def __init__(self): self.config = api.config self.common = Common() self.ifFinish = False self.environment = {} self.db = Database(api.config['DATABASE_IP'], api.config['DATABASE_PORT'], api.config['REPORT_DB_NAME'], api.config['REPORT_DB_COLLECTION'])
def finish(report_id): try: path = request.args.get('path') type = request.args.get('type') return ReportController().update_status(type, report_id, path) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors)
def setup_module(module): """ Instantiate variables """ global test_service global report_service global set_service global assertions global common global helpers global set_chrome_report, set_chrome_report_id, feature_1_chrome_id, feature_2_chrome_id, feature_3_chrome_id global set_firefox_report, set_firefox_report_id, feature_1_firefox_id, feature_2_firefox_id, feature_3_firefox_id global set_safari_report, set_safari_report_id, feature_1_safari_id, feature_2_safari_id, feature_3_safari_id global set_edge_report, set_edge_report_id, feature_1_edge_id, feature_2_edge_id, feature_3_edge_id global set_ie11_report, set_ie11_report_id, feature_1_ie11_id, feature_2_ie11_id, feature_3_ie11_id global _set global dashboard helpers = Helpers() common = Common() test_service = TestService() report_service = ReportService() set_service = SetService() assertions = ReportAssertions() feature_1_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_1) feature_2_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_2) feature_3_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_3) _set = helpers.create_set(SET) set_chrome_report, set_chrome_report_id, feature_1_chrome_id, feature_2_chrome_id, feature_3_chrome_id = init_report( "chrome") set_firefox_report, set_firefox_report_id, feature_1_firefox_id, feature_2_firefox_id, feature_3_firefox_id = init_report( "firefox") set_safari_report, set_safari_report_id, feature_1_safari_id, feature_2_safari_id, feature_3_safari_id = init_report( "safari") set_edge_report, set_edge_report_id, feature_1_edge_id, feature_2_edge_id, feature_3_edge_id = init_report( "edge") set_ie11_report, set_ie11_report_id, feature_1_ie11_id, feature_2_ie11_id, feature_3_ie11_id = init_report( "ie11") query = {"environment": SET["environment"]} dashboard = helpers.get_dashboard(query)
def setup_module(module): """ Instantiate variables """ global test_service global report_service global set_service global assertions global common global helpers global set_report global set_report_id global feature_1_id global feature_2_id global feature_3_id global _set global dashboard helpers = Helpers() common = Common() test_service = TestService() report_service = ReportService() set_service = SetService() assertions = ReportAssertions() feature_1_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_1) feature_2_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_2) feature_3_id = helpers.setup_feature(FEATURE_3) _set = helpers.create_set(SET) helpers.create_report(_set) time.sleep(3) set_report_id = helpers.create_report(_set) set_report = helpers.get_report(set_report_id, True) feature_1_id = set_report["reports"][0]["_id"] feature_2_id = set_report["reports"][1]["_id"] feature_3_id = set_report["reports"][2]["_id"] query = {"environment": SET["environment"]} dashboard = helpers.get_dashboard(query)
def search(): try: deep = request.args.get('deep') return ReportController().search(request.get_json(), deep) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors)
def rerun_feature(report_id): try: return ReportController().rerun(report_id, request.get_json()) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors)
def add_test(report_id): try: return ReportController().add(report_id, request.get_json()) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors)
def post_report(): try: return ReportController().create(request.get_json()) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors)
from honeypy.common import Common from honeypy.errors import ValidationError from honeypy_report import api from honeypy_report.controller import ReportController """ Allow Cross origin requests while in development """ CORS(api, resources={r'\/?.*': {'origins': ['http://*****:*****@api.route("/", methods = ["POST"]) @basic_auth.required def post_report(): try: return ReportController().create(request.get_json()) except ValidationError as error: return Common().create_response(400, error.errors) """ Get a report by ID endpoint
