コード例 #1
ファイル: producer.py プロジェクト: aedificium/aedificium
	def __create_unit(self):
		"""Create the produced unit now."""
		productions = self._productions.values()
		for production in productions:
			assert isinstance(production, UnitProduction)
			for unit, amount in production.get_produced_units().iteritems():
				for i in xrange(0, amount):
					radius = 1
					found_tile = False
					# search for free water tile, and increase search radius if none is found
					while not found_tile:
						for coord in Circle(self.instance.position.center(), radius).tuple_iter():
							point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
							if self.instance.island.get_tile(point) is None:
								tile = self.session.world.get_tile(point)
								if tile is not None and tile.is_water and coord not in self.session.world.ship_map:
									# execute bypassing the manager, it's simulated on every machine
									u = CreateUnit(self.instance.owner.worldid, unit, point.x, point.y)(issuer=self.instance.owner)
									# Fire a message indicating that the ship has been created
									name = u.get_component(NamedComponent).name
									self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(string_id='NEW_UNIT', point=point, message_dict={'name' : name})
									found_tile = True
						radius += 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: perher/unknown-horizons
def new_session(mapgen=create_map, rng_seed=RANDOM_SEED, human_player = True, ai_players = 0):
	Create a new session with a map, add one human player and a trader (it will crash
	otherwise). It returns both session and player to avoid making the function-baed
	tests too verbose.
	session = SPTestSession(horizons.main.db, rng_seed=rng_seed)
	human_difficulty = DifficultySettings.DEFAULT_LEVEL
	ai_difficulty = DifficultySettings.EASY_LEVEL

	players = []
	if human_player:
		players.append({'id': 1, 'name': 'foobar', 'color': Color[1], 'local': True, 'is_ai': False, 'difficulty': human_difficulty})
	for i in xrange(ai_players):
		id = i + human_player + 1
		players.append({'id': id, 'name': ('AI' + str(i)), 'color': Color[id], 'local': id == 1, 'is_ai': True, 'difficulty': ai_difficulty})

	session.load(mapgen(), players)
	# use different trader id here, so that init_new_world can be called
	# (else there would be a worldid conflict)
	session.world.trader = Trader(session, 99999 + 42, 'Free Trader', Color())

	if ai_players > 0: # currently only ai tests use the ships
		for player in session.world.players:
			point = session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
			ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x, point.y)(issuer=player)
			# give ship basic resources
			for res, amount in session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
				ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount)

	return session, session.world.player
コード例 #3
	def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled, natural_resource_multiplier):
		This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh
		map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time.

		NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly,
		      bypassing the manager
		      This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted
		      over the wire in network games.

		@return: the coordinates of the players first ship

		# workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need
		#             therefore, reset the levels for now
		loggers_to_silence = { 'world.production' : None }
		for logger_name in loggers_to_silence:
			logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
			loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
			logger.setLevel( logging.WARN )

		# add a random number of environmental objects
		if natural_resource_multiplier != 0:

		# reset loggers, see above
		for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems():

		# add free trader
		if trader_enabled:
			self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color())

		ret_coords = None
		for player in self.players:
			# Adding ships for the players
			# hack to place the ship on the development map
			point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position()
			# Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the
			# network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways.
			ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP, point.x, point.y)(issuer=self.session.world.player)
			# give ship basic resources
			for res, amount in self.session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
				ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount)
			if player is self.player:
				ret_coords = point.to_tuple()

		# load the AI stuff only when we have AI players
		if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players):
			AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this

		# add a pirate ship
		if pirate_enabled:
			self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color())

		# Fire a message for new world creation
		self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(None, None, 'NEW_WORLD')
		assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?"
		return ret_coords
コード例 #4
def test_hunter_save_load():
    """Save/loading hunter in different states"""
    session, player = new_session()
    settlement, island = settle(session)

