def signin(): search_form = SearchForm() form = SigninForm() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate() == False: rendered_html = render_template('signin.html', form=form, search_form=search_form, books_count=books_count, now_year=year, admin=admin) return minify(rendered_html, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False, remove_empty_space=True) else: return redirect(url_for('index')) elif request.method == 'GET': rendered_html = render_template('signin.html', form=form, search_form=search_form, books_count=books_count, now_year=year, admin=admin) return minify(rendered_html, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False, remove_empty_space=True)
def join_mysql_google(self): for g_line in self.body_value: #Verificando se SKU da planilha foi feito no wordpress print(g_line) if g_line[0] in self.w_sku: index = self.w_sku.index(g_line[0]) r_desc,desc_comp = self.w_desc[index].split("<!--more-->") #adicionando os conteudos na lista final #verificar se existe a descricao resumida if desc_comp: g_line[-2]= htmlmin.minify(desc_comp, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) g_line[-1]= htmlmin.minify(r_desc, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) else: f_line[-2]=r_desc
def get_prices(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): asoc_obj = self.pool.get("competition.asoc") for product in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): for asoc in product.asoc_id: res = {} web = asoc.web_product regex = asoc.linked_to.regex htmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(web) html = htmlencoded = html.decode("iso8859-1") htmltext = htmlmin.minify( htmlencoded, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True, remove_all_empty_space=False, reduce_empty_attributes=True, reduce_boolean_attributes=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False, keep_pre=False, pre_tags=(u"pre", u"textarea"), pre_attr="pre", ) pattern = re.compile(regex) price = re.findall(pattern, htmltext) asoc_obj.write(cr, uid,, {"online_price": price[0]}, context=context)
def home(): cities = tb.read_json('{}/cities.json'.format(informationFolder)) names = tb.read_json('{}/names.json'.format(informationFolder)) return minify(render_template('index.html', title=gettext('Maps - OpenBikes'), cities_file=cities, names_file=names, lang_code='en'))
def manage_assignment(id): '''profile.manage_assignment(id)''' tab = 'manage_assignment' user = User.query.get_or_404(id) if not user.created or user.deleted: abort(404) if not current_user.can_access_profile(user=user): abort(403) if not (user.is_staff or user.is_suspended_staff): return redirect(url_for('profile.overview', page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) pagination = AssignmentScore.query\ .join(User, == AssignmentScore.user_id)\ .filter(User.created == True)\ .filter(User.activated == True)\ .filter(User.deleted == False)\ .filter(AssignmentScore.modified_by_id ==\ .order_by(AssignmentScore.modified_at.desc())\ .paginate(page, per_page=current_app.config['RECORD_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) scores = pagination.items return minify(render_template( 'profile/manage/assignment.html', profile_tab=tab, user=user, pagination=pagination, scores=scores ))
def manage_scheme(id): '''profile.manage_scheme(id)''' tab = 'manage_scheme' user = User.query.get_or_404(id) if not user.created or user.deleted: abort(404) if not current_user.can_access_profile(user=user): abort(403) if not (user.is_staff or user.is_suspended_staff): return redirect(url_for('profile.overview', page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) pagination = Supervision.query\ .join(User, == Supervision.user_id)\ .filter(User.created == True)\ .filter(User.activated == True)\ .filter(User.deleted == False)\ .filter(Supervision.supervisor_id ==\ .order_by(Supervision.timestamp.desc())\ .paginate(page, per_page=current_app.config['RECORD_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) supervisions = pagination.items return minify(render_template( 'profile/manage/scheme.html', profile_tab=tab, user=user, pagination=pagination, supervisions=supervisions ))
def booking(id): '''''' tab = 'booking' user = User.query.get_or_404(id) if not user.created or user.deleted: abort(404) if not current_user.can_access_profile(user=user): abort(403) if not (user.is_student or user.is_suspended_student): return redirect(url_for('profile.overview', page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) pagination = Booking.query\ .join(Schedule, == Booking.schedule_id)\ .filter(Booking.user_id ==\ .order_by(\ .order_by(Schedule.period_id.asc())\ .paginate(page, per_page=current_app.config['RECORD_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) bookings = pagination.items return minify(render_template( 'profile/booking.html', profile_tab=tab, user=user, pagination=pagination, bookings=bookings ))
def convert(path, template, context, hrefs, global_qualify_list): md_data = unicode(open(make_md_path(path)).read(), encoding='utf-8') body, info = md_to_html(md_data, path, hrefs, global_qualify_list) meta = info['meta_result'] codes = info['example_codes'] mdinfo = { 'meta': meta, 'sources': [{'id': code['id'], 'source': code['code']} for code in codes], 'page_id': path.split('/'), } if 'class' in meta: context['title'] = meta['class'][0] + '::' + context['title'] context['keywords'] += ',' + ','.join(value[0] for value in meta.values()) context['mdinfo'] = json.dumps(mdinfo) if context['description'] is None: context['description'] = remove_tags(body) context['description'] = context['description'].replace('\n', ' ')[:200] context['mathjax'] = info['mathjax_enabled'] dst_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(settings.OUTPUT_DIR, path)) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) html_data = template.render(body=body, **context) if settings.USE_MINIFY: import htmlmin html_data = htmlmin.minify(html_data) open(make_html_path(path), 'w').write(html_data.encode('utf-8'))
def booking(): '''''' show_today_booking_status = True show_tomorrow_booking_status = False if current_user.is_authenticated: show_today_booking_status = bool(request.cookies.get('show_today_booking_status', '1')) show_tomorrow_booking_status = bool(request.cookies.get('show_tomorrow_booking_status', '')) if show_today_booking_status: query = Schedule.query\ .filter( == date_now(utc_offset=current_app.config['UTC_OFFSET']))\ .order_by(Schedule.period_id.asc()) if show_tomorrow_booking_status: query = Schedule.query\ .filter( == date_next(days=1, utc_offset=current_app.config['UTC_OFFSET']))\ .order_by(Schedule.period_id.asc()) try: schedules = query except NameError: return redirect(url_for('status.today_booking')) return minify(render_template( 'status/booking.html', show_today_booking_status=show_today_booking_status, show_tomorrow_booking_status=show_tomorrow_booking_status, schedules=schedules, ))
def render_template(self, name, **kwargs): template_path = self.settings.get('template_path', DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader([template_path])) # filters custom_filters = [ ('calculate_pagination', calculate_pagination), ('datetime_format', datetime_format), ('highlight', code_highlighter), ('markdown', fn_markdown), ('slugify', document_slug), ('split', fn_split), ('strip', fn_strip) ] for fname, fn in custom_filters: env.filters[fname] = fn try: template = env.get_template(name) except TemplateNotFound: logger.error('Could not find template, %s' % name) raise TemplateNotFound(name) else:'render_template(%s)' % name) page_html = template.render(kwargs) o_len = len(page_html) # compress HTML repsonse if self.settings.get('compress_response', False): page_html = htmlmin.minify(page_html, remove_comments=True, keep_pre=True)'compressed html %0.2f percent of original' % ((len(page_html) / float(o_len))*100)) return page_html
