コード例 #1
def temp_resolve(inStr):
    # check if contains room temp or RT
    if roomtemp_re.findall(inStr):
        inStr = u'20-24'
        retDict = resolveDataFloat(inStr)
#        value = 22
        retDict = resolveDataFloat(inStr)
#        if 'value' in retDict:
#            value = retDict['value']
#        else:
#            value = ''
    return retDict
コード例 #2
def assign_rec_temp(article):
# find a sentence that mentions recording and temperature or degree celsius
    full_text_ob = article.articlefulltext_set.all()[0]
    ft = full_text_ob.get_content()
    methods_tag = getMethodsTag(ft, article)
    if methods_tag is None:
        print (article.pmid, article.title, article.journal)
        text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', methods_tag.text)
        temp_dict_list = []
        sents = nltk.sent_tokenize(text)
        for s in sents:
    #        print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
            if celsius_re.findall(s):
    #            print article.pk
    #            print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
                degree_ind = s.rfind(u'°C')
                min_sent_ind = 0
                max_sent_ind = len(s)
                degree_close_str = s[np.maximum(min_sent_ind, degree_ind-20):np.minimum(max_sent_ind, degree_ind+1)]
                retDict = resolveDataFloat(degree_close_str)
                if 'value' in retDict:
            elif room_temp_re.findall(s):
    #            print article.pk
    #            print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
                retDict = {'value':22.0, 'maxRange' : 24.0, 'minRange': 20.0}
        if len(temp_dict_list) > 0:
    #        print temp_dict_list
            temp_dict_fin = validate_temp_list(temp_dict_list)
    #        print temp_dict_fin
            if temp_dict_fin:
                min_range = None
                max_range = None
                stderr = None
                if 'minRange' in temp_dict_fin:
                    min_range = temp_dict_fin['minRange']
                if 'maxRange' in temp_dict_fin:
                    max_range = temp_dict_fin['maxRange']
                if 'error' in temp_dict_fin:
                    stderr = temp_dict_fin['error']
                cont_value_ob = m.ContValue.objects.filter(mean = temp_dict_fin['value'], min_range = min_range, max_range = max_range, stderr = stderr)[0]
                if not cont_value_ob:
                    cont_value_ob = m.ContValue.objects.get_or_create(mean = temp_dict_fin['value'], min_range = min_range, max_range = max_range, stderr = stderr)[0]
                metadata_ob = m.MetaData.objects.get_or_create(name='RecTemp', cont_value=cont_value_ob)[0]
                update_amd_obj(article, metadata_ob)
                aftStatOb = m.ArticleFullTextStat.objects.get_or_create(article_full_text = full_text_ob)[0]
                aftStatOb.methods_tag_found = True
コード例 #3
def age_resolve(inStr):
    # check if contains room temp or RT
    if weight_re.findall(inStr):
        retDict = ''
        return retDict
        retDict = resolveDataFloat(unicode(inStr))
        if 'value' in retDict:
            if week_re.findall(inStr):
                for k in retDict.keys():
                    retDict[k] = retDict[k] * 7
            elif week_re.findall(inStr):
                for k in retDict.keys():
                    retDict[k] = retDict[k] * 30
#            value = retDict['value']
#            if week_re.findall(inStr):
#                value = value * 7
#            elif month_re.findall(inStr):
#                value = value * 30
            retDict = ''
    return retDict
コード例 #4
def assign_animal_age(article):
# TODO: find a sentence that mentions recording and temperature or degree celsius
    full_text_ob = article.articlefulltext_set.all()[0]
    ft = full_text_ob.get_content()
    methods_tag = getMethodsTag(ft, article)
    if methods_tag is None:
        print (article.pmid, article.title, article.journal)
        text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', methods_tag.text)
        age_dict_list = []
        sents = nltk.sent_tokenize(text)
        for s in sents:
    #        print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
            if p_age_re.findall(s):
    #            print article.pk
#                print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
#                print 'Pnumber'
                p_iter = re.finditer(ur'P\d', s) 
                matches = [(match.start(0), match.end(0)) for match in p_iter]
                if len(matches) > 0:
                    p_ind = matches[-1][0]
        #            p_ind = s.rfind(ur'P\d')
                    min_sent_ind = 0
                    max_sent_ind = len(s)
                    p_close_str = s[np.maximum(min_sent_ind, p_ind-15):np.minimum(max_sent_ind, p_ind+15)]
        #            print p_close_str
                    p_close_str = p_close_str.translate(dict((ord(c), u'') for c in string.ascii_letters)).strip()
        #            print p_close_str
                    retDict = resolveDataFloat(p_close_str)
        #            print retDict
                    if 'value' in retDict:
            elif day_re.findall(s):
    #            print article.pk
#                print s.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
#                print 'day'
                p_iter = re.finditer(ur'\sday', s) 
                matches = [(match.start(0), match.end(0)) for match in p_iter]
                if len(matches) > 0:
                    p_ind = matches[-1][0]
        #            p_ind = s.rfind(ur'P\d')
                    min_sent_ind = 0
                    max_sent_ind = len(s)
                    p_close_str = s[np.maximum(min_sent_ind, p_ind-15):np.minimum(max_sent_ind, p_ind+15)]
        #            print p_close_str
                    p_close_str = p_close_str.translate(dict((ord(c), u'') for c in string.ascii_letters)).strip()
        #            print p_close_str
                    retDict = resolveDataFloat(p_close_str)
        #            print retDict
                    if 'value' in retDict:
        if len(age_dict_list) > 0:
    #        print temp_dict_list
    #        print age_dict_list
            age_dict_fin = validate_age_list(age_dict_list)
    #        print age_dict_fin
            if age_dict_fin:
                min_range = None
                max_range = None
                stderr = None
                if 'minRange' in age_dict_fin:
                    min_range = age_dict_fin['minRange']
                if 'maxRange' in age_dict_fin:
                    max_range = age_dict_fin['maxRange']
                if 'error' in age_dict_fin:
                    stderr = age_dict_fin['error']
                cont_value_ob = m.ContValue.objects.get_or_create(mean = age_dict_fin['value'], min_range = min_range,
                                                                  max_range = max_range, stderr = stderr)[0]
                metadata_ob = m.MetaData.objects.get_or_create(name='AnimalAge', cont_value=cont_value_ob)[0]
                update_amd_obj(article, metadata_ob)
                aftStatOb = m.ArticleFullTextStat.objects.get_or_create(article_full_text = full_text_ob)[0]
                aftStatOb.methods_tag_found = True
コード例 #5
def weight_resolve(inStr):
    if weight_re.findall(inStr):
        retDict = resolveDataFloat(unicode(inStr))
        return retDict
        return ''