    # setup hunter, trees (to keep animals close) and animals

    hunter = Build(BUILDINGS.HUNTER, 30, 30, island,
    hunter_worldid = hunter.worldid
    del hunter  # invalid after save/load

    for x in xrange(27, 29):
        for y in xrange(25, 28):
            assert Build(BUILDINGS.TREE, x, y, island,

    CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, 27, 27)(issuer=None)
    CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, 28, 27)(issuer=None)
    CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, 29, 27)(issuer=None)

    def get_hunter_collector(session):
        hunter = WorldObject.get_object_by_id(hunter_worldid)
        return hunter.get_component(

    def await_transition(session, collector, old_state, new_state):
        assert collector.state == old_state, "expected old state %s, got %s" % (
            old_state, collector.state)
        while collector.state == old_state:
        assert collector.state == new_state, "expected new state %s, got %s" % (
            old_state, collector.state)

    sequence = [
        Collector.states.idle, Collector.states.waiting_for_animal_to_stop,
        Collector.states.moving_to_target, Collector.states.working,
        Collector.states.moving_home, Collector.states.idle

    # do full run without saveload
    collector = get_hunter_collector(session)
    for i in xrange(len(sequence) - 1):
        await_transition(session, collector, sequence[i], sequence[i + 1])

    # do full run with saveload
    for i in xrange(len(sequence) - 1):
        collector = get_hunter_collector(session)
        await_transition(session, collector, sequence[i], sequence[i + 1])
        session = saveload(session)

    # last state reached successfully 2 times -> finished
コード例 #5
def setup_combat(s, ship):
    worldid = 10000000

    p0 = Player(s, worldid, "p1", Color.get(1))
    p1 = Player(s, worldid + 1, "p2", Color.get(2))

    for p in (p0, p1):

    s0 = CreateUnit(p0.worldid, ship, 0, 0)(issuer=p0)
    s1 = CreateUnit(p1.worldid, ship, 3, 3)(issuer=p1)

    return ((p0, s0), (p1, s1))
コード例 #6
	def create_ship(self):
		"""Create a ship and place it randomly"""
		self.log.debug("Trader %s: creating new ship", self.worldid)
		point = self.session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
		ship = CreateUnit(self.worldid, UNITS.TRADER_SHIP, point.x, point.y)(issuer=self)
		self.ships[ship] = self.shipStates.reached_warehouse
		Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self.ship_idle, ship), self, run_in=0)
コード例 #7
	def _place_unit(self, unit):
		radius = 1
		found_tile = False
		while not found_tile:
			# search for a free tile around the building
			for tile in self.instance.island.get_surrounding_tiles(self.instance.position.center, radius):
				point = Point(tile.x, tile.y)
				if not (tile.is_water or tile.blocked) and (tile.x, tile.y) not in self.session.world.ground_unit_map:
					u = CreateUnit(self.instance.owner.worldid, unit, tile.x, tile.y)(issuer=self.instance.owner)
					# Fire a message indicating that the ship has been created
					name = u.get_component(NamedComponent).name
					self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(string_id='NEW_SOLDIER', point=point,
						                                   message_dict={'name': name})
					found_tile = True
			radius += 1
コード例 #8
 def __create_unit(self):
     """Create the produced unit now."""
     productions = self._productions.values()
     for production in productions:
         assert isinstance(production, UnitProduction)
         for unit, amount in production.get_produced_units().iteritems():
             for i in xrange(0, amount):
                 radius = 1
                 found_tile = False
                 # search for free water tile, and increase search radius if none is found
                 while not found_tile:
                     for coord in Circle(self.position.center(),
                         point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                         if self.island.get_tile(point) is None:
                             tile = self.session.world.get_tile(point)
                             if tile is not None and tile.is_water and coord not in self.session.world.ship_map:
                                 CreateUnit(self.owner.worldid, unit,
                                 found_tile = True
                     radius += 1
コード例 #9
def add_nature_objects(world, natural_resource_multiplier):
	Place trees, wild animals, fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains.