def forbidden(e): '''main.forbidden(e)''' if request.accept_mimetypes.accept_json and not request.accept_mimetypes.accept_html: response = jsonify({'error': 'forbidden'}) response.status_code = 403 return response return minify(render_template('error/403.html')), 403
def page_not_found(e): '''main.page_not_found(e)''' if request.accept_mimetypes.accept_json and not request.accept_mimetypes.accept_html: response = jsonify({'error': 'not found'}) response.status_code = 404 return response return minify(render_template('error/404.html')), 404
def home(): '''main.home()''' if current_user.is_authenticated: if current_user.can('管理'): return redirect(request.args.get('next') or url_for('status.home')) return redirect(request.args.get('next') or url_for('profile.overview', return minify(render_template('home.html'))
def internal_server_error(e): '''main.internal_server_error(e)''' if request.accept_mimetypes.accept_json and not request.accept_mimetypes.accept_html: response = jsonify({'error': 'internal server error'}) response.status_code = 500 return response return minify(render_template('error/500.html')), 500
def message(id): '''inbox.message(id)''' message = Message.query.get_or_404(id) if message.deleted: abort(404) user_message = UserMessage.query.filter_by(, if user_message is None: abort(404) if not user_message.mark_read() db.session.commit() unread_inbox_messages_num = UserMessage.query\ .join(Message, == UserMessage.message_id)\ .filter(UserMessage.user_id ==\ .filter( == False)\ .filter(Message.deleted == False)\ .count() all_inbox_messages_num = UserMessage.query\ .join(Message, == UserMessage.message_id)\ .filter(UserMessage.user_id ==\ .filter(Message.deleted == False)\ .count() return minify(render_template( 'inbox/message.html', unread_inbox_messages_num=unread_inbox_messages_num, all_inbox_messages_num=all_inbox_messages_num, message=message ))
def __init__(self, pelican): """ Minifies the files. :param pelican: the pelican object :type pelican: pelican.Pelican """ for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(pelican.output_path): for name in files: path_file = os.path.join(path, name) if fnmatch(name, '*.html'): self.write_to_file( path_file, lambda content: htmlmin.minify( content, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True, reduce_boolean_attributes=True, keep_pre=True, ) ) elif fnmatch(name, '*.css'): self.write_to_file( path_file, lambda content: csscompressor.compress(content) )
def change_email_request(): '''auth.change_email_request()''' form = ChangeEmailForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if current_user.verify_password( new_email = token = current_user.generate_email_change_token(new_email) send_email( recipient=new_email, subject='确认您的邮箱账户', template='auth/mail/change_email', user=current_user._get_current_object(), token=token ) flash('一封确认邮件已经发送至您的邮箱', category='info') add_user_log( user=current_user._get_current_object(), event='请求修改邮箱为:{}'.format(new_email), category='auth' ) return redirect(url_for('auth.change_email_request')) flash('无效的用户名或密码', category='error') return redirect(url_for('auth.change_email_request')) return minify(render_template( 'auth/change_email.html', form=form ))
def unconfirmed(): '''auth.unconfirmed()''' if current_user.is_anonymous: return redirect(url_for('main.home')) if current_user.confirmed: return redirect(current_user.index_url) return minify(render_template('auth/unconfirmed.html'))
def rating(id): '''profile.rating(id)''' tab = 'rating' user = User.query.get_or_404(id) if not user.created or user.deleted: abort(404) if not current_user.can_access_profile(user=user): abort(403) form = UserRatingForm() if form.validate_on_submit() and strip_html_tags( user_rating = UserRating( body_html=sanitize_html(,, ) db.session.add(user_rating) db.session.commit() flash('已给“{}”添加用户评价'.format(user.name_email), category='success') add_user_log( user=current_user._get_current_object(), event='给“{}”添加用户评价:{}'.format( user.name_email, strip_html_tags(user_rating.body_html) ), category='manage' ) return redirect(url_for('profile.rating', return minify(render_template( 'profile/rating.html', profile_tab=tab, form=form, user=user ))
def minify(self): """ Returns the minified version of a template. """ return htmlmin.minify(self.render().decode('utf8'), remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True)
def index(page=1): search_form = SearchForm() per_page = BOOKS_PER_PAGE books = session.query(Book, Author).join( books_authors, Author).order_by(, Book.title).group_by( page_from = int(page * per_page) page_next = int(page_from + per_page) books_page = books.slice(page_from, page_next) books_limit = abs(books_count/per_page) rendered_html = render_template('catalog_list.html', meta_title="The Library", books=books_page, page=page, page_from=page_from, page_next=page_next, books_count=books_count, per_page=per_page, books_limit=books_limit, now_year=year, admin=admin, search_form=search_form) return minify(rendered_html, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False, remove_empty_space=True)
def util_write_html(self, file_dir, file_content, file_name='index.html'): if self.minify_html: file_content = minify(file_content, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=False) if not os.path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) f = open(os.path.join(file_dir, file_name), 'w') f.write(file_content.encode('utf8')) f.close()
def map(city): names = tb.read_json('{}/names.json'.format(informationFolder)) centers = tb.read_json('{}/centers.json'.format(informationFolder)) predictions = tb.read_json('{}/predictions.json'.format(informationFolder)) geojson = str(url_for('static', filename='geojson/{}.geojson'.format(city))) return minify(render_template('map.html', city=city, city_name=names[city], center=centers[city], geojson=geojson, predict=predictions[city]))
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if current_app.config.get('DEBUG'): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return minify( func(*args, **kwargs), remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False )
def handle_html(html_data): """ 压缩html文件 :param html_data: html字符串 :return: """ html = htmlmin.minify(html_data, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True, remove_all_empty_space=True) return html
def get_templates(dirname=None): rtn = {} dirname = dirname or BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR full_dirname = os.path.realpath(dirname) if os.path.exists(full_dirname): templates = map(lambda x: (os.path.join(dirname,x),open(os.path.join(full_dirname,x),'r').read()),filter(lambda x: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(full_dirname,x)),os.listdir(full_dirname))) for t in templates: rtn['/'+'/'.join(t[0].split('/')[1:])] = minify(unicode(t[1].decode('utf-8')),remove_empty_space=True) return rtn
def beautify_page(html, lang): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html") for x in soup.find_all(): if len(x.text.strip()) == 0: x.extract() soup = remove_bad_sections(soup, lang) html = str(soup.prettify()) html = htmlmin.minify(html, remove_empty_space=True) return html
def test_named_sheet(self): test_html = '<table class="dataframe"><thead><tr><th>One</th><th>Two</th><th>Three</th></tr></thead>' \ + '<tbody><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr><tr>' \ + '<td>7</td><td>8</td><td>9</td></tr></tbody></table>' html = htmlmin.minify(fp.excel_to_html(EXCEL_DIR + 'test_named_sheet.xlsx', sheetname='Diablo'), \ remove_empty_space=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False) self.assertEqual(html, test_html)
