class World(BuildingOwner, WorldObject): """The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc. It inherits from BuildingOwner, among other things, so it has building management capabilities. There is always one big reference per building, which is stored in either the world, the island, or the settlement. The main components of the world are: * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile: { (x, y): tileref, ...} This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching. * island_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the island * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game * trader - The world's ingame free trader player instance (can control multiple ships) * pirate - The world's ingame pirate player instance TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function. """ log = logging.getLogger("world") def __init__(self, session): """ @param session: instance of session the world belongs to. """ self.inited = False if False: assert isinstance(session, horizons.session.Session) self.session = session super(World, self).__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID) def end(self): # destructor-like thing. super(World, self).end() # let the AI players know that the end is near to speed up destruction for player in self.players: if hasattr(player, 'early_end'): player.early_end() for ship in self.ships[:]: ship.remove() for island in self.islands: island.end() for player in self.players: player.end() # end players after game entities, since they usually depend on players self.session = None = None self.players = None self.player = None self.ground_map = None self.fake_tile_map = None self.full_map = None self.island_map = None self.water = None self.ships = None self.ship_map = None self.fish_indexer = None self.ground_units = None if self.pirate is not None: self.pirate.end() self.pirate = None if self.trader is not None: self.trader.end() self.trader = None self.islands = None self.diplomacy = None self.bullets = None def _init(self, savegame_db, force_player_id=None, disasters_enabled=True): """ @param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database @param force_player_id: the worldid of the selected human player or default if None (debug option) """ """ All essential and non-essential parts of the world are set up here, you don't need to know everything that happens. """ # load properties = {} for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = json.loads(value) if not 'disasters_enabled' in # set on first init['disasters_enabled'] = disasters_enabled # create playerlist self.players = [] self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine self.trader = None self.pirate = None self._load_players(savegame_db, force_player_id) # all static data LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_map') self.load_raw_map(savegame_db) # load world buildings (e.g. fish) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_buildings') for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \ savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid): load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid) # use a dict because it's directly supported by the pathfinding algo LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_init_water') self.water = dict((tile, 1.0) for tile in self.ground_map) self._init_water_bodies() self.sea_number = self.water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)] for island in self.islands: island.terrain_cache.create_sea_cache() # assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water # NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move # since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles # are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many self.water_and_coastline = copy.copy(self.water) for island in self.islands: for coord, tile in island.ground_map.iteritems(): if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes: self.water_and_coastline[coord] = 1.0 self._init_shallow_water_bodies() self.shallow_sea_number = self.shallow_water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)] # create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship self.ship_map = {} self.ground_unit_map = {} # create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships # and having at least one reference to them self.ships = [] self.ground_units = [] # create bullets list, used for saving bullets in ongoing attacks self.bullets = [] if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # there are 0 or 1 trader AIs so this is safe trader_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1") if trader_data: self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_data[0][0]) # there are 0 or 1 pirate AIs so this is safe pirate_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_pirate = 1") if pirate_data: self.pirate = Pirate.load(self.session, savegame_db, pirate_data[0][0]) # load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_units') for (worldid, typeid) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"): Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # let trader and pirate command their ships. we have to do this here # because ships have to be initialized for this, and they have # to exist before ships are loaded. if self.trader: self.trader.load_ship_states(savegame_db) if self.pirate: self.pirate.finish_loading(savegame_db) # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_setup_ai') if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # load the AI players # this has to be done here because otherwise the ships and other objects won't exist for player in self.players: if not isinstance(player, HumanPlayer): player.finish_loading(savegame_db) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_stuff') self._load_combat(savegame_db) self._load_diplomacy(savegame_db) self._load_disasters(savegame_db) self.inited = True """TUTORIAL: To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/, to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map.""" def _load_combat(self, savegame_db): # load bullets if self.session.is_game_loaded(): for (worldid, sx, sy, dx, dy, speed, img) in savegame_db("SELECT worldid, startx, starty, destx, desty, speed, image FROM bullet"): Bullet(img, Point(sx, sy), Point(dx, dy), speed, self.session, False, worldid) # load ongoing attacks if self.session.is_game_loaded(): Weapon.load_attacks(self.session, savegame_db) def _load_diplomacy(self, savegame_db): self.diplomacy = Diplomacy() if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.diplomacy.load(self, savegame_db) def _load_disasters(self, savegame_db): # disasters are only enabled if they are explicitly set to be enabled disasters_disabled = not'disasters_enabled') self.disaster_manager = DisasterManager(self.session, disabled=disasters_disabled) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.disaster_manager.load(savegame_db) def load_raw_map(self, savegame_db, preview=False): self.map_name = savegame_db.map_name # load islands self.islands = [] for (islandid,) in savegame_db("SELECT DISTINCT island_id + 1001 FROM ground"): island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session, preview=preview) self.islands.append(island) #calculate map dimensions self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0, 0, 0 for island in self.islands: self.min_x = min(island.position.left, self.min_x) self.min_y = min(, self.min_y) self.max_x = max(island.position.right, self.max_x) self.max_y = max(island.position.bottom, self.max_y) self.min_x -= savegame_db.map_padding self.min_y -= savegame_db.map_padding self.max_x += savegame_db.map_padding self.max_y += savegame_db.map_padding self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y) #add water self.log.debug("Filling world with water...") self.ground_map = {} # big sea water tile class if not preview: default_grounds = Entities.grounds['default_ground', '%d-straight' % GROUND.WATER[0])] fake_tile_class = Entities.grounds['-1-special'] fake_tile_size = 10 for x in xrange(self.min_x-MAP.BORDER, self.max_x+MAP.BORDER, fake_tile_size): for y in xrange(self.min_y-MAP.BORDER, self.max_y+MAP.BORDER, fake_tile_size): fake_tile_x = x - 1 fake_tile_y = y + fake_tile_size - 1 if not preview: # we don't need no references, we don't need no mem control default_grounds(self.session, fake_tile_x, fake_tile_y) for x_offset in xrange(fake_tile_size): if self.min_x <= x + x_offset < self.max_x: for y_offset in xrange(fake_tile_size): if self.min_y <= y + y_offset < self.max_y: self.ground_map[(x+x_offset, y+y_offset)] = fake_tile_class(self.session, fake_tile_x, fake_tile_y) self.fake_tile_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map) # remove parts that are occupied by islands, create the island map and the full map self.island_map = {} self.full_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map) for island in self.islands: for coords in island.ground_map: if coords in self.ground_map: self.full_map[coords] = island.ground_map[coords] del self.ground_map[coords] self.island_map[coords] = island def _load_players(self, savegame_db, force_player_id): human_players = [] for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0 and is_pirate = 0 ORDER BY rowid"): player = None # check if player is an ai ai_data = self.session.db("SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE client_id = ?", client_id) if ai_data: class_package, class_name = ai_data[0] # import ai class and call load on it module = __import__(''+class_package, fromlist=[str(class_name)]) ai_class = getattr(module, class_name) player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) else: # no ai player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) self.players.append(player) if client_id == horizons.globals.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"): self.player = player elif client_id is not None and not ai_data: # possible human player candidate with different client id human_players.append(player) self.owner_highlight_active = False self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances = False if self.player is None: # we have no human player. # check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player) # this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation. # if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select. # TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this if len(human_players) == 1: # exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one self.player = human_players[0] elif not human_players and self.players: # the first player should be the human-ai hybrid self.player = self.players[0] # set the human player to the forced value (debug option) self.set_forced_player(force_player_id) if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.log.warning('WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there ' 'are no or multiple candidates.') @classmethod def _recognize_water_bodies(cls, map_dict): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognize different water bodies.""" moves = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)] n = 0 for coords, num in map_dict.iteritems(): if num is not None: continue map_dict[coords] = n queue = deque([coords]) while queue: x, y = queue[0] queue.popleft() for dx, dy in moves: coords2 = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords2 in map_dict and map_dict[coords2] is None: map_dict[coords2] = n queue.append(coords2) n += 1 def _init_water_bodies(self): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognize different water bodies.""" self.water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water) self._recognize_water_bodies(self.water_body) def _init_shallow_water_bodies(self): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water and the coast to make it easy to recognise different water bodies for fishers.""" self.shallow_water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water_and_coastline) self._recognize_water_bodies(self.shallow_water_body) def init_fish_indexer(self): radius = Entities.buildings[ BUILDINGS.FISHER ].radius buildings = self.provider_buildings.provider_by_resources[RES.FISH] self.fish_indexer = BuildingIndexer(radius, self.full_map, buildings=buildings) def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled, natural_resource_multiplier): """ This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh map). In other words, when it is loaded for the first time. NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager. This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire in network games. @return: the coordinates of the players first ship """ # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output we don't need. # therefore, reset the levels for now loggers_to_silence = { 'world.production' : None } for logger_name in loggers_to_silence: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) # add a random number of environmental objects if natural_resource_multiplier != 0: self._add_nature_objects(natural_resource_multiplier) # reset loggers, see above for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(level) # add free trader if trader_enabled: self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color()) ret_coords = None for player in self.players: # Adding ships for the players # hack to place the ship on the development map point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position() # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways. ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP, point.x, point.y)( # give ship basic resources for res, amount in self.session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"): ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount) if player is self.player: ret_coords = point.to_tuple() # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # add a pirate ship if pirate_enabled: self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color()) assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?" return ret_coords def _add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier): worldutils.add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier) def set_forced_player(self, force_player_id): if force_player_id is not None: for player in self.players: if player.worldid == force_player_id: self.player = player break def get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self): """Returns a position in water that is not at the border of the world. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self) def get_random_possible_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water that is not at the border of the world. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_ship_position(self) def get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water that is not at the border of the world but on the coast of an island. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all tiles in the radius around the point. This is a generator; make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of tiles in radius. """ for point in self.get_points_in_radius(position, radius, shuffle): yield self.get_tile(point) def get_points_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all points in the radius around the point. This is a generator; make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of points in radius. """ assert isinstance(position, Point) points = Circle(position, radius) if shuffle: points = list(points) self.session.random.shuffle(points) for point in points: if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point): # don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist yield point def setup_player(self, id, name, color, clientid, local, is_ai, difficulty_level): """Sets up a new Player instance and adds her to the active world. Only used for new games. Loading old players is done in _init(). @param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine.""" inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res() player = None if is_ai: # a human controlled AI player player = AIPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, clientid, difficulty_level) else: player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, clientid, difficulty_level) player.initialize(inv) # Componentholder init if local: self.player = player self.players.append(player) def get_tile(self, point): """Returns the ground at x, y. @param point: coords as Point @return: instance of Ground at x, y """ return self.full_map.get( (point.x, point.y) ) @property def settlements(self): """Returns all settlements on world""" settlements = [] for i in self.islands: settlements.extend(i.settlements) return settlements def get_island(self, point): """Returns the island for that coordinate. If none is found, returns None. @param point: instance of Point""" # NOTE: keep code synchronized with duplicated code below return self.island_map.get(point.to_tuple()) def get_island_tuple(self, tup): """Overloaded from above""" return self.island_map.get(tup) def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius): """Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point. @return set of islands in radius""" islands = set() for island in self.islands: for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius=radius, include_corners=False): islands.add(island) break return islands def get_warehouses(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None, include_tradeable=False): """Returns all warehouses on the map, optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @param owner: Player instance, list only warehouses belonging to this player. @param include_tradeable also list the warehouses the owner can trade with @return: List of warehouses. """ warehouses = [] islands = [] if radius is not None and position is not None: islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius) else: islands = self.islands for island in islands: for settlement in island.settlements: warehouse = settlement.warehouse if (radius is None or position is None or warehouse.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \ (owner is None or warehouse.owner == owner or (include_tradeable and self.diplomacy.can_trade(warehouse.owner, owner))): warehouses.append(warehouse) return warehouses def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all ships on the map, optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @return: List of ships. """ if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) return [ship for ship in self.ships if circle.contains(ship.position)] else: return self.ships def get_ground_units(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) return [unit for unit in self.ground_units if circle.contains(unit.position)] else: return self.ground_units def get_buildings(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" buildings = [] if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) for island in self.islands: for building in island.buildings: if circle.contains( buildings.append(building) return buildings else: return [b for b in island.buildings for island in self.islands] def get_all_buildings(self): """Yields all buildings independent of owner""" for island in self.islands: for b in island.buildings: yield b for s in island.settlements: for b in s.buildings: yield b def get_health_instances(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all instances that have health""" instances = [] for instance in self.get_ships(position, radius) + \ self.get_ground_units(position, radius): if instance.has_component(HealthComponent): instances.append(instance) return instances def save(self, db): """Saves the current game to the specified db. @param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to.""" super(World, self).save(db) if isinstance(self.map_name, list): db("INSERT INTO metadata VALUES(?, ?)", 'random_island_sequence', ' '.join(self.map_name)) else: # the map name has to be simplified because the absolute paths won't be transferable between machines simplified_name = self.map_name if self.map_name.startswith(PATHS.USER_MAPS_DIR): simplified_name = 'USER_MAPS_DIR:' + simplified_name[len(PATHS.USER_MAPS_DIR):] db("INSERT INTO metadata VALUES(?, ?)", 'map_name', simplified_name) for island in self.islands: for player in self.players: if self.trader is not None: if self.pirate is not None: for unit in self.ships + self.ground_units: for bullet in self.bullets: Weapon.save_attacks(db) def get_checkup_hash(self): """Returns a collection of important game state values. Used to check if two mp games have diverged. Not designed to be reliable.""" # NOTE: don't include float values, they are represented differently in python 2.6 and 2.7 # and will differ at some insignificant place. Also make sure to handle them correctly in the game logic. data = { 'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(), 'settlements': [], 'ships': [], } for island in self.islands: # dicts usually aren't hashable, this makes them # since defaultdicts appear, we discard values that can be autogenerated # (those are assumed to default to something evaluating False) dict_hash = lambda d : sorted(i for i in d.iteritems() if i[1]) for settlement in island.settlements: storage_dict = settlement.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory._storage entry = { 'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid), 'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants), 'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs), 'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes), 'inventory': str(dict_hash(storage_dict)) } data['settlements'].append(entry) for ship in self.ships: entry = { 'owner': str(ship.owner.worldid), 'position': ship.position.to_tuple(), } data['ships'].append(entry) return data def toggle_owner_highlight(self): renderer = self.session.view.renderer['InstanceRenderer'] self.owner_highlight_active = not self.owner_highlight_active if self.owner_highlight_active: #show for player in self.players: red = player.color.r green = player.color.g blue = player.color.b for settlement in player.settlements: for tile in settlement.ground_map.itervalues(): renderer.addColored(tile._instance, red, green, blue) else: # 'hide' functionality renderer.removeAllColored() def toggle_translucency(self): """Make certain building types translucent""" worldutils.toggle_translucency(self) def toggle_health_for_all_health_instances(self): worldutils.toggle_health_for_all_health_instances(self)
class World(BuildingOwner, WorldObject): """The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc. It inherits from BuildingOwner, among other things, so it has building management capabilities. There is always one big reference per building, which is stored in either the world, the island, or the settlement. The main components of the world are: * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile: { (x, y): tileref, ...} This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching. * island_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the island * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game * trader - The world's ingame free trader player instance (can control multiple ships) * pirate - The world's ingame pirate player instance TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function. """ log = logging.getLogger("world") def __init__(self, session): """ @type session: horizons.session.Session @param session: instance of session the world belongs to. """ self.inited = False self.session = session # create playerlist self.players = [] self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine self.trader = None self.pirate = None # create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships # and having at least one reference to them self.ships = [] self.ground_units = [] self.islands = [] super().__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID) def end(self): # destructor-like thing. super().end() # let the AI players know that the end is near to speed up destruction for player in self.players: if hasattr(player, 'early_end'): player.early_end() for ship in self.ships[:]: ship.remove() for island in self.islands: island.end() for player in self.players: player.end( ) # end players after game entities, since they usually depend on players self.session = None = None self.players = None self.player = None self.ground_map = None self.fake_tile_map = None self.full_map = None self.island_map = None self.water = None self.ships = None self.ship_map = None self.fish_indexer = None self.ground_units = None if self.pirate is not None: self.pirate.end() self.pirate = None if self.trader is not None: self.trader.end() self.trader = None self.islands = None self.diplomacy = None def _init(self, savegame_db, force_player_id=None, disasters_enabled=True): """ @param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database @param force_player_id: the worldid of the selected human player or default if None (debug option) """ """ All essential and non-essential parts of the world are set up here, you don't need to know everything that happens. """ # load properties = {} for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = json.loads(value) if 'disasters_enabled' not in # set on first init['disasters_enabled'] = disasters_enabled self._load_players(savegame_db, force_player_id) # all static data LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_map') self.load_raw_map(savegame_db) # load world buildings (e.g. fish) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_buildings') buildings = savegame_db( "SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid) for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in buildings: load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid) # use a dict because it's directly supported by the pathfinding algo LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_init_water') self.water = {tile: 1.0 for tile in self.ground_map} self._init_water_bodies() self.sea_number = self.water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)] for island in self.islands: island.terrain_cache.create_sea_cache() # assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water # NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move # since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles # are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many self.water_and_coastline = copy.copy(self.water) for island in self.islands: for coord, tile in island.ground_map.items(): if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes: self.water_and_coastline[coord] = 1.0 self._init_shallow_water_bodies() self.shallow_sea_number = self.shallow_water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)] # create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship self.ship_map = {} self.ground_unit_map = {} if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # there are 0 or 1 trader AIs so this is safe trader_data = savegame_db( "SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1") if trader_data: self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_data[0][0]) # there are 0 or 1 pirate AIs so this is safe pirate_data = savegame_db( "SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_pirate = 1") if pirate_data: self.pirate = Pirate.load(self.session, savegame_db, pirate_data[0][0]) # load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_units') for (worldid, typeid ) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"): Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # let