def resume_training_with(data: TrainingData, out: ModelDir, train_params: TrainParams, evaluators: List[Evaluator], notes: str = None, dry_run: bool = False, start_eval=False): """ Resume training an existing model with the specified parameters """ with open(join(out.dir, "model.pkl"), "rb") as f: model = pickle.load(f) latest = out.get_latest_checkpoint() if latest is None: raise ValueError("No checkpoint to resume from found in " + out.save_dir) print(f"Loaded checkpoint from {out.save_dir}") _train(model, data, latest, None, False, train_params, evaluators, out, notes, dry_run, start_eval=start_eval)
def start_training_with_params(out: ModelDir, notes: str = None, dry_run=False, start_eval=False): """ Train a model with existing parameters etc """ train_params = out.get_last_train_params() model = out.get_model() train_data = train_params["data"] evaluators = train_params["evaluators"] params = train_params["train_params"] params.num_epochs = 24 * 3 _train(model, train_data, None, None, False, params, evaluators, out, notes, dry_run, start_eval)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('name', help='name of output to examine') parser.add_argument('--eval', "-e", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--n-async', "-n", type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument('--dev-b', type=int, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() resume_training(ModelDir(, start_eval=args.eval, async_encoding=args.n_async, dev_batch_size=args.dev_b)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate a model on SQuAD') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory to evaluate') parser.add_argument('-n', '--sample_questions', type=int, default=None, help="(for testing) run on a subset of questions") parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help="Batch size, larger sizes can be faster but uses more memory") parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', default=None, help="Weights to load, can be a checkpoint step or 'latest'") # parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=["dev", "train"], default="dev") parser.add_argument('--num_runs', type=int, default=1, help="Number of different seeds to test on, for more accurate results") parser.add_argument('--no_ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) corpus = HotpotQuestions() # if args.corpus == "dev": # questions = corpus.get_dev() # else: # questions = corpus.get_train() questions = corpus.get_dev() question_filter = HotpotQuestionFilter(2) # TODO add option to cancel this, and more fine-grained analysis question_preprocessor = HotpotTextLengthPreprocessor(600) questions = [question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) for x in questions if (question_filter.keep(x) and question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) is not None)] if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(sorted(questions, key=lambda x: x.question_id)) questions = questions[:args.sample_questions] batcher = ClusteredBatcher(args.batch_size, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) datasets = [HotpotStratifiedBinaryQuestionParagraphPairsDataset(questions, batcher, fixed_dataset=True, sample_seed=i) for i in range(args.num_runs)] evaluators = [BinaryClassificationEvaluator(), RecordFineGrainedBinaryPrediction()] if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() model = model_dir.get_model() evaluation = trainer.test(model, evaluators, {f'dev_seed_{i}': dataset for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets)}, corpus.get_resource_loader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, 10) scalars = {key: np.mean([eval_dict.scalars[key] for eval_dict in evaluation.values()]) for key in evaluation['dev_seed_0'].scalars.keys()} # Print the scalar results in a two column table # scalars = evaluation.scalars cols = list(sorted(scalars.keys())) table = [cols] header = ["Metric", ""] table.append([("%s" % scalars[x] if x in scalars else "-") for x in cols]) print_table([header] + transpose_lists(table))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate a model on SQuAD') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory to evaluate') parser.add_argument('-n', '--sample_questions', type=int, default=None, help="(for testing) run on a subset of questions") parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help="Batch size, larger sizes can be faster but uses more memory") parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', default=None, help="Weights