コード例 #1
def timeseries(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Time Series Data"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps
    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    return outDict
コード例 #2
ファイル: timeseries.py プロジェクト: rwilkins87/cogent-house
def timeseries(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Time Series Data"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps
    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    return outDict
コード例 #3
def electricity(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Electricity Data"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps

    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    return render_to_response('cogentviewer:templates/electricity.mak',
コード例 #4
def status(request):
    """Show Status page"""
    out_dict = {}
    out_dict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    out_dict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    the_user = homepage.getUser(request)
    out_dict["user"] = the_user.username

    out_dict["pgTitle"] = "Node Status"
    #out_dict["deployments"] =deps

    out_dict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    return render_to_response('cogentviewer:templates/status.mak',
コード例 #5
ファイル: yields.py プロジェクト: rwilkins87/cogent-house
def yieldpage(request):
    """Display the Yield Homepage"""
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Yield Report"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps
    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    #And actual page logic

    summarytable = {"totalhouses":0,

    yieldtable = []
    #So we first want the list of houses
    houses =  DBSession.query(models.House).filter(models.House.address!="Test")
    #houses =  DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(address ="69 longford road")
    #houses =  DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(address ="c4 59 radnormere drive")

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    for house in houses:
        houseyield = {"house":house.address}
        summarytable["totalhouses"] += 1
        nodeyields = []
        #We then fetch the nodes
        nodeids, nodedesc  = queuenodes(house.id)
        yieldsum = 0.0
        #for node in nodedesc:
        for node in nodedesc:
            #if node["nodeid"] != 65:
            #    continue
            summarytable["totalnodes"] += 1
            yieldrow = {
                        "nodeid": node["nodeid"],
                        "room": node["room"]}
            #And work out yields
            yieldinfo = calcyield(node["nodeid"],startdate=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            yieldrow["lasttx"] = yieldinfo[0]
            #Class  /Highlighting for the last transmision

            if type(yieldinfo[0]) == pandas.tslib.Timestamp:
                lasttx_delta = now - yieldinfo[0]
                if lasttx_delta.days <= 1:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-success"
                    summarytable["nodestoday"] += 1
                elif lasttx_delta.days <= 3:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-warning"
                elif lasttx_delta.days > 3:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-error"
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-success"
                yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-info"

            yieldrow["datayield"] = yieldinfo[1]
            yieldrow["packetyield"] = yieldinfo[2]

            if yieldinfo[1] > 90:
                summarytable["nodes90"] += 1

            if yieldinfo[2] != "N/A" :
                yieldsum += yieldinfo[2]

        #avgyield = yieldsum / len(nodedesc)
        avgyield = "N/A"

        houseyield["data"] = nodeyields
        houseyield["avg"] = avgyield


    outDict["yieldtable"] = yieldtable
    outDict["summarytable"] = summarytable
    return outDict
コード例 #6
ファイル: debugging.py プロジェクト: rwilkins87/cogent-house
def housedebugging(request):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    outdict = {}
    outdict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outdict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outdict["user"] = theUser.username

    outdict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outdict["pgTitle"] = "House Status"

    #So we want a list of active houses

    theid = request.matchdict.get("id")
    if theid == "":
        theid = 1
        theid = int(theid)
    log.debug("Given Id >{0}< {1}".format(theid,type(theid)))
    thehouse = DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(id=theid).first()
    log.debug("House is {0}".format(thehouse))
    outdict["house"] = thehouse.address
    #Get Locations associated with this house
    locs = [[x.id,x.room.name] for x in thehouse.locations]
    outdict["locs"] = locs

    regnodes = []
    allnodes = []

    for loc in thehouse.locations:
        outlist = {"location": loc.id,
                   "room" : loc.room.name}
        nodelist = [x.id for x in loc.nodes]
        outlist["registered"] = ",".join([str(x) for x in nodelist])
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(locationId = loc.id)
        qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.nodeId)
        outlist["data"] =  ",".join(str(x.nodeId) for x in qry)