trader and pirate command their ships. we have to do this here # because ships have to be initialized for this, and they have # to exist before ships are loaded. if self.trader: self.trader.load_ship_states(savegame_db) if self.pirate: self.pirate.finish_loading(savegame_db) # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_setup_ai') if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings( self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # load the AI players # this has to be done here because otherwise the ships and other objects won't exist for player in self.players: if not isinstance(player, HumanPlayer): player.finish_loading(savegame_db) LoadingProgress.broadcast(self, 'world_load_stuff') self._load_combat(savegame_db) self._load_diplomacy(savegame_db) self._load_disasters(savegame_db) self.inited = True """TUTORIAL: To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/, to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map.""" def _load_combat(self, savegame_db): # load ongoing attacks if self.session.is_game_loaded(): Weapon.load_attacks(self.session, savegame_db) def _load_diplomacy(self, savegame_db): self.diplomacy = Diplomacy() if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.diplomacy.load(self, savegame_db) def _load_disasters(self, savegame_db): # disasters are only enabled if they are explicitly set to be enabled disasters_disabled = not'disasters_enabled') self.disaster_manager = DisasterManager(self.session, disabled=disasters_disabled) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.disaster_manager.load(savegame_db) def load_raw_map(self, savegame_db, preview=False): self.map_name = savegame_db.map_name # Load islands. for (islandid, ) in savegame_db("SELECT DISTINCT island_id + 1001 FROM ground"): island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session, preview=preview) self.islands.append(island) # Calculate map dimensions. self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0, 0, 0 for island in self.islands: self.min_x = min(island.position.left, self.min_x) self.min_y = min(, self.min_y) self.max_x = max(island.position.right, self.max_x) self.max_y = max(island.position.bottom, self.max_y) self.min_x -= savegame_db.map_padding self.min_y -= savegame_db.map_padding self.max_x += savegame_db.map_padding self.max_y += savegame_db.map_padding self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y) # Add water. self.log.debug("Filling world with water...") self.ground_map = {} # big sea water tile class if not preview: default_grounds = Entities.grounds[ 'default_ground', '{:d}-straight'.format(GROUND.WATER[0]))] fake_tile_class = Entities.grounds['-1-special'] fake_tile_size = 10 for x in range(self.min_x - MAP.BORDER, self.max_x + MAP.BORDER, fake_tile_size): for y in range(self.min_y - MAP.BORDER, self.max_y + MAP.BORDER, fake_tile_size): fake_tile_x = x - 1 fake_tile_y = y + fake_tile_size - 1 if not preview: # we don't need no references, we don't need no mem control default_grounds(self.session, fake_tile_x, fake_tile_y) for x_offset in range(fake_tile_size): if self.min_x <= x + x_offset < self.max_x: for y_offset in range(fake_tile_size): if self.min_y <= y + y_offset < self.max_y: self.ground_map[(x + x_offset, y + y_offset)] = fake_tile_class( self.session, fake_tile_x, fake_tile_y) self.fake_tile_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map) # Remove parts that are occupied by islands, create the island map and the full map. self.island_map = {} self.full_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map) for island in self.islands: for coords in island.ground_map: if coords in self.ground_map: self.full_map[coords] = island.ground_map[coords] del self.ground_map[coords] self.island_map[coords] = island def _load_players(self, savegame_db, force_player_id): human_players = [] for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db( "SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0 and is_pirate = 0 ORDER BY rowid" ): player = None # check if player is an ai ai_data = self.session.db( "SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE client_id = ?", client_id) if ai_data: class_package, class_name = ai_data[0] # import ai class and call load on it module = importlib.import_module('' + class_package) ai_class = getattr(module, class_name) player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) else: # no ai player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) self.players.append(player) if client_id == horizons.globals.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"): self.player = player elif client_id is not None and not ai_data: # possible human player candidate with different client id human_players.append(player) self.owner_highlight_active = False self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances = False if self.player is None: # we have no human player. # check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player) # this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation. # if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select. # TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this if len(human_players) == 1: # exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one self.player = human_players[0] elif not human_players and self.players: # the first player should be the human-ai hybrid self.player = self.players[0] # set the human player to the forced value (debug option) self.set_forced_player(force_player_id) if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.log.warning( 'WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there ' 'are no or multiple candidates.') @classmethod def _recognize_water_bodies(cls, map_dict): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognize different water bodies.""" moves = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)] n = 0 for coords, num in map_dict.items(): if num is not None: continue map_dict[coords] = n queue = deque([coords]) while queue: x, y = queue.popleft() for dx, dy in moves: coords2 = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords2 in map_dict and map_dict[coords2] is None: map_dict[coords2] = n queue.append(coords2) n += 1 def _init_water_bodies(self): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognize different water bodies.""" self.water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water) self._recognize_water_bodies(self.water_body) def _init_shallow_water_bodies(self): """This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water and the coast to make it easy to recognise different water bodies for fishers.""" self.shallow_water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water_and_coastline) self._recognize_water_bodies(self.shallow_water_body) def init_fish_indexer(self): radius = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISHER].radius buildings = self.provider_buildings.provider_by_resources[RES.FISH] self.fish_indexer = BuildingIndexer(radius, self.full_map, buildings=buildings) def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled, natural_resource_multiplier): """ This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh map). In other words, when it is loaded for the first time. NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager. This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire in network games. @return: the coordinates of the players first ship """ # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output we don't need. # therefore, reset the levels for now loggers_to_silence = {'world.production': None} for logger_name in loggers_to_silence: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) # add a random number of environmental objects if natural_resource_multiplier != 0: self._add_nature_objects(natural_resource_multiplier) # reset loggers, see above for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.items(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(level) # add free trader if trader_enabled: self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, "Free Trader", Color()) ret_coords = None for player in self.players: # Adding ships for the players # hack to place the ship on the development map point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position() # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways. ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP, point.x, point.y)( # give ship basic resources for res, amount in self.session.db( "SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"): ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter( res, amount) if player is self.player: ret_coords = point.to_tuple() # HACK: Store starting ship as first unit group, and select it def _preselect_player_ship(player_ship): sel_comp = player_ship.get_component(SelectableComponent) self.session.selected_instances = {player_ship} self.session.ingame_gui.handle_selection_group(1, True) sel_comp.show_menu() select_ship = partial(_preselect_player_ship, ship) Scheduler().add_new_object(select_ship, ship, run_in=0) # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings( self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # add a pirate ship if pirate_enabled: self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color()) assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?" return ret_coords def _add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier): worldutils.add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier) def set_forced_player(self, force_player_id): if force_player_id is not None: for player in self.players: if player.worldid == force_player_id: self.player = player break def get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self): """Returns a random position upon an island. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self) def get_random_possible_ship_position(self): """Returns a random position in water that is not at the border of the world. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_ship_position(self) def get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self): """Returns a random position in water that is not at the border of the world but on the coast of an island. @return: Point""" return worldutils.get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all tiles in the radius around the point. This is a generator; make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of tiles in radius. """ for point in self.get_points_in_radius(position, radius, shuffle): yield self.get_tile(point) def get_points_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all points in the radius around the point. This is a generator; make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of points in radius. """ assert isinstance(position, Point) points = Circle(position, radius) if shuffle: points = list(points) self.session.random.shuffle(points) for point in points: if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point): # don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist yield point def setup_player(self, id, name, color, clientid, local, is_ai, difficulty_level): """Sets up a new Player instance and adds her to the active world. Only used for new games. Loading old players is done in _init(). @param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine.""" inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res() player = None if is_ai: # a human controlled AI player player = AIPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, clientid, difficulty_level) else: player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, clientid, difficulty_level) player.initialize(inv) # Componentholder init if local: self.player = player self.players.append(player) def get_tile(self, point): """Returns the ground at x, y. @param point: coords as Point @return: instance of Ground at x, y """ return self.full_map.get((point.x, point.y)) @property def settlements(self): """Returns all settlements on world""" settlements = [] for i in self.islands: settlements.extend(i.settlements) return settlements def get_island(self, point): """Returns the island for that coordinate. If none is found, returns None. @param point: instance of Point""" # NOTE: keep code synchronized with duplicated code below return self.island_map.get(point.to_tuple()) def get_island_tuple(self, tup): """Overloaded from above""" return self.island_map.get(tup) def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius): """Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point. @return set of islands in radius""" islands = set() for island in self.islands: for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius=radius, include_corners=False): islands.add(island) break return islands def get_warehouses(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None, include_tradeable=False): """Returns all warehouses on the map, optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @param owner: Player instance, list only warehouses belonging to this player. @param include_tradeable also list the warehouses the owner can trade with @return: List of warehouses. """ warehouses = [] islands = [] if radius is not None and position is not None: islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius) else: islands = self.islands for island in islands: for settlement in island.settlements: warehouse = settlement.warehouse if (radius is None or position is None or warehouse.