to load, can be a checkpoint step or 'latest'") # parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=["dev", "train"], default="dev") parser.add_argument('--no-ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") parser.add_argument('--per-doc', action='store_true', help="Whether to test only against full doc, or against " "distractors.") parser.add_argument('--save-errors', default=None, type=str) args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) corpus = SquadRelevanceCorpus() # if args.corpus == "dev": # questions = corpus.get_dev() # else: # questions = corpus.get_train() questions = corpus.get_dev() question_preprocessor = SquadTextLengthPreprocessor(600) questions = [question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) for x in questions if (question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) is not None)] if args.sample_questions: questions = sorted(questions, key=lambda x: x.question_id) np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(questions) questions = questions[:args.sample_questions] batcher = ClusteredBatcher(args.batch_size, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) if args.per_doc: data = SquadFullDocumentDataset(questions, batcher, corpus.dev_title_to_document) else: data = SquadFullQuestionParagraphPairsDataset(questions, batcher) evaluators = [BinaryClassificationEvaluator(), RecordFineGrainedBinaryPrediction(), RecordFullRankings()] if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() model = model_dir.get_model() evaluation = trainer.test(model, evaluators, {'dev_full': data}, corpus.get_resource_loader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, 10)['dev_full'] if args.save_errors is not None: errors_dict = evaluation.per_sample['per_question_errors'] def format_error(wrong: Tuple[BinaryQuestionAndParagraphs, float], correct: Tuple[BinaryQuestionAndParagraphs, float]): question = ' '.join(wrong[0].question) qid = wrong[0].question_id wrong_text = ' '.join(wrong[0].paragraphs[0]) wrong_score = wrong[1] correct_text = ' '.join(correct[0].paragraphs[0]) correct_score = correct[1] return f"Question: {question}, ID: {qid}\n" \ f"Incorrect First Place: (score: {wrong_score})\n{wrong_text}\n" \ f"Correct Passage: (score: {correct_score})\n{correct_text}\n" with open(args.save_errors, 'wt') as f: for false_par, true_par in errors_dict.values(): f.write(format_error(false_par, true_par)) # Print the scalar results in a two column table scalars = evaluation.scalars cols = list(sorted(scalars.keys())) table = [cols] header = ["Metric", ""] table.append([("%s" % scalars[x] if x in scalars else "-") for x in cols]) print_table([header] + transpose_lists(table))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Full ranking evaluation on Hotpot') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory to evaluate') parser.add_argument('-n', '--sample_questions', type=int, default=None, help="(for testing) run on a subset of questions") parser.add_argument( '-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help="Batch size, larger sizes can be faster but uses more memory") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--step', default=None, help="Weights to load, can be a checkpoint step or 'latest'") # parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=["dev", "train"], default="dev") parser.add_argument('--no_ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) corpus = HotpotQuestions() # if args.corpus == "dev": # questions = corpus.get_dev() # else: # questions = corpus.get_train() questions = corpus.get_dev() question_preprocessor = HotpotTextLengthPreprocessor(600) questions = [ question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) for x in questions if (question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) is not None) ] if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle( sorted(questions, key=lambda x: x.question_id)) questions = questions[:args.sample_questions] batcher = ClusteredBatcher(args.batch_size, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) data = HotpotFullQuestionParagraphPairsDataset(questions, batcher) evaluators = [ BinaryClassificationEvaluator(), RecordFineGrainedBinaryPrediction(), RecordFullRankings() ] if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() model = model_dir.get_model() evaluation = trainer.test(model, evaluators, {'dev_full': data}, corpus.get_resource_loader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, 10)['dev_full'] # Print the scalar results in a two column table scalars = evaluation.scalars cols = list(sorted(scalars.keys())) table = [cols] header = ["Metric", ""] table.append([("%s" % scalars[x] if x in scalars else "-") for x in cols]) print_table([header] + transpose_lists(table))
