is not None
        if not os.path.exists(self._real_clone_to):
            note("Cloning %s" % self._source_repo)
            pull_needed = False
            execute(['git', 'clone', self._source_repo, self._real_clone_to])
            pull_needed = True
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._real_clone_to, '.git')):
                raise HelperError("%s is not a git repo" % self._real_clone_to)

        # do we want a particular branch?
        if self._branch:
            execute(['git', 'checkout', self._branch], cwd=self._real_clone_to)
            if pull_needed and allowpull():
                note("Updating %s from %s" %
                     (self._clone_to, self._source_repo))
                execute(['git', 'pull'], cwd=self._real_clone_to)

            # check the branch fact to see if we need to compile again
            factname = self._branchfact
            assert self._tag is not None
            if pull_needed and allowpull():
                note("Updating %s from %s" %
                     (self._clone_to, self._source_repo))
                execute(['git', 'fetch', '--tags'], cwd=self._real_clone_to)
            execute(['git', 'checkout', self._tag], cwd=self._real_clone_to)

            # if we used a tag name, create a 'fact' to prevent us re-compiling
            # each time we run
            factname = '{}:compile-tag:{}:{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,

        docompile = False
        if self._compile:
            last_compile, prev_cmds = self._getfact(factname, (0, None))
            what = ("Branch {}".format(self._branch)
                    if self._branch else "Tag {}".format(self._tag))
            if last_compile == 0:
                note("{} has never been compiled".format(what))
                docompile = True
            elif (self._expiry is not None
                  and ((last_compile + self._expiry) < time.time())):
                note("{} is due to be compiled again".format(what))
                docompile = True
            elif prev_cmds != self._compile:
                note("{} needs to be compiled again with new commands".format(
                docompile = True

        # run any compilation commands
        if docompile:
            # FIXME: we probably need to delete all the symlink targets before
            # compiling, as this is our best way of determining that the
            # compilation has failed ...
            stdout = "TTY" if self._needs_tty else None
            for cmd in self._compile:
                execute(cmd, cwd=self._real_clone_to, stdout=stdout)

            self._setfact(factname, (time.time(), self._compile))

        # create new symlinks
        for source, dest in self._symlinks:
            with note("Ensure symlink exists: %s -> %s" % (source, dest)):
                if os.path.islink(dest):
                    target = os.readlink(dest)
                    if os.path.realpath(target) != os.path.realpath(source):
                        raise HelperError("Symlink %s is not pointing at %s" %
                                          (dest, source))
                if os.path.exists(dest):
                    raise HelperError("%s already exists" % dest)
                os.symlink(source, dest)
コード例 #16
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: phodge/homely
    def makechanges(self):
        assert self._source_repo is not None
        assert self._clone_to is not None
        if not os.path.exists(self._real_clone_to):
            note("Cloning %s" % self._source_repo)
            pull_needed = False
            execute(['git', 'clone', self._source_repo, self._real_clone_to])
            pull_needed = True
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._real_clone_to, '.git')):
                raise HelperError("%s is not a git repo" % self._real_clone_to)

        # do we want a particular branch?
        if self._branch:
            execute(['git', 'checkout', self._branch], cwd=self._real_clone_to)
            if pull_needed and allowpull():
                note("Updating %s from %s" %
                     (self._clone_to, self._source_repo))
                execute(['git', 'pull'], cwd=self._real_clone_to)

            # check the branch fact to see if we need to compile again
            factname = self._branchfact
            assert self._tag is not None
            if pull_needed and allowpull():
                note("Updating %s from %s" %
                     (self._clone_to, self._source_repo))
                # NOTE: we use --force for projects like neovim that have a
                # rolling 'nightly' tag
                execute(['git', 'fetch', '--tags', '--force'],
            execute(['git', 'checkout', self._tag], cwd=self._real_clone_to)

            # if we used a tag name, create a 'fact' to prevent us re-compiling
            # each time we run
            factname = '{}:compile-tag:{}:{}'.format(

        docompile = False
        if self._compile:
            last_compile, prev_cmds = self._getfact(factname, (0, None))
            what = ("Branch {}".format(self._branch) if self._branch
                    else "Tag {}".format(self._tag))
            if last_compile == 0:
                note("{} has never been compiled".format(what))
                docompile = True
            elif (self._expiry is not None
                  and ((last_compile + self._expiry) < time.time())):
                note("{} is due to be compiled again".format(what))
                docompile = True
            elif prev_cmds != self._compile:
                note("{} needs to be compiled again with new commands"
                docompile = True

        # run any compilation commands
        if docompile:
            # FIXME: we probably need to delete all the symlink targets before
            # compiling, as this is our best way of determining that the
            # compilation has failed ...
            stdout = "TTY" if self._needs_tty else None
            for cmd in self._compile:
                if cmd[0] == "sudo" and not _ALLOW_INSTALL:
                    raise HelperError(
                        "%s is not allowed to run commands as root"
                        ", as per setallowinstall()")
                execute(cmd, cwd=self._real_clone_to, stdout=stdout)

            self._setfact(factname, (time.time(), self._compile))

        # create new symlinks
        for source, dest in self._symlinks:
            with note("Ensure symlink exists: %s -> %s" % (source, dest)):
                if os.path.islink(dest):
                    target = os.readlink(dest)
                    if os.path.realpath(target) != os.path.realpath(source):
                        raise HelperError("Symlink %s is not pointing at %s" %
                                          (dest, source))
                if os.path.exists(dest):
                    raise HelperError("%s already exists" % dest)
                os.symlink(source, dest)