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \ (owner is None or warehouse.owner == owner or (include_tradeable and self.diplomacy.can_trade(warehouse.owner, owner))): warehouses.append(warehouse) return warehouses def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all ships on the map, optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @return: List of ships. """ if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) return [ ship for ship in self.ships if circle.contains(ship.position) ] else: return self.ships def get_ground_units(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) return [ unit for unit in self.ground_units if circle.contains(unit.position) ] else: return self.ground_units def get_buildings(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" buildings = [] if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) for island in self.islands: for building in island.buildings: if circle.contains( buildings.append(building) return buildings else: return [b for b in island.buildings for island in self.islands] def get_all_buildings(self): """Yields all buildings independent of owner""" for island in self.islands: for b in island.buildings: yield b for s in island.settlements: for b in s.buildings: yield b def get_health_instances(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all instances that have health""" instances = [] for instance in self.get_ships(position, radius) + \ self.get_ground_units(position, radius): if instance.has_component(HealthComponent): instances.append(instance) return instances def save(self, db): """Saves the current game to the specified db. @param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to.""" super().save(db) if isinstance(self.map_name, list): db("INSERT INTO metadata VALUES(?, ?)", 'random_island_sequence', ' '.join(self.map_name)) else: # the map name has to be simplified because the absolute paths won't be transferable between machines simplified_name = self.map_name if self.map_name.startswith(PATHS.USER_MAPS_DIR): simplified_name = 'USER_MAPS_DIR:' + simplified_name[ len(PATHS.USER_MAPS_DIR):] db("INSERT INTO metadata VALUES(?, ?)", 'map_name', simplified_name) for island in self.islands: for player in self.players: if self.trader is not None: if self.pirate is not None: for unit in self.ships + self.ground_units: Weapon.save_attacks(db) def get_checkup_hash(self): """Returns a collection of important game state values. Used to check if two mp games have diverged. Not designed to be reliable.""" # NOTE: don't include float values, they are represented differently in python 2.6 and 2.7 # and will differ at some insignificant place. Also make sure to handle them correctly in the game logic. data = { 'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(), 'settlements': [], 'ships': [], } for island in self.islands: # dicts usually aren't hashable, this makes them # since defaultdicts appear, we discard values that can be autogenerated # (those are assumed to default to something evaluating False) dict_hash = lambda d: sorted(i for i in d.items() if i[1]) for settlement in island.settlements: storage_dict = settlement.get_component( StorageComponent).inventory._storage entry = { 'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid), 'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants), 'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs), 'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes), 'inventory': str(dict_hash(storage_dict)) } data['settlements'].append(entry) for ship in self.ships: entry = { 'owner': str(ship.owner.worldid), 'position': ship.position.to_tuple(), } data['ships'].append(entry) return data def toggle_owner_highlight(self): renderer = self.session.view.renderer['InstanceRenderer'] # Toggle flag that tracks highlight status. self.owner_highlight_active = not self.owner_highlight_active if self.owner_highlight_active: #show for player in self.players: red = player.color.r green = player.color.g blue = player.color.b for settlement in player.settlements: for tile in settlement.ground_map.values(): renderer.addColored(tile._instance, red, green, blue) else: # "Hide": Do nothing after removing color highlights. renderer.removeAllColored() def toggle_translucency(self): """Make certain building types translucent""" worldutils.toggle_translucency(self) def toggle_health_for_all_health_instances(self): worldutils.toggle_health_for_all_health_instances(self)
class World(BuildingOwner, LivingObject, WorldObject): """The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc. * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile: { (x, y): tileref, ...} This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching. * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game * water - List of coordinates that are water * trader - The world's ingame free trader player instance TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function. """ log = logging.getLogger("world") def __init__(self, session): """ @param session: instance of session the world belongs to. """ self.inited = False self.session = session super(World, self).__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID) def end(self): self.session = None = None self.players = None self.player = None self.ground_map = None self.water = None self.ship_map = None self.ships = None self.trader = None self.pirate = None self.islands = None super(World, self).end() @decorators.make_constants() def _init(self, savegame_db): """ @param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database """ #load properties = {} for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = value # create playerlist self.players = [] self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine self.trader = None self.pirate = None # load player human_players = [] for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0 and is_pirate = 0"): player = None # check if player is an ai ai_data = self.session.db("SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE id = ?", client_id) if len(ai_data) > 0: class_package, class_name = ai_data[0] # import ai class and call load on it module = __import__(''+class_package, fromlist=[class_name]) ai_class = getattr(module, class_name) player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) else: # no ai player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) self.players.append(player) if client_id == horizons.main.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"): self.player = player elif client_id is not None and len(ai_data) == 0: # possible human player candidate with different client id human_players.append(player) if self.player is None: # we have no human player. # check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player) # this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation. # if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select. # TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this if(len(human_players) == 1): # exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one self.player = human_players[0] if self.player is not None: self.player.inventory.add_change_listener(self.session.ingame_gui.update_gold, \ call_listener_now=True) if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.log.warning('WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there are no \ or multiple candidates.') # load islands self.islands = [] for (islandid,) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid + 1000 FROM island"): island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session) self.islands.append(island) #calculate map dimensions self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = None, None, None, None for i in self.islands: self.min_x = i.rect.left if self.min_x is None or i.rect.left < self.min_x else self.min_x self.min_y = if self.min_y is None or < self.min_y else self.min_y self.max_x = i.rect.right if self.max_x is None or i.rect.right > self.max_x else self.max_x self.max_y = i.rect.bottom if self.max_y is None or i.rect.bottom > self.max_y else self.max_y self.min_x -= 10 self.min_y -= 10 self.max_x += 10 self.max_y += 10 self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y) #add water self.log.debug("Filling world with water...") self.ground_map = {} default_grounds = Entities.grounds[int('default_ground', GROUND.WATER))] # extra world size that is added so that he player can't see the "black void" border = 30 for x in xrange(self.min_x-border, self.max_x+border, 10): for y in xrange(self.min_y-border, self.max_y+border, 10): ground = default_grounds(self.session, x, y) for x_offset in xrange(0,10): if x+x_offset < self.max_x and x+x_offset>= self.min_x: for y_offset in xrange(0,10): if y+y_offset < self.max_y and y+y_offset >= self.min_y: self.ground_map[(x+x_offset, y+y_offset)] = ground # remove parts that are occupied by island for island in self.islands: for coord in island.ground_map: if coord in self.ground_map: del self.ground_map[coord] # load world buildings (e.g. fish) for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \ savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid): load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid) # use a dict because it's directly supported by the pathfinding algo self.water = dict.fromkeys(list(self.ground_map), 1.0) # assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water # NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move # since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles # are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many self.water_and_coastline = copy.copy(self.water) for island in self.islands: for coord, tile in island.ground_map.iteritems(): if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes: self.water_and_coastline[coord] = 1.0 # create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship self.ship_map = {} # create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships # and having at least one reference to them self.ships = [] if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # for now, we have one trader in every game, so this is safe: trader_id = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1")[0][0] self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_id) # there are 0 or 1 pirate AIs so this is safe pirate_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_pirate = 1") if pirate_data: self.pirate = Pirate.load(self.session, savegame_db, pirate_data[0][0]) # load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now) for (worldid, typeid) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"): Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # let trader command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be # initialised for this, and trader has to exist before ships are loaded. self.trader.load_ship_states(savegame_db) # let pirate command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be # initialised for this, and pirate has to exist before ships are loaded. if self.pirate: self.pirate.load_ship_states(savegame_db) self.inited = True """TUTORIAL: To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/, to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map""" @decorators.make_constants() def init_new_world(self, minclay = 2, maxclay = 3, minmountains = 1, maxmountains = 3): """ This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time. NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire in network games. @return: Returs the coordinates of the players first ship """ # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need # therefore, reset the levels for now loggers_to_silence = { 'world.production' : None } for logger_name in loggers_to_silence: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel( logging.WARN ) from horizons.command.building import Build from horizons.command.unit import CreateUnit # add a random number of environmental objects to the gameworld if int('RandomTrees', 1)) == 1: Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS] Clay = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.CLAY_DEPOSIT_CLASS] Fish = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS] Mountain = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.MOUNTAIN_CLASS] for island in self.islands: if maxclay <= minclay: minclay = mayclay-1 if maxmountains <= minmountains: minmountains = maxmountains-1 max_clay_deposits = self.session.random.randint(minclay, maxclay) max_mountains = self.session.random.randint(minmountains, maxmountains) num_clay_deposits = 0 num_mountains = 0 # TODO: fix this sorted()-call. its slow but orderness of dict-loop isn't guaranteed for coords, tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()): # add tree to every nth tile if self.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and \ Tree.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False): building = Build(Tree, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True,island=island)(issuer=None) building.finish_production_now() # make trees big and fill their inventory if self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0: # add animal to every nth tree CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL_CLASS, *coords)(issuer=None) elif num_clay_deposits < max_clay_deposits and \ self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \ Clay.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False): num_clay_deposits += 1 Build(Clay, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True, island=island)(issuer=None) elif num_mountains < max_mountains and \ self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \ Mountain.