コード例 #1
    def getStreams(self):
        global LABELCOLOR
        global HTTPCOMM

        # will be cached
        streamurls = []
        streamtitles = []
        streamisnew = []
        streambitrate = 40
        channelicons = None

        # Precompiling regexes
        iconreplacement_re = re.compile("[ '-]", re.I)  # generic regex for iconnames
        streamurl_re = re.compile("File\d+=([^\n]*)", re.I)  # first stream in .pls file
        channeltitle_re = re.compile("Title\d+=([^\n]*)", re.I)
        channelicon_re = re.compile('="[\d\w\s]+" src="([\d\w:\/\.]+)"', re.I)
        playlist_re = None

        HTTPCOMM = HTTPComm()  # Init CURL thingy

        # Check if cachefiles has expired
        if (
            (int(ADDON.getSetting("cacheexpire")) * 60) != 0
            and self.checkFileTime(STREAMURLSCACHE, (int(ADDON.getSetting("cacheexpire")) * 60)) == True
        ) or ADDON.getSetting("forceupdate") == "true":

            # If username NOT set, get public streams
            if ADDON.getSetting("username") == "":
                xbmc.log("Refreshing public streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)

                # Get frontpage of di.fm - if it fails, show a dialog in XBMC
                    htmlData = HTTPCOMM.get(BASEURL)
                except Exception:
                        "Connection error - Could not connect to di.fm - Check your internet connection", xbmc.LOGERROR
                    return False

                    # precompiling regexes
                playlist_re = re.compile(
                    'AAC-HE</a>[\s\r\n]*<ul>(?:.+?(?!</ul>))<li><a href="([^"]+(?=(?:\.pls))[^"]+)">40k', re.DOTALL

                playlists = playlist_re.findall(htmlData)
                xbmc.log("Found " + str(len(playlists)) + " streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)

                channelicons = channelicon_re.findall(htmlData)
                xbmc.log("Found " + str(len(channelicons)) + " pieces of channelart", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)

                if len(playlists) == 0:
                    return False

                    # output public streams to XBMC
                for index, item in enumerate(playlists):
                    playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(item)
                    if playlist:
                        LABELCOLOR = "FF0000"
                        streamurl = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
                        streamtitle = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
                        streamtitle = streamtitle[0]
                        streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
                        icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub("", streamtitle) + ".png")

                        if not self.getStreamicon(icon, channelicons[index]):  # if False is returned, use plugin icon
                            icon = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo("path"), "")) + "icon.png"

                            # will highlight new channels/has new channelart
                        if LABELCOLOR != "FF0000":
                            self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
                            self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, False)

                        streamtitles.append(streamtitle)  # for caching
                        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item)
                            "Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:" + item, xbmc.LOGERROR

                        # Get premium streams
            elif ADDON.getSetting("username") != "":
                logindata = urllib.urlencode(
                        "member_session[username]": ADDON.getSetting("username"),
                        "member_session[password]": ADDON.getSetting("password"),

                if ADDON.getSetting("bitrate") == "0":
                    streambitrate = 40
                elif ADDON.getSetting("bitrate") == "1":
                    streambitrate = 64
                    streambitrate = 128
                xbmc.log("Stream bitrate chosen: " + str(streambitrate), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)

                # Login and get frontpage of di.fm - if it fails, show a dialog in XBMC
                    htmlData = HTTPCOMM.post(PREMIUMURL, logindata)
                except Exception:
                        "Connection error - Could not connect to di.fm - Check your internet connection", xbmc.LOGERROR
                    return False

                channelicons = channelicon_re.findall(htmlData)

                playlist_re = re.compile(
                    'AAC-HE</a>[\s\r\n]*<ul>(?:.+?(?!</ul>))<li><a href="([^"]+(?=(?:\.pls))[^"]+)">'
                    + str(streambitrate)
                    + "k",
                playlists = playlist_re.findall(htmlData)

                if len(playlists) == 0:
                    return False

                    # output premium streams to XBMC
                if ADDON.getSetting("usefavorites") == "false":
                    xbmc.log("Refreshing premium streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
                    playlists.pop(0)  # removes the favorites playlist
                    for index, item in enumerate(playlists):
                        playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(item)
                        if playlist:
                            LABELCOLOR = "FF0000"
                            streamurl = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
                            streamtitle = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
                            streamtitle = streamtitle[0]
                            streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
                            icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub("", streamtitle) + ".png")

