def loadPrintoutCache(self, columns, matches=None): # Load all the information that we have been requested into a cache cache = {} for p in columns: getAK(p) cache[p] = {} allv = KeyValue.objects.filter(keyid=getAK(p).id).values() for val in allv: hostid = val['hostid_id'] if matches and hostid not in matches: continue try: cache[p][hostid].append(val) except KeyError: cache[p][hostid] = [val] return cache
def handle(self, namespace): m = re.match("(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>.+)", namespace.keyvalue) if m: key ='key').lower() value ='value').lower() else: key = namespace.keyvalue.lower() value = '' keyid = getAK(key) for host in hostid = getHost(host) if not hostid: raise HostinfoException("Unknown host: %s" % host) if value: kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(hostid=hostid, keyid=keyid, value=value) else: kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(hostid=hostid, keyid=keyid) if not kvlist: raise HostinfoException("Host %s doesn't have key %s" % (host, key)) else: for kv in kvlist: try: kv.delete(readonlychange=namespace.readonlyupdate) except ReadonlyValueException: raise HostinfoException( "Cannot delete a readonly value") return None, 0
def handle(self, namespace): m = re.match("(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>.+)", namespace.keyvalue) if m: key ='key').lower() value ='value').lower() else: key = namespace.keyvalue.lower() value = '' keyid = getAK(key) for host in hostid = getHost(host) if not hostid: raise HostinfoException("Unknown host: %s" % host) if value: kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(hostid=hostid, keyid=keyid, value=value) else: kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(hostid=hostid, keyid=keyid) if not kvlist: raise HostinfoException("Host %s doesn't have key %s" % (host, key)) else: for kv in kvlist: try: kv.delete(readonlychange=namespace.readonlyupdate) except ReadonlyValueException: raise HostinfoException("Cannot delete a readonly value") return None, 0
def DisplayValuereport(self, matches): """ Display a report about the values a key has and how many hosts have that particular value """ outstr = "" values = {} hostids = set() # hostids that match the criteria getAK(self.namespace.valuereport[0]) total = len(matches) if total == 0: return "" nummatch = 0 kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter( keyid__key=self.namespace.valuereport[0]).values_list( 'hostid', 'value') for hostid, value in kvlist: if hostid not in matches: continue hostids.add(hostid) values[value] = values.get(value, 0) + 1 nummatch = len(hostids) # Number of hosts that match numundef = total - len(hostids) tmpvalues = [] for k, v in values.items(): p = 100.0 * v / nummatch tmpvalues.append((k, v, p)) tmpvalues.sort() outstr += "%s set: %d %0.2f%%\n" % (self.namespace.valuereport[0], nummatch, 100.0 * nummatch / total) outstr += "%s unset: %d %0.2f%%\n" % ( self.namespace.valuereport[0], numundef, 100.0 * numundef / total) outstr += "\n" for k, v, p in tmpvalues: outstr += "%s %d %0.2f%%\n" % (k, v, p) return outstr
def DisplayValuereport(self, matches): """ Display a report about the values a key has and how many hosts have that particular value """ outstr = "" values = {} hostids = set() # hostids that match the criteria getAK(self.namespace.valuereport[0]) total = len(matches) if total == 0: return "" nummatch = 0 kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter( keyid__key=self.namespace.valuereport[0]).values_list('hostid', 'value') for hostid, value in kvlist: if hostid not in matches: continue hostids.add(hostid) values[value] = values.get(value, 0)+1 nummatch = len(hostids) # Number of hosts that match numundef = total-len(hostids) tmpvalues = [] for k, v in values.items(): p = 100.0*v/nummatch tmpvalues.append((k, v, p)) tmpvalues.sort() outstr += "%s set: %d %0.2f%%\n" % (self.namespace.valuereport[0], nummatch, 100.0 * nummatch / total) outstr += "%s unset: %d %0.2f%%\n" % (self.namespace.valuereport[0], numundef, 100.0 * numundef / total) outstr += "\n" for k, v, p in tmpvalues: outstr += "%s %d %0.2f%%\n" % (k, v, p) return outstr