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False): num_mountains += 1 Build(Mountain, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True, island=island)(issuer=None) if 'coastline' in tile.classes and self.session.random.randint(0, 4) == 0: # try to place fish # from the current position, go to random directions 2 times directions = [ (i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2) for j in xrange(-1, 2) ] for (x_dir, y_dir) in self.session.random.sample(directions, 2): # move a random amount in both directions coord_to_check = ( coords[0] + x_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9), coords[1] + y_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9), ) # now we have the location, check if we can build here if coord_to_check in self.ground_map: Build(Fish, coord_to_check[0], coord_to_check[1], ownerless=True, \ island=self)(issuer=None) # reset loggers, see above for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(level) # add free trader self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color()) ret_coords = None for player in self.players: # Adding ships for the players point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position() # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways. ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x, point.y)( # give ship basic resources for res, amount in self.session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"): ship.inventory.alter(res, amount) if player is self.player: ret_coords = (point.x, point.y) # add a pirate ship self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color()) # Fire a message for new world creation self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(self.max_x/2, self.max_y/2, 'NEW_WORLD') assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?" return ret_coords @decorators.make_constants() def get_random_possible_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ship_map: continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship # check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords) position_possible = True for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1): for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1): point_to_check = Point( x + offset*first_sign, y + offset*second_sign ) if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None: position_possible = False break if not position_possible: # propagate break continue # try another coord break # all checks successful return Point(x, y) @decorators.make_constants() def get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world but on the coast of an island""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ship_map: continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship result = Point(x, y) if self.get_island(result) is not None: continue # don't choose a point on an island # check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords) for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1): for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1): point_to_check = Point( x + first_sign, y + second_sign ) if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None: return result #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns a all tiles in the radius around the point. This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of tiles in radius. """ for point in self.get_points_in_radius(position, radius, shuffle): yield self.get_tile(point) def get_points_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all points in the radius around the point. This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of points in radius. """ assert isinstance(position, Point) points = Circle(position, radius) if shuffle: points = list(points) self.session.random.shuffle(points) for point in points: if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point): # don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist yield point def setup_player(self, id, name, color, local): """Sets up a new Player instance and adds him to the active world. Only used for new games. Loading old players is done in _init(). @param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine.""" inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res() player = None if local: player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, inventory=inv) self.player = player self.player.inventory.add_change_listener(self.session.ingame_gui.update_gold, \ call_listener_now=True) else: player = Player(self.session, id, name, color, inventory=inv) self.players.append(player) def get_tile(self, point): """Returns the ground at x, y. @param point: coords as Point @return: instance of Ground at x, y """ i = self.get_island(point) if i is not None: return i.get_tile(point) return self.ground_map[(point.x, point.y)] def get_settlement(self, point): """Returns settlement on point. Very fast (O(1)). Returns None if point isn't on world. @param point: instance of Point @return: instance of Settlement or None""" try: return self.get_tile(point).settlement except KeyError: return None @property def settlements(self): """Returns all settlements on world""" settlements = [] for i in self.islands: settlements.extend(i.settlements) return settlements def get_building(self, point): """Returns the building at the position x, y. @param point: Point instance @return: Building class instance if a building is found, else None.""" i = self.get_island(point) return None if i is None else i.get_building(point) def get_island(self, point): """Returns the island for that coordinate, if none is found, returns None. @param point: instance of Point""" tup = point.to_tuple() if tup in self.ground_map: # this optimisation pays of if water tiles are frequently queried return None for island in self.islands: if tup in island.ground_map: return island return None def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius): """Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point. @return set of islands in radius""" islands = set() for island in self.islands: for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius): islands.add(island) break return islands @decorators.make_constants() def get_branch_offices(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None): """Returns all branch offices on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @param owner: Player instance, list only branch offices belonging to this player. @return: List of branch offices. """ branchoffices = [] islands = [] if radius is not None and position is not None: islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius) else: islands = self.islands for island in self.islands: for settlement in island.settlements: bo = settlement.branch_office if (radius is None or position is None or \ bo.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \ (owner is None or bo.owner == owner): branchoffices.append(bo) return branchoffices @decorators.make_constants() def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all ships on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @return: List of ships. """ if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) ships = [] for ship in self.ships: if circle.contains(ship.position): ships.append(ship) return ships else: return self.ships def save(self, db): """Saves the current game to the specified db. @param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to.""" super(World, self).save(db) for name, value in db("INSERT INTO map_properties (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", name, value) for island in self.islands: for player in self.players: if self.trader is not None: if self.pirate is not None: for ship in self.ships: def get_checkup_hash(self): dict = { 'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(), 'settlements': [], } for island in self.islands: for settlement in island.settlements: entry = { 'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid), 'tax_settings': str(settlement.tax_setting), 'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants), 'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs), 'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes), 'inventory' : str(settlement.inventory._storage), } dict['settlements'].append(entry) return dict def notify_new_settlement(self): """Called when a new settlement is created""" # make sure there's a trader ship for 2 settlements if len(self.settlements) > self.trader.get_ship_count() * 2: self.trader.create_ship()
class World(BuildingOwner, LivingObject, WorldObject): """The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc. * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile: { (x, y): tileref, ...} This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching. * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game * water - List of coordinates that are water * trader - The worlds ingame free trader player instance TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function. """ log = logging.getLogger("world") def __init__(self, session): """ @param session: instance of session the world belongs to. """ self.inited = False self.session = session super(World, self).__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID) def end(self): self.session = None = None self.players = None self.player = None self.ground_map = None self.water = None self.ship_map = None self.ships = None self.trader = None self.islands = None super(World, self).end() @decorators.make_constants() def _init(self, savegame_db): """ @param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database """ #load properties = {} for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = value # create playerlist self.players = [] self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine self.trader = None self.pirate = None # load player human_players = [] for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db( "SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0"): player = None # check if player is an ai ai_data = self.session.db( "SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE id = ?", client_id) if len(ai_data) > 0: class_package, class_name = ai_data[0] # import ai class and call load on it module = __import__('' + class_package, fromlist=[class_name]) ai_class = getattr(module, class_name) player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) else: # no ai player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) self.players.append(player) if client_id == horizons.main.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"): self.player = player elif client_id is not None and len(ai_data) == 0: # possible human player candidate with different client id human_players.append(player) if self.player is None: # we have no human player. # check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player) # this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation. # if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select. # TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this if (len(human_players) == 1): # exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one self.player = human_players[0] if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.log.warning( 'WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there are no \ or multiple candidates.') # load islands self.islands = [] for (islandid, ) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid + 1000 FROM island"): island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session) self.islands.append(island) #calculate map dimensions self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = None, None, None, None for i in self.islands: self.min_x = i.rect.left if self.min_x is None or i.rect.left < self.min_x else self.min_x self.min_y = if self.min_y is None or < self.min_y else self.min_y self.max_x = i.rect.right if self.max_x is None or i.rect.right > self.max_x else self.max_x self.max_y = i.rect.bottom if self.max_y is None or i.rect.bottom > self.max_y else self.max_y self.min_x -= 10 self.min_y -= 10 self.max_x += 10 self.max_y += 10 self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y) #add water self.log.debug("Filling world with water...") self.ground_map = {} default_grounds = Entities.grounds[int('default_ground', GROUND.WATER))] # extra world size that is added so that he player can't see the "black void" border = 30 for x in xrange(self.min_x - border, self.max_x + border, 10): for y in xrange(self.min_y - border, self.max_y + border, 10): ground = default_grounds(self.session, x, y) for x_offset in xrange(0, 10): if x + x_offset < self.max_x and x + x_offset >= self.min_x: for y_offset in xrange(0, 10): if y + y_offset < self.max_y and y + y_offset >= self.min_y: self.ground_map[(x + x_offset, y + y_offset)] = ground # "unfill" parts that are occupied by island # TODO: check if constructing a list of water coords is faster than calling the Ground() so many times for island in self.islands: for coord in island.ground_map: if coord in self.ground_map: del self.ground_map[coord] # load world buildings (e.g. fish) for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \ savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid): load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid) self.water = list(self.ground_map) # assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water # NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move # since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles # are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many self.water_and_coastline = self.water[:] for island in self.islands: for coord, tile in island.ground_map.iteritems(): if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes: self.water_and_coastline.append(coord) # create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship self.ship_map = {} # create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships # and having at least one reference to them self.ships = [] if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # for now, we have one trader in every game, so this is safe: trader_id = savegame_db( "SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1")[0][0] self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_id) # load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now) for (worldid, typeid ) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"): Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # let trader command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be # initialised for this, and trader has to exist before ships are loaded. self.trader.load_ship_states(savegame_db) self.inited = True """TUTORIAL: To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/, to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map""" @decorators.make_constants() def init_new_world(self): """This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time. NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager this is necessary, because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire in network games. @return: Returs the coordinates of the players first ship """ # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need # therefore, reset the levels for now loggers_to_silence = {'world.production': None} for logger_name in loggers_to_silence: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) from horizons.command.building import Build from horizons.command.unit import CreateUnit # add a random number of environmental objects to the gameworld if int('RandomTrees', 1)) == 1: Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS] Clay = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.CLAY_DEPOSIT_CLASS] Fish = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS] Mountain = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.MOUNTAIN_CLASS] for island in self.islands: max_clay_deposits = self.session.random.randint(2, 3) max_mountains = self.session.random.randint(1, 3) num_clay_deposits = 0 num_mountains = 0 # TODO: fix this sorted()-call. its slow but orderness of dict-loop isn't guaranteed for coords, tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()): # add tree to every nth tile if self.