    outdict["regnodes"] = regnodes
    #Nodes that have data but are not registered to this house
    locids = [x.id for x in thehouse.locations]
    qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter(models.Reading.locationId.in_(locids))
    qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.nodeId)
    datanodes = qry.all()
    unreg = []
    for item in datanodes:
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id = item.nodeId)
        thisnode = qry.first()
        if thisnode.locationId != item.locationId:
                          "({0}) {1} {2}".format(thisnode.location.id,

    outdict["unreg"] = unreg 

    #Finally, where are nodes that are linked here reporting data to
    reglocs = []
    for item in allnodes:
        thisitem = {"nid": item,
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id = item)
        node = qry.first()
        thisitem["currentloc"] = "({0}) {1} {2}".format(node.location.id,

        #And work out where this node should be reporting to
        datalocs = []
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(nodeId = item)
        qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.locationId)
        for d_item in qry:
            datalocs.append("({0}) {1} {2}".format(d_item.location.id,
        thisitem["dataloc"] = datalocs
    outdict["reglocs"] = reglocs

    return outdict
コード例 #7
ファイル: serverstate.py プロジェクト: rzvcs/cogent-house
def showserver(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Server Status"

    # populateSalford()

    # Get a list of servers
    servertable = []

    servers = DBSession.query(models.Server)
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    outDict["currenttime"] = now

    for server in servers:
        thisrow = {"servername": server.hostname, "baseid": server.baseid}

        thisrow["address"] = None  # Address of server
        thisrow["lastpush"] = None  # When the last push happend
        thisrow["laststate"] = None  # When the last state was reported
        thisrow["skew"] = None  # What (if any clock skew there is)
        thisrow["nodes"] = None
        thisrow["node_state"] = None
        thisrow["reportingnodes"] = None

        thisrow["push_state"] = "warning"  # Formatting for the pushstate
        thisrow["state_state"] = None  # Formatting for the nodestate
        thisrow["skew_state"] = "warning"  # Formatting for the skew state
        rowstate = ""
        # if server.houseid:
        houseqry = DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(serverid=server.id)

        heartbeat_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=8)
        if houseqry.count() > 0:
            thisrow["address"] = houseqry.count()
            # Work out locations assocatated with these houses

            all_locs = []
            for house in houseqry:

            print all_locs

            nodecount = 0
            reportingcount = 0

            for loc in all_locs:
                for node in loc.nodes:
                    # Increment the number of nodes
                    nodecount += 1
                    # Check if we have data

                    lastreport = (
                        .filter(models.NodeState.time > heartbeat_time)
                    if lastreport:
                        reportingcount += 1

            thisrow["nodes"] = nodecount
            thisrow["reportingnodes"] = reportingcount
            # if False:

            #     #thisrow["address"] = qry.address

            #     #Nodes associated with this house
            #     houselocations = qry.locations
            #     housenodes = []
            #     for loc in houselocations:
            #         locnodes = loc.nodes
            #         #if locnodes:
            #         for x in locnodes:
            #             lastreport = DBSession.query(models.NodeState).filter_by(nodeId = x.id).order_by(models.NodeState.time.desc()).first()
            #             if lastreport is not None:
            #                 lasttime = lastreport.time
            #                 nodestate = "error"
            #                 reportdelta = now - lasttime
            #                 if reportdelta.days < 1:
            #                     nodestate = "info"
            #                     if reportdelta.seconds < 8*(60*60):
            #                         nodestate = "success"
            #                 housenodes.append(["{1} : {2}".format(loc.id,loc.room.name, x.id), lasttime, nodestate])

            #             else:
            #                 housenodes.append(["{1} : {2}".format(loc.id,loc.room.name, x.id), None, None])

            #     thisrow["nodes"] = housenodes

            # --- Nodestate (last push) Details ----
            qry = DBSession.query(func.max(models.NodeState.time)).filter_by(parent=server.baseid)
            qrytime = qry.first()
            # rowstate = "error"