	@param natural_resource_multiplier: multiply the amount of fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains by this.

    if not int(world.properties.get('RandomTrees', 1)):

    add_resource_deposits(world, natural_resource_multiplier)
    Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE]
    FishDeposit = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT]
    fish_directions = [(i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2) for j in xrange(-1, 2)]

    # TODO HACK BAD THING hack the component template to make trees start finished
    Tree.component_templates[1]['ProducerComponent']['start_finished'] = True

    # add trees, wild animals, and fish
    for island in world.islands:
        for (x, y), tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()):
            # add tree to every nth tile and an animal to one in every M trees
            if world.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and \
               Tree.check_build(world.session, tile, check_settlement=False):
                building = Build(Tree,
                                 45 + world.session.random.randint(0, 3) * 90,
                if world.session.random.randint(
                        0, WILD_ANIMAL.POPULATION_INIT_RATIO
                ) == 0:  # add animal to every nth tree
                    CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, x,
                if world.session.random.random(
                        RES.WILDANIMALFOOD, -1)

            if 'coastline' in tile.classes and world.session.random.random(
            ) < natural_resource_multiplier / 4.0:
                # try to place fish: from the current position go to a random directions twice
                for (x_dir,
                     y_dir) in world.session.random.sample(fish_directions, 2):
                    # move a random amount in both directions
                    fish_x = x + x_dir * world.session.random.randint(3, 9)
                    fish_y = y + y_dir * world.session.random.randint(3, 9)
                    # now we have the location, check if we can build here
                    if (fish_x, fish_y) in world.ground_map:
                              45 + world.session.random.randint(0, 3) * 90,

    # TODO HACK BAD THING revert hack so trees don't start finished
    Tree.component_templates[1]['ProducerComponent']['start_finished'] = False
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: aviler/unknown-horizons
def new_settlement(session, pos=Point(30, 20)):
	Creates a settlement at the given position. It returns the settlement and the island
	where it was created on, to avoid making function-baed tests too verbose.
	island = session.world.get_island(pos)
	assert island, "No island found at %s" % pos
	player = session.world.player

	ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, pos.x, pos.y)(player)
	for res, amount in session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
		ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount)

	building = Build(BUILDINGS.WAREHOUSE_CLASS, pos.x, pos.y, island, ship=ship)(player)
	assert building, "Could not build warehouse at %s" % pos

	return (building.settlement, island)
コード例 #11
def new_settlement(session, pos=Point(30, 20)):
	Creates a settlement at the given position. It returns the settlement and the island
	where it was created on, to avoid making function-baed tests too verbose.
	island = session.world.get_island(pos)
	assert island, "No island found at %s" % pos
	player = session.world.player

	ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP, pos.x, pos.y)(player)
	for res, amount in session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
		ship.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(res, amount)

	building = Build(BUILDINGS.WAREHOUSE, pos.x, pos.y, island, ship=ship)(player)
	assert building, "Could not build warehouse at %s" % pos

	return (building.settlement, island)
コード例 #12
	def __place_unit(self, unit):
		radius = 1
		found_tile = False
		# search for free water tile, and increase search radius if none is found
		while not found_tile:
			for coord in Circle(self.instance.position.center, radius).tuple_iter():
				point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
				if self.instance.island.get_tile(point) is not None:
				tile = self.session.world.get_tile(point)
				if tile is not None and tile.is_water and coord not in self.session.world.ship_map:
					# execute bypassing the manager, it's simulated on every machine
					u = CreateUnit(self.instance.owner.worldid, unit, point.x, point.y)(issuer=self.instance.owner)
					# Fire a message indicating that the ship has been created
					name = u.get_component(NamedComponent).name
					self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(string_id='NEW_UNIT', point=point,
					                                           message_dict={'name' : name})
					found_tile = True
			radius += 1
コード例 #13
	def __place_unit(self, unit):
		radius = 1
		found_tile = False
		# search for free water tile, and increase search radius if none is found
		while not found_tile:
			for coord in Circle(self.instance.position.center, radius).tuple_iter():
				point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
				if self.instance.island.get_tile(point) is not None:
				tile = self.session.world.get_tile(point)
				if tile is not None and tile.is_water and coord not in self.session.world.ship_map:
					# execute bypassing the manager, it's simulated on every machine
					u = CreateUnit(self.instance.owner.worldid, unit, point.x, point.y)(issuer=self.instance.owner)
					# Fire a message indicating that the ship has been created
					name = u.get_component(NamedComponent).name
					self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(string_id='NEW_UNIT', point=point,
					                                           message_dict={'name' : name})
					found_tile = True
			radius += 1
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self, session, id, name, color, **kwargs):
        super(Pirate, self).__init__(session, id, name, color, **kwargs)