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and Tree.check_build(self.session, tile, \ check_settlement=False): building = Build(Tree, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True, island=island)(issuer=None) building.finish_production_now( ) # make trees big and fill their inventory if self.session.random.randint( 0, 40) == 0: # add animal to every nth tree CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL_CLASS, *coords)(issuer=None) elif num_clay_deposits < max_clay_deposits and \ self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \ Clay.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False): num_clay_deposits += 1 Build(Clay, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True, island=island)(issuer=None) elif num_mountains < max_mountains and \ self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \ Mountain.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False): num_mountains += 1 Build(Mountain, coords[0], coords[1], ownerless=True, island=island)(issuer=None) if 'coastline' in tile.classes and self.session.random.randint( 0, 4) == 0: # try to place fish # from the current position, go to random directions 2 times directions = [(i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2) for j in xrange(-1, 2)] for (x_dir, y_dir) in self.session.random.sample( directions, 2): # move a random amount in both directions coord_to_check = ( coords[0] + x_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9), coords[1] + y_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9), ) # now we have the location, check if we can build here if coord_to_check in self.ground_map: Build(Fish, coord_to_check[0], coord_to_check[1], ownerless=True, \ island=self)(issuer=None) # reset loggers, see above for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(level) # add free trader self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color()) ret_coords = None for player in self.players: # Adding ships for the players point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position() # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways. ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x, point.y)( # give ship basic resources for res, amount in self.session.db( "SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"): ship.inventory.alter(res, amount) if player is self.player: ret_coords = (point.x, point.y) # add a pirate ship # TODO: enable pirate as soon as save/load for it is fixed # currently, it breaks human player selection on load #self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color()) # Fire a message for new world creation self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(self.max_x / 2, self.max_y / 2, 'NEW_WORLD') assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are none. No players loaded?" return ret_coords @decorators.make_constants() def get_random_possible_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ship_map: continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship # check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords) position_possible = True for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1): for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1): point_to_check = Point(x + offset * first_sign, y + offset * second_sign) if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None: position_possible = False break if not position_possible: # propagate break continue break # all checks successful return Point(x, y) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns a all tiles in the radius around the point. This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of tiles in radius. """ assert isinstance(position, Point) points = Circle(position, radius) if shuffle: points = list(points) self.session.random.shuffle(points) for point in points: if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point): # don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist yield self.get_tile(point) def setup_player(self, id, name, color, local): """Sets up a new Player instance and adds him to the active world. @param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine.""" inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res() player = None if local: player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, inventory=inv) self.player = player self.session.ingame_gui.resbar.update_gold() self.player.inventory.add_change_listener( self.session.ingame_gui.resbar.update_gold) else: player = Player(self.session, id, name, color, inventory=inv) self.players.append(player) def get_tile(self, point): """Returns the ground at x, y. @param point: coords as Point @return: instance of Ground at x, y """ i = self.get_island(point) if i is not None: return i.get_tile(point) return self.ground_map[(point.x, point.y)] def get_settlement(self, point): """Returns settlement on point. Very fast (O(1)). Returns None if point isn't on world. @param point: instance of Point @return: instance of Settlement or None""" try: return self.get_tile(point).settlement except KeyError: return None @property def settlements(self): """Returns all settlements on world""" settlements = [] for i in self.islands: settlements.extend(i.settlements) return settlements def get_building(self, point): """Returns the building at the position x, y. @param point: Point instance @return: Building class instance if a building is found, else None.""" i = self.get_island(point) return None if i is None else i.get_building(point) def get_island(self, point): """Returns the island for that coordinate, if none is found, returns None. @param point: instance of Point""" tup = point.to_tuple() if tup in self.ground_map: # this optimisation pays of if water tiles are frequently queried return None for island in self.islands: if tup in island.ground_map: return island return None def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius): """Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point. @return set of islands in radius""" islands = set() for island in self.islands: for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius): islands.add(island) break return islands @decorators.make_constants() def get_branch_offices(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None): """Returns all branch offices on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @param owner: Player instance, list only branch offices belonging to this player. @return: List of branch offices. """ branchoffices = [] islands = [] if radius is not None and position is not None: islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius) else: islands = self.islands for island in islands: for settlement in island.settlements: for building in settlement.buildings: # TODO: find a better way to find out if a building is a bo. possibly keep a list # of bo's per island/settlement if isinstance( building, if (radius is None or position is None or \ building.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \ (owner is None or building.owner == owner): branchoffices.append(building) return branchoffices @decorators.make_constants() def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all ships on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @return: List of ships. """ if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) ships = [] for ship in self.ships: if circle.contains(ship.position): ships.append(ship) return ships else: return self.ships def save(self, db): """Saves the current game to the specified db. @param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to.""" super(World, self).save(db) for name, value in db("INSERT INTO map_properties (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", name, value) for island in self.islands: for player in self.players: if self.trader is not None: if self.pirate is not None: for ship in self.ships: def get_checkup_hash(self): dict = { 'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(), 'settlements': [], } for island in self.islands: for settlement in island.settlements: entry = { 'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid), 'tax_settings': str(settlement.tax_setting), 'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants), 'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs), 'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes), 'inventory': str(settlement.inventory._storage), } dict['settlements'].append(entry) return dict def notify_new_settlement(self): """Called when a new settlement is created""" # make sure there's a trader ship for 2 settlements if len(self.settlements) > self.trader.get_ship_count() * 2: self.trader.create_ship()
class World(BuildingOwner, LivingObject, WorldObject): """The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc. It inherits amongst others from BuildingOwner, so it has building management capabilities. There is always one big reference per building. It is stored either in the world, the island or the settlement. The world comprises amongst others: * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile: { (x, y): tileref, ...} This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching. * island_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the island * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game * trader - The world's ingame free trader player instance (can control multiple ships) * pirate - The world's ingame pirate player instance TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function. """ log = logging.getLogger("world") def __init__(self, session): """ @param session: instance of session the world belongs to. """ self.inited = False if False: assert isinstance(session, horizons.session.Session) self.session = session super(World, self).__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID) def end(self): # destructor-like thing. self.session = None = None self.players = None self.player = None self.ground_map = None self.full_map = None self.island_map = None self.water = None self.ships = None self.ship_map = None self.fish_indexer = None self.ground_units = None self.trader = None self.pirate = None self.islands = None self.diplomacy = None self.bullets = None super(World, self).end() def _init(self, savegame_db, force_player_id=None, disasters_enabled=True): """ @param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database @param force_player_id: the worldid of the selected human player or default if None (debug option) """ """ All essential and non-essential parts of the world are set up here, you don't need to know everything that happens. """ #load properties = {} for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = value # create playerlist self.players = [] self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine self.trader = None self.pirate = None # load player human_players = [] for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0 and is_pirate = 0 ORDER BY rowid"): player = None # check if player is an ai ai_data = self.session.db("SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE client_id = ?", client_id) if len(ai_data) > 0: class_package, class_name = ai_data[0] # import ai class and call load on it module = __import__(''+class_package, fromlist=[class_name]) ai_class = getattr(module, class_name) player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) else: # no ai player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid) self.players.append(player) if client_id == horizons.main.