コード例 #1
    def from_dict(cls, data):
        """Create a HVAC object from a dictionary.

            data: A DOAS dictionary in following the format below.

        .. code-block:: python

            "type": "",  # text for the class name of the HVAC
            "identifier": "Classroom1_System",  # identifier for the HVAC
            "display_name": "Standard System",  # name for the HVAC
            "vintage": "ASHRAE_2013",  # text for the vintage of the template
            "equipment_type": "",  # text for the HVAC equipment type
            "sensible_heat_recovery": 0.75,  # Sensible heat recovery effectiveness
            "latent_heat_recovery": 0.7,  # Latent heat recovery effectiveness
        assert data['type'] == cls.__name__, \
            'Expected {} dictionary. Got {}.'.format(cls.__name__, data['type'])

        # extract the key features and properties of the HVAC
        sensible = data['sensible_heat_recovery'] if \
            'sensible_heat_recovery' in data else None
        sensible = sensible if sensible != autosize.to_dict() else autosize
        latent = data['latent_heat_recovery'] if \
            'latent_heat_recovery' in data else None
        latent = latent if latent != autosize.to_dict() else autosize

        new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], data['vintage'],
                      data['equipment_type'], sensible, latent)
        if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None:
            new_obj.display_name = data['display_name']
        return new_obj
コード例 #2
    def _properties_from_dict(data):
        """Extract basic properties from a dictionary and assign defaults."""
        # extract the key features of the HVAC
        econ = data['economizer_type'] if 'economizer_type' in data and \
            data['economizer_type'] is not None else 'DifferentialDryBulb'
        dcv = data['demand_controlled_ventilation'] if \
            'demand_controlled_ventilation' in data else False
        sensible = data['sensible_heat_recovery'] if \
            'sensible_heat_recovery' in data else 0
        latent = data['latent_heat_recovery'] if \
            'latent_heat_recovery' in data else 0

        # extract the heating and cooling temperature
        heat_temp = data['heating_air_temperature'] if \
            'heating_air_temperature' in data else 50
        cool_temp = data['cooling_air_temperature'] if \
            'cooling_air_temperature' in data else 13

        # extract the heating and cooling limits
        if 'heating_limit' not in data or data['heating_limit'] == autosize.to_dict():
            heat_limit = autosize
            heat_limit = no_limit if data['heating_limit'] == no_limit.to_dict() \
                else data['heating_limit']
        if 'cooling_limit' not in data or data['cooling_limit'] == autosize.to_dict():
            cool_limit = autosize
            cool_limit = no_limit if data['cooling_limit'] == no_limit.to_dict() \
                else data['cooling_limit']

        return econ, dcv, sensible, latent, heat_temp, cool_temp, heat_limit, cool_limit
コード例 #3
 def _properties_from_dict(data):
     """Extract basic properties from a dictionary and assign defaults."""
     sensible = data['sensible_heat_recovery'] if \
         'sensible_heat_recovery' in data else 0
     sensible = sensible if sensible != autosize.to_dict() else 0
     latent = data['latent_heat_recovery'] if \
         'latent_heat_recovery' in data else 0
     latent = latent if latent != autosize.to_dict() else 0
     dcv = data['demand_controlled_ventilation'] \
         if 'demand_controlled_ventilation' in data else False
     return sensible, latent, dcv