コード例 #1
def comment(url):
    connect = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("graph.facebook.com")
    connect.request("GET", url)
    for x in xrange(1000):  # make it 10, 100, 1000, 10000

        print('commenting %d ') % x
        path = '/' + '1225266307840650' + '/comments'
        param_data = {
            'format': 'json',
            'message': '5k Hobe',  # change message from here
            'access_token': access_token
        connect = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("graph.facebook.com")
        connect.request("POST", path, urllib.urlencode(param_data), {})
コード例 #2
def get_request(url, index='/', port=443):
        conn = httplib2.HTTPSConnection(url, port, timeout=0.01)
        conn.request("GET", index)
        r1 = conn.getresponse()
        #print r1.status, r1.reason
コード例 #3
  def runRequest(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None):
    request = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("www.googleapis.com")

    if data and headers: request.request(method, url, data, headers)
    else: request.request(method, url)
    response = request.getresponse()
    print(response.status, response.reason)
    response = response.read()
    return response
コード例 #4
def spellCheck(word_to_spell):

    con = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("www.google.com")
    con.request("POST", "/tbproxy/spell?lang=en", data % word_to_spell)
    response = con.getresponse()

    dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(response.read())
    dom_data = dom.getElementsByTagName('spellresult')[0]

    if dom_data.childNodes:
        for child_node in dom_data.childNodes:
            result = child_node.firstChild.data.split()
        for word in result:
            if word_to_spell.upper() == word.upper():
                return True;
        return False;
        return True;
コード例 #5
import httplib2, urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os
import json
import time

access_token = 'EAALAj7j7JQgBAIWRfYwubfzVq3wfeZCpdzZB9uMx0MmtgwNMg6g5xWH5Apgqkf9ZBPhjkmSJXmhSQ4riONKQK6B900x1euSkrcp8um8ZAf6CX64sEG0Ooj7ZBYzZA3rvuMAYD3eyvwZBczmFSe4EI8FzKla7Q9ABS3Pm3kMRLcKNJ1ePjPaCKFmxS5yzZCB2nabV4WyOE5a84gZDZD'
# access_token = raw_input('Paste your access token here :')

conn = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("graph.facebook.com")
print('Please Wait!')

def comment(url):
    connect = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("graph.facebook.com")
    connect.request("GET", url)
    for x in xrange(1000):  # make it 10, 100, 1000, 10000

        print('commenting %d ') % x
        path = '/' + '1225266307840650' + '/comments'
        param_data = {
            'format': 'json',
            'message': '5k Hobe',  # change message from here
            'access_token': access_token
        connect = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("graph.facebook.com")
        connect.request("POST", path, urllib.urlencode(param_data), {})

url = '1225266307840650'
コード例 #6
def restaurants_results(request):
    both = False
    #get user input and store it into a variable
    input_box = request.GET['query']

    #check if user typed in the exact name of the restaraunt in the database
    search_results = Food_Place_ID_Yelp.objects.filter(

    lis = []
    #name of restaurant
    name = None
    #image of restaurant pulled from Yelp API
    image = None
    # Category type of the Restaurant according to Yelp
    category = None
    # Restaurant Rating
    rating = None
    # phone number of the restaurant
    phone_num = None
    # address of the restaurant
    address = None
    # zipcode of the restaurant
    zip_code = None

    # Cuisine information which is pulled from zomato api
    cusine = None
    # menu url that link to zomoato's url page for the particular restaurant that will have access to the restaurant's url if available
    menu_url = None
    average_cost_for_two = None
    # variable contains the link for which the user clicks on to get the reccomended recipes based of the restaurant
    recipe = None

    #If condition checks to see if the user input was an exact name of a restaurant in the database
    if (search_results):
        #user typed in the exact restaurant name and now have to do an api call to yelp for reviews (limit 3)
        # since we have stored the restuarants id we can make another call to Yelp api to get reviews for this restaurant from yelp's api