def __init__(self): """ Verify the kind of report received from paylaod """ self.kind = { "kind": { "type": "string", "allowed": ["feature", "set"], "required": True } } """ Verify basic report object without defining if it is a 'feature' or a 'set' """ = { "kind": { "type": "string", "allowed": ["feature", "set"], "required": True }, "host": { "type": "string", "default": "" }, "result": { "type": "boolean", "default": None, "nullable": True }, "status": { "type": "string", "default": "Queued" }, "message": { "type": "string", "nullable": True, "default": None }, "fail": { "type": "boolean", "default": False }, "tickets": { "type": "list", "default": [] }, "url": { "type": "string", "default": "" }, "name": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "environment": { "type": "string", "required": True, "default": None, "nullable": True }, "queue": { "type": "string", "required": True, "default": "normal-queue" }, "browser": { "type": "string", "required": True, "allowed": api.config["BROWSERS"], "default": api.config["BROWSERS"][0] } } """ Define a feature report It inherits from the 'report' object """ self.feature_report = { "path": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "tests": { "type": "list", "default": [] }, "contents": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": { "type": "string" } }, "parentId": { "type": "string" } } self.feature_report.update( """ Define a set report It inherits from the 'report' object """ self.set_report = { "inherit": { "type": "boolean", "required": True, "default": False }, "features": { "type": "list", "schema": { "type": "string", "regex": "^((?!\/\/).)+\.feature$" }, "default": [] }, "reports": { "type": "list", "default": [] } } self.set_report.update( """ Define a test object Test objects are added to feature reports """ self.test = { "text": { "type": "string", "required": True, "minlength": 1 }, "message": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "result": { "type": "boolean", "required": True, } } """ Define a step object Steps inherit from the 'test' object """ self.step = { "type": { "type": "string", "required": True, "allowed": ["step"] }, "test": { "type": "string", "required": True, "minlength": 1 }, "variables": { "type": "dict", "default": {} }, "scenarioId": { "type": "string" } } self.step.update(self.test) """ Define a scenario object Scenarios inherit from the 'test' object """ self.scenario = { "type": { "required": True, "type": "string", "allowed": ["scenario"] }, "name": { "type": "string", "default": "" }, "loop": { "type": "dict", "default": {} }, "tests": { "type": "list", "default": [], "required": True, "schema": self.step }, "scenarioId": { "type": "string", "required": True } } self.scenario.update(self.test) """ Verify a basic add payload received from the request """ self.add = { "type": { "type": "string", "required": True, "allowed": ["step", "scenario"] }, "scenarioId": { "type": "string", "minlength": 24, "maxlength": 24 } } = { "search": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "kind": { "type": "string", "required": True, "allowed": ["feature", "set"] }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "path": { "type": "string" }, "fail": { "type": "boolean" }, "host": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string" }, "browser": { "type": "string" }, "created": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "min": { "type": "number", "default": Common().get_timestamp() - 604800000 }, "max": { "type": "number", "default": Common().get_timestamp() } }, "default": { "$gte": Common().get_timestamp() - 604800000, "$lte": Common().get_timestamp() } } } }, "pagination": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "page": { "type": "number", "default": 1 }, "limit": { "type": "number", "default": 50 }, "sort": { "type": "string", "default": "_id" } }, "default": { "page": 1, "limit": 50, "default": "_id" } } } self.dashboard = { "kind": { "type": "string", "default": "set", "allowed": ["set"] }, "created": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "min": { "type": "number", "default": Common().get_timestamp() - 604800000 }, "max": { "type": "number", "default": Common().get_timestamp() } }, "default": { "$gte": Common().get_timestamp() - 604800000, "$lte": Common().get_timestamp() } }, "hosts": { "type": "list", "schema": { "type": "string" } }, "url": { "type": "string" }, "browsers": { "type": "list", "default": api.config["BROWSERS"], "allowed": api.config["BROWSERS"] }, "environment": { "type": "string", "required": True } }
class ReportController(object): def __init__(self): self.config = api.config self.common = Common() self.ifFinish = False self.environment = {} self.db = Database(api.config['DATABASE_IP'], api.config['DATABASE_PORT'], api.config['REPORT_DB_NAME'], api.config['REPORT_DB_COLLECTION']) def get(self, report_id, deep=False): """ Get a report by ID and kind :kind: the type of report :report_id: the id of the requested report """ report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}) if report: if deep: report = self.get_set_features(report) return self.common.create_response(200, report) else: return self.common.create_response( 400, {"reportId": [f"Report ID does not exist ({report_id})"]}) def get_set_features(self, report): """ Get all feature reports of a set and combine them with set report :report: the set report """ if report["kind"] == "set": for feature in report["reports"]: index = report["reports"].index(feature) if "reportId" in feature and feature["reportId"]: feature_report = self.db.