def tween_view(request): response = handler(request) try: if (response.content_type and response.content_type.startswith('text/html')): response.text = minify(response.text, **htmlmin_opts) except Exception: log.exception('Unexpected exception while minifying content') return response
def send_stream_thread(self): """ Sends a notification of us to our thread's stream. """ data = { "id": str(, "thread_id": str(self.thread_id), } if self.parent: data['type'] = "reply" data['discussion_id'] = str(self.parent_id) data['html'] = htmlmin.minify(self.reply_html()) else: data['type'] = "discussion" data['html'] = htmlmin.minify(self.discussion_html()) channels.Group("stream-thread-%s" %{ "content": json.dumps(data), })
def _minify_html(html): return htmlmin.minify(html, remove_comments=True, reduce_empty_attributes=False, reduce_boolean_attributes=False, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False).strip()
def read_task_from_hypertext_body(self, filename, file): logger.debug('Read 1 task from hypertext file {}'.format(filename)) data = body = htmlmin.minify(data.decode('utf8'), remove_all_empty_space=True) tasks = [{'data': {settings.UPLOAD_DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME: body}}] return tasks
def wrapper(*args): if MINIFY_HTML: # noqa return htmlmin.minify(func(*args)) return func(*args)
def process_word_entry(entry): """ Processes a single row from and returns it in a dictionary :param bs4.element.Tag entry: This is equivalent to one row in the results from :return: Returns a list of dictionary items containing each of the possible results :rtype: list of dicts """ organized_entry = {"characters": []} # type: dict organized_entry. \ update({"traditional": entry.find("td", {"class": "head"}).find("div", {"class": "hanzi"}).text}) # I didn't investigate why, but for some reason the site was adding u200b so I just manually stripped that # whitespace out. organized_entry. \ update({"pinyin": str(entry.find("div", {"class": "pinyin"}).text).lower().strip().replace(u'\u200b', "")}) # The entries come separated by /'s which is why we have the split here # The map function here just gets rid of the extra whitespace on each word_to_process before assignment organized_entry. \ update({"defs": list(map(str.strip, str(entry.find("div", {"class": "defs"}).text).split('/')))}) tail = entry.find("td", {"class": "tail"}) simplified = tail.find("div", {"class": "hanzi"}) # type: bs4.element.Tag hsk = tail.find("div", {"class": "hsk"}) # type: bs4.element.Tag character_string = "" if simplified is not None: organized_entry.update({"simplified": simplified.text}) for i, character in enumerate(organized_entry["traditional"], start=0): if character == organized_entry["simplified"][i]: character_string = character_string + character else: character_string = character_string + character + organized_entry["simplified"][i] else: organized_entry.update({"simplified": ""}) character_string = organized_entry["traditional"] organized_entry["history"] = "" for i, character in enumerate("".join(dict.fromkeys(organized_entry["traditional"]))): r = requests.put("http://" + args.api_address + "/api/lookup", data=json.dumps({"characters_to_lookup": character}), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if r.status_code != 404: history = re.sub("([\u4e00-\u9FFF])", "<a href=\"http://charserver.lan:4200/\\1\">\\1</a>", r.json()[0]["explanation"]) if i == 0: organized_entry["history"] = organized_entry["history"] + history else: organized_entry["history"] = organized_entry["history"] + "<br><br>" + history else: organized_entry["history"] = "" # Get words from hanzicraft url_string = "" + quote("".join(dict.fromkeys(character))) # type: str driver.get(url_string) # type: str soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser').find(id="display") # type: bs4.BeautifulSoup for favorite_button in soup.find_all('button', id="addfav"): favorite_button.decompose() for character_nav in soup.find_all('div', {"class": "character-nav"}): character_nav.decompose() for index, word_block in enumerate(soup.find_all('div', {"class": "wordblock"})): if index > 4: word_block.decompose() # If there are no examples then delete the example words block so it doesn't consume space if not soup.find_all('div', {"class": "wordblock"}): for example in soup.find_all('div', {"class": "examples"}): example.decompose() for a in soup.findAll('a'): if "href" in a.attrs: # If the character reference is actually a word_to_process, send us to mdbg instead if "character" in a['href'] and len(a['href'].replace('/character/', "")) > 1: a['href'] = "" + \ a['href'].split('/')[2] else: # The links start is relative. We want them to be FQDNs so they reach out to Hanzicraft a['href'] = "" + a['href'] # Remove target because it causes the links to fail. if "target" in a.attrs: a.attrs.pop("target") organized_entry["characters"].append(str(soup)) for i, character in enumerate(organized_entry["characters"], start=0): organized_entry["characters"][i] = htmlmin.minify(character, remove_empty_space=True, remove_comments=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=True) if hsk is not None: organized_entry.update({"hsk": hsk.text}) else: organized_entry.update({"hsk": ""}) if organized_entry["simplified"].strip() == "": organized_entry["simplified"] = HanziConv.toSimplified(organized_entry["traditional"]) return organized_entry
# if want to do fresh... cursor.execute("""select 1 from media where type = %s and title = %s;""", (group, title)) if cursor.rowcount != 0: logger.warning('Skipping {}/{}'.format(group, title)) else: link = '{}/{}/{}'.format(baseurl, group, title) print(link) try: htmlData = session.get(link).text soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlData, 'lxml') for script in soup(["script", "link", "style", "noscript", "img", "meta"]): script.extract() for x in soup.find_all(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)): x.extract() htmlData = htmlmin.minify(str(soup), remove_empty_space=True) except: logger.error('Error with fetching: %s' % link) else: try: cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO media (type, title, name, key, data) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""", (group, title, name, key, htmlData)) db.commit() except: logger.error('Error with db: %s' % link) time.sleep(0.34) db.close()
def minify_html(content): return htmlmin.minify(content)
def minify_html(s_html): print("++++++++++\nNow in minify_html module ...") # returns string of minified html return htmlmin.minify(s_html, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True)
def tasks_from_file(filename, file, project): file_format = None try: if filename.endswith('.csv') and not is_time_series_only(project): tasks = pd.read_csv(file).fillna('').to_dict('records') tasks = [{'data': task} for task in tasks] file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] elif filename.endswith('.tsv') and not is_time_series_only(project): tasks = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t').fillna('').to_dict('records') tasks = [{'data': task} for task in tasks] file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] elif filename.endswith('.txt'): lines = tasks = [{ 'data': { settings.UPLOAD_DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME: line.decode('utf-8') } } for line in lines] file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] elif filename.endswith('.json'): raw_data = # Python 3.5 compatibility fix try: tasks = json.loads(raw_data) except TypeError: tasks = json.loads(raw_data.decode('utf8')) file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] # no drag & drop support elif project is None: raise ValidationError('No tasks found in: ' + filename) # upload file via drag & drop elif len(project.data_types) > 1 and not