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"): self.player = player elif client_id is not None and len(ai_data) == 0: # possible human player candidate with different client id human_players.append(player) self.owner_highlight_active = False self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances = False if self.player is None: # we have no human player. # check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player) # this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation. # if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select. # TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this if(len(human_players) == 1): # exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one self.player = human_players[0] elif not human_players and self.players: # the first player should be the human-ai hybrid self.player = self.players[0] # set the human player to the forced value (debug option) self.set_forced_player(force_player_id) if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.log.warning('WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there are no \ or multiple candidates.') # all static data self.load_raw_map(savegame_db) # load world buildings (e.g. fish) for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \ savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid): load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid) # use a dict because it's directly supported by the pathfinding algo self.water = dict.fromkeys(list(self.ground_map), 1.0) self._init_water_bodies() self.sea_number = self.water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)] # assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water # NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move # since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles # are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many self.water_and_coastline = copy.copy(self.water) for island in self.islands: for coord, tile in island.ground_map.iteritems(): if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes: self.water_and_coastline[coord] = 1.0 # create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship self.ship_map = {} self.ground_unit_map = {} # create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships # and having at least one reference to them self.ships = [] self.ground_units = [] # create bullets list, used for saving bullets in ongoing attacks self.bullets = [] if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # there are 0 or 1 trader AIs so this is safe trader_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1") if trader_data: self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_data[0][0]) # there are 0 or 1 pirate AIs so this is safe pirate_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_pirate = 1") if pirate_data: self.pirate = Pirate.load(self.session, savegame_db, pirate_data[0][0]) # load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now) for (worldid, typeid) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"): Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): # let trader command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be # initialised for this, and trader has to exist before ships are loaded. if self.trader: self.trader.load_ship_states(savegame_db) # let pirate command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be # initialised for this, and pirate has to exist before ships are loaded. if self.pirate: self.pirate.load_ship_states(savegame_db) # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # load the AI players # this has to be done here because otherwise the ships and other objects won't exist for player in self.players: if not isinstance(player, HumanPlayer): player.finish_loading(savegame_db) # load bullets if self.session.is_game_loaded(): for (worldid, sx, sy, dx, dy, speed, img) in savegame_db("SELECT worldid, startx, starty, destx, desty, speed, image FROM bullet"): Bullet(img, Point(sx, sy), Point(dx, dy), speed, self.session, False, worldid) # load ongoing attacks if self.session.is_game_loaded(): Weapon.load_attacks(self.session, savegame_db) # load diplomacy self.diplomacy = Diplomacy() if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.diplomacy.load(self, savegame_db) # add diplomacy notification listeners def notify_change(caller, old_state, new_state, a, b): player1 = u"%s" % player2 = u"%s" % data = {'player1' : player1, 'player2' : player2} self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add( None, None, 'DIPLOMACY_STATUS_'+old_state.upper()+"_"+new_state.upper(), data) self.diplomacy.add_diplomacy_status_changed_listener(notify_change) disasters_disabled_by_properties = 'disasters_enabled' in and not['disasters_enabled'] # if savegame or parameter disables disasters, it's disabled (both have to be set to enable to actually enable) disasters_disabled = not disasters_enabled or disasters_disabled_by_properties self.disaster_manager = DisasterManager(self.session, disabled=disasters_disabled) if self.session.is_game_loaded(): self.disaster_manager.load(savegame_db) self.inited = True """TUTORIAL: To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/, to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map""" def load_raw_map(self, savegame_db, preview=False): # load islands self.islands = [] for (islandid,) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid + 1000 FROM island"): island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session, preview=preview) self.islands.append(island) #calculate map dimensions self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i in self.islands: self.min_x = i.rect.left if self.min_x is None or i.rect.left < self.min_x else self.min_x self.min_y = if self.min_y is None or < self.min_y else self.min_y self.max_x = i.rect.right if self.max_x is None or i.rect.right > self.max_x else self.max_x self.max_y = i.rect.bottom if self.max_y is None or i.rect.bottom > self.max_y else self.max_y self.min_x -= 10 self.min_y -= 10 self.max_x += 10 self.max_y += 10 self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y) #add water self.log.debug("Filling world with water...") self.ground_map = {} # big sea water tile class if not preview: default_grounds = Entities.grounds[int('default_ground', GROUND.WATER[0]))] # extra world size that is added so that he player can't see the "black void" border = 30 fake_tile_class = Entities.grounds[-1] for x in xrange(self.min_x-border, self.max_x+border, 10): for y in xrange(self.min_y-border, self.max_y+border, 10): if not preview: # we don't need no references, we don't need no mem control default_grounds(self.session, x, y) for x_offset in xrange(0,10): if x+x_offset < self.max_x and x+x_offset>= self.min_x: for y_offset in xrange(0,10): if y+y_offset < self.max_y and y+y_offset >= self.min_y: self.ground_map[(x+x_offset, y+y_offset)] = fake_tile_class(self.session, x, y) # remove parts that are occupied by islands, create the island map and the full map self.island_map = {} self.full_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map) for island in self.islands: for coords in island.ground_map: if coords in self.ground_map: self.full_map[coords] = island.ground_map[coords] del self.ground_map[coords] self.island_map[coords] = island def _init_water_bodies(self): """ This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognise different water bodies """ moves = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)] n = 0 self.water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water) for coords, num in self.water_body.iteritems(): if num is not None: continue self.water_body[coords] = n queue = deque([coords]) while queue: x, y = queue[0] queue.popleft() for dx, dy in moves: coords2 = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords2 in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords2] is None: self.water_body[coords2] = n queue.append(coords2) n += 1 def init_fish_indexer(self): radius = Entities.buildings[ BUILDINGS.FISHERMAN_CLASS ].radius buildings = self.provider_buildings.provider_by_resources[RES.FISH_ID] self.fish_indexer = BuildingIndexer(radius, self.full_map, buildings=buildings) def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled, natural_resource_multiplier): """ This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time. NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire in network games. @return: the coordinates of the players first ship """ # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need # therefore, reset the levels for now loggers_to_silence = { 'world.production' : None } for logger_name in loggers_to_silence: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel( logging.WARN ) # add a random number of environmental objects self._add_nature_objects(natural_resource_multiplier) # reset loggers, see above for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(level) # add free trader if trader_enabled: self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color()) ret_coords = None for player in self.players: # Adding ships for the players # hack to place the ship on the development map point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position() # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways. ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x, point.y)( # give ship basic resources for res, amount in self.session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"): ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount) if player is self.player: ret_coords = point.to_tuple() # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players): AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this # add a pirate ship if pirate_enabled: self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color()) # Fire a message for new world creation self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(None, None, 'NEW_WORLD') assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?" return ret_coords def _add_resource_deposits(self, resource_multiplier): """ Place clay deposits and mountains. The algorithm: 1. calculate the manhattan distance from each island tile to the sea 2. calculate the value of a tile 3. calculate the value of an object's location as min(covered tile values) 4. for each island place a number of clay deposits and mountains 5. place a number of extra clay deposits and mountains without caring about the island * the probability of choosing a resource deposit location is proportional to its value @param natural_resource_multiplier: multiply the amount of clay deposits and mountains by this. """ moves = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)] ClayDeposit = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.CLAY_DEPOSIT_CLASS] Mountain = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.MOUNTAIN_CLASS] clay_deposit_locations = [] mountain_locations = [] def get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, width, height): """Return a list of all valid locations for a width times height object in the format [(value, (x, y), island), ...].""" locations = [] offsets = list(itertools.product(xrange(width), xrange(height))) for x, y in sorted(usable_part): min_value = None for dx, dy in offsets: coords = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords in usable_part: value = usable_part[coords] min_value = value if min_value is None or min_value > value else min_value else: min_value = None break if min_value: locations.append((1.0 / min_value, (x, y), island)) return locations def place_objects(locations, max_objects, object_class): """Place at most max_objects objects of the given class.""" if not locations: return total_sum = [0] last_sum = 0 for value in zip(*locations)[0]: last_sum += value total_sum.append(last_sum) for _ in xrange(max_objects): for _ in xrange(7): # try to place the object 7 times object_sum = self.session.random.random() * last_sum pos = bisect.bisect_left(total_sum, object_sum, 0, len(total_sum) - 2) x, y = locations[pos][1] if object_class.check_build(self.session, Point(x, y), check_settlement = False): Build(object_class, x, y, locations[pos][2], 45 + self.session.random.randint(0, 3) * 90, ownerless = True)(issuer = None) break for island in self.islands: # mark island tiles that are next to the sea queue = deque() distance = {} for (x, y), tile in island.ground_map.iteritems(): if len(tile.classes) == 1: # could be a shallow to deep water tile for dx, dy in moves: coords = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords] == self.sea_number: distance[(x, y)] = 1 queue.append((x, y, 1)) break # calculate the manhattan distance to the sea while queue: x, y, dist = queue[0] queue.popleft() for dx, dy in moves: coords = (x + dx, y + dy) if coords in distance: continue if coords in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords] == self.sea_number: continue distance[coords] = dist + 1 queue.append((coords[0], coords[1], dist + 1)) # calculate tiles' values usable_part = {} for coords, dist in distance.iteritems(): if coords in island.ground_map and 'constructible' in island.ground_map[coords].classes: usable_part[coords] = (dist + 5) ** 2 # place the local clay deposits local_clay_deposit_locations = get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, *ClayDeposit.size) clay_deposit_locations.extend(local_clay_deposit_locations) local_clay_deposits_base = 0.3 + len(local_clay_deposit_locations) ** 0.7 / 60.0 num_local_clay_deposits = int(max(0, resource_multiplier * min(3, local_clay_deposits_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.7))))) place_objects(local_clay_deposit_locations, num_local_clay_deposits, ClayDeposit) # place the local mountains local_mountain_locations = get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, *Mountain.size) mountain_locations.extend(local_mountain_locations) local_mountains_base = 0.1 + len(local_mountain_locations) ** 0.5 / 120.0 num_local_mountains = int(max(0, resource_multiplier * min(2, local_mountains_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.8))))) place_objects(local_mountain_locations, num_local_mountains, Mountain) # place some extra clay deposits extra_clay_base = len(clay_deposit_locations) ** 0.8 / 400.0 num_extra_clay_deposits = int(round(max(1, resource_multiplier * min(7, len(self.islands) * 1.0 + 2, extra_clay_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 1)))))) place_objects(clay_deposit_locations, num_extra_clay_deposits, ClayDeposit) # place some extra mountains extra_mountains_base = len(mountain_locations) ** 0.8 / 700.0 num_extra_mountains = int(round(max(1, resource_multiplier * min(4, len(self.islands) * 0.5 + 2, extra_mountains_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.7)))))) place_objects(mountain_locations, num_extra_mountains, Mountain) def _add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier): """ Place trees, wild animals, fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains. @param natural_resource_multiplier: multiply the amount of fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains by this. """ if not int('RandomTrees', 1)): return self._add_resource_deposits(natural_resource_multiplier) Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS] FishDeposit = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS] fish_directions = [(i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2) for j in xrange(-1, 2)] # add trees, wild animals, and fish for island in self.islands: for (x, y), tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()): # add tree to every nth tile and an animal to one in every M trees if self.