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(feature["reportId"])}) feature_report["_id"] = str(feature_report["_id"]) report["reports"][index] = feature_report return report def create(self, data): """ Create a report :data: the request payload """ data = self.validate_report(data) response = None data = self.get_environment_variables(data, init=True) data = self.check_base_url(data) if data["kind"] == "set": response = self.create_set_report(data) elif data["kind"] == "feature": response = self.create_feature_report(data) return self.common.create_response(201, {"id": str(response.inserted_id)}) def create_feature_report(self, data): if "parentId" in data: self.check_inheritance(data["parentId"], data) return self.db.insert_one(data) def create_set_report(self, data): """ Create a set report :data: the request payload """ response = self.db.insert_one(data) for path in data["features"]: parentId = response.inserted_id self.create_set_feature(path, parentId, data) return response def get_environment_variables(self, data, init=False): response = EnvironmentService().get(data["environment"]) if response.status_code == 200: self.environment = response.json() self.variables = self.environment["variables"] else: self.environment = {"name": data["environment"], "variables": {}} data["environment"] = self.environment return data def create_set_feature(self, path, parentId, _set): """ Create a set feature report Check to see if feature exists before creating a report :path: path to the feature :parentId: the set report ID """ feature = {"path": path, "name": os.path.basename(path)} response = TestService().get(path, "feature") if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() data["environment"] = _set["environment"]["name"] data["parentId"] = str(parentId) response = self.create(data) feature["reportId"] = json.loads(response.response[0])["id"] feature["message"] = None feature["fail"] = data["fail"] feature["status"] = "Queued" feature["result"] = None feature["parentId"] = str(parentId) self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(parentId)}, {"$push": { "reports": feature }}) else: feature = { "kind": "feature", "path": path, "result": None, "message": None, "status": None, "parentId": str(parentId), "fail": False } self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(parentId)}, {"$push": { "reports": feature }}) def check_inheritance(self, setId, feature): """ Check whether to make features of set inherit from set """ response = self.get(setId) setReport = json.loads(response.response[0]) if setReport["inherit"] == True: feature["browser"] = setReport["browser"] feature["url"] = setReport["url"] feature["host"] = setReport["host"] feature["environment"] = setReport["environment"] return feature def check_base_url(self, data): """ Check if environment contains an overwriting base url If so, change the report base url """ if "environment" in data: if "base_url" in data["environment"]["variables"]: data["url"] = data["environment"]["variables"]["base_url"] return data def validate_report(self, data, update=False, normalize=True): """ Validate a feature/set report :data: the request payload :update: should service validate report as an update action :normalize: should default values be defined """ validator = Validator(Schemas().report, allow_unknown=True) data = self.normalize(normalize, data, validator) validation = validator.validate(data, update=update) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return self.validate_report_type(data, update, normalize) def validate_report_type(self, data, update, normalize): """ Validate report type :data: the report :update: should service validate report as an update action :normalize: should default values be defined """ validator = Validator(Schemas().kind, allow_unknown=True) data = self.normalize(normalize, data, validator) validation = validator.validate(data) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) if data["kind"] == "set": data = self.validate_set_report(data, update, normalize) elif data["kind"] == "feature": data = self.validate_feature_report(data, update, normalize) return data def validate_set_report(self, data, update, normalize): """ Validate a set report :data: the set data :update: should service validate report as an update action :normalize: should default values be defined """ validator = Validator(Schemas().set_report, purge_unknown=True) data = self.normalize(normalize, data, validator) validation = validator.validate(data, update=update) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return data def validate_feature_report(self, data, update, normalize): """ Validate a feature report :data: the feature data :update: should service validate report as an update action :normalize: should default values be defined """ validator = Validator(Schemas().feature_report, purge_unknown=True) data = self.normalize(normalize, data, validator) validation = validator.validate(data, update=update) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return data def normalize(self, normalize, data, validator): """ Check if we need to define default values :normalize: should default values be defined :data: the request data :validation: the Cerberus validator instance """ if normalize: data = validator.normalized(data) return data def save(self, report_id, data): """ Save to a report :report_id: the report id :data: the data being saved to the report """ data = self.validate_report(data, True, False) self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, {"$set": data}) return self.common.create_response(204) def add(self, report_id, data): """ Check to see where the data will be sent :report_id: the report id :data: the data being add to the report """ data = self.validate_add(report_id, data) if data["type"] == "step": self.add_test(report_id, data) elif data["type"] == "scenario": self.add_scenario(report_id, data) self.update_report_result(report_id, data) return self.common.create_response(204) def validate_add(self, report_id, data): """ Validate add type :report_id: the report id we are modifying :data: the data we want to add to the report """ validator = Validator(Schemas().add, allow_unknown=True) validation = validator.validate(data) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) if data["type"] == "test": data = self.validate_step_add(report_id, data) elif data["type"] == "scenario": data = self.validate_scenario_add(report_id, data) return data def validate_step_add(self, report_id, step): """ Validate a step object :report_id: the report id :step: the step data """ validator = Validator(Schemas().step, purge_unknown=True) step = validator.normalized(step) validation = validator.validate(step) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return step def validate_scenario_add(self, report_id, scenario): """ Validate a scenario object :report_id: the report id :scenario: the scenario data """ validator = Validator(Schemas().scenario, purge_unknown=True) scenario = validator.normalized(scenario) validation = validator.validate(scenario) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return scenario def add_scenario(self, report_id, scenario): """ Add a scenario :report_id: the report id :scenario: the scenario object """ scenario["created"] = self.common.get_timestamp() self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, {"$push": { "tests": scenario }}) def add_test(self, report_id, test): """ Add a test to a report :report_id: the report id :scenario: the test object """ test["created"] = self.common.get_timestamp() if "scenarioId" not in test or not test["scenarioId"]: response = self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, {"$push": { "tests": test }}) else: response = self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(report_id), "tests.scenarioId": test["scenarioId"] }, {'$push': { 'tests.$.tests': test }}) def update_report_result(self, report_id, data): """ Update a report if it failed :report_id: the report id :data: the test object """ if data["result"] == False: report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}) self.update_set_result(report, data) self.update_feature_result(report, data) self.update_scenario_result(report, data) def update_set_result(self, report, data): """ Update a set report if a feature failed :report: the report :data: the test object """ if "parentId" in report: self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(report["parentId"]), "reports.reportId": report["_id"] }, { "$set": { "result": False, "message": "Failure", "reports.$.result": False, "reports.$.message": "Failure" } }) def update_feature_result(self, report, data): """ Update a feature report if a feature failed :report: the report :data: the test object """ self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report["_id"])}, {"$set": { "result": False, "message": "Failure" }}) def update_scenario_result(self, report, data): """ Update a scenario within a feature report if a it failed :report: the report :data: the test object """ if "scenarioId" in data: self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(report["_id"]), "tests.scenarioId": data["scenarioId"] }, { '$set': { 'tests.$.result': False, "tests.