コード例 #1
step2Output = "smalltestRelFreq"
step3_1Output =  "smalltestProcessedStep3"
step3_2Output = "smalltestRatios"
step4_FinalOutput = "smalltestOld&New2"

step1 = 0
step2 = 0
step3 = 0 
step4 = 0
step5 = 0
step6 = 0

if (step1 == 1):
	print "Step1 - Fill Null"
	allData = hh.getCSVmatrix(firstInput,totalRows)
	searchIDs = hh.getColumn(allData,0)
	#Date_time - Get weeks is [[0,..0,1,0],[0,..1,0,0]... ,[1,0,..]] 
	date = hh.getColumn(allData,1)
	booking = np.array(hh.getColumn(allData,19))
	date = hh.getColumn(allData,1)
	for i in range(len(date)):
		time = date[i]
		time = (time.split())[0]
		month = int(time[5:7])
		day = int(time[-11:-9])
		dictMonth = {1:31,2:59,3:90,4:120,5:151,6:181,7:212,8:243,9:273,10:304,11:334,12:365}
		num_week = (dictMonth[month] + day+ int(booking[i]) )
		if num_week>=365:
			num_week = num_week%365
		num_week = num_week//7
		if num_week > 51:
コード例 #2
# 	print "Accuracy:", (acB + acIg + acClic) / 3
	print "Accuracy:", (acB + acIg) / 2
	#Get probability of each point
	allCheck = []
	refinedScore = []
	propResult = clf.decision_function(evalData)
	for i in range(len(result)):
		#Times (label+1) * max(value of the probability)
	result = propResult

	#Get searchIDs
	searchID = hh.getColumn(evalData,0)

	#Put Truelabels, predicted labels(weighted with probability) back into list per searchID

	results = hh.splitColumnsForEachID(searchID, result)
	labels = hh.splitColumnsForEachID(searchID, labelEval)

	#Put our predicted labels and true label in a tuple
	#Rank the predicted labels
	ourRank = []
	for i in range(len(results)):
		rank = []
		for j in range(len(results[i])):
			rank.append((results[i][j], labels[i][j]))
		rank = sorted(rank, key=itemgetter(0))