is_time_series_only(project): raise ValidationError( 'Your label config has more than one data keys, direct file upload supports only' ' one data key. To import data with multiple data keys use JSON or CSV' ) # convert html file to json task elif filename.endswith('.html') or filename.endswith( '.htm') or filename.endswith('.xml'): data = body = htmlmin.minify(data.decode('utf8'), remove_all_empty_space=True) tasks = [{'data': {settings.UPLOAD_DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME: body}}] file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] # hosting for file else: # read as text or binary file data = open(filename, 'rb').read() if isinstance( file, io.TextIOWrapper) else upload_dir = os.path.join(project.path, 'upload') os.makedirs(upload_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() + '-' + os.path.basename( filename) path = os.path.join(upload_dir, filename) open(path, 'wb').write(data) # prepare task path = get_full_hostname() + '/data/upload/' + filename tasks = [{'data': {settings.UPLOAD_DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME: path}}] file_format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] except Exception as exc: raise ValidationError('Failed to parse input file ' + filename + ': ' + str(exc)) # null in file if tasks is None: raise ValidationError('null in ' + filename + ' is not allowed') # one task as dict elif isinstance(tasks, dict): tasks = [tasks] # list elif isinstance(tasks, list): pass # something strange else: raise ValidationError('Incorrect task type in ' + filename + ': "' + str(str(tasks)[0:100]) + '". ' 'It is allowed "dict" or "list of dicts" only') return tasks, file_format
def main(origin=None, destination=None): if os.environ.get('WIFIONLY'): return '' src = request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.form _('Sorry, an error occured =(') _('select origin…') _('select destination…') _('Edit Settings') _('swap') _('close') _('share') _('create shortcut') _('wifi positioning is currently not (yet) available') _('determining your position…') ctx = { 'location_select': sorted(graph.selectable_locations.values(), key=lambda l: (0 - l.priority, l.title)), 'titles': { name: titles.get(get_locale(), name) for name, titles in['titles'].items() }, 'mobile_client': request.headers.get('User-Agent').startswith('c3navClient'), 'fake_mobile_client': 'fakemobile' in request.args, 'graph': graph } # Select origins origin = graph.get_selectable_location(src.get('o', origin)) destination = graph.get_selectable_location(src.get('d', destination)) ctx.update({'origin': origin, 'destination': destination}) if request.method == 'POST': if origin is None: return 'missing origin' if destination is None: return 'missing destination' # Load Settings settingscookie = request.cookies.get('settings') cookie_settings = {} if settingscookie is not None: try: cookie_settings = json.loads(settingscookie) except: pass else: ctx['had_settings_cookie'] = True setsettings = {} for name, default_value in Router.default_settings.items(): if not isinstance(default_value, str) and isinstance( default_value, Iterable): value = src.getlist(name) cookie_value = cookie_settings.get(name) if value or ('force-' + name) in src: setsettings[name] = value elif isinstance(cookie_value, list): setsettings[name] = cookie_value elif name in src: setsettings[name] = src.get(name) elif name in cookie_settings: cookie_value = cookie_settings.get(name) if (isinstance(cookie_value, Iterable) and isinstance(default_value, str) or isinstance(cookie_value, int) and isinstance(default_value, int)): setsettings[name] = cookie_value router = Router(graph, setsettings) ctx['settings'] = router.settings settings_flat = sum( [(sum([[(n, vv)] for vv in v], []) if isinstance(v, Iterable) else [(n, v)]) for n, v in router.settings.items()], []) ctx['settings_fields'] = [(n, v) for n, v in settings_flat if n in src] # parse what is avoided avoid = [] for ctype in ('steps', 'stairs', 'escalators', 'elevators'): s = router.settings[ctype] if s == 'yes': continue else: avoid.append(ctype + {'no': '↕', 'up': '↓', 'down': '↑'}[s]) for e in router.settings['e']: avoid.append(graph.titles.get(e, {}).get('en', e)) ctx['avoid'] = avoid if request.method == 'GET': resp = make_response(minify(render_template('main.html', **ctx))) if 'lang' in request.cookies or 'lang' in request.args: resp.set_cookie('lang', g.locale, + timedelta(days=30)) return resp """ Now lets route! """ messages, route = router.get_route(origin, destination) if route is not None: route_description, has_avoided_ctypes = route.describe() if has_avoided_ctypes: messages.append( ('warn', _('This route contains way types that you wanted to avoid ' 'because otherwise no route would be possible.'))) total_duration = sum(rp['duration'] for rp in route_description) ctx.update({ 'routeparts': route_description, 'origin_title': None if isinstance(route.points[0], Node) else route.points[0].title, 'destination_title': None if isinstance(route.points[-1], Node) else route.points[-1].title, 'total_distance': round(sum(rp['distance'] for rp in route_description) / 100, 1), 'total_duration': (int(total_duration / 60), int(total_duration % 60)), 'jsonfoo': json.dumps(route_description, indent=4) }) ctx.update({ 'messages': messages, 'isresult': True, 'resultsonly': src.get('ajax') == '1' }) resp = make_response(minify(render_template('main.html', **ctx))) if src.get('savesettings') == '1': resp.set_cookie('settings', json.dumps(router.settings), + timedelta(days=30)) if 'lang' in request.cookies or 'lang' in request.args: resp.set_cookie('lang', g.locale, + timedelta(days=30)) return resp
import sass from staticjinja import Site import os import htmlmin if __name__ == "__main__": sass.compile(dirname=("sass/", "../assets/css/"), output_style='compressed') site = Site.make_site(outpath="../", # env_globals={'greeting':'Hello world!',} ) site.render() # os.rename("../index.jinja","../index.html") htmlmin.minify('../index.html') with open('../index.jinja', 'r') as jinja_file: content = htmlmin.minify(, remove_empty_space=True, remove_comments=True) if os.path.exists('../index.html'): os.remove('../index.html') os.remove('../index.jinja') with open('../index.html', 'w') as html_file: html_file.write(content)
def wrapper(*args): # return html_minify(func(*args)) return minify(func(*args))
def minify_html(i): return htmlmin.minify(i, remove_empty_space=False)
examples_html += tutorials command_html = command_html.replace("{$examples}", examples_html) # Strip 'mml' namespace from MathML tags so that MathJax can find them command_html = re.sub(r'<(/?)mml:(.*?)>', r'<\1\2>', command_html) output_html = header_for_command + command_html + footer_for_command output = open(output_dir + version_dir + "/" + command, "w") output_string = output_html if args.buildmode == 'full': output_string = htmlmin.minify( output_html, remove_comments=True, reduce_boolean_attributes=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False).encode( 'ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') output.write(output_string) output.close() written += 1 if os.path.exists("html/404.html"): header_for_page = header_for_version footer_for_page = footer_for_version api_commands = "" for category in opengl.command_categories: api_commands += spew_category(category, opengl.command_categories[category],