            # thisrow["laststate_days"] = None

            qrytime = qrytime[0]
            if qrytime:
                td = now - qrytime
                rowstate = "error"  # Default
                # if td.days >= 1:

                if td.days <= 1:
                    rowstate = "info"
                    if td.seconds < 8 * (60 * 60):
                        rowstate = "success"
                qrytime = None

            thisrow["laststate"] = qrytime
            thisrow["state_state"] = rowstate

        # Last Push State
        # qry = DBSession.query(func.max(models.PushStatus.time)).filter_by(hostname = server.hostname)
        qry = DBSession.query(models.PushStatus).filter_by(hostname=server.hostname)
        qry = qry.order_by(models.PushStatus.time.desc())
        result = qry.first()
        if result:
            thisrow["lastpush"] = result.time
            # Do States
            tdelta = now - result.time
            push_state = "warning"
            if tdelta.days < 1:
                push_state = "error"
                if tdelta.seconds < (60 * 60) * 2:
                    push_state = "success"

            thisrow["push_state"] = push_state

            # if tdelta.days > 1:
            #     thisrow["push_state"] = "error"
            # elif tdelta.seconds < (60*60)*2:
            #     thisrow["push_state"] = "success"

            skewdelta = result.time - result.localtime
            # "Local Delta {0} {1} = {2} ({3})".format(result.time,
            #                                               result.localtime,
            #                                               skewdelta,
            #                                               skewdelta.days)
            thisrow["skew"] = skewdelta
            skew_state = "error"
            if skewdelta.days < 1:
                if skewdelta.seconds < 60 * 30:
                    skew_state = "success"
            thisrow["skew_state"] = skew_state

            # if ldelta.days < 1:
            #     if ldelta.days < 0:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "error"
            #     elif ldelta.seconds < 60:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "success"
            #     elif ldelta.seconds < 60*30:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "warning"


    outDict["servertable"] = servertable
    outDict["serverlist"] = []
    # netlist, netmap = generate_netmap()
    # outDict["serverlist"] = netlist
    # outDict["servermap"] = netmap

    return outDict
コード例 #8
def node(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Node Data"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps

    nid = request.matchdict.get("id", None)
    outDict["nid"] = nid

    #So we want to get the sensors attachd to this node.
    theNode = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id=nid).first()
    if theNode is None:  #So if we have a node that doesnt exist
        raise httpexp.HTTPNotFound

    #Next we want the nodes location information
    theLocation = theNode.location
    locDetails = "No Current Location"
    if theLocation is not None:
        locDetails = "{0} ({1})".format(theLocation.house.address,

    outDict["locDetails"] = locDetails

    #Fetch the last transmission
    lastNodeState = DBSession.query(models.NodeState).filter_by(

    outDict["lastState"] = lastNodeState.time

    #And the latest sensor readings
    allReadings = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(
        nodeId=nid, time=lastNodeState.time)

    #Length of time our graphs are up for

    #    buttonList = ["<a href='?duration=week' class='btn'>Last Week</a>",
    #                  "<a href='?duration=day' class='btn'>Last Day</a>",
    #                  "<a href='?duration=hour' class='btn'>Last Hour</a>"]
    buttonList = [
        ["year", "Last Year", "btn"],
        ["month", "Last Month", "btn"],
        ["week", "Last Week", 'btn'],
        ["day", "Last Day", 'btn'],
        ["hour", "Last Hour", 'btn'],

    getLength = request.GET.get("duration", None)
    if getLength == "year":
        buttonList[0][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1y"
    elif getLength == "month":
        buttonList[1][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1m"
    elif getLength == "week":
        buttonList[2][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1w"
    elif getLength == "day":
        buttonList[3][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1d"
        buttonList[4][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1h"

    outDict["btnList"] = buttonList

    outReadings = []
    sensorIds = []
    #Have an empyty battery Level
    outDict["batLevel"] = None
    for item in allReadings:
        log.debug("Graph for type {0}".format(item.typeId))
        if item.typeId == 6:
            outDict["batLevel"] = item.value

            sType = item.sensorType.name
            sUnits = item.sensorType.units

            theURL = None
            outReadings.append([sType, item.value, theURL])

    outDict["allReadings"] = outReadings

    return outDict
コード例 #9
def yieldpage(request):
    """Display the Yield Homepage"""
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Yield Report"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps
    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()

