コード例 #1
def generate_poses(n: int, noise_list: list):

    # groud truth hand eye calibration matrix and chessboard pose
    hec = HT.from_matrix(
        np.array([[1, 0, 0, 50], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 100], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
    cb_pose = HT.from_matrix(
        np.array([[0, -1, 0, 200], [1, 0, 0, 70], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))

    Ai = []
    Bi = []

    nx = 20
    ny = 13
    obj_pts = np.zeros((nx * ny, 4))
    obj_pts[:, 3] = 1
    # obj_pts[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny].T.reshape(-1, 2)*20.0
    obj_pts[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny].T.reshape(-1, 2) * 20.0
    obj_pts[:, :3] = obj_pts[:, :3] - np.mean(obj_pts[:, :3], axis=0)
    Ry_180 = HT(np.pi, np.array([0, 1, 0]))

    # chessboard_pts = cb_pose @ obj_pts.T

    for i in range(n):
        a_rvec = np.pi * np.random.randn(3)
        a_tvec = 300 * np.sqrt(3) * np.random.randn(3)
        a_tvec[2] = np.abs(a_tvec[2])
        A_i = HT.from_vecs(a_rvec, a_tvec)
        if A_i.matrix[2, 2] > 0:
            A_i = A_i @ Ry_180


        # temp_Bi = (Ai[i] @ hec).inv() @ cb_pose
        # b_rvec = temp_Bi.rvec()
        # b_tvec = temp_Bi.t# + noise * np.random.randn(3)
        # Bi.append(HT.from_vecs(b_rvec, b_tvec))
        Bi.append((Ai[i] @ hec).inv() @ cb_pose)
    bpts = []
    bplanes = []

    for noise in noise_list:

        board_points = []
        board_poses_plane = []
        for i in range(n):
            point_noise = np.zeros((4, nx * ny))
            point_noise[:3, :] = noise * np.random.randn(3, nx * ny)
            chessboard_pts = cb_pose @ (obj_pts + point_noise.T).T

                (Ai[i] @ hec).inv() @ chessboard_pts).T))  # + point_noise).T)

            board_poses_plane.append(plane_fit(board_points[i], nx, ny)[0])


    return Ai, Bi, bpts, bplanes
コード例 #2
    def calculate_chessboard_poses_2D(self):
        Calculates the poses of the calibration objects in self.point_clouds using
        opencv camera calibration, and strores them in the list self.chessboard_poses.
        If the intrinsic parameters of the camera are known,
        and set with the method self.setIntrinsics(...) cv2.solvePnP(...) is used, else
        cv2.CalibrateCamera(...) is used to calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic camera
        assert (len(self.point_clouds) > 0), 'No calibration images loaded'
        print('Calculating chessboard poses')
        self.method = '2D'
        img_pts, obj_pts, self.XYZs, self.corners, self.rgbs, img_size = calibration_pts(
            self.nx, self.ny, self.square_size, self.point_clouds)

        if self.camera_matrix is not None and self.dist_coeffs is not None:
            for i in range(len(self.point_clouds)):
                _, rvec, tvec = \
                    cv2.solvePnP(obj_pts[i].astype('float32'), img_pts[i].astype(
                        'float32'), self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs)
            _, self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs, self.rvecs, self.tvecs = \
                    'float32'), img_pts.astype('float32'), img_size, None, None)

        self.chessboard_poses = [
            HT.from_vecs(r, t) for (r, t) in zip(self.rvecs, self.tvecs)
コード例 #3
def load_quat_poses(path: str):
    files = sorted(glob.glob(f'{path}/*.txt'))
    poses = [
            np.fromfile(pose_file, dtype=float, count=-1, sep=' '))
        for pose_file in files
    return files, poses
コード例 #4
def load_t4s(path: str):
    files = sorted(glob.glob(f'{path}/*.t4'))
    poses = [
            np.fromfile(pose_file, dtype=float, count=-1,
                        sep=' ').reshape(4, 4)) for pose_file in files
    return files, poses
コード例 #5
def pnt_cld_transf(pnt_cld1: np.ndarray, pnt_cld2: np.ndarray):
    c1 = np.mean(pnt_cld1, axis=0)
    c2 = np.mean(pnt_cld2, axis=0)

    U, Z, V = np.linalg.svd((pnt_cld2 - c2).T @ (pnt_cld1 - c1))

    S = np.diag([1, 1, np.linalg.det(V.T @ U.T)])
    R = V.T @ S @ U.T
    t = c1.T - R @ c2.T

    T = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T[:3, :3] = R
    T[:3, 3] = t
    return HT.from_matrix(T)
コード例 #6
def calib_err_2D(hec, rob_poses: list, board_poses: list, eye_in_hand=True):
    '''Uses the variation in the constant transformation between
        - robot base frame and object points for eye-in-hand calibration
        - end-effector frame and object points for eye-in-base calibration
        to calculate an estimate for the accuracy of the calibration.
    if eye_in_hand:
        T_bo = np.array([
            (rob_pose @ hec @ board_pose).matrix
            for rob_pose, board_pose in zip(rob_poses, board_poses)
        T_bo = np.array([
            (rob_pose.inv() @ hec @ board_pose).matrix
            for rob_pose, board_pose in zip(rob_poses, board_poses)

    mean_r = np.mean(np.array([HT.from_matrix(T).rvec() for T in T_bo]),
    mean_theta = np.mean(
        np.array([HT.from_matrix(T).angle_axis()[0] for T in T_bo]))
    mean_t = np.mean(T_bo[:, :3, 3], axis=0)
    mean_board_pose = HT.from_vecs(mean_r, mean_t)