items.append(""" <div class="item" qari="{qari_key}"> <div class="speed"><span style="width: {speed_score}%"> </span></div> <div class="controls">{name}<span class="control-button-group"> <a class="fa fa-play-circle control-button audio-player" href="{rel_path}078.mp3"></a> <a class="fa fa-cloud-download control-button" href="{id}" target="_blank"></a> </span></div> <div class="register"><span style="width: {register_score}%"> </span></div> </div>""".format( qari_key=qari_key, speed_score=qstats["speed_score"], name=name + (" <span class=\"sub\">%s</span>" % sub if sub else ""), rel_path=qari_metadata[qari_key]["relative_path"], id=qari_metadata[qari_key]["id"], register_score=qstats["register_score"], )) qari_stats_lite[qari_key] = { "speed": qstats["speed_score"], "register": qstats["register_score"], } rendered_site = template.format(items="".join(items), qari_stats=json.dumps(qari_stats_lite)) minified_site = htmlmin.minify(rendered_site, remove_empty_space=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=False) open("site/index.html", "w").write(minified_site)
def response_minify(response): """用 htmlmin 压缩 HTML,减轻带宽压力""" if app.config[ 'HTML_MINIFY'] and response.content_type == u'text/html; charset=utf-8': response.set_data(minify(response.get_data(as_text=True))) return response
def minify_html(filename: str) -> str: """ Read the HTML, minify it, and return the minified content. """ with open(filename) as fin: return htmlmin.minify(, remove_empty_space=True).replace('\n', '')
import re import subprocess import htmlmin template = open("html/index.html", "r") page_html = page_html = htmlmin.minify(page_html, remove_empty_space=True) print("Loaded Default Theme.") #regex for identifying attributes exp = r"{{\w+}}" attributes = re.findall(exp, page_html) r_attributes = attributes[:] print() print("Detected following attributes") #removing curly brackets from attribute for i in range(0, len(attributes)): attributes[i] = attributes[i][2:-2] print(str(i + 1) + ". " + attributes[i]) values = [] print("Input Values for new certificate") for i in range(0, len(attributes)): inp = input(attributes[i] + " : ") values.append(inp) #replacing values in the code for i in range(0, len(values)): page_html = page_html.replace(r_attributes[i], values[i]) print(len(page_html)) receiver = input("Enter Receiver's Address: ")
def minify_and_render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes: if isinstance(content, str): minified_content = htmlmin.minify(content, **minification_config) return original_render(self, minified_content) return original_render(self, content)
def render( ctx, target: str, user_template: str, aesthetic: bool, markdown: bool, min_severity: Optional[str], swc_blacklist: Optional[List[str]], swc_whitelist: Optional[List[str]], ) -> None: """Render an analysis job or group report as HTML. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param target: Group or analysis ID to fetch the data for :param user_template: User-defined template string :param aesthetic: DO NOT TOUCH IF YOU'RE BORING :param markdown: Flag to render a markdown report :param min_severity: Ignore SWC IDs below the designated level :param swc_blacklist: A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to ignore :param swc_whitelist: A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to include """ client: Client = ctx["client"] # normalize target target = target.lower() default_template = DEFAULT_MD_TEMPLATE if markdown else DEFAULT_HTML_TEMPLATE # enables user to include library templates in their own template_dirs = [default_template.parent] if user_template: LOGGER.debug(f"Received user-defined template at {user_template}") user_template = Path(user_template) template_name = template_dirs.append(user_template.parent) else: LOGGER.debug(f"Using default template {}") template_name = env_kwargs = { "trim_blocks": True, "lstrip_blocks": True, "keep_trailing_newline": True, } if not markdown: env_kwargs = { "trim_blocks": True, "lstrip_blocks": True, "keep_trailing_newline": True, } if aesthetic: LOGGER.debug(f"Overwriting template to go A E S T H E T I C") template_name = "aesthetic.html" LOGGER.debug("Initializing Jinja environment") env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dirs), **env_kwargs ) template = env.get_template(template_name) issues_list: List[ Tuple[ AnalysisStatusResponse, DetectedIssuesResponse, Optional[AnalysisInputResponse], ] ] = [] if len(target) == 24: LOGGER.debug(f"Identified group target {target}") list_resp = client.analysis_list(group_id=target) offset = 0 LOGGER.debug(f"Fetching analyses in group {target}") while len(list_resp.analyses) < offset += len(list_resp.analyses) list_resp.analyses.extend( client.analysis_list(group_id=target, offset=offset) ) for analysis in list_resp.analyses: click.echo("Fetching report for analysis {}".format(analysis.uuid), err=True) status, resp, inp = get_analysis_info( client=client, uuid=analysis.uuid, min_severity=min_severity, swc_blacklist=swc_blacklist, swc_whitelist=swc_whitelist, ) issues_list.append((status, resp, inp)) elif len(target) == 36: LOGGER.debug(f"Identified analysis target {target}") click.echo("Fetching report for analysis {}".format(target), err=True) status, resp, inp = get_analysis_info( client=client, uuid=target, min_severity=min_severity, swc_blacklist=swc_blacklist, swc_whitelist=swc_whitelist, ) issues_list.append((status, resp, inp)) else: LOGGER.debug(f"Could not identify target with length {len(target)}") raise click.UsageError( "Invalid target. Please provide a valid group or analysis job ID." ) LOGGER.debug(f"Rendering template for {len(issues_list)} issues") rendered = template.render(issues_list=issues_list, target=target) if not markdown: LOGGER.debug(f"Minifying HTML report") rendered = htmlmin.minify(rendered, remove_comments=True) write_or_print(rendered, mode="w+")
def create_calculator_page(calculator_name): calculator_folder = os.path.join("output", calculator_name) source_folder = os.path.join("resource_lists", calculator_name) if not os.path.exists(calculator_folder): os.makedirs(calculator_folder) else: oldest_output = get_oldest_modified_time(calculator_folder) newest_resource = get_newest_modified_time(source_folder) newest_corelib = get_newest_modified_time("core") newest_build_script = os.path.getctime("") if oldest_output > max(newest_resource, newest_corelib, newest_build_script): print("Skipping", calculator_name, "Nothing has changed since the last build") return print("Generating", calculator_name, "into", calculator_folder) # Create a packed image of all the item images image_width, image_height, resource_image_coordinates = create_packed_image(calculator_name) # Load in the yaml resources file with open(os.path.join("resource_lists", calculator_name, "resources.yaml"), 'r', encoding="utf_8") as f: yaml_data = ordered_load(f, yaml.SafeLoader) resources = yaml_data["resources"] authors = yaml_data["authors"] recipe_types = yaml_data["recipe_types"] stack_sizes = None if "stack_sizes" in yaml_data: stack_sizes = yaml_data["stack_sizes"] default_stack_size = None if "default_stack_size" in yaml_data: default_stack_size = yaml_data["default_stack_size"] # run some sanity checks on the resources lint_resources(calculator_name, resources, recipe_types) # TODO: Add linting for stack sizes here recipe_type_format_js = uglify_js_string(generate_recipe_type_format_js(calculator_name, recipe_types)) recipe_js = mini_js_data(get_recipes_only(resources)) html_resource_data = generate_resource_html_data(resources) item_styles = generate_resource_offset_classes(resources, resource_image_coordinates) # Generate some css to allow us to center the list content_width_css = generate_content_width_css(image_width, yaml_data) stack_sizes_json = json.dumps(stack_sizes) # Generate the calculator from a template env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('core')) template = env.get_template("calculator.html") output_from_parsed_template = template.render( # A simplified list used for creating the item selector HTML resources=html_resource_data, # the javascript/json object used for calculations recipe_json=recipe_js, # The size and positions of