        #Loading variable that were initalized above with the proper information from the database
        search_results1 = search_results[0].restaraunt_id
        name = search_results[0].name
        image = search_results[0].image_url
        category = search_results[0].category
        rating = search_results[0].rating
        phone_num = search_results[0].phone_num
        address = search_results[0].address
        zip_code = search_results[0].zip_code

        #food place contains the restaurants Id which is used in the Yelp API call
        food_place_name = search_results1
        headers = {
            "Bearer 1_-tP4IlMNVpRBOj68A5aZJ4FwHdMGCps6xN9PFV0q1AmreUfNclD1Hw0bqQuCSfjthDFl4JQGtfTmvI321ffJ6LcPZ0O2XDYfa5OedFipN4Riw7iibTBCvUR6fVWnYx",
            'cache-control': "no-cache",

        make_connection = httplib2.HTTPSConnection("api.yelp.com")
        res_id = food_place_name
            "GET https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search",
        result = make_connection.getresponse()
        json_data = result.read()
        json_data = json.loads(json_data.decode("utf-8"))
        reviews = json_data['businesses']
        for review in reviews:
            lis.append(review['user']['name'] + ':' + ' ' + (review['text']))

    #if user did not type in the exact name of the restaurant then check if the user entered a city name and if so return all restaurants with the user input city name
    elif (Food_Place_ID_Yelp.objects.filter(city=input_box)):
        lis = []
        lis.append(" You Search Results for the given City: ")
        food_places = Food_Place_ID_Yelp.objects.filter(city=input_box)
        for place in food_places:
            lis.append(place.name + ' Type: ' + place.category + ' Rating: ' +
                       str(place.rating) + ' Number: ' + place.phone_num)

    # if user did not type in exact name or city name check if the user entered a zip code and if so find all restaurants with the specified zip code
    elif (Food_Place_ID_Yelp.objects.filter(zip_code=input_box)):
        lis = []
        lis.append(" You Search Results for the given Zip Code: ")
        food_places = Food_Place_ID_Yelp.objects.filter(zip_code=input_box)
        for place in food_places:
            lis.append(place.name + ' Type: ' + place.category + ' Rating: ' +
                       str(place.rating) + ' Number: ' + place.phone_num)

    #if restaurant that was searched for was not in both Yelp and Zomato tables then use a generic template which presents a list of names of the restaurants related to user search query
    if (both == False):
        template = get_template('restaurants_results.html')
        template = get_template('restaurants_both_results.html')
    context = {
        'search_results': lis,
        'name': name,
        'image': image,
        'category': category,
        'rating': rating,
        'phone_num': phone_num,
        'address': address,
        'zip_code': zip_code,
        'cusine': cusine,
        'menu_url': menu_url,
        'average_cost_for_two': average_cost_for_two,
        'recipe': recipe
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

    ## a special search query which is activated if the user clicks on the reccomendation button on the homepage
    if (input_box == 'user'):
        ##check user search history
        search_results = User_Detail.objects.filter(
        index = len(search_results)
        search = search_results[index - 1].user_name
        search = search[1:5]
        ## find recipes based of what the user recently searched
        search_results = Recipe.objects.filter(cusine__icontains=search)
        for search_result in search_results:
            lis.append(' Cuisine: ' + search_result.cusine +
                       ' recipe title: ' + search_result.title +
                       ' recipe ready time: ' +

        food_places = Food_Place_ID_Zomato.objects.filter(
        for place in food_places:
            lis.append(place.name + ' Type: ' + place.cusine + ' Address: ' +
                       str(place.address) + ' City: ' + place.city)

    elif (search_results):
        lis.append("General Information ")
        lis.append(' Cuisine: ' + search_results[0].cusine +
                   ' recipe title: ' + search_results[0].title +
                   ' recipe ready time: ' +

    context = {'search_results': lis}
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))