def handle(self, namespace): m = re.match("(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>.+)", namespace.keyvalue[0]) if not m: raise HostinfoException("Must be in key=value format, not %s" % namespace.keyvalue[0]) key ='key').lower() value ='value').lower() keyid = getAK(key) if not namespace.hosts and not namespace.all: raise HostinfoException("Must specify a list of hosts or the --all flag") kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(keyid=keyid, value=value) for kv in kvlist: if (namespace.hosts and kv.hostid.hostname in namespace.hosts) or not namespace.hosts: if not namespace.kidding: kv.value = namespace.newvalue[0] else: sys.stderr.write("Would replace %s=%s with %s on %s\n" % (kv.keyid, kv.value, namespace.newvalue[0], kv.hostid)) return None, 0
def DisplayValuereport(self, matches): """ Display a report about the values a key has and how many hosts have that particular value """ # TODO: Migrate to using calcKeylistVals outstr = "" values = defaultdict(int) hostids = set() # hostids that match the criteria key = getAK(self.namespace.valuereport[0]) total = len(matches) if total == 0: return "" nummatch = 0 kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter( keyid__key=self.namespace.valuereport[0]).values_list('hostid', 'value', 'numvalue') for hostid, value, numvalue in kvlist: hostids.add(hostid) if key.numericFlag and numvalue is not None: values[numvalue] += 1 else: values[value] += 1 nummatch = len(hostids) # Number of hosts that match numundef = total-len(hostids) tmpvalues = [] for k, v in values.items(): p = 100.0*v/nummatch tmpvalues.append((k, v, p)) tmpvalues.sort() outstr += "%s set: %d %0.2f%%\n" % (self.namespace.valuereport[0], nummatch, 100.0 * nummatch / total) outstr += "%s unset: %d %0.2f%%\n" % (self.namespace.valuereport[0], numundef, 100.0 * numundef / total) outstr += "\n" for k, v, p in tmpvalues: outstr += "%s %d %0.2f%%\n" % (k, v, p) return outstr
def handle(self, namespace): m = re.match("(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>.+)", namespace.keyvalue[0]) if not m: raise HostinfoException("Must be in key=value format, not %s" % namespace.keyvalue[0]) key ='key').lower() value ='value').lower() keyid = getAK(key) if not namespace.hosts and not namespace.all: raise HostinfoException( "Must specify a list of hosts or the --all flag") kvlist = KeyValue.objects.filter(keyid=keyid, value=value) for kv in kvlist: if (namespace.hosts and kv.hostid.hostname in namespace.hosts) or not namespace.hosts: if not namespace.kidding: kv.value = namespace.newvalue[0] else: sys.stderr.write( "Would replace %s=%s with %s on %s\n" % (kv.keyid, kv.value, namespace.newvalue[0], kv.hostid)) return None, 0
def DisplayXML(self, matches): """Display hosts and other printables in XML format """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr outstr = "" if self.namespace.showall: columns = [k.key for k in AllowedKey.objects.all()] columns.sort() else: columns = self.printout[:] cache = self.loadPrintoutCache(columns, matches) outstr += "<hostinfo>\n" outstr += ' <query date="%s">%s</query>\n' % (time.ctime(), escape(" ".join(sys.argv))) for key in columns: k = getAK(key) outstr += " <key>\n" outstr += " <name>%s</name>\n" % escape(key) outstr += " <type>%s</type>\n" % k.get_validtype_display() outstr += " <readonlyFlag>%s</readonlyFlag>\n" % k.readonlyFlag outstr += " <auditFlag>%s</auditFlag>\n" % k.auditFlag