the image item_width=image_width, item_height=image_height, item_styles=item_styles, # The name of the calculator resource_list=calculator_name, # Javascript formatting functions for recipe instructions # TODO this should be made into format strings to save space recipe_type_format_js=recipe_type_format_js, # The list of authors and emails to display in the authors sections authors=authors, # Additional CSS to center the list when resizing content_width_css=content_width_css, # Used to build the stack size selector UI stack_sizes=stack_sizes, default_stack_size=default_stack_size, # Used to do calculations to divide counts into stacks stack_sizes_json=stack_sizes_json) minified = htmlmin.minify(output_from_parsed_template, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) with open(os.path.join(calculator_folder, "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf_8") as f: f.write(minified) # Sanity Check Warning, is there an image that does not have a recipe simple_resources = [x["simplename"] for x in html_resource_data] for simple_name in resource_image_coordinates: if simple_name not in simple_resources: print("WARNING:", simple_name, "has an image but no recipe and will not appear in the calculator")
def minify_html(html: str, opts: Optional[Kwargs] = None) -> str: if opts is None: opts = HTMLOptimizerDefault.minify_opts return htmlmin.minify(html, **opts)
json[] = {'attributes': el.attrs} json[] = convetToJson(el.contents, json[]) return json[] elif len(el): elements = [] text = '' for el in el: if type(el) == Element.Tag: value = convetToJson(el, json) elements.append({ value}) else: text += el.strip() json['text'] = text return json else: return json with open("index.html", 'r') as file: html = minified_html = htmlmin.minify(html) soup = BeautifulSoup(minified_html, "html.parser") components = soup.findAll("editable-paragraph") jComponents = [] jComponent = {} for component in components: jComponent[] = convetToJson(component) jComponents.append(jComponent.copy()) pprint.pprint(jComponents)
def loop_looko2(czas): all_values = set() try: looko2_all_stations = all_data() if looko2_all_stations != 0: result_ids_looko2 = [ids["Device"] for ids in looko2_all_stations] LOGGER.debug("result_ids_looko2 %s", result_ids_looko2) result_latitude_looko2 = [ latitude["Lat"] for latitude in looko2_all_stations ] LOGGER.debug("result_latitude_looko2 %s", result_latitude_looko2) result_longitude_looko2 = [ longitude["Lon"] for longitude in looko2_all_stations ] LOGGER.debug("result_longitude_looko2 %s", result_longitude_looko2) merged_ids_lat_long_looko2 = list( zip(result_ids_looko2, result_latitude_looko2, result_longitude_looko2)) LOGGER.debug("merged_ids_lat_long_looko2 %s", merged_ids_lat_long_looko2) for row_looko2 in merged_ids_lat_long_looko2: lat = row_looko2[1] long = row_looko2[2] try: pm10_points_value_looko2 = query("pm10", lat, long) pm10_points_value_looko2 = points_value( pm10_points_value_looko2) if pm10_points_value_looko2 != 0 and pm10_points_value_looko2 != "Brak danych": LOGGER.debug("Look02 PM10 %s", pm10_points_value_looko2) pass pm25_points_value_looko2 = query("pm25", lat, long) pm25_points_value_looko2 = points_value( pm25_points_value_looko2) if pm25_points_value_looko2 != 0 and pm25_points_value_looko2 != "Brak danych": LOGGER.debug("Look02 PM25 %s", pm25_points_value_looko2) pass pm1_points_value_looko2 = query("pm1", lat, long) pm1_points_value_looko2 = points_value( pm1_points_value_looko2) if pm1_points_value_looko2 != 0 and pm1_points_value_looko2 != "Brak danych": LOGGER.debug("Look02 PM1 %s", pm1_points_value_looko2) pass returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm10_looko2 = float( pm10_points_value_looko2) pm10_points_percentage_looko2 = float( pm10_points_value_looko2) * 2 returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm25_looko2 = float( pm25_points_value_looko2) pm25_points_percentage_looko2 = float( pm25_points_value_looko2) * 4 returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm1_looko2 = float( pm1_points_value_looko2) if (returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm10_looko2 != 0 ) or (returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm25_looko2 != 0): LOGGER.debug( "Look02 Calculated values %s %s %s %s ", returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm10_looko2, pm10_points_percentage_looko2, returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm25_looko2, pm25_points_percentage_looko2, ) font_colour_pm10 = pins(pm10_points_percentage_looko2) font_colour_pm25 = pins(pm25_points_percentage_looko2) map_icon_colour = map_pins( pm10_points_percentage_looko2, pm25_points_percentage_looko2) icon = map_icon_colour[0] icon_colour = map_icon_colour[1] font_colour_pm10 = str(font_colour_pm10[0]) font_colour_pm25 = str(font_colour_pm25[0]) lat = str(row_looko2[1]) long = str(row_looko2[2]) pm10_points_percentage = str( int(pm10_points_percentage_looko2)) pm10_points = str( int(returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm10_looko2) ) pm25_points_percentage = str( int(pm25_points_percentage_looko2)) pm25_points = str( int(returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm25_looko2) ) pm1_points = str( int(returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm1_looko2)) html_looko2 = HtmlTemplates.airmonitor_sensors_html_out( CZAS=czas, font_colour_pm10=font_colour_pm10, font_colour_pm25=font_colour_pm25, lat=lat, long=long, pm10_points_percentage=pm10_points_percentage, returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm10=pm10_points, pm25_points_percentage=pm25_points_percentage, returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm25=pm25_points, returned_value_from_custom_sensors_pm1=pm1_points, particle_sensor="LOOK02", ) html_looko2 = htmlmin.minify(html_looko2, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) single_values = (lat, long, icon, icon_colour, html_looko2) all_values.add(single_values) except ValueError: pass else: pass except ValueError: pass return all_values
def minify_html(s_html): # returns string of minified html return htmlmin.minify(s_html, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True)
def render(self, template, context): output = self.environment.get_template(template).render( context) return minify(output)
def read_task_from_hypertext_body(self): logger.debug('Read 1 task from hypertext file {}'.format(self.filepath)) data = self.content body = htmlmin.minify(data.decode('utf8'), remove_all_empty_space=True) tasks = [{'data': {settings.DATA_UNDEFINED_NAME: body}}] return tasks
def register_checkout(event_key, validate='novalidate'): event = Event.query.filter_by(event_key=event_key).first() form = create_event_form(event)() return_dict = dict(errors={}) if validate == 'validate': form_check = form.validate_on_submit else: form_check = form.is_submitted if form_check(): if event_key == 'mind_the_shag_2018': form_controller = MtsSignupFormController(form) return_dict['signup_form_html'] = minify(render_template( 'events/mind_the_shag_2018/mts_signup_form.html', event=event, form=form, config=config, form_controller=form_controller), remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) registration = get_registration_from_form(form) registration.event_id = partner_registration = get_partner_registration_from_form(form) partner_registration.event_id = if event_key == 'mind_the_shag_2018': user_order = mts_get_order_for_event(event, form, registration, partner_registration) else: user_order = get_order_for_event(event, form, registration, partner_registration) return_dict['stripe'] = get_stripe_properties(event, user_order, form) if and in [ 'sunny side of the street' ]: return_dict['stripe'] = 0 order_summary_controller = OrderSummaryController(user_order) return_dict['order_summary_html'] = minify(render_template( 'order_summary.html', order_summary_controller=order_summary_controller), remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) return_dict['validated_partner_tokens'] = get_validated_partner_tokens( form) return_dict['disable_checkout'] = user_order.order_products.count( ) == 0 return_dict['order_summary_total'] = price_filter( order_summary_controller.total_to_pay) print(, request.remote_addr, [(, price_filter( payment_item.amount), payment_item.product.status) for payment_item in order_summary_controller.payment_items]) else: form_errors_controller = FormErrorController(form) return_dict['order_summary_html'] = render_template( 'form_errors.html', form_errors=form_errors_controller) return_dict['errors'] = { v: k for v, k in form_errors_controller.errors } return_dict['disable_checkout'] = True return jsonify(return_dict)