                            if not self.getStreamicon(
                                icon, channelicons[index]
                            ):  # if False is returned, use plugin icon
                                icon = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo("path"), "")) + "icon.png"

                                # will highlight new channels/has new channelart
                            if LABELCOLOR != "FF0000":
                                self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
                                self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, False)

                            streamtitles.append(streamtitle)  # for caching
                            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item)
                                "Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:" + item, xbmc.LOGERROR

                            # Output premium favorite streams to XBMC
                elif ADDON.getSetting("usefavorites") == "true":
                    xbmc.log("Refreshing premium favorite streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
                    playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(playlists[0])
                    if playlist:
                        favstreamurls = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
                        favstreamtitles = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
                        for index, item in enumerate(favstreamurls):
                            LABELCOLOR = "FF0000"
                            streamtitle = favstreamtitles[index]
                            streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
                            icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub("", streamtitle) + ".png")

                            if not self.getStreamicon(icon, False):  # if False is returned, use plugin icon
                                icon = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo("path"), "")) + "icon.png"

                            if LABELCOLOR != "FF0000":  # will highlight new channels/is missing channelart
                                self.addItem(streamtitle, favstreamurls[index], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
                                self.addItem(streamtitle, favstreamurls[index], streambitrate, icon, False)

                            streamtitles.append(streamtitle)  # for caching
                        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item)
                            "Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:" + item, xbmc.LOGERROR

                xbmc.log("Found " + str(len(playlists)) + " streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)

                # Write channels to cache
            pickle.dump(streamurls, open(STREAMURLSCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
            pickle.dump(streamtitles, open(STREAMTITLESCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
            pickle.dump(streambitrate, open(STREAMBITRATECACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
            pickle.dump(streamisnew, open(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)

            if NEWSTREAMS > 0:  # Yay! New channels found
                    "New channels found - There was found "
                    + str(NEWSTREAMS)
                    + " new piece(s) of channelart - Meaning there could be new channels",
                    ADDON.getLocalizedString(30131) + str(NEWSTREAMS) + ADDON.getLocalizedString(30132),

                # Resets the 'Force refresh' setting
            ADDON.setSetting(id="forceupdate", value="false")

            if (
                not os.path.isfile(STREAMTITLESCACHE)
                or not os.path.isfile(STREAMURLSCACHE)
                or not os.path.isfile(STREAMBITRATECACHE)
                or not os.path.isfile(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE)
                    'Cachefiles are missing - At least one of the cachefiles is missing please go to the addon settings and select "Force cache refresh"',
                return False

            streamurls = pickle.load(open(STREAMURLSCACHE, "r"))  # load streams from cache
            streamtitles = pickle.load(open(STREAMTITLESCACHE, "r"))  # load streamtitles from cache
            streambitrate = pickle.load(open(STREAMBITRATECACHE, "r"))  # load stream bitrate from cache
            streamisnew = pickle.load(open(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE, "r"))  # load stream 'is new' from cache

            # Output cache list of streams to XBMC
            for index, item in enumerate(streamurls):
                playlist = item
                streamurl = str(item)
                streamtitle = streamtitles[index]
                icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub("", streamtitle) + ".png")

                if not self.getStreamicon(icon, False):  # if False is returned, use plugin icon
                    icon = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo("path"), "")) + "icon.png"

                if streamisnew[index] != "FF0000":
                    self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl, streambitrate, icon, streamisnew[index])
                    self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl, streambitrate, icon, False)

            if NEWSTREAMS < 0:  # Missing channelart dialog
                    "Channelart missing - There is "
                    + str(abs(NEWSTREAMS))
                    + " piece(s) of channelart missing - You should refresh your cache - Disable using 'My Favorites' to get new channelart",
                    ADDON.getLocalizedString(30151) + str(abs(NEWSTREAMS)) + ADDON.getLocalizedString(30152),

        return True
コード例 #2
	def getStreams(self) :
		global HTTPCOMM

		# will be cached
		streamurls = []
		streamtitles = []
		streamisnew = []
		streambitrate = 40
		channelicons = None

		# Precompiling regexes
		iconreplacement_re = re.compile('[ \'-]', re.I) # generic regex for iconnames
		streamurl_re 	= re.compile('File\d+=([^\n]*)', re.I) # first stream in .pls file
		channeltitle_re = re.compile('Title\d+=([^\n]*)', re.I)
		channelicon_re	= re.compile('="[\d\w\s]+" src="([\d\w:\/\.]+)"', re.I)	
		playlist_re	= None