word_counts.update(title_counts) voc = set(word_counts.keys()) print("Loading encoder...") spec = QuestionAndParagraphsSpec(batch_size=None, max_num_contexts=2, max_num_question_words=None, max_num_context_words=None) encoder = SentenceEncoderIterativeModel(model_dir_path=args.encoder_model, vocabulary=voc, spec=spec, loader=loader, use_char_inputs=False, use_ema=not args.no_ema, checkpoint=args.checkpoint) print("Loading QA model...") evaluators = [RecordHotpotQAPrediction(15, True, sp_prediction=True, disable_tqdm=True)] batcher = ClusteredBatcher(64, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) qa_model_dir = ModelDir(args.qa_model) checkpoint = None if checkpoint == 'best': checkpoint = qa_model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = qa_model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() qa_model = qa_model_dir.get_model() assert isinstance(qa_model, AttentionQAFullHotpot) qa_sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True), graph=tf.Graph()) qa_spec = QuestionAndParagraphsSpec(batch_size=None, max_num_contexts=1, max_num_question_words=None, max_num_context_words=None) with qa_sess.graph.as_default(): qa_model.set_inputs(None, loader, voc=voc, input_spec=qa_spec)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Full ranking evaluation on Hotpot') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory to evaluate') parser.add_argument( 'output', type=str, help="Store the per-paragraph results in csv format in this file, " "or the json prediction if in test mode") parser.add_argument('-n', '--sample_questions', type=int, default=None, help="(for testing) run on a subset of questions") parser.add_argument( '-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help="Batch size, larger sizes can be faster but uses more memory") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--step', default=None, help="Weights to load, can be a checkpoint step or 'latest'") parser.add_argument('-a', '--answer_bound', type=int, default=8, help="Max answer span length") parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=[ "distractors", "gold", "hotpot_file", "retrieval_file", "top_titles" ], default="distractors") parser.add_argument('-t', '--tokens', type=int, default=None, help="Max tokens per a paragraph") parser.add_argument('--input_file', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--docs_file', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=16, help='Number of workers for tokenizing') parser.add_argument('--no_ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") parser.add_argument('--no_sp', action="store_true", help="Don't predict supporting facts") parser.add_argument('--test_mode', action='store_true', help="produce a prediction file, no answers given") args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) batcher = ClusteredBatcher(args.batch_size, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) loader = ResourceLoader() if args.corpus not in {"distractors", "gold"} and args.input_file is None: raise ValueError( "Must pass an input file if not using precomputed dataset") if args.corpus in {"distractors", "gold"} and args.test_mode: raise ValueError( "Test mode not available in 'distractors' or 'gold' mode") if args.corpus in {"distractors", "gold"}: corpus = HotpotQuestions() loader = corpus.get_resource_loader() questions = corpus.get_dev() question_preprocessor = HotpotTextLengthPreprocessorWithSpans( args.tokens) questions = [ question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) for x in questions if (question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) is not None) ] if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle( sorted(questions, key=lambda x: x.question_id)) questions = questions[:args.sample_questions] data = HotpotFullQADistractorsDataset(questions, batcher) gold_idxs = set(data.gold_idxs) if args.corpus == 'gold': data.samples = [data.samples[i] for i in data.gold_idxs] qid2samples = {} qid2idx = {} for i, sample in enumerate(data.samples): key = sample.question_id if key in qid2samples: qid2samples[key].append(sample) qid2idx[key].append(i) else: qid2samples[key] = [sample] qid2idx[key] = [i] questions = [] print("Ranking pairs...") gold_ranks = [] for qid, samples in tqdm(qid2samples.items()): question = " ".join(samples[0].question) pars = [" ".join(x.paragraphs[0]) for x in samples] ranks = get_paragraph_ranks(question, pars) for sample, rank, idx in zip(samples, ranks, qid2idx[qid]): questions.append( RankedQAPair(question=sample.question, paragraphs=sample.paragraphs, spans=np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int32), question_id=sample.question_id, answer=sample.answer, rank=rank, q_type=sample.q_type, sentence_segments=sample.sentence_segments)) if idx in gold_idxs: gold_ranks.append(rank + 1) print(f"Mean rank: {np.mean(gold_ranks)}") ranks_counter = Counter(gold_ranks) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: print(f"Hits at {i}: {ranks_counter[i]}") elif args.corpus == 'hotpot_file': # a hotpot json format input file. We rank the pairs with tf-idf with open(args.input_file, 'r') as f: hotpot_data = json.load(f) if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle( sorted(hotpot_data, key=lambda x: x['_id'])) hotpot_data = hotpot_data[:args.sample_questions] title2sentences = { context[0]: context[1] for q in hotpot_data for context in q['context'] } question_tok_texts = tokenize_texts( [q['question'] for q in hotpot_data], num_workers=args.num_workers) sentences_tok = tokenize_texts(list(title2sentences.values()), num_workers=args.num_workers, sentences=True) if args.tokens is not None: sentences_tok = [ truncate_paragraph(p, args.tokens) for p in sentences_tok ] title2tok_sents = { title: sentences for title, sentences in zip(title2sentences.keys(), sentences_tok) } questions = [] for idx, question in enumerate(tqdm(hotpot_data, desc='tf-idf ranking')): q_titles = [title for title, _ in question['context']] par_pairs = [(title1, title2) for i, title1 in enumerate(q_titles) for title2 in q_titles[i + 1:]] if len(par_pairs) == 0: continue ranks = get_paragraph_ranks(question['question'], [ ' '.join(title2sentences[t1] + title2sentences[t2]) for t1, t2 in par_pairs ]) for rank, par_pair in zip(ranks, par_pairs): sent_tok_pair = title2tok_sents[par_pair[0]] + title2tok_sents[ par_pair[1]] sentence_segments, _ = get_segments_from_sentences_fix_sup( sent_tok_pair, np.zeros(0)) missing_sent_idx = [[ i for i, sent in enumerate(title2tok_sents[title]) if len(sent) == 0 ] for title in par_pair] questions.append( RankedQAPair( question=question_tok_texts[idx], paragraphs=[flatten_iterable(sent_tok_pair)], spans=np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int32), question_id=question['_id'], answer='noanswer' if args.test_mode else question['answer'], rank=rank, q_type='null' if args.test_mode else question['type'], sentence_segments=[sentence_segments], par_titles_num_sents=[ (title, sum(1 for sent in title2tok_sents[title] if len(sent) > 0)) for title in par_pair ], missing_sent_idxs=missing_sent_idx, true_sp=[] if args.test_mode else question['supporting_facts'])) elif args.corpus == 'retrieval_file' or args.corpus == 'top_titles': if args.docs_file is None: print("Using DB documents") doc_db = DocDB(config.DOC_DB, full_docs=False) else: with open(args.docs_file, 'r') as f: docs = json.load(f) with open(args.input_file, 'r') as f: retrieval_data = json.load(f) if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle( sorted(retrieval_data, key=lambda x: x['qid'])) retrieval_data = retrieval_data[:args.sample_questions] def parname_to_text(par_name): par_title = par_name_to_title(par_name) par_num = int(par_name.split('_')[-1]) if args.docs_file is None: return doc_db.get_doc_sentences(par_title) return docs[par_title][par_num] if args.corpus == 'top_titles': print("Top TF-IDF!") for q in retrieval_data: top_titles = q['top_titles'][:10] q['paragraph_pairs'] = [(title1 + '_0', title2 + '_0') for i, title1 in enumerate(top_titles) for title2 in top_titles[i + 1:]] question_tok_texts = tokenize_texts( [q['question'] for q in retrieval_data], num_workers=args.num_workers) all_parnames = list( set([ parname for q in retrieval_data for pair in q['paragraph_pairs'] for parname in pair ])) texts_tok = tokenize_texts([parname_to_text(x) for x in all_parnames], num_workers=args.num_workers, sentences=True) if args.tokens is not None: texts_tok = [truncate_paragraph(p, args.tokens) for p in texts_tok] parname2tok_text = { parname: text for parname, text in zip(all_parnames, texts_tok) } questions = [] for idx, question in enumerate(retrieval_data): for rank, par_pair in enumerate(question['paragraph_pairs']): tok_pair = parname2tok_text[par_pair[0]] + parname2tok_text[ par_pair[1]] sentence_segments, _ = get_segments_from_sentences_fix_sup( tok_pair, np.zeros(0)) missing_sent_idx = [[ i for i, sent in enumerate(parname2tok_text[parname]) if len(sent) == 0 ] for parname in par_pair] questions.append( RankedQAPair( question=question_tok_texts[idx], paragraphs=[flatten_iterable(tok_pair)], spans=np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int32), question_id=question['qid'], answer='noanswer' if args.test_mode else question['answers'][0], rank=rank, q_type='null' if args.test_mode else question['type'], sentence_segments=[sentence_segments], par_titles_num_sents=[ (par_name_to_title(parname), sum(1 for sent in parname2tok_text[parname] if len(sent) > 0)) for parname in par_pair ], missing_sent_idxs=missing_sent_idx, true_sp=[] if args.test_mode else question['supporting_facts'])) else: raise NotImplementedError() data = DummyDataset(questions, batcher) evaluators = [ RecordHotpotQAPrediction(args.answer_bound, True, sp_prediction=not args.no_sp) ] if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() model = model_dir.get_model() evaluation = trainer.test(model, evaluators, {args.corpus: data}, loader, checkpoint, not args.no_ema, 10)[args.corpus] print("Saving result") output_file = args.output df = pd.DataFrame(evaluation.per_sample) df.sort_values(["question_id", "rank"], inplace=True, ascending=True) group_by = ["question_id"] def get_ranked_scores(score_name): filtered_df = df[df.type == 'comparison'] if "Cp" in score_name else \ df[df.type == 'bridge'] if "Br" in score_name else df target_prefix = 'joint' if 'joint' in score_name else 'sp' if 'sp' in score_name else 'text' target_score = f"{target_prefix}_{'em' if 'EM' in score_name else 'f1'}" return compute_ranked_scores_with_yes_no( filtered_df, span_q_col="span_question_scores", yes_no_q_col="yes_no_question_scores", yes_no_scores_col="yes_no_confidence_scores", span_scores_col="predicted_score", span_target_score=target_score, group_cols=group_by) if not args.test_mode: score_names = ["EM", "F1", "Br EM", "Br F1", "Cp EM", "Cp F1"] if not args.no_sp: score_names.extend([ f"{prefix} {name}" for prefix in ['sp', 'joint'] for name in score_names ]) table = [["N Paragraphs"] + score_names] scores = [get_ranked_scores(score_name) for score_name in score_names] table += list([str(i + 1), *["%.4f" % x for x in score_vals]] for i, score_vals in enumerate(zip(*scores))) print_table(table) df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) else: df_to_pred(df, output_file)
def __init__(self, model_dir_path: str, vocabulary: Set[str], spec: QuestionAndParagraphsSpec, loader, use_char_inputs: bool, use_ema: bool, checkpoint: str = 'best'): if checkpoint not in {'best', 'latest'}: raise ValueError( "checkpoint value must be either 'best' or 'latest'.") self.model_dir = ModelDir(model_dir_path) self.checkpoint = None if checkpoint == 'best': self.checkpoint = self.model_dir.get_best_weights() if self.checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") self.checkpoint = self.model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() print(f"Restoring checkpoint: {self.checkpoint}") self.model = self.model_dir.get_model() assert isinstance(self.model, MultipleContextModel) if self.model.use_elmo and use_char_inputs: self.model.lm_model.embed_weights_file = None self.sess = tf.Session( config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True), graph=tf.Graph()) with self.sess.graph.as_default(): self.model.set_inputs(None, loader, voc=vocabulary, input_spec=spec) inputs = self.model.get_placeholders() input_dict = { p: x for p, x in zip(self.model.get_placeholders(), inputs) } with self.sess.as_default(): _ = self.model.get_predictions_for( input_dict) # for building the model if not self.model.use_elmo or not use_char_inputs: saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, self.checkpoint) else: optimistic_restore(self.sess, self.checkpoint) if use_ema: ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0) reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(self.checkpoint) expected_ema_names = { ema.average_name(x): x for x in tf.trainable_variables() if reader.has_tensor(ema.average_name(x)) } if len(expected_ema_names) > 0: print("Restoring EMA variables") saver = tf.train.Saver(expected_ema_names) saver.restore(self.sess, self.checkpoint) if self.model.use_elmo and not use_char_inputs: # TODO: Might be redundant! the weights are already saved in the checkpoint elmo_token_embed_placeholder, elmo_token_embed_init = self.model.get_elmo_token_embed_ph_and_op( ) print("Loading ELMo weights...") elmo_token_embed_weights = load_elmo_pretrained_token_embeddings( self.model.lm_model.embed_weights_file), feed_dict={ elmo_token_embed_placeholder: elmo_token_embed_weights }) self.sess.graph.finalize()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Full ranking evaluation on Hotpot') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory to evaluate') parser.add_argument('-n', '--sample_questions', type=int, default=None, help="(for testing) run on a subset of questions") parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help="Batch size, larger sizes can be faster but uses more memory") parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', default=None, help="Weights to load, can be a checkpoint step or 'latest'") # parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=["dev", "train"], default="dev") parser.add_argument('--no-ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") parser.add_argument('--save-errors', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--br-as-cp', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--mult-probs', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) corpus = HotpotQuestions() # if args.corpus == "dev": # questions = corpus.get_dev() # else: # questions = corpus.get_train() questions = corpus.get_dev() question_preprocessor = HotpotTextLengthPreprocessor(600) questions = [question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) for x in questions if (question_preprocessor.preprocess(x) is not None)] if args.sample_questions: np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(sorted(questions, key=lambda x: x.question_id)) questions = questions[:args.sample_questions] batcher = ClusteredBatcher(args.batch_size, multiple_contexts_len, truncate_batches=True) data = HotpotFullIterativeDataset(questions, batcher, bridge_as_comparison=args.br_as_cp) evaluators = [IterativeRelevanceEvaluator(), RecordFullIterativeRankings(multiply_iteration_probs=args.mult_probs)] if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() model = model_dir.get_model() evaluation = trainer.test(model, evaluators, {'dev_full': data}, corpus.get_resource_loader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, 10)['dev_full'] if args.save_errors is not None: first_errors_dict = evaluation.per_sample['per_question_first_errors'] second_errors_dict = evaluation.per_sample['per_question_second_errors'] def format_first_error(wrong: Tuple[IterativeQuestionAndParagraphs, float, float], correct: Tuple[IterativeQuestionAndParagraphs, float, float]): question = ' '.join(wrong[0].question) qid = wrong[0].question_id q_type = wrong[0].q_type wrong_text = ' '.join(wrong[0].paragraphs[0]) wrong_score = wrong[1] correct_text = ' '.join(correct[0].paragraphs[0]) correct_score = correct[1] return f"Question: {question}, ID: {qid}, type: {q_type}\n" \ f"Incorrect First Place: (score: {wrong_score})\n{wrong_text}\n-\n" \ f"Correct Passage: (score: {correct_score})\n{correct_text}\n***\n" def format_second_error(wrong: Tuple[IterativeQuestionAndParagraphs, float, float], correct: Tuple[IterativeQuestionAndParagraphs, float, float]): question = ' '.join(wrong[0].question) qid = wrong[0].question_id q_type = wrong[0].q_type wrong_texts = [' '.join(par) for par in wrong[0].paragraphs] wrong_first_score = wrong[1] wrong_final_score = wrong[2] correct_texts = [' '.join(par) for par in correct[0].paragraphs] correct_first_score = correct[1] correct_final_score = correct[2] return f"Question: {question}, ID: {qid}, type: {q_type}\n" \ f"Incorrect First Place Pair: (score: {wrong_final_score})\n" \ f"Paragraph 1 (score: {wrong_first_score})\n" \ f"{wrong_texts[0]}\n" \ f"Paragraph 2:\n" \ f"{wrong_texts[1]}\n-\n" \ f"Correct Pair: (score: {correct_final_score})\n" \ f"Paragraph 1 (score: {correct_first_score})\n" \ f"{correct_texts[0]}\n" \ f"Paragraph 2:\n" \ f"{correct_texts[1]}\n***\n" with open(args.save_errors, 'wt') as f: f.write("First paragraph errors:\n*****************************\n") for false_par, true_par in first_errors_dict.values(): f.write(format_first_error(false_par, true_par)) f.write("Second paragraph errors:\n*****************************\n") for false_par, true_par in second_errors_dict.values(): f.write(format_second_error(false_par, true_par)) # Print the scalar results in a two column table scalars = evaluation.scalars cols = list(sorted(scalars.keys())) table = [cols] header = ["Metric", ""] table.append([("%s" % scalars[x] if x in scalars else "-") for x in cols]) print_table([header] + transpose_lists(table))