def register_checkout_vue(event_key, validate='novalidate'): event = Event.query.filter_by(event_key=event_key).first() form = create_event_form(event)() return_dict = dict(errors={}) if validate == 'validate': form_check = form.validate_on_submit else: form_check = form.is_submitted if form_check(): reg_dict = { 'token_valid': None, 'registration_name': None, 'registration_email': None, 'partner_registration_name': None, 'partner_registration_email': None, 'order_products': [], } if raise NotImplementedError # try: # reg_token_helper = RegistrationToken() # registration = reg_token_helper.deserialize( # reg_dict['token_valid'] = True # reg_dict['registration_name'] = # reg_dict['registration_email'] = # # reg_dict['order_products'] = # partner_registration = MtsSignupFormController.get_regular_partner_registration(registration) # if partner_registration: # reg_dict['partner_registration_name'] = # reg_dict['partner_registration_email'] = # # except: # reg_dict['token_valid'] = False # registration = get_registration_from_form(form) # registration.event_id = # partner_registration = get_partner_registration_from_form(form) # partner_registration.event_id = else: registration = get_registration_from_form(form) registration.event_id = partner_registration = get_partner_registration_from_form(form) partner_registration.event_id = if not partner_registration: partner_registration = get_partner_registration_from_form(form) partner_registration.event_id = if event_key == 'mind_the_shag_2018': user_order = mts_get_order_for_event(event, form, registration, partner_registration) return_dict['existing_registration'] = reg_dict # else: # user_order = get_order_for_event(event, form, registration, partner_registration) return_dict['stripe'] = get_stripe_properties(event, user_order, form) order_summary_controller = OrderSummaryController(user_order) return_dict['order_summary_html'] = minify(render_template( 'order_summary.html', order_summary_controller=order_summary_controller), remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True) return_dict['validated_partner_tokens'] = get_validated_partner_tokens( form) return_dict['disable_checkout'] = user_order.order_products.count( ) == 0 return_dict['order_summary_total'] = price_filter( order_summary_controller.total_to_pay) # adding validate form errors to the response to get the CSRF error early if not form.validate(): form_errors_controller = FormErrorController(form) return_dict['errors'] = { v: k for v, k in form_errors_controller.errors } if event_key == 'mind_the_shag_2018': form_controller = MtsSignupFormController(form) return_dict['state_data'] = form_controller.get_state_dict(event) if return_dict['state_data']['group'].get('group_token_error'): return_dict['errors']['Group token'] = return_dict[ 'state_data']['group'].get('group_token_error') if return_dict['state_data']['group'].get('group_new_error'): return_dict['errors']['New group'] = return_dict['state_data'][ 'group'].get('group_new_error') if form_controller.not_enough_stations_selected: return_dict['errors'][ 'Full weekend pass'] = '******' % form_controller.selected_stations_count if validate == 'validate' and not return_dict['errors']: return_dict['checkout_success'] = True print(, request.remote_addr, [(, price_filter( payment_item.amount), payment_item.product.status) for payment_item in order_summary_controller.payment_items]) else: form_errors_controller = FormErrorController(form) return_dict['order_summary_html'] = render_template( 'form_errors.html', form_errors=form_errors_controller) return_dict['errors'] = { v: k for v, k in form_errors_controller.errors } return_dict['disable_checkout'] = True return jsonify(return_dict)
def search_web(self, query: str, pn: int = 1) -> dict: r"""百度网页搜索 - 简单搜索: >>> BaiduSpider().search_web('搜索词') { 'results': [ { 'result': int, 总计搜索结果数, 'type': 'total' # type用来区分不同类别的搜索结果 }, { 'results': [ 'str, 相关搜索建议', '...', '...', '...', ... ], 'type': 'related' }, { 'process': 'str, 算数过程', 'result': 'str, 运算结果', 'type': 'calc' # 这类搜索结果仅会在搜索词涉及运算时出现,不一定每个搜索结果都会出现的 }, { 'results': [ { 'author': 'str, 新闻来源', 'time': 'str, 新闻发布时间', 'title': 'str, 新闻标题', 'url': 'str, 新闻链接' }, { ... }, { ... }, { ... }, ... ], 'type': 'news' # 这类搜索结果仅会在搜索词有相关新闻时出现,不一定每个搜索结果都会出现的 }, { 'results': [ { 'cover': 'str, 视频封面图片链接', 'origin': 'str, 视频来源', 'length': 'str, 视频时长', 'title': 'str, 视频标题', 'url': 'str, 视频链接' }, { ... }, { ... }, { ... }, ... ], 'type': 'video' # 这类搜索结果仅会在搜索词有相关视频时出现,不一定每个搜索结果都会出现的 }, { 'result': { 'cover': 'str, 百科封面图片/视频链接', 'cover-type': 'str, 百科封面类别,图片是image,视频是video', 'des': 'str, 百科简介', 'title': 'str, 百科标题', 'url': 'str, 百科链接' }, 'type': 'baike' # 这类搜索结果仅会在搜索词有相关百科时出现,不一定每个搜索结果都会出现的 }, { 'des': 'str, 搜索结果简介', 'origin': 'str, 搜索结果的来源,可能是域名,也可能是名称', 'time': 'str, 搜索结果的发布时间', 'title': 'str, 搜索结果标题', 'type': 'result', # 正经的搜索结果 'url': 'str, 搜索结果链接' }, { ... }, { ... }, { ... }, ... ], 'total': int, 总计的搜索结果页数,可能会因为当前页数的变化而随之变化 } - 带页码: >>> BaiduSpider().search_web('搜索词', pn=2) { 'results': [ ... ], 'total': ... } Args: query (str): 要爬取的query pn (int, optional): 爬取的页码. Defaults to 1. Returns: dict: 爬取的返回值和搜索结果 """ text = quote(query, 'utf-8') url = '' % (text, (pn - 1) * 10) # 获取响应 response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) text = bytes(response.text, response.encoding).decode('utf-8') soup = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(text), 'html.parser') # 尝试获取搜索结果总数 try: num = int( str(soup.find('span', class_='nums_text').text).strip( '百度为您找到相关结果约').strip('个').replace(',', '')) except: num = 0 # 查找运算窗口 calc = soup.find('div', class_='op_new_cal_screen') # 定义预结果(运算以及相关搜索) pre_results = [] # 预处理相关搜索 try: _related = soup.find('div', id='rs').find('table').find_all('th') except: _related = [] related = [] # 预处理新闻 news = soup.find('div', class_='result-op', tpl='sp_realtime_bigpic5', srcid='19') # 确认是否有新闻块 try: news_title = self._format( news.find('h3', class_='t').find('a').text) except: news_title = None news_detail = [] else: news_rows = news.findAll('div', class_='c-row') news_detail = [] for row in news_rows: # 因为新闻会有介绍,但是不是每个都有,所以碰到介绍这里用try-except捕获 try: row_title = self._format(row.find('a').text) except AttributeError: continue else: row_time = self._format( row.find('span', style='color:#666;float:right').text) row_author = self._format( row.find('span', style='color:#008000').text) row_url = self._format(row.find('a')['href']) news_detail.append({ 'title': row_title, 'time': row_time, 'author': row_author, 'url': row_url }) # 预处理短视频 video = soup.find('div', class_='op-short-video-pc') if video: video_rows = video.findAll('div', class_='c-row') video_results = [] for row in video_rows: row_res = [] videos = row.findAll('div', class_='c-span6') for v in videos: v_link = v.find('a') v_title = v_link['title'] v_url = self._format(v_link['href']) v_img = v_link.find('img')['src'] v_len = self._format( v.find('div', class_='op-short-video-pc-duration-wrap').text) v_from = self._format( v.find('div', class_='op-short-video-pc-clamp1').text) row_res.append({ 'title': v_title, 'url': v_url, 'cover': v_img, 'length': v_len, 'origin': v_from }) video_results += row_res else: video_results = [] # 一个一个append相关搜索 for _ in _related: if _.text: related.append(_.text) # 预处理百科 baike = soup.find('div', class_='c-container', tpl='bk_polysemy') if baike: b_title = self._format(baike.find('h3').text) b_url = baike.find('a')['href'] b_des = self._format( baike.find('div', class_='c-span-last').find('p').text) try: b_cover = baike.find('div', class_='c-span6').find('img')['src'] b_cover_type = 'image' except (TypeError, AttributeError): try: b_cover = baike.find( 'video', class_='op-bk-polysemy-video')['data-src'] b_cover_type = 'video' except TypeError: b_cover = None b_cover_type = None baike = { 'title': b_title, 'url': b_url, 'des': b_des, 'cover': b_cover, 'cover-type': b_cover_type } # 加载搜索结果总数 if num != 0: pre_results.append(dict(type='total', result=num)) # 加载运算 if calc: pre_results.append( dict(type='calc', process=str( calc.find('p', class_='op_new_val_screen_process').find( 'span').text), result=str( calc.find('p', class_='op_new_val_screen_result').find( 'span').text))) # 加载相关搜索 if related: pre_results.append(dict(type='related', results=related)) # 加载资讯 if news_detail: pre_results.append(dict(type='news', results=news_detail)) # 加载短视频 if video_results: pre_results.append(dict(type='video', results=video_results)) # 加载百科 if baike: pre_results.append(dict(type='baike', result=baike)) # 预处理源码 try: soup = BeautifulSoup( minify(soup.find_all(id='content_left')[0].prettify(), remove_all_empty_space=True), 'html.parser') # 错误处理 except IndexError: return {'results': None, 'total': None} results = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(response.text), 'html.parser').findAll(class_='c-container') res = [] for result in results: des = None soup = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(result.prettify()), 'html.parser') # 链接 href = soup.find_all('a', target='_blank')[0].get('href').strip() # 标题 title = self._format(soup.find_all('a', target='_blank')[0].text) # 时间 try: time = self._format( soup.find_all('div', class_='c-abstract')[0].find( 'span', class_='c-color-gray2').text) except (AttributeError, IndexError): time = None try: # 简介 des = soup.find_all('div', class_='c-abstract')[0].text soup = BeautifulSoup(result.prettify(), 'html.parser') des = self._format(des).lstrip(str(time)).strip() except IndexError: try: des = des.replace('\n', '') except (UnboundLocalError, AttributeError): des = None # 因为百度的链接是加密的了,所以需要一个一个去访问 # 由于性能原因,分析链接部分暂略 # if href is not None: # try: # # 由于性能原因,这里设置1秒超时 # r = requests.get(href, timeout=1) # href = r.url # except: # # 获取网页失败,默认换回原加密链接 # href = href # # 分析链接 # if href: # parse = urlparse(href) # domain = parse.netloc # prepath = parse.path.split('/') # path = [] # for loc in prepath: # if loc != '': # path.append(loc) # else: # domain = None # path = None try: is_not_special = result['tpl'] not in [ 'short_video_pc', 'sp_realtime_bigpic5', 'bk_polysemy' ] except KeyError: is_not_special = False if is_not_special: # 确保不是特殊类型的结果 # 获取可见的域名 try: domain = self._format( result.find('div', class_='c-row').find( 'div', class_='c-span-last').find( 'div', class_='se_st_footer').find( 'a', class_='c-showurl').text) except Exception as error: try: domain = self._format( result.find('div', class_='c-row').find( 'div', class_='c-span-last').find( 'p', class_='op-bk-polysemy-move').find( 'span', class_='c-showurl').text) except Exception as error: try: domain = self._format( result.find('div', class_='se_st_footer').find( 'a', class_='c-showurl').text) except: domain = None else: domain = None # 加入结果 if title and href and is_not_special: res.append({ 'title': title, 'des': des, 'origin': domain, 'url': href, 'time': time, 'type': 'result' }) soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') soup = BeautifulSoup( soup.find_all('div', id='page')[0].prettify(), 'html.parser') # 分页 pages_ = soup.find_all('span', class_='pc') pages = [] for _ in pages_: pages.append(int(_.text)) # 设置最终结果 result = pre_results result.extend(res) return { 'results': result, # 最大页数 'total': max(pages) }
def run(languages, styles=None) -> str: """ :param languages: A dictionary with language-key -> nginx regex value :param styles: A list of styles, or None for all. :return A complete Nginx config segment. Use inside a server block or an include file. :type languages: Dict[str, str] :type styles: Optional[Iterable[str]] :rtype str """ jquery_version, jquery_files = get_cdn_files('jquery') highlight_version, highlight_files = get_cdn_files('highlight.js') line_numbers_version, line_numbers_files = get_cdn_files('highlightjs-line-numbers.js')'jquery v%s: %r', jquery_version, jquery_files)'highlight v%s: %r', highlight_version, highlight_files)'line_numbers v%s: %r', line_numbers_version, line_numbers_files) # Cut off 'languages/' and '.min.js' possible_languages = {x[10:-7] for x in highlight_files if x.startswith('languages/')} # Cut off 'style/' and '.min.css' possible_styles = {x[7:-8] for x in highlight_files if x.startswith('styles/')}'Possible languages: %r', possible_languages)'Possible styles: %r', possible_styles) if styles is None: styles = [*sorted(possible_styles)] styles.remove('default') styles.insert(0, 'default') missing_languages = set(languages.keys()) - possible_languages missing_styles = set(styles) - possible_styles if missing_languages: logging.warning('!!! Missing languages: %r', missing_languages) if missing_styles: logging.warning('!!! Missing styles: %r', missing_styles) scripts = [ ('jquery', jquery_version, 'jquery.min.js'), ('highlight.js', highlight_version, 'highlight.min.js'), ('highlightjs-line-numbers.js', line_numbers_version, 'highlightjs-line-numbers.min.js'), ]'Creating the HTML...') template = string.Template(MAGIC_HTML) html = template.substitute( css=MINIFIED_CSS, js=MINIFIED_JS, styles=json.dumps(styles, separators=(',', ':')), scripts='\n '.join(create_script_tag(lib, v, file) for lib, v, file in scripts), highlight_version=highlight_version, ) #'HTML output: \n%s', html) if '\'' in html: raise ValueError('Single quotes in the HTML. This is a problem!') # todo: Ideally add a check here for any $ that is not $uri or $url... old_size = len(html) html = htmlmin.minify(html, remove_comments=True, remove_empty_space=True, reduce_boolean_attributes=True, remove_optional_attribute_quotes=True) new_size = len(html)'Minified HTML: %d -> %d', old_size, new_size) if new_size > 4096-20: # -20 for the rest of the option line. raise ValueError('Minified HTML longer than 4096-20 characters. Nginx will not load it.') location_gen = ('location ~* %s { if ($arg_raw) {break;} set $lang %s; try_files @highlight @highlight; }' % (regex, language) for language, regex in languages.items() if language not in missing_languages)'Creating the config snippet...') return '\n'.join(filter(None, ( '# NginxSourceViewer', '# -----------------', '# Requested languages: ' + ', '.join('%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in languages.items()), '# Requested styles: ' + ', '.join(styles), '# Missing languages: ' + (', '.join('%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in languages.items() if k in missing_languages) if missing_languages else 'None'), '# Missing styles: ' + (', '.join(missing_styles) if missing_styles else 'None'), *location_gen, 'location @highlight {', ' if (!-f $request_filename) {', ' return 404;', ' }', ' charset UTF-8;', ' override_charset on;', ' source_charset UTF-8;', ' default_type text/html;', ' add_header Content-Type text/html;', ' return 200 \'%s\';' % html, '}', )))