$.message": "Failure" } }) def update_status(self, _type, report_id, path): """ Check what status """ if _type == "start": return self.start(report_id, path) elif _type == "finish": return self.finish(report_id, path) else: return self.common.create_response( 400, {"type": [f"Type value of '{_type}' is invalid"]}) def start(self, report_id, path): """ Change report status to running :report_id: the id of the report :path: the path string of the test """ report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}) if "parentId" in report: response = self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(report["parentId"]), "reports.reportId": report_id }, {"$set": { "status": "Running", "reports.$.status": "Running" }}) response = self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, {"$set": { "status": "Running" }}) else: response = self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report["_id"])}, {"$set": { "status": "Running" }}) return self.common.create_response(204) def rerun(self, feature_report_id, report): """ Setup a feature report to be rerun """ if "parentId" not in report: raise ValidationError( errors= "Please provide a parent set ID with the report rerun request") self.validate_report(report) if "end" in report: report.pop("end") response = self.create_feature_report(report) rerun_report_id = str(response.inserted_id) set_report_id = report["parentId"] feature = { "path": report["path"], "name": report["name"], "message": None, "status": "Queued", "result": None, "fail": report["fail"], "parentId": set_report_id, "reportId": rerun_report_id } response = self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(set_report_id), "reports.reportId": feature_report_id }, {"$set": { "reports.$": feature }}) if response.matched_count > 0: return self.common.create_response(201, {"id": str(rerun_report_id)}) else: return self.common.create_response( 404, {"reportId": "Report ID could not be found"}) def finish(self, report_id, path): """ Finish a report :report_id: the report id :path: the path of the feature """ report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}) if not report: return self.common.create_response( 400, {"reportId": [f"Report ID does not exist ({report_id})"]}) self.finish_feature_report(report_id, report, path) if "parentId" in report: self.finish_set_report(report["parentId"]) return self.common.create_response(204) def finish_feature_report(self, report_id, report, path): """ Finish a feature reports :report_id: the report id :report: the report :path: the path of the feature """ report = self.check_report_result(report) current_time = self.common.get_timestamp() duration = self.get_duration(current_time, report) self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, { "$set": { "end": current_time, "result": report["result"], "message": report["message"], "status": "Done", "duration": duration } }) if "parentId" in report: self.db.update_one( { "_id": ObjectId(report["parentId"]), "reports.reportId": report["_id"] }, { "$set": { "reports.$.message": report["message"], "reports.$.result": report["result"], "reports.$.status": "Done", "reports.$.fail": report["fail"] } }) def check_report_result(self, report): """ Check the final report result (pass/fail) :report: the report object """ message = "" result = None if report["result"] == True or report["result"] == None: message = "Success" result = True elif report["result"] == False or report["status"] == "Queued": message = "Failure" result = False report["message"] = message report["result"] = result return report def finish_set_report(self, report_id): """ Finish a set report :report_id: the report id """ set_report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}) finished = True result = True message = "Success" for feature in set_report["reports"]: if "reportId" in feature: feature_report = self.db.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(feature["reportId"])}) feature_report = self.check_report_result(feature_report) if not "end" in feature_report: finished = False break if feature_report["result"] == False: result = feature_report["result"] message = feature_report["message"] if finished == True: current_time = self.common.get_timestamp() duration = self.get_duration(current_time, set_report) self.db.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(report_id)}, { "$set": { "end": current_time, "message": message, "result": result, "status": "Done", "duration": duration } }) def get_duration(self, current_time, report): """ Calculate the test duration :current_time: the current time in milliseconds :report: the report used to compare against the current time """ ms = int(current_time) - int(report["created"]) return time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(ms / 1000)) def get_dashboard(self, query): """ Get the full dashboard """ query = self.validate_dashboard_query(query) self.init_query_hosts(query) self.init_query_dates(query) self.init_query_environment(query) browsers, dashboard = self.init_query_browsers(query) dashboard = self.organize_dashboard(dashboard, browsers) return self.common.create_response(200, dashboard) def