        # create a ship and place it randomly (temporary hack)
        point = self.session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
        ship = CreateUnit(self.worldid, UNITS.PIRATE_SHIP_CLASS, point.x,
        self.ships[ship] = self.shipStates.idle
        for ship in self.ships.keys():
            Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self.send_ship, ship), self)
            Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self.lookout, ship), self, 8,
コード例 #15
    def reproduce(self):
        """Create another animal of our type on the place where we stand"""
        if not self.can_reproduce:

        self.log.debug("%s REPRODUCING", self)
        # create offspring
        CreateUnit(self.owner.worldid, self.id, self.position.x, self.position.y, \
                   can_reproduce = self.next_clone_can_reproduce())
        # reset own resources
        for res in self.get_consumed_resources():
コード例 #16
 def _place_unit(self, unit):
     radius = 1
     found_tile = False
     while not found_tile:
         # search for a free tile around the building
         for tile in self.instance.island.get_surrounding_tiles(
                 self.instance.position.center, radius):
             point = Point(tile.x, tile.y)
             if not (tile.is_water or tile.blocked) and (
                     tile.y) not in self.session.world.ground_unit_map:
                 u = CreateUnit(self.instance.owner.worldid, unit, tile.x,
                 # Fire a message indicating that the ship has been created
                 name = u.get_component(NamedComponent).name
                     message_dict={'name': name})
                 found_tile = True
         radius += 1
コード例 #17
def test_hunter(s, p):
	Hunter will produce food from dear meat. No animals were harmed in this test.
	settlement, island = settle(s)

	hunter = Build(BUILDINGS.HUNTER, 30, 30, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert hunter

	assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.FOOD] == 0
	assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.DEER_MEAT] == 0

	for (x_off, y_off) in product([-5, -4, 4, 5], repeat=2):
		x = 30 + x_off
		y = 30 + y_off
		animal = CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, x, y)(None)
		# wild animals are slow eaters, we feed them directly
		animal.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(12, 10)
		assert animal


	assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.FOOD]
コード例 #18
def test_unfair(s, p):
    (p0, s0), (p1, s1) = setup_combat(s, UNITS.FRIGATE)

    # two against one

    s0_1 = CreateUnit(p0.worldid, UNITS.FRIGATE, 5, 5)(issuer=p0)

    AddEnemyPair(p0, p1).execute(s)

    Attack(s0, s1).execute(s)
    Attack(s0_1, s1).execute(s)


    assert health(s1) == 0
    assert health(s0) > 0
    assert health(s0_1) > 0
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_bugs.py プロジェクト: Z-Fikar/unknown-horizons
def test_ticket_1352(gui):
	Clicking on a frigate crashes the game.

    player = gui.session.world.player
    ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.FRIGATE, 68, 10)(player)
    x, y = ship.position.x, ship.position.y

    gui.session.view.center(x, y)
	# low-level selection
	# disabled because it is difficult to select the ship
	gui.cursor_move(x, y)
	gui.cursor_click(x, y, 'left')

コード例 #20
    def __init__(self, session, id, name, color, **kwargs):
        super(Pirate, self).__init__(session, id, name, color, **kwargs)