    #And actual page logic

    summarytable = {
        "totalhouses": 0,
        "totalnodes": 0,
        "nodes90": 0,
        "nodestoday": 0

    yieldtable = []
    #So we first want the list of houses
    houses = DBSession.query(
        models.House).filter(models.House.address != "Test")
    #houses =  DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(address ="69 longford road")
    #houses =  DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(address ="c4 59 radnormere drive")

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    for house in houses:
        houseyield = {"house": house.address}
        summarytable["totalhouses"] += 1
        nodeyields = []
        #We then fetch the nodes
        nodeids, nodedesc = queuenodes(house.id)
        yieldsum = 0.0
        #for node in nodedesc:
        for node in nodedesc:
            #if node["nodeid"] != 65:
            #    continue
            summarytable["totalnodes"] += 1
            yieldrow = {"nodeid": node["nodeid"], "room": node["room"]}
            #And work out yields
            yieldinfo = calcyield(node["nodeid"],
            yieldrow["lasttx"] = yieldinfo[0]
            #Class  /Highlighting for the last transmision

            if type(yieldinfo[0]) == pandas.tslib.Timestamp:
                lasttx_delta = now - yieldinfo[0]
                if lasttx_delta.days <= 1:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-success"
                    summarytable["nodestoday"] += 1
                elif lasttx_delta.days <= 3:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-warning"
                elif lasttx_delta.days > 3:
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-error"
                    yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-success"
                yieldrow["txclass"] = "text-info"

            yieldrow["datayield"] = yieldinfo[1]
            yieldrow["packetyield"] = yieldinfo[2]

            if yieldinfo[1] > 90:
                summarytable["nodes90"] += 1

            if yieldinfo[2] != "N/A":
                yieldsum += yieldinfo[2]

        #avgyield = yieldsum / len(nodedesc)
        avgyield = "N/A"

        houseyield["data"] = nodeyields
        houseyield["avg"] = avgyield


    outDict["yieldtable"] = yieldtable
    outDict["summarytable"] = summarytable
    return outDict
コード例 #10
ファイル: nodestatus.py プロジェクト: rwilkins87/cogent-house
def nodestatus(request):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    outdict = {}
    outdict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outdict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outdict["user"] = theUser.username

    outdict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outdict["pgTitle"] = "House Status"

    #So we want a list of active houses
    nodeqry = DBSession.query(models.Node)
    nodeqry = nodeqry.order_by(models.Node.id)

    nodelist = []
    for node in nodeqry:
        thisnode = {"nid": node.id,
                    "datalocs" : None,
                    "datatimes" : None,
                    "datacount" : None,
                    "datahouse" : None,

        if node.location:
            thisnode["house"] = node.location.house.address
            thisnode["room"] = node.location.room.name

        #Check what locations we have data for
        rdgqry = DBSession.query(models.Reading.locationId, 
                               ).filter_by(nodeId = node.id)
        rdgqry = rdgqry.group_by(models.Reading.locationId)

