def build_worker_charm22star(start_mol, idx, out="/tmp", saltconc=0.05): from random import randint topos22 = ['top/top_all22star_prot.rtf', 'top/top_water_ions.rtf'] params22 = ['par/par_all22star_prot.prm', 'par/par_water_ions.prm'] outdir = "{}{}_eq".format(out, idx) print(outdir) D = 41 keep = True while keep: mol = start_mol.copy() if mol.numFrames > 1: x = randint(50, start_mol.numFrames - 1) mol.dropFrames(keep=[x]) mol = proteinPrepare(mol) mol.set("segid", "P1") mol.filter(sel="protein") mol_move = maxDistance(mol, 'all') if mol_move < D: keep = False smol = solvate(mol, minmax=[[-D, -D, -D], [D, D, D]]) molbuilt =, outdir=outdir, caps=None, topo=topos22, param=params22, saltconc=saltconc) return outdir
def rrt(mol, ligandsel, step=1, maxiter=int(1E6), ligcom=False, colldist=2, outdist=8): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5) tree = Tree(ligcoor) nocol = None for i in range(maxiter): print(i) if nocol is None: p_rand = spherecoor[np.random.randint(spherecoor.shape[0]), :] # TODO: Make it clever. Discard failed points else: # Reusing the same point that caused no collision p_rand = nocol parent_idx, p_near = _getNearest(tree.points, p_rand) p_new = _newPoint(p_rand, p_near, step) if _collision(protcoor, p_new, buffer=colldist): nocol = None continue nocol = p_rand print('no collision') tree.addPoint(p_new, parent_idx, step) _drawline(viewer, p_near, p_new) if _dist(p_rand, p_new) < 2: break
def _prep_and_run(self, mol, rtf, prm, outdir, solvated): from htmd.builder.solvate import solvate from htmd.apps.acemdlocal import AcemdLocal # Do a simple solvation then run for 50ns ionize = True mol = Molecule(mol) mol.set("segid", "L") d = maxDistance(mol, 'all') + 6 if solvated: mol = solvate(mol, minmax=[[-d, -d, -d], [d, d, d]]) if not solvated: ionize = False build_dir = os.path.join(outdir, "build") equil_dir = os.path.join(outdir, "equil") rtfs = ['top/top_water_ions.rtf', rtf] prms = ['par/par_water_ions.prm', prm], topo=rtfs, param=prms, outdir=build_dir, ionize=ionize) md = Equilibration() md.runtime = 50 md.timeunits = 'ns' md.temperature = 300 md.write(build_dir, equil_dir) mdx = AcemdLocal() mdx.submit(equil_dir) mdx.wait()
def _prep_and_run( self, mol, rtf, prm, outdir, solvated ): # Do a simple solvation then run for 50ns ionize = True mol = Molecule(mol) mol.set( "segid", "L" ) D = maxDistance( mol, 'all' ) + 6 if solvated: mol = solvate( mol, minmax=[[-D,-D,-D], [D,D,D]] ) if not solvated: ionize=False build_dir = os.path.join( outdir, "build" ) equil_dir = os.path.join( outdir, "equil" ) os.mkdir( build_dir, 0o700 ) os.mkdir( equil_dir, 0o700 ) rtfs = [ 'top/top_water_ions.rtf', rtf ] prms = [ 'par/par_water_ions.prm', prm ] mol = mol, topo=rtfs, param=prms, outdir=build_dir, ionize=ionize ) md = Equilibration() md.numsteps = 50 * 1000000 / 4 # 50ns simulation = [ -D, -D, -D, D, D, D ] md.temperature = 300 md.write( build_dir, equil_dir ) mdx = AcemdLocal() mdx.submit( equil_dir ) mdx.wait()
def rrtstarsmart(mol, ligandsel, step=1, maxiter=int(1E6), ligcom=False, colldist=2, outdist=8, radius=2.5): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) mincoor = np.squeeze(np.min(mol.coords, axis=0) - 10) maxcoor = np.squeeze(np.max(mol.coords, axis=0) + 10) print(mincoor, maxcoor) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5) tree = Tree(ligcoor) nocol = None for i in range(maxiter): print(i) #p_rand = spherecoor[np.random.randint(spherecoor.shape[0]), :] p_rand = _randomPoint(mincoor, maxcoor) parent_idx, p_near = _getNearest(tree.points, p_rand) p_new = _newPoint(p_rand, p_near, step) if _collision(protcoor, p_new, buffer=colldist): continue print('no collision') near, neardist = _collisionFreeNeighbours(tree, p_new, radius, protcoor, colldist, step) parent_idx, dist = _chooseParent(tree, near, neardist) tree.addPoint(p_new, parent_idx, dist) _rewire(tree, near, neardist, len(tree.points) - 1) if _endCondition(protcoor, p_rand, p_new, outdist, method='exited'): break for i in range(len(tree.points)): if tree.parent[i] is not None: _drawline(viewer, tree.points[i], tree.points[tree.parent[i]]) print('optimizing') _pathOptimize(tree, len(tree.points) - 1, protcoor, colldist, step) print('finished optimization') # TODO: The algorithm is not finished. Normally you would get beacons and continue sampling around them to optimize # TODO: the path even more. However, we don't really need this in our case, unless I decide to make a real full impl # TODO: currnode = len(tree.points) - 1 viewer.send('draw color green') while tree.parent[currnode] is not None: _drawline(viewer, tree.points[currnode], tree.points[tree.parent[currnode]]) currnode = tree.parent[currnode] return
def dockinit(protein_path, ligand_path): prot = Molecule(protein_path) prot.filter('protein or water or resname CA') prot.set('segid', 'P', sel='protein and noh') prot.set('segid', 'W', sel='water') prot.set('segid', 'CA', sel='resname CA') D = maxDistance(prot, 'all') D = D + 15 lig = Molecule(ligand_path) poses, scores = dock(prot, lig) return (prot, poses, D)
def raytracing(mol, ligandsel, step=1, colldist=2, outdist=8, ligcom=False, numsamples=2000, ratioexposed=0, vmd=True): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5, numsamples=numsamples) if vmd: _viewSphere(spherecoor) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) distances = _dist(ligcoor, spherecoor) from joblib import Parallel, delayed results = Parallel(n_jobs=-2, verbose=11)( delayed(parallelfunc)(j, spherecoor[j, :], ligcoor, protcoor, step, colldist, outdist, distances[:, j]) for j in range(spherecoor.shape[0])) points = [] pointdist = [] shortpoints = [] for r in results: points += r[0] pointdist += r[1] shortpoints += r[2] if len(points) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes.'.format(colldist)) points = np.array(points) numexposed = len(np.unique(points[:, 0])) percentexposed = (numexposed / ligcoor.shape[0]) * 100 if numexposed < (ratioexposed * ligcoor.shape[0]): raise RuntimeError('Only {:.1f}% ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes. ' 'This collides with the user-defined required {:.1f}% exposed ligand atoms.'.format( percentexposed, colldist, ratioexposed*100)) print('{:.1f}% ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes.'.format(percentexposed, colldist)) from scipy.stats import mode modesphere = mode(points[:, 1]).mode[0] idx = points[:, 1] == modesphere meanlig = np.mean(ligcoor[points[idx, 0], :], axis=0) if vmd: viewer.send('draw color green') _drawline(viewer, meanlig, spherecoor[modesphere, :]) for idx, p in enumerate(points.tolist()): if p[1] == modesphere: viewer.send('draw color red') _drawline(viewer, shortpoints[idx], spherecoor[p[1], :]) viewer.send('draw color green') _drawline(viewer, ligcoor[p[0], :], shortpoints[idx]) return spherecoor[modesphere, :] - meanlig
def maxDistance_calculator(infile): counter = 0 mol = [] distance_list = [] for file in glob.glob(infile + '/*/*.pdb'): mol.append(Molecule(file)) mol[counter].read(glob.glob(infile + '/*/*.xtc')[counter]) distance_list.append(maxDistance(mol[counter], 'all')) counter += 1 print(file + " Done!") maxdist = max(distance_list) maxdist = maxdist * 1.1 return (maxdist, mol)