outstr += " <numericFlag>%s</numericFlag>\n" % k.numericFlag outstr += " <docpage>%s</docpage>\n" % k.docpage outstr += " <desc>%s</desc>\n" % k.desc if k.restrictedFlag: outstr += " <restricted>\n" rvlist = RestrictedValue.objects.filter(keyid__key=key) for rv in rvlist: outstr += " <value>%s</value>\n" % escape(rv.value) outstr += " </restricted>\n" outstr += " </key>\n" for host in matches: if self.namespace.aliases: aliaslist = getAliases(_hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.origin: hostorigin = ' origin="%s" ' % _hostcache[host].origin else: hostorigin = '' if self.namespace.times: hostdates = ' modified="%s" created="%s" ' % (_hostcache[host].modifieddate, _hostcache[host].createdate) else: hostdates = '' outstr += ' <host docpage="%s" %s%s>\n' % (_hostcache[host].docpage, hostorigin, hostdates) outstr += " <hostname>%s</hostname>\n" % escape(_hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.aliases and aliaslist: outstr += " <aliaslist>\n" for alias in aliaslist: outstr += " <alias>%s</alias>\n" % escape(alias) outstr += " </aliaslist>\n" outstr += " <data>\n" for p in columns: if host not in cache[p] or len(cache[p][host]) == 0: pass else: for c in cache[p][host]: outstr += ' <confitem key="%s"' % p if self.namespace.origin: outstr += ' origin=%s' % quoteattr(c['origin']) if self.namespace.times: outstr += ' modified="%s" created="%s"' % (c['modifieddate'], c['createdate']) outstr += '>%s</confitem>\n' % escape(c['value']) outstr += " </data>\n" outstr += " </host>\n" outstr += "</hostinfo>\n" return outstr
def DisplayXML(self, matches): """Display hosts and other printables in XML format """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr outstr = "" if self.namespace.showall: columns = [k.key for k in AllowedKey.objects.all()] columns.sort() else: columns = self.printout[:] cache = self.loadPrintoutCache(columns, matches) outstr += "<hostinfo>\n" outstr += ' <query date="%s">%s</query>\n' % ( time.ctime(), escape(" ".join(sys.argv))) for key in columns: k = getAK(key) outstr += " <key>\n" outstr += " <name>%s</name>\n" % escape(key) outstr += " <type>%s</type>\n" % k.get_validtype_display() outstr += " <readonlyFlag>%s</readonlyFlag>\n" % k.readonlyFlag outstr += " <auditFlag>%s</auditFlag>\n" % k.auditFlag outstr += " <docpage>%s</docpage>\n" % k.docpage outstr += " <desc>%s</desc>\n" % k.desc if k.restrictedFlag: outstr += " <restricted>\n" rvlist = RestrictedValue.objects.filter(keyid__key=key) for rv in rvlist: outstr += " <value>%s</value>\n" % escape(rv.value) outstr += " </restricted>\n" outstr += " </key>\n" for host in matches: if self.namespace.aliases: aliaslist = getAliases(_hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.origin: hostorigin = ' origin="%s" ' % _hostcache[host].origin else: hostorigin = '' if self.namespace.times: hostdates = ' modified="%s" created="%s" ' % ( _hostcache[host].modifieddate, _hostcache[host].createdate) else: hostdates = '' outstr += ' <host docpage="%s" %s%s>\n' % ( _hostcache[host].docpage, hostorigin, hostdates) outstr += " <hostname>%s</hostname>\n" % escape( _hostcache[host].hostname) if self.namespace.aliases and aliaslist: outstr += " <aliaslist>\n" for alias in aliaslist: outstr += " <alias>%s</alias>\n" % escape(alias) outstr += " </aliaslist>\n" outstr += " <data>\n" for p in columns: if host not in cache[p] or len(cache[p][host]) == 0: pass else: for c in cache[p][host]: outstr += ' <confitem key="%s"' % p if self.namespace.origin: outstr += ' origin=%s' % quoteattr(c['origin']) if self.namespace.times: outstr += ' modified="%s" created="%s"' % ( c['modifieddate'], c['createdate']) outstr += '>%s</confitem>\n' % escape(c['value']) outstr += " </data>\n" outstr += " </host>\n" outstr += "</hostinfo>\n" return outstr