def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(pnetcdf, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) ldconfig.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--enable-shared']) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/pnetcdf') self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['m4', 'make', 'tar', 'wget']) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort')) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.10.0') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin'))} self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(cgns, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get( 'configure_opts', ['--with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5', '--with-zlib']) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/cgns') self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '3.3.1') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(fftw, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--enable-shared', '--enable-openmp', '--enable-threads', '--enable-sse2']) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/fftw') self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', '') self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['file', 'make', 'wget']) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '3.3.8') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib'))} self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Construct series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(mvapich2, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) ldconfig.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) sed.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get( 'baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--disable-mcast']) self.cuda = kwargs.get('cuda', True) = kwargs.get('directory', '') self.__gpu_arch = kwargs.get('gpu_arch', None) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/mvapich2') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # MVAPICH2 does not accept F90 self.toolchain_control = { 'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True, 'F90': False, 'FC': True } self.version = kwargs.get('version', '2.3') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = {} # Filled in by __setup() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(netcdf, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', []) self.__baseurl = '' self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__cxx = kwargs.get('cxx', True) self.__fortran = kwargs.get('fortran', True) self.__hdf5_dir = kwargs.get('hdf5_dir', '/usr/local/hdf5') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/netcdf') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '4.6.1') self.__version_cxx = kwargs.get('version_cxx', '4.3.0') self.__version_fortran = kwargs.get('version_fortran', '4.4.4') self.__wd = '/var/tmp' self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')) } # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # C interface (required) self.__setup() # C++ interface (optional) if self.__cxx: self.__setup_optional(pkg='netcdf-cxx4', version=self.__version_cxx) # Fotran interface (optional) if self.__fortran: self.__setup_optional(pkg='netcdf-fortran', version=self.__version_fortran)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(openmpi, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get( 'configure_opts', ['--disable-getpwuid', '--enable-orterun-prefix-by-default']) self.cuda = kwargs.get('cuda', True) = kwargs.get('directory', '') self.infiniband = kwargs.get('infiniband', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/openmpi') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.version = kwargs.get('version', '3.0.0') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')) } self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. # super(python, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory self.prefix = '/opt/apps' self.version = kwargs.get('version', '7.8.6')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(ucx, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', [ '--enable-optimizations', '--disable-logging', '--disable-debug', '--disable-assertions', '--disable-params-check', '--disable-doxygen-doc' ]) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/ucx') self.__baseurl = kwargs.get( 'baseurl', '') self.__cuda = kwargs.get('cuda', True) self.__gdrcopy = kwargs.get('gdrcopy', '') self.__knem = kwargs.get('knem', '') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.4.0') self.__xpmem = kwargs.get('xpmem', '') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')), 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin')) } self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(hdf5, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--enable-cxx', '--enable-fortran']) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/hdf5') self.__baseurl = kwargs.get( 'baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', '') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.10.1') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'HDF5_DIR': self.prefix, 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')) } self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(mpich, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) ldconfig.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', []) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/mpich') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) # MPICH does not accept F90 self.toolchain_control = {'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True, 'F90': False, 'FC': True} self.version = kwargs.get('version', '3.3') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin'))} self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(xpmem, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) git.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--disable-kernel-module']) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/xpmem') self.__branch = kwargs.get('branch', 'master') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', [ 'autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'file', 'git', 'libtool', 'make' ]) self.__repository = kwargs.get('repository', '') self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'CPATH': '{}:$CPATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'include')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')), 'LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')) } self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """The `netcdf` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [NetCDF]( component. The [HDF5](#hdf5) building block should be installed prior to this building block. As a side effect, this building block modifies `PATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to include the NetCDF build. # Parameters check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default value is an empty list. cxx: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF C++ library should be installed. The default is True. fortran: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF Fortran library should be installed. The default is True. hdf5_dir: Path to the location where HDF5 is installed in the container image. The default value is `/usr/local/hdf5`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `ca-certificates`, `file`, `libcurl4-openssl-dev`, `m4`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib1g-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `ca-certificates`, `file`, `libcurl-devel` `m4`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib-devel`. prefix: The top level install location. The default location is `/usr/local/netcdf`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of NetCDF to download. The default value is `4.6.1`. version_cxx: The version of NetCDF C++ to download. The default value is `4.3.0`. version_fortran: The version of NetCDF Fortran to download. The default value is `4.4.4`. # Examples ```python netcdf(prefix='/opt/netcdf/4.6.1', version='4.6.1') ``` ```python p = pgi(eula=True) netcdf(toolchain=p.toolchain) ``` """ # Trouble getting MRO with kwargs working correctly, so just call # the parent class constructors manually for now. #super(netcdf, self).__init__(**kwargs) ConfigureMake.__init__(self, **kwargs) rm.__init__(self, **kwargs) tar.__init__(self, **kwargs) wget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', []) self.__baseurl = '' self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__cxx = kwargs.get('cxx', True) self.__fortran = kwargs.get('fortran', True) self.__hdf5_dir = kwargs.get('hdf5_dir', '/usr/local/hdf5') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/netcdf') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '4.6.1') self.__version_cxx = kwargs.get('version_cxx', '4.3.0') self.__version_fortran = kwargs.get('version_fortran', '4.4.4') self.__wd = '/var/tmp' self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__environment_variables = { 'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'bin')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib')) } # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # C interface (required) self.__setup() # C++ interface (optional) if self.__cxx: self.__setup_optional(pkg='netcdf-cxx4', version=self.__version_cxx) # Fotran interface (optional) if self.__fortran: self.__setup_optional(pkg='netcdf-fortran', version=self.__version_fortran)