def maxDistance_calculator(infile): counter = 0 mol = [] distance_list=[] for file in glob.glob(infile +'/*/*.pdb'): mol.append(Molecule(file)) mol[counter].read(glob.glob(infile+'/*/*.xtc')[counter]) distance_list.append(maxDistance(mol[counter], 'all')) counter +=1 print(file + " Done!") maxdist = max(distance_list) maxdist = maxdist*1.1 return (maxdist, mol)
def rrtstarsmart(mol, ligandsel, step=1, maxiter=int(1E6), ligcom=False, colldist=2, outdist=8, radius=2.5): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) mincoor = np.squeeze(np.min(mol.coords, axis=0) - 10) maxcoor = np.squeeze(np.max(mol.coords, axis=0) + 10) print(mincoor, maxcoor) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5) tree = Tree(ligcoor) nocol = None for i in range(maxiter): print(i) #p_rand = spherecoor[np.random.randint(spherecoor.shape[0]), :] p_rand = _randomPoint(mincoor, maxcoor) parent_idx, p_near = _getNearest(tree.points, p_rand) p_new = _newPoint(p_rand, p_near, step) if _collision(protcoor, p_new, buffer=colldist): continue print('no collision') near, neardist = _collisionFreeNeighbours(tree, p_new, radius, protcoor, colldist, step) parent_idx, dist = _chooseParent(tree, near, neardist) tree.addPoint(p_new, parent_idx, dist) _rewire(tree, near, neardist, len(tree.points)-1) if _endCondition(protcoor, p_rand, p_new, outdist, method='exited'): break for i in range(len(tree.points)): if tree.parent[i] is not None: _drawline(viewer, tree.points[i], tree.points[tree.parent[i]]) print('optimizing') _pathOptimize(tree, len(tree.points)-1, protcoor, colldist, step) print('finished optimization') # TODO: The algorithm is not finished. Normally you would get beacons and continue sampling around them to optimize # TODO: the path even more. However, we don't really need this in our case, unless I decide to make a real full impl # TODO: currnode = len(tree.points)-1 viewer.send('draw color green') while tree.parent[currnode] is not None: _drawline(viewer, tree.points[currnode], tree.points[tree.parent[currnode]]) currnode = tree.parent[currnode] return
def dummy_leaflet(prot,name, sp =3): '''Returns a leaflet of dummy atoms, which represents a layer of the membrane. Each dummy atom is placed at the xy plane separated from the other by a distance of sp Angstroms.''' pcenter = np.mean(prot.get('coords','protein'),axis=0) N = int(maxDistance(prot, 'all',pcenter)) dl=Molecule() dl.empty(N*N) dl.set("name",name) dl.set("record","HETATM") resids=np.array(range(1,N*N+1)) dl.set("resid",resids) dl.set("resname","DUM") coords=[] for i in range(0,sp*N,sp): for j in range(0,sp*N,sp): coords.append([i,j,0]) dl.set("coords",coords) return (dl)
def rrt(mol, ligandsel, step=1, maxiter=int(1E6), ligcom=False, colldist=2, outdist=8): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5) tree = Tree(ligcoor) nocol = None for i in range(maxiter): print(i) if nocol is None: p_rand = spherecoor[np.random.randint( spherecoor.shape[0] ), :] # TODO: Make it clever. Discard failed points else: # Reusing the same point that caused no collision p_rand = nocol parent_idx, p_near = _getNearest(tree.points, p_rand) p_new = _newPoint(p_rand, p_near, step) if _collision(protcoor, p_new, buffer=colldist): nocol = None continue nocol = p_rand print('no collision') tree.addPoint(p_new, parent_idx, step) _drawline(viewer, p_near, p_new) if _dist(p_rand, p_new) < 2: break
