コード例 #1
ファイル: odisp.py プロジェクト: sandeep-datta/hotwire
    def __init__(self, context, pipeline):
        super(MultiObjectsDisplay, self).__init__()
        self.__context = context
        self.__pipeline = pipeline
        self.__cancelled = False
        self.__default_odisp = None
        self.__queues = {}
        self.__ocount = 0
        self.__do_autoswitch = True
        self.__suppress_noyield = not not list(pipeline.get_status_commands())

        self.__inputqueue = None
        intype = self.__pipeline.get_input_type()
        _logger.debug("input type %s opt: %s", intype,
        # FIXME assume for the moment we can only input strings; also explicitly avoid allowing input for 'any'
        # Long term we might consider only allowing input for SysBuiltin.
        if intype not in (None, 'any') and Pipeline.streamtype_is_assignable(
                intype, str, False) and self.__pipeline.get_input_optional():
            self.__inputqueue = CommandQueue()
        self.append_ostream(pipeline.get_output_type(), None,
                            pipeline.get_output(), False)
        for aux in pipeline.get_auxstreams():
            self.append_ostream(aux.schema.otype, aux.name, aux.queue,
コード例 #2
 def get_output(self):
     # Can't just return objects directly as this can be
     # called from other threads
     # TODO make this actually async
     queue = CommandQueue()
     gobject.idle_add(self.__enqueue_output, queue)
     for obj in QueueIterator(queue):
         yield obj