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and \ Tree.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement = False): building = Build(Tree, x, y, island, 45 + self.session.random.randint(0, 3) * 90, ownerless = True, data = {"start_finished": True})(issuer = None) if self.session.random.randint(0, WILD_ANIMAL.POPUlATION_INIT_RATIO) == 0: # add animal to every nth tree CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL_CLASS, x, y)(issuer = None) if self.session.random.random() > WILD_ANIMAL.FOOD_AVAILABLE_ON_START: building.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(RES.WILDANIMALFOOD_ID, -1) if 'coastline' in tile.classes and self.session.random.random() < natural_resource_multiplier / 4.0: # try to place fish: from the current position go to a random directions twice for (x_dir, y_dir) in self.session.random.sample(fish_directions, 2): # move a random amount in both directions fish_x = x + x_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9) fish_y = y + y_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9) # now we have the location, check if we can build here if (fish_x, fish_y) in self.ground_map: Build(FishDeposit, fish_x, fish_y, self, 45 + self.session.random.randint(0, 3) * 90, ownerless = True)(issuer = None) def set_forced_player(self, force_player_id): if force_player_id is not None: for player in self.players: if player.worldid == force_player_id: self.player = player break def get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ground_unit_map: continue for island in self.islands: if (x, y) in island.path_nodes.nodes: return Point(x, y) def get_random_possible_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ship_map: continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship # check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords) position_possible = True for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1): for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1): point_to_check = Point( x + offset*first_sign, y + offset*second_sign ) if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None: position_possible = False break if not position_possible: # propagate break continue # try another coord break # all checks successful return Point(x, y) def get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self): """Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world but on the coast of an island""" offset = 2 while True: x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset) y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset) if (x, y) in self.ship_map: continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship result = Point(x, y) if self.get_island(result) is not None: continue # don't choose a point on an island # check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords) for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1): for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1): point_to_check = Point( x + first_sign, y + second_sign ) if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None: return result #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns a all tiles in the radius around the point. This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of tiles in radius. """ for point in self.get_points_in_radius(position, radius, shuffle): yield self.get_tile(point) def get_points_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False): """Returns all points in the radius around the point. This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately. @param position: Point instance @return List of points in radius. """ assert isinstance(position, Point) points = Circle(position, radius) if shuffle: points = list(points) self.session.random.shuffle(points) for point in points: if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point): # don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist yield point def setup_player(self, id, name, color, local, is_ai, difficulty_level): """Sets up a new Player instance and adds him to the active world. Only used for new games. Loading old players is done in _init(). @param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine.""" inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res() player = None if is_ai: # a human controlled AI player player = AIPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level) else: player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level) player.initialize(inv) # Componentholder init if local: self.player = player self.players.append(player) def get_tile(self, point): """Returns the ground at x, y. @param point: coords as Point @return: instance of Ground at x, y """ try: return self.full_map[(point.x, point.y)] except KeyError: return None @property def settlements(self): """Returns all settlements on world""" settlements = [] for i in self.islands: settlements.extend(i.settlements) return settlements def get_island(self, point): """Returns the island for that coordinate, if none is found, returns None. @param point: instance of Point""" # NOTE: keep code synchronised with duplicated code below tup = point.to_tuple() if tup not in self.island_map: return None return self.island_map[tup] def get_island_tuple(self, tup): """Overloaded from above""" if tup not in self.island_map: return None return self.island_map[tup] def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius): """Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point. @return set of islands in radius""" islands = set() for island in self.islands: for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius): islands.add(island) break return islands def get_warehouses(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None, include_allied=False): """Returns all warehouses on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @param owner: Player instance, list only warehouses belonging to this player. @param include_allied also list the warehouses belonging to allies @return: List of warehouses. """ warehouses = [] islands = [] if radius is not None and position is not None: islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius) else: islands = self.islands for island in islands: for settlement in island.settlements: warehouse = settlement.warehouse if (radius is None or position is None or \ warehouse.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \ (owner is None or warehouse.owner == owner or (include_allied and self.diplomacy.are_allies(warehouse.owner, owner))): warehouses.append(warehouse) return warehouses def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all ships on the map. Optionally only those in range around the specified position. @param position: Point or Rect instance. @param radius: int radius to use. @return: List of ships. """ if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) ships = [] for ship in self.ships: if circle.contains(ship.position): ships.append(ship) return ships else: return self.ships def get_ground_units(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) units = [] for unit in self.ground_units: if circle.contains(unit.position): units.append(unit) return units else: return self.ground_units def get_buildings(self, position=None, radius=None): """@see get_ships""" buildings = [] if position is not None and radius is not None: circle = Circle(position, radius) for island in self.islands: for building in island.buildings: if circle.contains( buildings.append(building) else: for island in self.islands: for building in island.buildings: buildings.append(building) return buildings def get_health_instances(self, position=None, radius=None): """Returns all instances that have health""" instances = [] for instance in self.get_ships(position, radius)+\ self.get_ground_units(position, radius): if instance.has_component(HealthComponent): instances.append(instance) return instances def save(self, db): """Saves the current game to the specified db. @param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to.""" super(World, self).save(db) for name, value in db("INSERT INTO map_properties (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", name, value) for island in self.islands: for player in self.players: if self.trader is not None: if self.pirate is not None: for ship in self.ships: for ground_unit in self.ground_units: for bullet in self.bullets: Weapon.save_attacks(db) def save_map(self, path, prefix): map_file = os.path.join(path, prefix + '.sqlite') db = DbReader(map_file) read_savegame_template(db) db('BEGIN') for island in self.islands: island_name = '%s_island_%d_%d.sqlite' % (prefix, island.origin.x, island.origin.y) island_db_path = os.path.join(path, island_name) if os.path.exists(island_db_path): os.unlink(island_db_path) # the process relies on having an empty file db('INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', island.origin.x, island.origin.y, 'content/islands/' + island_name) island_db = DbReader(island_db_path) island.save_map(island_db) island_db.close() db('COMMIT') db.close() def get_checkup_hash(self): dict = { 'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(), 'settlements': [], 'ships': [], } for island in self.islands: for settlement in island.settlements: entry = { 'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid), 'tax_settings': str(settlement.tax_settings), 'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants), 'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs), 'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes), 'inventory': str(settlement.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory._storage), } dict['settlements'].append(entry) for ship in self.ships: entry = { 'owner': str(ship.owner.worldid), 'position': ship.position.to_tuple(), } dict['ships'].append(entry) return dict def notify_new_settlement(self): """Called when a new settlement is created""" # make sure there's a trader ship for 2 settlements if self.trader and len(self.settlements) > self.trader.get_ship_count() * 2: self.trader.create_ship() def toggle_owner_highlight(self): renderer = self.session.view.renderer['InstanceRenderer'] self.owner_highlight_active = not self.owner_highlight_active if self.owner_highlight_active: #show for player in self.players: red = player.color.r green = player.color.g blue = player.color.b for settlement in player.settlements: for tile in settlement.ground_map.itervalues(): renderer.addColored(tile._instance, red, green, blue) else: # 'hide' functionality renderer.removeAllColored() def toggle_translucency(self): """Make certain building types translucent""" if not hasattr(self, "_translucent_buildings"): self._translucent_buildings = set() if not self._translucent_buildings: # no translucent buildings saved => enable building_types = self.session.db.get_translucent_buildings() add = self._translucent_buildings.add from weakref import ref as create_weakref def get_all_buildings(world): for island in world.islands: for b in island.buildings: yield b for s in island.settlements: for b in s.buildings: yield b for b in get_all_buildings(self): if in building_types: fife_instance = b._instance add( create_weakref(fife_instance) ) fife_instance.keep_translucency = True fife_instance.get2dGfxVisual().setTransparency( BUILDINGS.TRANSPARENCY_VALUE ) else: # undo translucency for inst in self._translucent_buildings: try: inst().get2dGfxVisual().setTransparency( 0 ) inst().keep_translucency = False except AttributeError: pass # obj has been deleted, inst() returned None self._translucent_buildings.clear() def toggle_health_for_all_health_instances(self): """Show health bar of every instance with an health component, which isnt selected already""" self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances = not self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances if self.health_visible_for_all_health_instances: for instance in if not instance.get_component(SelectableComponent).selected: instance.draw_health() self.session.view.add_change_listener(instance.draw_health) else: for instance in if self.session.view.has_change_listener(instance.draw_health) and not instance.get_component(SelectableComponent).selected: instance.draw_health(remove_only=True) self.session.view.remove_change_listener(instance.draw_health)