def define_extremes(traj_wat): D = maxDistance(traj_wat) min_d = 0 max_d = 2 * int(D + 1) return (min_d, max_d)
def raytracing(mol, ligandsel, step=1, colldist=2, outdist=8, ligcom=False, numsamples=2000, ratioexposed=0, vmd=True): protcoor, ligcoor = _getCoordinates(mol, ligandsel, ligcom) spherecoor = _pointsOnSphere(maxDistance(mol) + 5, numsamples=numsamples) if vmd: _viewSphere(spherecoor) viewer = _prepareViewer(mol, ligandsel) distances = _dist(ligcoor, spherecoor) from joblib import Parallel, delayed results = Parallel(n_jobs=-2, verbose=11)( delayed(parallelfunc)(j, spherecoor[j, :], ligcoor, protcoor, step, colldist, outdist, distances[:, j]) for j in range(spherecoor.shape[0])) points = [] pointdist = [] shortpoints = [] for r in results: points += r[0] pointdist += r[1] shortpoints += r[2] if len(points) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'No ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes.'.format( colldist)) points = np.array(points) numexposed = len(np.unique(points[:, 0])) percentexposed = (numexposed / ligcoor.shape[0]) * 100 if numexposed < (ratioexposed * ligcoor.shape[0]): raise RuntimeError( 'Only {:.1f}% ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes. ' 'This collides with the user-defined required {:.1f}% exposed ligand atoms.' .format(percentexposed, colldist, ratioexposed * 100)) print( '{:.1f}% ligand atoms can exit the pocket without {}A clashes.'.format( percentexposed, colldist)) from scipy.stats import mode modesphere = mode(points[:, 1]).mode[0] idx = points[:, 1] == modesphere meanlig = np.mean(ligcoor[points[idx, 0], :], axis=0) if vmd: viewer.send('draw color green') _drawline(viewer, meanlig, spherecoor[modesphere, :]) for idx, p in enumerate(points.tolist()): if p[1] == modesphere: viewer.send('draw color red') _drawline(viewer, shortpoints[idx], spherecoor[p[1], :]) viewer.send('draw color green') _drawline(viewer, ligcoor[p[0], :], shortpoints[idx]) return spherecoor[modesphere, :] - meanlig
def define_extremes(traj_wat): D = maxDistance(traj_wat) min_d = 0 max_d = 2*int(D+1) return(min_d,max_d)
def get_descriptors(path, ligands, boxSize): batch = len(ligands) / 100 cont = batch descriptors = [] labels = np.empty(shape=[0, 1]) contFails = 0 maxSize = 0 if boxSize != "Null": maxSize = int(boxSize) else: print("Calculating box size descriptors ...") maxSize = 0 for i, ligand in enumerate(ligands): cont -= 1 if cont < 0: cont = batch print(str((i / len(ligands)) * 100) + "%") try: mol = Molecule(path + ligand[0] + ".pdbqt") dist = u.maxDistance(mol, sel='all', origin=[0, 0, 0]) if maxSize < dist: maxSize = dist except: continue print("Box Size = " + str(maxSize)) print("Bulding descriptors ...") bindingCount = 0 noBindingCount = 0 cont = batch for i, ligand in enumerate(ligands): cont -= 1 if cont < 0: cont = batch print(str((i / len(ligands)) * 100) + "%") try: mol = Molecule(path + ligand[0] + ".pdbqt") point = np.squeeze(mol.coords).mean(axis=0) desc = vd.getPointDescriptors(mol, point, size=[int(maxSize)] * 3) dist = u.maxDistance(mol, sel='all', origin=[0, 0, 0]) if dist > int(maxSize): continue except: contFails += 1 print("pdb " + str(ligand[0]) + " not found : " + str(contFails)) continue if ligand[2] == "0": noBindingCount += 1 elif ligand[2] == "1": bindingCount += 1 labels = np.append(labels, ligand[2]) descriptors.append(desc) print("Final binding " + str(bindingCount)) print("Final no binding " + str(noBindingCount)) return np.array(descriptors), labels, int(maxSize)