        # choose a random water tile on the coast and call it home
        self.home_point = self.session.world.get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(
            "Pirate: home at (%d, %d), radius %d" %
            (self.home_point.x, self.home_point.y, self.home_radius))

        # create a ship and place it randomly (temporary hack)
        point = self.session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
        ship = CreateUnit(self.worldid, UNITS.PIRATE_SHIP_CLASS, point.x,
        self.ships[ship] = self.shipStates.idle

        for ship in self.ships.keys():
            Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self.send_ship, ship), self)
            Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self.lookout, ship), self, 8,
コード例 #21
def spawn_ships(session, owner_id, ship_id, number, *position):
	Creates a number of ships controlled by a certain player around a position on the map.
	@param owner_id: the owner worldid
	@param ship_id: the ship id
	@param number: number of ships to be spawned
	@param position: position around the ships to be spawned
    center = Point(*position)
    player = WorldObject.get_object_by_id(owner_id)
    # calculate a radius that should fit all the ships
    # if it doesn't fit them all increase the radius
    radius = int(math.sqrt(number))
    while number != 0:
        for point in Circle(center, radius):
            if (point.x, point.y) in session.world.ship_map \
             or session.world.get_island(point) is not None:
            CreateUnit(owner_id, ship_id, point.x, point.y)(issuer=player)
            number -= 1
            if number == 0:
        radius += 1
コード例 #22
def test_hunter(s, p):
	Hunter will produce food from dear meat. No animals were harmed in this test.
    settlement, island = settle(s)

    hunter = Build(BUILDINGS.HUNTER, 30, 30, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
    assert hunter

    assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.FOOD] == 0
    assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.DEER_MEAT] == 0

    for (x_off, y_off) in product([-5, -4, 4, 5], repeat=2):
        x = 30 + x_off
        y = 30 + y_off
        animal = CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, x, y)(None)
        # wild animals are slow eaters, we feed them directly
        animal.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory.alter(12, 10)
        assert animal


    assert hunter.get_component(StorageComponent).inventory[RES.FOOD]
コード例 #23
 def create_ship(type):
     return CreateUnit(
         player.worldid, type,
コード例 #24
    def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled,
		This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh
		map). In other words, when it is loaded for the first time.

		NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly,
		      bypassing the manager.
		      This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted
		      over the wire in network games.

		@return: the coordinates of the players first ship

        # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output we don't need.
        #             therefore, reset the levels for now
        loggers_to_silence = {'world.production': None}
        for logger_name in loggers_to_silence:
            logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
            loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel()

        # add a random number of environmental objects
        if natural_resource_multiplier != 0:

        # reset loggers, see above
        for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.items():

        # add free trader
        if trader_enabled:
            self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, "Free Trader", Color())

        ret_coords = None
        for player in self.players:
            # Adding ships for the players
            # hack to place the ship on the development map
            point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position()
            # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the
            # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways.
            ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP, point.x,
            # give ship basic resources
            for res, amount in self.session.db(
                    "SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
                    res, amount)
            if player is self.player:
                ret_coords = point.to_tuple()

                # HACK: Store starting ship as first unit group, and select it
                def _preselect_player_ship(player_ship):
                    sel_comp = player_ship.get_component(SelectableComponent)
                    self.session.selected_instances = {player_ship}
                    self.session.ingame_gui.handle_selection_group(1, True)

                select_ship = partial(_preselect_player_ship, ship)
                Scheduler().add_new_object(select_ship, ship, run_in=0)

        # load the AI stuff only when we have AI players
        if any(isinstance(player, AIPlayer) for player in self.players):
                self.session.db)  # TODO: find a better place for this

        # add a pirate ship
        if pirate_enabled:
            self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard",

        assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?"
        return ret_coords
コード例 #25
 def create_ship(type):
     position = gui.session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
     unit = CreateUnit(player.worldid, type,
     return unit
コード例 #26
def remove(s, p, before_ticks, after_ticks, tear_index):
	Place a couple of buildings and tear down one randomly, run a while afterwards.
	Called by test_removal with different parameters.
    settlement, island = settle(s)