        #log.debug("Locations are {0}".format(rdgqry.all()))
        if rdgqry.count() == 0:
            pass #Hacky but needs fixing
        elif rdgqry.count() == 1:
            thisnode["datalocs"] = rdgqry.first()[0]
            thisnode["datatimes"] = rdgqry.first()[1]
            thisnode["datacount"] = rdgqry.first()[2]
            hseqry = DBSession.query(models.Location).filter_by(id = rdgqry.first()[0]).first()
            thisnode["datahouse"] = hseqry.house.address
            thisnode["datalocs"] = [x[0] for x in rdgqry]
            thisnode["datatimes"] = [x[1] for x in rdgqry]
            thisnode["datacount"] = [x[2] for x in rdgqry]


    outdict["nodelist"] = nodelist

    return outdict
コード例 #11
ファイル: node.py プロジェクト: rwilkins87/cogent-house
def node(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Node Data"
    #outDict["deployments"] =deps

    nid = request.matchdict.get("id",None)
    outDict["nid"] = nid

    #So we want to get the sensors attachd to this node.
    theNode = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id=nid).first()
    if theNode is None: #So if we have a node that doesnt exist
        raise httpexp.HTTPNotFound

    #Next we want the nodes location information
    theLocation = theNode.location
    locDetails = "No Current Location"
    if theLocation is not None:
        locDetails = "{0} ({1})".format(theLocation.house.address,theLocation.room.name)

    outDict["locDetails"] = locDetails
    #Fetch the last transmission
    lastNodeState = DBSession.query(models.NodeState).filter_by(nodeId = nid).order_by(models.NodeState.time.desc()).first()
    outDict["lastState"] = lastNodeState.time

    #And the latest sensor readings
    allReadings = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(nodeId=nid,time=lastNodeState.time)

    #Length of time our graphs are up for

#    buttonList = ["<a href='?duration=week' class='btn'>Last Week</a>",
#                  "<a href='?duration=day' class='btn'>Last Day</a>",
#                  "<a href='?duration=hour' class='btn'>Last Hour</a>"]
    buttonList = [["year", "Last Year", "btn"],
                  ["month", "Last Month", "btn"],
                  ["week", "Last Week", 'btn'],
                  ["day", "Last Day", 'btn'],
                  ["hour", "Last Hour", 'btn'],

    getLength = request.GET.get("duration",None)
    if getLength == "year":
        buttonList[0][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1y"
    elif getLength == "month":
        buttonList[1][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1m"
    elif getLength == "week":
        buttonList[2][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1w"
    elif getLength == "day":
        buttonList[3][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1d"
        buttonList[4][2] = "btn btn-primary"
        glength = "-1h"
    outDict["btnList"] = buttonList

    outReadings = []
    sensorIds = []
    #Have an empyty battery Level
    outDict["batLevel"] = None
    for item in allReadings:
        log.debug("Graph for type {0}".format(item.typeId))
        if item.typeId == 6:
            outDict["batLevel"] = item.value

            sType = item.sensorType.name
            sUnits = item.sensorType.units

            theURL = None
            outReadings.append([sType, item.value,theURL])

    outDict["allReadings"] = outReadings




    return outDict
コード例 #12
def housedebugging(request):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    outdict = {}
    outdict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outdict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outdict["user"] = theUser.username

    outdict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outdict["pgTitle"] = "House Status"

    #So we want a list of active houses

    theid = request.matchdict.get("id")
    if theid == "":
        theid = 1
        theid = int(theid)
    log.debug("Given Id >{0}< {1}".format(theid, type(theid)))
    thehouse = DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(id=theid).first()
    log.debug("House is {0}".format(thehouse))
    outdict["house"] = thehouse.address

    #Get Locations associated with this house
    locs = [[x.id, x.room.name] for x in thehouse.locations]
    outdict["locs"] = locs

    regnodes = []
    allnodes = []

    for loc in thehouse.locations:
        outlist = {"location": loc.id, "room": loc.room.name}
        nodelist = [x.id for x in loc.nodes]
        outlist["registered"] = ",".join([str(x) for x in nodelist])
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(locationId=loc.id)
        qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.nodeId)
        outlist["data"] = ",".join(str(x.nodeId) for x in qry)