		HTTPCOMM = HTTPComm() # Init CURL thingy

		# Check if cachefiles has expired
		if ((int( ADDON.getSetting("cacheexpire") ) * 60) != 0 and self.checkFileTime(STREAMURLSCACHE, (int( ADDON.getSetting("cacheexpire") ) * 60)) == True) or ADDON.getSetting("forceupdate") == "true" :
			# If username NOT set, get public streams
			if ADDON.getSetting('username') == "" :
				xbmc.log( "Refreshing public streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )

				# Get frontpage of di.fm - if it fails, show a dialog in XBMC
				try :
					htmlData     = HTTPCOMM.get( BASEURL )
				except Exception:
					xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30100), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30101), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30102) )
					xbmc.log( 'Connection error - Could not connect to di.fm - Check your internet connection', xbmc.LOGERROR )
					return False

				# precompiling regexes
				playlist_re = re.compile('AAC-HE</a>[\s\r\n]*<ul>(?:.+?(?!</ul>))<li><a href="([^"]+(?=(?:\.pls))[^"]+)">40k', re.DOTALL)
				playlists = playlist_re.findall(htmlData)
				xbmc.log( 'Found ' + str(len(playlists)) + ' streams', xbmc.LOGNOTICE )

				channelicons  = channelicon_re.findall(htmlData)
				xbmc.log( 'Found ' + str(len(channelicons)) + ' pieces of channelart', xbmc.LOGNOTICE )

				if len(playlists) == 0 :
					xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30110), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30112) )
					return False
				# output public streams to XBMC
				for index, item in enumerate(playlists):
					playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(item)
					if (playlist) :
						LABELCOLOR = 'FF0000'
						streamurl = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
						streamtitle = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
						streamtitle = streamtitle[0]
						streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
						icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub('', streamtitle) + ".png")
						if(not self.getStreamicon( icon, channelicons[index] )) : # if False is returned, use plugin icon
							icon = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( ADDON.getAddonInfo('path'), '' ) ) + 'icon.png'

						# will highlight new channels/has new channelart
						if LABELCOLOR != 'FF0000' :
							self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
						else :
							self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, False)

						streamtitles.append(streamtitle) # for caching
					else :
						xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item)
						xbmc.log( 'Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:' + item, xbmc.LOGERROR )
			# Get premium streams
			elif ( ADDON.getSetting('username') != "" ) :
				logindata = urllib.urlencode({ 'member_session[username]':  ADDON.getSetting('username'),
  							       'member_session[password]':  ADDON.getSetting('password') })

				if ADDON.getSetting('bitrate') == '0' :
					streambitrate = 40
				elif ADDON.getSetting('bitrate') == '1' :
					streambitrate = 64
				else :
					streambitrate = 128
				xbmc.log( 'Stream bitrate chosen: ' + str(streambitrate), xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
				# Login and get frontpage of di.fm - if it fails, show a dialog in XBMC
				try :
					htmlData     = HTTPCOMM.post( PREMIUMURL, logindata )
				except Exception:
					xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30100), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30101), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30102) )
					xbmc.log( 'Connection error - Could not connect to di.fm - Check your internet connection', xbmc.LOGERROR )
					return False
				channelicons  = channelicon_re.findall(htmlData)

				playlist_re = re.compile('AAC-HE</a>[\s\r\n]*<ul>(?:.+?(?!</ul>))<li><a href="([^"]+(?=(?:\.pls))[^"]+)">' + str(streambitrate) + 'k', re.DOTALL)
				playlists = playlist_re.findall(htmlData)

				if len(playlists) == 0 :
					xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30110), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30112) )
					return False

				# output premium streams to XBMC
				if ADDON.getSetting("usefavorites") == 'false' :
					xbmc.log( "Refreshing premium streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
					playlists.pop(0) # removes the favorites playlist
					for index, item in enumerate(playlists):
						playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(item)
						if (playlist) :
							LABELCOLOR = 'FF0000'
							streamurl = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
							streamtitle = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
							streamtitle = streamtitle[0]
							streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
							icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub('', streamtitle) + ".png")
							if(not self.getStreamicon( icon, channelicons[index] )) : # if False is returned, use plugin icon
								icon = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( ADDON.getAddonInfo('path'), '' ) ) + 'icon.png'