    # Plant trees
    for (x, y) in product(range(23, 38), repeat=2):
        if s.random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
            tree = Build(BUILDINGS.TREE, x, y, island,
            assert tree

    jack = Build(BUILDINGS.LUMBERJACK, 25, 30, island,
    assert jack
    jack = Build(BUILDINGS.LUMBERJACK, 35, 30, island,
    assert jack

    # Throw some fish into the water
    for x in (25, 30, 35):
        school = Build(BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT, x, 18, s.world,
        assert school

    fisherman = Build(BUILDINGS.FISHER, 25, 20, island,
    assert fisherman
    fisherman = Build(BUILDINGS.FISHER, 35, 20, island,
    assert fisherman

    # Some wild animals in the forest
    for (x_off, y_off) in product([-5, -4, 4, 5], repeat=2):
        x = 30 + x_off
        y = 30 + y_off
        animal = CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, x, y)(None)
        assert animal

    hunter = Build(BUILDINGS.HUNTER, 30, 35, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
    assert hunter

    # Build a farm
    assert Build(BUILDINGS.FARM, 26, 33, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
    assert Build(BUILDINGS.PASTURE, 22, 33, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
    assert Build(BUILDINGS.PASTURE, 26, 37, island, settlement=settlement)(p)

    # Build roads
    for (start, dest) in [(Point(27, 30), Point(30, 23)),
                          (Point(32, 23), Point(35, 29)),
                          (Point(25, 22), Point(30, 23)),
                          (Point(32, 23), Point(35, 22)),
                          (Point(30, 34), Point(32, 25)),
                          (Point(26, 32), Point(27, 30))]:
        path = RoadPathFinder()(island.path_nodes.nodes, start.to_tuple(),
        assert path
        for (x, y) in path:
            Build(BUILDINGS.TRAIL, x, y, island, settlement=settlement)(p)

    # Tear down a random building that is not a trail or tree.
    target = [
        b for b in settlement.buildings
        if b.id not in (BUILDINGS.TRAIL, BUILDINGS.TREE)
コード例 #27
ファイル: pirate.py プロジェクト: gbraad/unknown-horizons
 def create_ship_at_random_position(self):
     point = self.session.world.get_random_possible_ship_position()
     ship = CreateUnit(self.worldid, UNITS.PIRATE_SHIP, point.x,
     self.ships[ship] = self.shipStates.idle
コード例 #28
def remove(s, p, before_ticks, after_ticks, tear_index):
	Place a couple of buildings and tear down one randomly, run a while afterwards.
	Called by test_removal with different parameters.
	settlement, island = settle(s)

	# Plant trees
	for (x, y) in product(range(23, 38), repeat=2):
		if s.random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
			tree = Build(BUILDINGS.TREE, x, y, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
			assert tree

	jack = Build(BUILDINGS.LUMBERJACK, 25, 30, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert jack
	jack = Build(BUILDINGS.LUMBERJACK, 35, 30, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert jack

	# Throw some fish into the water
	for x in (25, 30, 35):
		school = Build(BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT, x, 18, s.world, ownerless=True)(None)
		assert school

	fisherman = Build(BUILDINGS.FISHER, 25, 20, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert fisherman
	fisherman = Build(BUILDINGS.FISHER, 35, 20, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert fisherman

	# Some wild animals in the forest
	for (x_off, y_off) in product([-5, -4, 4, 5], repeat=2):
		x = 30 + x_off
		y = 30 + y_off
		animal = CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL, x, y)(None)
		assert animal

	hunter = Build(BUILDINGS.HUNTER, 30, 35, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert hunter

	# Build a farm
	assert Build(BUILDINGS.FARM, 26, 33, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert Build(BUILDINGS.PASTURE, 22, 33, island, settlement=settlement)(p)
	assert Build(BUILDINGS.PASTURE, 26, 37, island, settlement=settlement)(p)

