def post(self): html.header(self) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/add" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Contact" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/addWeek" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Week" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/mailingList" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Mailing List" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/search" method = "post"><input type="text" name="search" rows="1" class = "post-form-textarea"></input><br/><input type = "submit" value = "Search" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) html.weekFilter(self) search_query = cgi.escape(self.request.get("search")) name_query = search_query.title() contacts = datamodel.Contact.all() contacts.filter("firstName = ", name_query) for contact in contacts: html.listing(self, contact) contacts = datamodel.Contact.all() contacts.filter("lastName = ", name_query) for contact in contacts: html.listing(self, contact) contacts = datamodel.Contact.all() contacts.filter("email = ", search_query) for contact in contacts: html.listing(self, contact) html.footer(self)
def get(self): html.header(self) id = int(float(string.lstrip(self.request.path, "contact/"))) contact = datamodel.Contact.get_by_id(id), contact) html.addRelation(self, contact) self.response.out.write('<br/><div class="header">Relations</div>') for rel in contact.relations: r = datamodel.Contact.get_by_id(, r) html.footer(self)
def main(): maintenance = 0 helpmsg = 0 if maintenance: print('Location: /\r\n\r') #if not environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING'): if environ['QUERY_STRING'] == '': query = 'main' else: query = environ['QUERY_STRING'] html.header(str(query)) if query == 'main': html.main_v2() helpmsg = 1 elif query == 'enter': html.enter_v2() elif query == 'flash': html.flash_v2() elif query == 'about': html.about_v2() elif query == 'gossip': html.gos_v2() elif query == 'who': html.who_v2() elif query == 'top': html.top_v2() elif query == 'topgang': html.topg_v2() elif query == 'rules': html.rules_v2() elif query == 'realm': html.realm_v2() elif query == 'notes': html.notes_v2() elif query == 'files': html.files_v2() elif query == 'megamud': html.filesection('mega', 'MegaMud') elif query == 'majormud': html.filesection('mmud', 'MajorMUD') elif query == 'wgserv': html.filesection('wgserv', 'Worldgroup') elif query == 'aftermud': print('<pre>') with open('AFTERMUD.REL', 'r') as file: print( print('</pre>') else: html.error(404) html.footer(helpmsg) return 0
def strategy_new(environ): body=read(environ) form=cgi.FieldStorage(fp=body, environ=environ, keep_blank_values=True) auth = environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')[1] username, password = auth.decode('base64').split(':', 1) strategies.add_strategy(form.getvalue("name") ,form.getvalue("file"), username) return html.header('Ahoy!')+html.strat_new()+html.footer()
def user_new(environ): post = path.get_post_array(environ) if post['test'][0]!="8": raise Exception('Begone!') u=users.User(post['username'][0]) u.add_user(post['password'][0]) return html.header('Ahoy!', False)+html.user_new(post['username'][0])+html.footer()
def strats(environ): auth = environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')[1] username, password = auth.decode('base64').split(':', 1) strats=strategies.get_users_strategies(username) response_body=html.header('Ahoy!') response_body+=html.strats(strats) response_body+=html.footer() return response_body
def strats_delete(environ): auth = environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')[1] username, password = auth.decode('base64').split(':', 1) label=environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[-1] strategies.delete_stategy(label, username) response_body=html.header('Ahoy!') response_body+=html.strat_delete(label) response_body+=html.footer() return response_body
def get(self): html.header(self) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/add" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Contact" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/addWeek" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Week" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/mailingList" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Mailing List" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/search" method = "post"><input type="text" name="search" rows="1" class = "post-form-textarea"></input><br/><input type = "submit" value = "Search" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) html.weekFilter(self) contacts = datamodel.Contact.all().order("lastName") for contact in contacts: html.listing(self, contact) html.footer(self)
def game_show(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!') uri = environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/') g = games.Game(uri[3]) response_body += html.show_game(g) response_body += '<pre>%s</pre>' % g.stdoutdata response_body += html.show_game(g) response_body += html.footer() return response_body