    trans_err = np.zeros((len(rob_poses), 3))
    rot_err = np.zeros((len(rob_poses)))
    theta_err = np.zeros((len(rob_poses)))
    for i in range(len(rob_poses)):
        Terr = HT.from_matrix(mean_board_pose.inv() @ T_bo[i])
        trans_err[i, :3] = Terr.t
        rot_err[i] = np.rad2deg(Terr.angle_axis()[0])
        theta_err[i] = np.rad2deg(
            np.abs(HT.from_matrix(T_bo[i]).angle_axis()[0] - mean_theta))

    return (np.mean(np.linalg.norm(trans_err,
                                   axis=1)), np.mean(np.abs(theta_err)))
コード例 #7
def plane_fit(pnt_cld: np.ndarray, nx: int, ny: int):
    U, Z, V = np.linalg.svd(pnt_cld)
    P = V.T[:, 3]
    if P[3] < 0:
        P = -P

    x_ctrl = (pnt_cld[nx-2]-pnt_cld[0]) / \

    # best fit x:
    X = pnt_cld  # np.array(pnt_cld[:nx-1])
    _, _, v = np.linalg.svd(X[:, :3] - np.mean(X[:, :3], axis=0))
    x = v[0] / np.linalg.norm(v[0])
    # ensure x is pointing in the correct direction
    if (np.isclose(x, -x_ctrl[0:3], rtol=0.1).any()):
        x = -x

    # z-axis normal to chessboard plane, and unit vector
    z = P[0:3] / np.linalg.norm(P[0:3])
    # z = -v[2]/np.linalg.norm(v[2])
    # if z[2] > 0:
    #     z = -z
    # ensure x is orthogonal to z

    x = x - ((x @ z) / np.linalg.norm(z)**2) * z
    x = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
    # y is orthogonal to x and z, xyz is now an orthogonal basis in R3
    y = np.cross(z, x)
    # centroid selected as origin
    t = np.mean(pnt_cld, axis=0)
    # if(t[2]<0):
    #     x=-x
    #     z=-z

    T = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T[:3, 0] = x[0:3]
    T[:3, 1] = y[0:3]
    T[:3, 2] = z[0:3]
    T[:, 3] = t
    T = HT.from_matrix(T)
    return T, P
コード例 #8
def park_martin(A: list, B: list):
    '''Calculates the transformation between the robot end-effector frame and the camera frame.
        Using lists containing pairs of relative motions of camera and robot.
        Method: AX = XB in the style of Park and Martin.

        Parameters: A, B lists of HTransf objects.
        Returns: HTransf object representing the transformation
        between robot end-effector frame and the camera frame
    K_a = np.zeros((3, len(A)))
    K_b = np.zeros((3, len(B)))

    for i in range(len(A)):
        angle_a, axis_a = A[i].angle_axis()
        angle_b, axis_b = B[i].angle_axis()
        K_a[:, i] = (angle_a * axis_a).flatten()
        K_b[:, i] = (angle_b * axis_b).flatten()
    # calcualte the optimal least squares solution for the
    # rotation matrix between camrea frame and end-effector frame
    H = K_b @ K_a.T
    U, Z, V = np.linalg.svd(H)

    # umeyama correction, to correct for reflection matrices
    S = np.diag([1, 1, np.linalg.det(V.T @ U.T)])
    R_optimal = HT.from_matrix(V.T @ S @ U.T)

    # calculate the best fit translation (dependent on the rotation)
    C = np.zeros((3 * len(A), 3))
    d = np.zeros((3 * len(B), 1))
    for i in range(0, len(A) * 3, 3):
        C[i:i + 3, :] = A[int(i / 3)].rot_matrix - np.identity(3)
        d[i:i+3, 0] = R_optimal @ B[int(i/3)].get_translation() - \
        C[i:i + 3, :] = np.identity(3) - A[int(i / 3)].rot_matrix
        d[i:i+3, 0] = A[int(i/3)].get_translation() - \
            R_optimal @ B[int(i/3)].get_translation()

    t_optimal = np.linalg.lstsq(C, d, rcond=None)[0]

    a, k = R_optimal.angle_axis()
    return HT(a, k, t_optimal)
コード例 #9
            f1 = plt.figure('Translation')
            plt.plot(range(3, self.num_imgs + 1), trans_errs)
            f2 = plt.figure('Rotation')
            plt.plot(range(3, self.num_imgs + 1), rot_errs)
        print(trans_err, rot_err)
        return trans_errs, rot_errs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    '''example taken from You Cheung Shiu et al.
       "calibration of wrist-mounted robotic sensors by solving 
       homogeneous transformation equations of the form AX=XB"
    X_act = HT(a=0.2, k=np.array([1, 0, 0]), t=np.array([10, 50, 100]))
    A1 = HT(a=3.0, k=np.array([0, 0, 1]), t=np.array([0, 0, 0]))
    A2 = HT(a=1.5, k=np.array([0, 1, 0]), t=np.array([-400, 0, 400]))
    B1 = X_act.inv() @ A1 @ X_act
    B2 = X_act.inv() @ A2 @ X_act
    # print(A1, A2, B1, B2)
    A11 = np.array([[-0.989992, -0.141120, 0.0, 0.0],
                    [0.141120, -0.989992, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]])
    B11 = np.array([[-0.989992, -0.138307, 0.028036, -26.9559],
                    [0.138307, -0.911449, 0.387470, -96.1332],
                    [-0.028036, 0.387470, 0.921456, 19.4872],
                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]])
    A22 = np.array([[0.070737, 0.0, 0.997495, -400.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                    [-0.997495, 0.0, 0.070737, 400.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]])
    B22 = np.array([[0.070737, 0.198172, 0.997612, -309.543],