	# Build roads
	for (start, dest) in [(Point(27, 30), Point(30, 23)), (Point(32, 23), Point(35, 29)),
						  (Point(25, 22), Point(30, 23)), (Point(32, 23), Point(35, 22)),
						  (Point(30, 34), Point(32, 25)), (Point(26, 32), Point(27, 30))]:
		path = RoadPathFinder()(island.path_nodes.nodes, start.to_tuple(), dest.to_tuple())
		assert path
		for (x, y) in path:
			Build(BUILDINGS.TRAIL, x, y, island, settlement=settlement)(p)

	# Tear down a random building that is not a trail or tree.
	target = [b for b in settlement.buildings if b.id not in (BUILDINGS.TRAIL, BUILDINGS.TREE)][tear_index]
コード例 #29
    def init_new_world(self):
        """This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh
		map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time.

		NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly, bypassing the manager
		      this is necessary, because else the commands would be transmitted over the wire
					in network games.

		@return: Returs the coordinates of the players first ship
        # workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need
        #             therefore, reset the levels for now
        loggers_to_silence = {'world.production': None}
        for logger_name in loggers_to_silence:
            logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
            loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel()

        from horizons.command.building import Build
        from horizons.command.unit import CreateUnit
        # add a random number of environmental objects to the gameworld
        if int(self.properties.get('RandomTrees', 1)) == 1:
            Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS]
            Clay = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.CLAY_DEPOSIT_CLASS]
            Fish = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS]
            Mountain = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.MOUNTAIN_CLASS]
            for island in self.islands:
                max_clay_deposits = self.session.random.randint(2, 3)
                max_mountains = self.session.random.randint(1, 3)
                num_clay_deposits = 0
                num_mountains = 0
                # TODO: fix this sorted()-call. its slow but orderness of dict-loop isn't guaranteed
                for coords, tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()):
                    # add tree to every nth tile
                    if self.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and Tree.check_build(self.session, tile, \
                        building = Build(Tree,
                        )  # make trees big and fill their inventory
                        if self.session.random.randint(
                                0, 40) == 0:  # add animal to every nth tree
                            CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL_CLASS,
                    elif num_clay_deposits < max_clay_deposits and \
                      self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \
                      Clay.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False):
                        num_clay_deposits += 1
                    elif num_mountains < max_mountains and \
                         self.session.random.randint(0, 40) == 0 and \
                         Mountain.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement=False):
                        num_mountains += 1
                    if 'coastline' in tile.classes and self.session.random.randint(
                            0, 4) == 0:
                        # try to place fish
                        # from the current position, go to random directions 2 times
                        directions = [(i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2)
                                      for j in xrange(-1, 2)]
                        for (x_dir, y_dir) in self.session.random.sample(
                                directions, 2):
                            # move a random amount in both directions
                            coord_to_check = (
                                coords[0] +
                                x_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9),
                                coords[1] +
                                y_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9),
                            # now we have the location, check if we can build here
                            if coord_to_check in self.ground_map:
                                Build(Fish, coord_to_check[0], coord_to_check[1], ownerless=True, \

        # reset loggers, see above
        for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems():

        # add free trader
        self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color())
        ret_coords = None
        for player in self.players:
            # Adding ships for the players
            point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position()
            # Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the
            # network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways.
            ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x,
            # give ship basic resources
            for res, amount in self.session.db(
                    "SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
                ship.inventory.alter(res, amount)
            if player is self.player:
                ret_coords = (point.x, point.y)

        # add a pirate ship
        # TODO: enable pirate as soon as save/load for it is fixed
        #       currently, it breaks human player selection on load
        #self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color())

        # Fire a message for new world creation
        self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(self.max_x / 2,
                                                   self.max_y / 2, 'NEW_WORLD')
        assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are none. No players loaded?"
        return ret_coords