def get(self): html.header(self) wid = int(float(string.lstrip(self.request.path, "week/"))) week = datamodel.Week.get_by_id(wid) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/add" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Contact" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/addWeek" method = "get"><input type = "submit" value = "Add Week" class = "submit"></input></form>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/mailingList" method = "get"><input type="hidden" name="week" value="' + str(wid) + '"></input><input type = "submit" value = "Mailing List" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) self.response.out.write( '<form action = "/search" method = "post"><input type="text" name="search" rows="1" class = "post-form-textarea"></input><br/><input type = "submit" value = "Search" class = "submit"></input></form><br/>' ) html.weekFilter(self) contacts = datamodel.Contact.all() contacts.filter("weeks = ", week.key()) for contact in contacts: html.listing(self, contact) html.footer(self)
def get(self): html.header(self) html.weekForm(self) html.footer(self)
def delete(environ): response_body=html.header('Ahoy!') response_body+=html.delete() response_body+=html.footer() return response_body
def get(self): html.header(self) cid = int(float(string.lstrip(self.request.path, "edit/contact/"))) contact = datamodel.Contact.get_by_id(cid) html.editContact(self, contact) html.footer(self)
mapLayers.append(identifier) if 'text' in component: identifier = mapLayer + "-points" mapFile += map.pointLayer(identifier, filename, sourceLayer, component['text'], component['fontSize'] if 'fontSize' in component else None) mapLayers.append(identifier) tilecacheFile += tilecache.layer(layer['title'], mapLayers, mapDir) htmlFile += html.layer(layer['title'], layer['title'], 'enabled' not in layer or layer['enabled'], 'hidden' in layer and layer['hidden'], layer['mergeLayer'] if 'mergeLayer' in layer else None) layerNames = [layer['title']] if 'aliases' in layer: layerNames += layer['aliases'] layersDefFile += ','.join(layerNames) + '\n' runCommands(commands) mapFile += map.footer() tilecacheFile += tilecache.footer() htmlFile += html.footer() print "Generating mapfile ''..." mapStream = open('', 'w') mapStream.write(mapFile) mapStream.close() print "Generating 'tilecache.cfg'..." tilecacheStream = open('tilecache.cfg', 'w') tilecacheStream.write(tilecacheFile) tilecacheStream.close() for filename in config.mapExtraFiles: shutil.copy(filename, ".") commands = []
leviTerms = { 'Levi': 'Olevsky', 'Elephant' : 'Big Gray Animal', 'Mouse' : 'Small Gray Animal', 'Zebra' : 'Medium Gray Animal', 'Helen' : 'Ye' } leviTermsList = leviTerms.keys() #['Levi', 'Helen', 'Mouse', 'Zebra', 'Elephant'] def flipCard(list, dict, term): value = dict[term] list[list.index(term)] = value dict.pop(term) dict[value] = term def flipCardWithTerm(term): flipCard(leviTermsList, leviTerms, term) flipCardWithTerm('Levi') print '<center>' + html.header('cards'), \ html.tableTop(), \ html.oneTable(leviTermsList, leviTerms), \ html.tableBttm(), \ html.footer() + '</center>' print queryString.value
import config import os import html from wsdl import WSDL import json html.header() distance_matrix=clustering.get_distance_matrix() html.distance_matrix(distance_matrix) old_distance_matrix=json.dumps(distance_matrix) if config.K_MEANS_CLUSTERING: clusters=clustering.get_all_clusters_k_means(distance_matrix) else: clusters=clustering.get_all_clusters(distance_matrix) html.cluster(clusters) #parse WSDL wsdl_object_array=[] for service in os.listdir(config.SERVICES_FOLDER): wsdl_object_array.append(WSDL(config.SERVICES_FOLDER+service)) #now calculate token weight for each of the wsdl token_weight={} for wsdl in wsdl_object_array: token_weight[wsdl.file_name]=extraction.total_token_weight(wsdl,clusters) html.tokens(token_weight) html.footer()
print html.heading(1, 'SUCCESS! Now login on the main page.') os.makedirs(reguser) shutil.copy2('', reguser + '/') shutil.copy2('quiz.html', reguser + '/quiz.html') shutil.copy2('flashCards.html', reguser + '/flashCards.html') elif reguser in curr: print html.heading(1, 'This username already exists.') elif regpw != re: print html.heading(1, 'The passwords do not match!') # For when the person is trying to log in else: user = qs['user'].value pw = qs['pw'].value # Makes sure the username exists and if not, prints redirection header if user in curr: # Checks if the encrypted password in CSV matches the encrypted one the user submitted # If so, successful login, if not, print redirection header if curr[user] == hashlib.sha256(pw).hexdigest(): print html.headerWTags('Redirecting', '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=' + user + '/"/>') print html.heading(1, 'success') #login success stuff else: print html.headerWTags('Redirecting', '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=index.html"/>') print html.heading(1, 'Incorrect password. Please try again.') else: print html.headerWTags('Redirecting', '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;index.html"/>') print html.heading(1, 'Incorrect username. Please try again.') print html.heading(3, 'Redirecting in 2 seconds.') print html.footer()
def main(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!', False) response_body += html.welcome() response_body += html.footer() return response_body
def strategy(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!') response_body += html.form_new_strategy() response_body += html.footer() return response_body
def menu(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!') response_body += response_body += html.footer() return response_body
def user(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!', False) response_body += html.form_create_new_user() response_body += html.footer() return response_body
def game(environ): response_body = html.header('Ahoy!') response_body += html.form_create_new_game(strategies.get_strategies()) response_body += html.footer() return response_body