							# will highlight new channels/has new channelart
							if LABELCOLOR != 'FF0000' :
								self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
							else :
								self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl[0], streambitrate, icon, False)

							streamtitles.append(streamtitle) # for caching
						else :
							xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item)
							xbmc.log( 'Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:' + item, xbmc.LOGERROR )

				# Output premium favorite streams to XBMC
				elif ADDON.getSetting("usefavorites") == 'true' :
					xbmc.log( "Refreshing premium favorite streams", xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
					playlist = HTTPCOMM.get(playlists[0])
					if (playlist) :
						favstreamurls = streamurl_re.findall(playlist)
						favstreamtitles = channeltitle_re.findall(playlist)
						for index, item in enumerate(favstreamurls):
							LABELCOLOR = 'FF0000'
							streamtitle = favstreamtitles[index]
							streamtitle = streamtitle.replace("Digitally Imported - ", "")
							icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub('', streamtitle) + ".png")
							if(not self.getStreamicon( icon, False )) : # if False is returned, use plugin icon
								icon = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( ADDON.getAddonInfo('path'), '' ) ) + 'icon.png'

							if LABELCOLOR != 'FF0000' : # will highlight new channels/is missing channelart
								self.addItem(streamtitle, favstreamurls[index], streambitrate, icon, LABELCOLOR)
							else :
								self.addItem(streamtitle, favstreamurls[index], streambitrate, icon, False)

							streamtitles.append(streamtitle) # for caching
					else :
						xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30120), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30111), item )
						xbmc.log( 'Connection timed out - Could not get the playlist from this url:' + item, xbmc.LOGERROR )

				xbmc.log( 'Found ' + str(len(playlists)) + ' streams', xbmc.LOGNOTICE )

			# Write channels to cache
			pickle.dump(streamurls, open(STREAMURLSCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
			pickle.dump(streamtitles,  open(STREAMTITLESCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
			pickle.dump(streambitrate, open(STREAMBITRATECACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
			pickle.dump(streamisnew, open(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE, "w"), protocol=0)
			if (NEWSTREAMS > 0) : # Yay! New channels found
				xbmc.log( 'New channels found - There was found ' + str(NEWSTREAMS) + ' new piece(s) of channelart - Meaning there could be new channels', xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
				xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30130), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30131) + str(NEWSTREAMS) + ADDON.getLocalizedString(30132), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30133),ADDON.getLocalizedString(30134) )
			# Resets the 'Force refresh' setting
			ADDON.setSetting(id="forceupdate", value="false")

		else :
			if not os.path.isfile(STREAMTITLESCACHE) or not os.path.isfile(STREAMURLSCACHE) or not os.path.isfile(STREAMBITRATECACHE) or not os.path.isfile(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE) :
				xbmc.log( 'Cachefiles are missing - At least one of the cachefiles is missing please go to the addon settings and select "Force cache refresh"', xbmc.LOGERROR )
				xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30140), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30141), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30142), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30143) )
				return False

			streamurls     = pickle.load(open(STREAMURLSCACHE, "r"))    # load streams from cache
			streamtitles   = pickle.load(open(STREAMTITLESCACHE, "r"))  # load streamtitles from cache
			streambitrate  = pickle.load(open(STREAMBITRATECACHE, "r")) # load stream bitrate from cache
			streamisnew    = pickle.load(open(STREAMLABELCOLORCACHE, "r"))   # load stream 'is new' from cache

			# Output cache list of streams to XBMC
			for index, item in enumerate(streamurls):
				playlist = item
				streamurl = str(item)
				streamtitle = streamtitles[index]
				icon = ART_DIR + string.lower(iconreplacement_re.sub('', streamtitle) + ".png")

				if(not self.getStreamicon( icon, False )) : # if False is returned, use plugin icon
					icon = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( ADDON.getAddonInfo('path'), '' ) ) + 'icon.png'

				if streamisnew[index] != 'FF0000' :
					self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl, streambitrate, icon, streamisnew[index])
				else :
					self.addItem(streamtitle, streamurl, streambitrate, icon, False)

			if (NEWSTREAMS < 0) : # Missing channelart dialog
				xbmc.log( "Channelart missing - There is " + str(abs(NEWSTREAMS)) + " piece(s) of channelart missing - You should refresh your cache - Disable using 'My Favorites' to get new channelart", xbmc.LOGWARNING )
				xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( ADDON.getLocalizedString(30150), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30151) + str(abs(NEWSTREAMS)) + ADDON.getLocalizedString(30152), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30153), ADDON.getLocalizedString(30154))
		return True