def _replaceContent(self, index): try: nodes = hou.selectedItems() except: nodes = hou.selectedNodes() if (len(nodes)==0): QMessageBox.warning(self,'cannot replace','selection is empty') return item=index.internalPointer() good = QMessageBox.warning(self,'sure?','confirm that you want to replace the content of selected item "%s". This operation can not be undone.' ,QMessageBox.Ok|QMessageBox.Cancel) == QMessageBox.Ok if(not good):return try: item.setContent(hpaste.nodesToString(nodes)) except CollectionSyncError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,'something went wrong!','Server error occured: %s'%e.message)
def _addItem(self, collection): #Please, dont throw from here! try: nodes = hou.selectedItems() except: nodes = hou.selectedNodes() if (len(nodes) == 0): QMessageBox.warning(self, 'not created', 'selection is empty, nothing to add') return while True: #btn,(name,desc) = (0,('1','2'))#hou.ui.readMultiInput('enter some information about new item',('name','description'),buttons=('Ok','Cancel')) name, desc, public, good = QDoubleInputDialog.getDoubleTextCheckbox( self, 'adding a new item to %s' %, 'enter new item details', 'name', 'description', 'public', '', 'a snippet', False) if (not good): return if (len(name) > 0): break #validity check try: #print(name) #print(desc) #print(hpaste.nodesToString(nodes)) self.model().addItemToCollection( collection, name, desc, hpaste.nodesToString(nodes), public, metadata={'nettype': self.__netType}) except CollectionSyncError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, 'something went wrong!', 'Server error occured: %s' % e.message)