    outdict["regnodes"] = regnodes

    #Nodes that have data but are not registered to this house
    locids = [x.id for x in thehouse.locations]
    qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter(
    qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.nodeId)
    datanodes = qry.all()
    unreg = []
    for item in datanodes:
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id=item.nodeId)
        thisnode = qry.first()
        if thisnode.locationId != item.locationId:
                "({0}) {1} {2}".format(thisnode.location.id,

    outdict["unreg"] = unreg

    #Finally, where are nodes that are linked here reporting data to
    reglocs = []
    for item in allnodes:
        thisitem = {"nid": item, "currentloc": None, "dataloc": None}
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Node).filter_by(id=item)
        node = qry.first()
        thisitem["currentloc"] = "({0}) {1} {2}".format(
            node.location.id, node.location.house.address,

        #And work out where this node should be reporting to
        datalocs = []
        qry = DBSession.query(models.Reading).filter_by(nodeId=item)
        qry = qry.group_by(models.Reading.locationId)
        for d_item in qry:
            datalocs.append("({0}) {1} {2}".format(
                d_item.location.id, d_item.location.house.address,

        thisitem["dataloc"] = datalocs
    outdict["reglocs"] = reglocs

    return outdict
コード例 #13
def nodestatus(request):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    outdict = {}
    outdict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outdict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outdict["user"] = theUser.username

    outdict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outdict["pgTitle"] = "House Status"

    #So we want a list of active houses

    nodeqry = DBSession.query(models.Node)
    nodeqry = nodeqry.order_by(models.Node.id)

    nodelist = []
    for node in nodeqry:
        thisnode = {
            "nid": node.id,
            "locationId": node.locationId,
            "house": None,
            "room": None,
            "datalocs": None,
            "datatimes": None,
            "datacount": None,
            "datahouse": None,

        if node.location:
            thisnode["house"] = node.location.house.address
            thisnode["room"] = node.location.room.name

        #Check what locations we have data for
        rdgqry = DBSession.query(
        rdgqry = rdgqry.group_by(models.Reading.locationId)

        #log.debug("Locations are {0}".format(rdgqry.all()))
        if rdgqry.count() == 0:
            pass  #Hacky but needs fixing
        elif rdgqry.count() == 1:
            thisnode["datalocs"] = rdgqry.first()[0]
            thisnode["datatimes"] = rdgqry.first()[1]
            thisnode["datacount"] = rdgqry.first()[2]
            hseqry = DBSession.query(
            thisnode["datahouse"] = hseqry.house.address
            thisnode["datalocs"] = [x[0] for x in rdgqry]
            thisnode["datatimes"] = [x[1] for x in rdgqry]
            thisnode["datacount"] = [x[2] for x in rdgqry]


    outdict["nodelist"] = nodelist

    return outdict
コード例 #14
ファイル: serverstate.py プロジェクト: honir/cogent-house
def showserver(request):
    outDict = {}
    outDict["headLinks"] = homepage.genHeadUrls(request)
    outDict["sideLinks"] = homepage.genSideUrls(request)
    theUser = homepage.getUser(request)
    outDict["user"] = theUser.username

    outDict["nodeDropdowns"] = homepage.getNodeDropdowns()
    outDict["pgTitle"] = "Server Status"


    #Get a list of servers
    servertable = []

    servers = DBSession.query(models.Server)
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    outDict["currenttime"] = now

    for server in servers:
        thisrow = {"servername": server.hostname, "baseid": server.baseid}

        thisrow["address"] = None  #Address of server
        thisrow["lastpush"] = None  #When the last push happend
        thisrow["laststate"] = None  #When the last state was reported
        thisrow["skew"] = None  #What (if any clock skew there is)
        thisrow["nodes"] = None
        thisrow["node_state"] = None
        thisrow["reportingnodes"] = None

        thisrow["push_state"] = "warning"  #Formatting for the pushstate
        thisrow["state_state"] = None  #Formatting for the nodestate
        thisrow["skew_state"] = "warning"  #Formatting for the skew state
        rowstate = ""
        #if server.houseid:
        houseqry = DBSession.query(models.House).filter_by(serverid=server.id)