init_query_browsers(self, query): """ Setup query with browsers """ browsers = query["browsers"] query.pop("browsers") dashboard = {} for browser in browsers: query["browser"] = browser reports = self.db.aggregate(query) dashboard[browser] = reports return browsers, dashboard def init_query_environment(self, query): """ Setup query with the environment """ query[""] = query["environment"] query.pop("environment") def init_query_dates(self, query): """ Adjust query to use correct DTO """ query["created"]["$gte"] = query["created"].pop("min") query["created"]["$lte"] = query["created"].pop("max") def init_query_hosts(self, query): """ Setup query with hosts """ if "hosts" in query: if len(query["hosts"]) > 0: hosts = query["hosts"] query["host"] = {"$in": hosts} query.pop("hosts") def validate_dashboard_query(self, query): """ Validate the dashboard search query :query: the search query to get the dashboard data """ validator = Validator(Schemas().dashboard, purge_unknown=True) query = validator.normalized(query) validation = validator.validate(query) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return query def organize_dashboard(self, dashboard, browsers): """ Create a new dashboard object Organize the reports by browser :dashboard: the returned mongo query organized by set/browser :browsers: all the browsers searched in the query """ new_dashboard = {} for browser, reports in dashboard.items(): for report in reports: name = report["_id"] new_dashboard = self.add_set_to_dashboard( name, new_dashboard, browsers) new_dashboard = self.add_report_to_dashboard_set( new_dashboard, name, browser, report) return new_dashboard def add_set_to_dashboard(self, name, new_dashboard, browsers): """ Add set name to the new dashboard object We want to add each set returned to the object :name: the name of the set :new_dashboard: the new dashboard object :browsers: the browsers used in the query """ if name not in new_dashboard: new_dashboard[name] = {} for supported_browser in browsers: new_dashboard[name][supported_browser] = [] return new_dashboard def add_report_to_dashboard_set(self, new_dashboard, name, browser, report): """ Add a set report to the dashboard Insert the set report within the set name and browser/device type """ new_dashboard[name][browser].append(report) return new_dashboard def search(self, query, deep): """ Search reports :query: the search query object :deep: specifies if this query is a deep search query """ reports = None total = None search_total = None query = self.validate_search(query) query["search"]["created"]["$gte"] = query["search"]["created"].pop( "min") query["search"]["created"]["$lte"] = query["search"]["created"].pop( "max") fields = self.return_specific_fields(deep) query, skip, page_number = self.get_pagination(query) reports, total, search_total = query["search"], skip, query["pagination"]["limit"], query["pagination"]["sort"]) # reports = self.check_search_results(query["search"]["kind"], reports, fields) return self.common.create_response( 200, { "results": reports, "pagination": { "page": query["pagination"]["page"], "limit": query["pagination"]["limit"], "total": total, "amount": search_total } }) def set_query_date(self, query): """ Rename date query keys """ query["search"]["created"]["$gte"] = query["search"]["created"].pop( "min") query["search"]["created"]["$lte"] = query["search"]["created"].pop( "max") return query def get_pagination(self, query): """ Get pagination details Return the skip value Return the page number value """ page_number = query["pagination"]["page"] - 1 skip = query["pagination"]["page"] * page_number query["pagination"].pop("pagination", None) return query, skip, page_number def check_search_results(self, kind, reports, fields): """ Check if search was for sets If so, get feature reports within sets :kind: search kind :reports: the return of the search query """ if kind == "set": for report in reports: result_index = reports.index(report) for feature in report["reports"]: set_index = report["reports"].index(feature) _id = None if "reportId" in feature: _id = feature["reportId"] elif "_id" in feature: _id = feature["_id"] feature_report = self.db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(_id)}, fields) report["reports"][set_index] = feature_report reports[result_index] = report return reports def return_specific_fields(self, deep): """ Specify what fields to return from database query """ if not deep: return { "path": 1, "name": 1, "message": 1, "result": 1, "status": 1, "fail": 1, 'kind': 1, 'parentId': 1 } def validate_search(self, query): """ Validate the search query payload :query: the search query object """ validator = Validator(Schemas().search, purge_unknown=True) query = validator.normalized(query) validation = validator.validate(query) if not validation: raise ValidationError(validator.errors) return query