        heartbeat_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(
        if houseqry.count() > 0:
            thisrow["address"] = houseqry.count()
            #Work out locations assocatated with these houses

            all_locs = []
            for house in houseqry:

            print all_locs

            nodecount = 0
            reportingcount = 0

            for loc in all_locs:
                for node in loc.nodes:
                    #Increment the number of nodes
                    nodecount += 1
                    #Check if we have data

                    lastreport = DBSession.query(
                            models.NodeState.time > heartbeat_time).first()
                    if lastreport:
                        reportingcount += 1

            thisrow["nodes"] = nodecount
            thisrow["reportingnodes"] = reportingcount
            # if False:

            #     #thisrow["address"] = qry.address

            #     #Nodes associated with this house
            #     houselocations = qry.locations
            #     housenodes = []
            #     for loc in houselocations:
            #         locnodes = loc.nodes
            #         #if locnodes:
            #         for x in locnodes:
            #             lastreport = DBSession.query(models.NodeState).filter_by(nodeId = x.id).order_by(models.NodeState.time.desc()).first()
            #             if lastreport is not None:
            #                 lasttime = lastreport.time
            #                 nodestate = "error"
            #                 reportdelta = now - lasttime
            #                 if reportdelta.days < 1:
            #                     nodestate = "info"
            #                     if reportdelta.seconds < 8*(60*60):
            #                         nodestate = "success"
            #                 housenodes.append(["{1} : {2}".format(loc.id,loc.room.name, x.id), lasttime, nodestate])

            #             else:
            #                 housenodes.append(["{1} : {2}".format(loc.id,loc.room.name, x.id), None, None])

            #     thisrow["nodes"] = housenodes

            #--- Nodestate (last push) Details ----
            qry = DBSession.query(func.max(
            qrytime = qry.first()
            #rowstate = "error"

            #thisrow["laststate_days"] = None

            qrytime = qrytime[0]
            if qrytime:
                td = now - qrytime
                rowstate = "error"  #Default
                #if td.days >= 1:

                if td.days <= 1:
                    rowstate = "info"
                    if td.seconds < 8 * (60 * 60):
                        rowstate = "success"
                qrytime = None

            thisrow["laststate"] = qrytime
            thisrow["state_state"] = rowstate

        #Last Push State
        #qry = DBSession.query(func.max(models.PushStatus.time)).filter_by(hostname = server.hostname)
        qry = DBSession.query(
        qry = qry.order_by(models.PushStatus.time.desc())
        result = qry.first()
        if result:
            thisrow["lastpush"] = result.time
            #Do States
            tdelta = now - result.time
            push_state = "warning"
            if tdelta.days < 1:
                push_state = "error"
                if tdelta.seconds < (60 * 60) * 2:
                    push_state = "success"

            thisrow["push_state"] = push_state

            # if tdelta.days > 1:
            #     thisrow["push_state"] = "error"
            # elif tdelta.seconds < (60*60)*2:
            #     thisrow["push_state"] = "success"

            skewdelta = result.time - result.localtime
            # "Local Delta {0} {1} = {2} ({3})".format(result.time,
            #                                               result.localtime,
            #                                               skewdelta,
            #                                               skewdelta.days)
            thisrow["skew"] = skewdelta
            skew_state = "error"
            if skewdelta.days < 1:
                if skewdelta.seconds < 60 * 30:
                    skew_state = "success"
            thisrow["skew_state"] = skew_state

            # if ldelta.days < 1:
            #     if ldelta.days < 0:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "error"
            #     elif ldelta.seconds < 60:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "success"
            #     elif ldelta.seconds < 60*30:
            #         thisrow["skew_state"] = "warning"


    outDict["servertable"] = servertable
    outDict["serverlist"] = []
    #netlist, netmap = generate_netmap()
    #outDict["serverlist"] = netlist
    #outDict["servermap"] = netmap

    return outDict